Across the Hall part 5

Chapter 5

If John had known Sarah hadn’t been joking about the “full day of shopping”, he would have gone for seconds.

It was damn near dinner time when the girls got back and factoring in the hour of time it took for them to get ready, he was more than a little grumpy. The promised sex day had been false advertisement.

But when they appeared in the living room after their hour of prep time, he had to admit it, the sight of his wife in a skimpy little black dress and fuck-me heels was well worth the wait. And while he felt a little guilty about imagining Sarah in their last romp in the kitchen, he couldn’t deny the fact that Sarah looked just as good in her equally slutty red dress.

The plan had been a nice dinner and then a club–or three. The “nice restaurant” ended up being what John would call a small plate big check type of establishment. It was a place that wasn’t on his top anything list, but Katie had been adamant about it. It was his birthday and, apparently more importantly, Sarah had had a crappy few days and needed some cheering up.

Just as the hostess was steering them towards the far corner booth, well away from most of the patrons in the restaurant, Sarah excused herself to the little girls room. Per the universal law of women, Katie joined her and told him to get her her usual.

While the restaurant wasn’t his top anything, it was Katie’s number one. With a patient sigh, he sat down on the edge of the circular booth and accepted a menu from the hostess.

“Might as well save yourself the trouble of picking this one up,” John said, picking up Katie’s menu and handing it back to her. “She’s a regular.”

Smiling, the hostess grabbed it and informed him his waiter would be by momentarily.

Opening his menu, all he could see was the lack of pricing.

“God I hate this place,” he mumbled.

“Can I get you started with anything?” an unsteady male voice asked.

Peaking over his menu, he found a man that should have retired a decade ago.

“A bottle of something red. It’s going to be a long night.”

Nodding his head politely, the waiter disappeared.

Off in the distance John watched Katie and Sarah weaving through the tables, their asses swaying slightly. To his childish delight, he caught more than a few of the other men in the restaurant turn to look as the two passed by. He felt like the luckiest guy on the planet and the sudden uncomfortable strain in his pants announced that his other head agreed.

Fixing himself straight up, and making sure his member didn’t poke out of his button up shirt, he smiled up at his wife.

Making the shooing motion, Katie forced him to scoot over and Sarah took the other side, completing the John sandwich.

Katie’s hand found the bulge in his pants and she gave him a smile, complemented by a wicked glint in her eye.

“Ready for round 3?” she ask, not too quietly.

Giving Sarah a sideways glance, he found her rolling her eyes.

“You told her?” John asked, a little off-balance.

“It was her idea in the first place, silly,” Katie said, slowly rubbing the base of his cock through the thin fabric.

“You can thank me later,” Sarah said with a small smile before picking up her menu.

A distinctive clink of silverware reached his ears, and then Katie whispered into his ear “oops”.

He looked over and discovered his wife sliding under the white table top that fully encased the table. John’s slow brain didn’t connect the dots until he felt his wife’s hands unbuckling his belt.

“Here?” John asked in an almost frantic hushed whisper. Katie’s well practiced hands had already pulled his pants down to his knees and had grasped his rock hard cock. He didn’t bother wearing underwear these days, and silently wondered if he should start.

“I told you the rules,” she whispered from below.

His eyes scanned the restaurant but they were off in the corner and no one was looking at them.

She had told him wherever they were.

And then all tension left his body as his wife started to service him right there in the restaurant.

Sarah chuckled next to him.

Somehow he’d completely forgotten about her the moment his wife’s hands started unbuckling his pants. Looking over at her now, he found her watching his wife’s lips work their way back up to the tip of his cock–or at least the parts that weren’t covered by the table cloth.

And then she scooted closer to him.

Frozen in a state of mind somewhere between uncertainty and an absolute mind-boggling, fantasy-fulfilling, heightened sexual arousal, Sarah’s hand found his thigh and patted him familiarly.

“What do you think, baby?”

Katie stopped what should have been an earth shattering blowjob. And then Confused-John realized they had company. The waiter.

The man, on ninja like feet had appeared before them and was pouring out the bottle of wine he’d ordered into two glasses.

Having taken the cue on the number of menus, and the fact that John hadn’t mentioned any other orders, the waiter assumed they were on a date.

“Uhhh… whatever you want. Baby,” John said awkwardly.

Down below, his wife gently sucked on his cock. Just enough to remind him she was there.

Sarah, the devil, leaned into him and practically purred, “Hmmm.”

“Might I suggest tonight’s special?” the clearly seasoned salesman slash waiter asked.

“Perfect. Make that two of them,” John said hurriedly.

Between the gentle sucking of his wife, the hot friend’s hand on his thigh, and the nipples that were almost poking out of Sarah’s dress–he wanted to drop to the floor right then and there and fuck his wife.

But no.

Sarah had to torture him.

“Now, now, John,” Sarah said with a gentle stroke of his thigh. “What’s the special?”

Whatever the waiter said, John didn’t hear it. His wife left his cock alone and started playing with his balls. It was taking all of his willpower to keep his poker face on.

