Dr. Callum Bonds With His Stepdaughter in Costa Rica [nsfw] [taboo] [barely legal] [m/f] [erotic romance].


I was sitting up quietly in the bed, drinking coffee and reviewing my notes under the warm glow of dim lamplight when I heard Grace’s gentle voice. Turning to look at her I said, “good morning, sweetheart,” and smiled, surprised to see her awake. She looked so soft and beautiful in the early hour. As badly as I wanted to throw her face down and fuck her again, I remained still and watched her as if she were a butterfly preparing to fly out among the flowers and drink the day’s nectar.

Rising up naked out of the bedsheets, she scooted over and snuggled warmly against me. “I thought you would be gone by now,” she said as she lay her messy head down on my shoulder.

“I thought that we should spend the day together. I would like it if you joined me today out in the park.” I placed my notes aside and pulled her into my arms, and pressed a kiss on top of her head. “We can go have breakfast at the Coral Cafe. Then visit the shops on the way to the park. I know how much you like shopping,” I added. “Then I figured we could go swimming. There is this wonderful little spot that I have been wanting to take you to. It’s quiet and we’ll be alone,” I said as I lightly grazed my fingertips over the soft slope of her shoulder.

“That sounds like so much fun,” Grace answered, drowsily.

“The cafe isn’t open for another hour. I figured that I would let you sleep a while longer before waking you.”

“It’s ok…I’m up,” she yawned. “I slept so good last night.” Then she turned her serene eyes up at me and added, “thanks to you, daddy,” and smiled with full lips, blinking slowly.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me when you stare at me like that?”

She giggled softly and buried her face in my chest. “No, daddy..I’m such a mess in the mornings.”

“That isn’t what I see when I look at you right now.”

She slid down out of my arms and rolled on to her back; her head coming to rest on my thigh. Soft hair brushed bare skin just bellow the hem of my shorts. Her firm breasts wobbled as she made herself comfortable on my lap, drawing my attention to relaxed, light pink teenaged nipples. After settling herself, our gazes joined once again. “Then what do you see right now, daddy,” she asked.

“That’s easy for me to answer,” I told her. “I see the confluence of playfulness, a genuine heart, youthful joy, and perfect feminine aesthetic, all coming together in those goddamn eyes of yours. And just like nature’s greatest wonders, I can’t help but pause and stare in admiration every time our glances meet.”

Grace smiled big, and then came up quickly into my lap, wrapping her lissome legs around my waist. My hands cupped her face just as our lips joined, and together my stepdaughter and I shared a deep and passionate lover’s kiss. When our lips drifted reluctantly apart so that we could draw in breath, I noticed that her eyes were damp.

Earnestly I asked, “are you ok, sweetheart?” There was a short moment of silence between us as we stared deeply into one another’s eyes, breaching each other’s souls and stirring together in some sort of liminal space.

“Yeah, daddy,” she finally answered. Her plump lips curled up joyfully and her cheeks began to blush. “It’s just…well no one has ever said anything that thoughtful to me before. I, um.. I’m just a little emotional at the moment, that’s all.”

“Aw..Sweetheart,” I said, relieved that she felt moved to share such tender feelings with me. “I have always cared about you,” I assured her, and pulled her against my chest for a soothing embrace. Grace, while she was a petulant brat at times, always surprised me with the ultimate maturity that lurked beneath her spoiled exterior. She just needed to be treated like an adult.

“I love you, daddy.”

Without hesitation I found myself responding in kind. “I love you, too, Grace.” It felt familiar, natural, and my heart swelled knowing that I could finally say those words in the context of intimacy and as her father.

“I will go get ready for breakfast,” Grace said, kissing me before climbing out of my lap.

“This is one of the best places to have breakfast in Cahuita,” I said as we rounded to corner and stepped onto the veranda of Cafe Coral. We were the first customers. The host was still unstacking chairs from off the table tops and setting out place mats when we arrived.

“Hola,” the Afro-Caribbean gentleman greeted us in Spanish. He then gestured for us to choose any place we wanted to have a seat.

I responded in kind to his greeting.

After selecting the perfect table with a view of the street and surrounding shops, we were served perfectly chilled lemon water and a bowl of fresh coca beans. It was necessary to extract the been by first peeling it out of a thin shell, which you could then enjoy in combination with fresh fruits. Grace ate nearly the entire bowl, along with the pineapple and banana that came with it.

Breakfast that morning was absolutely delightful with Grace. We hadn’t enjoyed a meal alone together like that in ages, so it seemed. She was her usual playful, chatty self, and I just listened most of the time. I couldn’t get enough of her sweet voice.

