How I (26F) proceeded to fuck myself in a Dave and Buster’s bathroom. A long over due full story.

(This story was one I mentioned before and I promised if people were interested I’d tell the full story. I’m trying to improve my story telling on this sub so taking the advice of you more experienced smut authors.)

Our cast:
Me: Saph
BFF: Astrid
Friend 2: Sally
Friend 3: Veronica

So our tale begins on a girl’s night out. Astrid was engaged and we had spent the day looking at bridesmaid dresses and constantly dealing with Veronica’s bullshit. Our total group of girls was about seven of us but in reality the only three I was familiar with were Astrid, Sally, and Veronica. The day was a success and we decided to celebrate with drinks and overpriced video games so good old Dave and Buster’s was the place to be.

But even before we got there and I began to feel that urge creeping on. I have a VERY high libido and cannot fully describe how much trouble it has gotten me into. And of all the things to set it off was Astrid’s phone.

We had been enjoying the evening, had a few lemon drops and I was at the time kicking Sally’s bleach blonde ass in Time Crisis 4 when Astrid hears one of the other girls complaining and leaves her phone with me. A few seconds later she gets a text. There lit up on screen was a text from her fiance:

“You need to be a good girl and wait.”

“What???” I was so distracted I lost to Sally’s shitty aim on a boss fight.

“You teamkilling bitch!”

“You know I don’t know how to play these things…” She tried to play it off as innocent but I know she just killed me in cold blood. Next time there is a terrorist situation she is on her own. Astrid came back grabbed her phone and almost his behind the corner of the game cabinet. She hid but I saw her typing,

“Yes Sir, I just need you so bad…”

Sploosh. I felt myself getting horny just thinking about that text. Had she been texting the whole day? How long had she been sending him dirty texts? Was she going to get her brains fucked when she got home? Was I drunk enough to think about this? 2 more lemon drops later proved that answer to be a no…

Food was served and I couldn’t get the idea our of my mind and would rather have something fun to do rather listen and be surrounded by the crazy valley girls drunkenly talking about nothing. Veronica was the typical mess, Sally clearly was thirsty as fuck for the server. Astrid kept eyeing her phone waiting for the response like a cat waiting to pounce. Then when I did ring I watched her shift in the booth trying to scratch that ‘itch’ that I felt growing too.

So I did the only thing I could to relieve my ‘stress’ I took my bag to the bathroom locked myself in the far stall and pulled out a suction dildo I keep with me for ’emurgancy purposes’. I took off my panties were were a complete mess and wound up texting some fellow horny Redditors. I’d like to apologise for my drunken ramblings btw. I’d like to say I was quiet but that would be a lie. I sucked and fucked that cock thinking about Astrid taking it when she got home. Thinking and trying to suck that cock in the stall like she would. Then I fingered myself thinking about that bitch Veronica and how it would be easier to shut her up if I just sat on her face and pulled her long hair between my cunt and put the freeloading bitch to work. Even if she didn’t do a good job it would shut her complaining up for the night.

Eventually I came and exited the stall looking like a hot mess and still pretty drunk. I went to go wash the dildo off in the bathroom when a girl, no more than 7 or 10 ran in. It was so embarrassing… Internal screaming but I stayed calm and continued to wash my well used toy. She noticed and took an interest.

“What is that?”

“It’s a toy.”

“How do you use it?”

“You wont understand.”

“Oh yah?!” The girl seemed upset by this. “How did you get it?”

For a split second I thought then put the dildo back in my bag. “Got it at the prize table. Lots of colors, lots of tickets. Best of luck”

“How many tickets?”

“To many for you kid.”

As I left the bathroom I heard her say (and I swear to God) “I hope they have black ones” and nearly lost my shit right there. Turns out I didn’t have to because I was then told by our sever we were being kicked out. Sally had apparently attempted to kiss another guy who’s girlfriend (standing right there btw) did not take well and started (rightfully) shoving Sally out of the bar area.

And then that was that. This isnth follow up I promised. I’m using my phone so forgive my format. Hope my story telling structure has improved so criticism welcome.


1 comment

  1. I thought this tale was funny and somewhat eccentric for an erotic story. Can’t remember ever having read a smut piece that involved a suction dildo. I’d personally give this a 7 or 8 out of 10 rating. It’s a good story. Thanks for posting.

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