“What do you think baby?” Sarah asked, still rubbing his thigh and occasionally letting her long fingernails drag along his thigh.

“Sounds delicious,” he said with the most even voice he could muster.

Sarah rested her head on his shoulder and handed the waiter her menu. “Me too.”

When the waiter finally disappeared, John let out a sigh and then immediately had to suppress a groan as his wife started her blowjob again with a vengeance.

“You can thank me for that too,” Sarah whispered into his ear, her chin now resting on his shoulder.

He opened his eyes, not realizing he’d closed them, and found her looking down at the mouth working his exposed wet cock. Katie’s eyes were hidden by the tablecloth but her luscious red lipstick covered lips worked the very tip of his head while her hand gently twisted the base of his cock.

“I’d taught her a few things before your honeymoon.”

John suppressed another groan. The knowledge that Sarah had been the reason for the sudden change in his wife’s fellatio capabilities, just imagining how Sarah taught her brought on the familiar tightening in his balls.

Poker face long forgotten, John whispered “I’m close.”

And then Sarah’s hand reached down and stopped Katie’s head.

“What the…” John began just as Sarah growled “That fucking bastard.”

Down below, Katie’s lips stayed perfectly still and if it had been any other situation, he would have laughed at the bizarre situation.

A mixture of anger and frustration bubbled up inside of him. He glared at Sarah wanting to kill her with his stare, but found her attention elsewhere. Following Sarah’s line of sight, he watch a man and a very young woman cross the restaurant. The face looked familiar.

And then it hit him and all anger and frustration left him.

“Damn,” John breathed. “Isn’t that Eric?”

Katie grabbed pulled his cock free from her mouth with a light wet pop.

“What?!” she whispered.

Eric had been the guy that had stood Sarah up last night. He’d only recognized him from a facebook picture Sarah had showed him in passing.

As if he’d heard John whisper his name, Eric looked up towards their direction.

“Oh no,” Sarah gasped as both her and John looked at each other–neither wanting to admit to Eric that they saw him first.

“What’s going on?” Katie demanded.

“He’s coming over,” Sarah whispered back fearfully.

“John.” Katie said.

The one word said it all.

Looping an arm over Sarah, he gave her his best winning smile.

Fear was slowly replaced by confusion.

“Just relax,” he said between his smile like a tranquilizer. “We’re deeply in love.”

She hesitated for only a brief moment before smiling back up at him and resuming her thigh rubbing.

“Sarah,” Eric said, surprise in his voice. “What are you doing here?”

Sarah didn’t have a high paying job so the implied insult was like knives to John’s gut. To give her credit, she turned away from John’s warm gaze and blinked up at Eric as if just seeing him for the first time.

“Who’s your friend?” John asked, feeling (and showing) his annoyance at being interrupted before Sarah could say anything.

Looking from John to Eric and back again, she said, “John this is Eric.”

“Oh you’re Eric?” John said in surprise. “I guess I should thank you then. If you hadn’t stood up this lovely woman last night I never would have had the chance to meet her.”

Eric blinked, clearly confused and most likely regretting coming over to their table in the first place.

“And you must be his baby sister!” John said with another winning smile. “Pleasure meeting you both.”

The barely legal girl was clearly too young for the man, but definitely not his sister.

Just behind them, John caught the waiter coming towards them.

The girl’s cheeks flushed, but before she could open her mouth John said, “I apologize, but our food has arrived and we really must be finished within the hour. FAA doesn’t take too kindly when you tell them that your private jet won’t be taking off on time. And I promised this amazing woman that we’d be spending the weekend at my place in New York.”

At the last part, he turned to Sarah and resumed his warm smile. Making a point of completely ignoring the two.

Sarah looked back at him with the biggest shit eating grin on her face.

To put a cherry on top of the awesome sundae, she grabbed his thigh, leaned in and kissed him.

As her lips touched his, he tasted strawberry.

“Fuck it,” John thought and opened his mouth to her. Immediately he felt her tongue explore his.

She moaned into his mouth and then he felt Katie’s lips enveloped the head of his cock. His wife wanted to show her appreciation as well. The feeling was exquisite.

John knew deep down he shouldn’t be french kissing his wife’s best friend, let alone allowing himself to enjoy it, but he told himself that Katie wanted him to sell it–that and to shut up and enjoy it.

Vaguely he heard the two long forgotten people leave and the plates set down on their table, but he was lost in the smell and tastes of Sarah. Her soft lips, wet tongue, and strawberry flavoring did a number on his senses as his wife’s mouth studiously followed Sarah’s teachings.

He felt the build up of an impending orgasm again and, lost in the kiss, he started moving his hand up her bare right thigh. Sarah maoned into his mouth at the electric contact, the feeling of the hot skin of a woman other than his wife against his palms brought on a new height to his desire for her.

“No,” he told himself, and stayed his hand.

But he couldn’t help himself from gripping her thigh a little roughly as his wife deep-throated him under the table. He bucked his hips under the table and moaned into Sarah’s mouth.

Sarah started sucking on his tongue in time with his bucking hips and the last shred of control he had left.

He exploded deep into his wife’s throat.



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