After breakfast we headed down the sidewalk towards Cahuita National park, which was a convenient walking distance from everything in town. We were right on the edge of beautiful Caribbean tropical lowland forest. The scent of salty coastal breeze mixed pleasantly with the savory smells coming from clusters of open-air restaurants, along with the occasional note of sweetness from flowering hedges along the sidewalks. I could see Grace becoming more cultured by the minute as we spoke with friendly locals and navigated the shops for bargains.

“Oh my god, cute!” Grace squealed, pulling me by the arm towards a little store selling locally made clothing. “We have to go in here, daddy.” After throughly browsing the shop, she picked out a lovely azure, floral patterned beach wrap, the perfect choice for our date.

“Are you ready to head into the park?”

“Yeah. I am excited, and possibly even a little bit nervous.”

Grace had never been anywhere in the field with me before today. I wasn’t even certain that she’d ever stood beneath a canopy of trees that hadn’t been curated artificially. She never really even showed much interest in the reptiles and amphibians that I keep in my study at home for the purpose of public outreach programs. Although she did surprise me one day whenever she called a baby copperhead ‘cute’. Grace’s interest in science had always been in human anatomy and medicine, which I never discouraged.

“There isn’t anything to be nervous about, really. We will be on a designated path most of the way. When we get off trail, just stay close.” I placed my arm possessively around her shoulder and said, “you will love this place,” and smiled, showing my excitement.

After about an hour of hiking along Playa Blanca, stopping occasionally to view interesting wildlife, we finally arrived where the Caribbean and the Perezoso River churn together in an estuary.

“Alright, take your boots off. Tie your laces and put them over your shoulder,” I instructed. “We cross here.” I pointed at the shallow pan of brackish water where the Caribbean and the Perezoso River embraced across a narrow strip of beach, slowly eroding any ground not held together by vegetation.

We stepped into the warm water, hugging the forest on our left side and keeping the river to the right of us. “We have to wade get around this mangrove. There is a quite little patch of beach on the other side.”

Grace grabbed on to my arm, steadying herself against the current and the sand that shifted underfoot. “Daddy..daddy! It’s getting deep here,” she exclaimed.

“Just stay close to me and keep the forest right up against your left shoulder. We are almost there.”

“Aren’t there crocodiles in here,” she asked, worried.

“Mhm.. And sharks, too,” I added, grinning sideways.

“Oh, shit..shit.”

I paused and turned to face my frightened stepdaughter. “Hey, no worries. Look down,” I instructed.


“You can see every hair on top of my foot, the water is so shallow here. Nothing will hurt you,” I promised.

“Ok,” she said. Her voice trembled, drained of the confidence that she usually spoke with.

As she followed me, a white knuckle grip on my daypack, I silently worried about how she was going to handle the remote wilderness the next leg of our travels would take us to.

“This is it, over there.” I pointed to a gleaming white point bar about 20 square meters in area.

We found a spot in the shade to dump our bags, and together we sat down to rest and rehydrate.

“How do you feel, Grace?”

“Good, actually.” She turned and smiled. “It is so peaceful out here. I feel so small, so far from home. It’s kind of eerie, actually.”

“Just wait until you are in the rainforests, then.” I stared longingly at the water. “You will definitely feel dwarfed by the trees, and the impressive diversity of living things that absolutely surround you.”

“Sounds like these places mean a lot to you, daddy.” She smiled at me, understanding.

That smile and that thoughtful remark was why I found it so easy to love Grace. It was the same with her mother, so deeply understanding. In that moment, as I basked in the Costa Rican sun with my precious stepdaughter, I felt like the luckiest man in the world. Then worry tugged. Speaking of Kim, I wondered if she would be open and accepting of the relationship I was building with her daughter. She wanted us to spend time together before Grace left for collage, to bond and build a lasting connection. I thought we were doing a very good job of connecting.

A light tropical breeze brushed against our naked skin as we lay out on a blanket, kissing and exploring the soft and hard lines of each other’s bodies. The gentled wind brought a song down from the trees as broad leaves and branches scratched and birds lifted their canorous voices. The warmth of her bare skin touching mine, each of us perspiring with ardor, quickened my pulse.

Grace’s delicate hand moved down my chest and over my stomach, and she brazenly captured my cock and began to masturbate me. I groaned with pleasure into her mouth as we kissed. Her lips formed a big smile against mine as she pumped her fist steadily, playfully giggling.

“Fuck me now, daddy,” she breathed sweetly. Grace’s fingers unfolded from around my firmness and she went up on her hands and knees, arching deeply and flashing her big kittenish eyes alluringly.

A work in progress… More to cum soon….

**I welcome any feedback.**

**If you wish to know how Dr. Callum and Grace’s relationship began, look no further than** [here.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085ZTLJFT)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/fk68be/dr_callum_bonds_with_his_stepdaughter_in_costa