**My husband Gary is a huge college football fan, especially for our home state team. Although he has never owned season tickets he always took pride in being able to find tickets so that we never had to miss a home game. We had been married about 3 years when his luck had finally run out.** 

**It was about half way through the season and “the Big game” had arrived. Gary had been trying to get tickets to this game all year and felt that he eventually would. But tickets were scarce due to both teams being ranked extremely high in the polls as well as being undefeated.** 

**When he came home from work the day before the game he was upset because he still hadn’t gotten any. After dinner, he made a few phone calls without success and told me that there was no way we were going to miss the game and he would do anything to get a pair of tickets.** 

**He said that the plan he had would be for us to stand out in front of the stadium with everyone else who would be looking for tickets and try to buy several from someone hopefully at a good price.** 

**When I woke up Saturday morning Gary hollered at me to get my ass moving because he wanted to get to the stadium early. He said the weather repot was good and that he had gotten some clothes out he wanted me to wear. Gary usually doesn’t dress me; he prefers undressing me so I was suspicious of what he was up to.** 

**After taking my morning shower I went into the other room where he had put my clothes and discovered what he had intended for me to wear to the game. As I stood there for a few seconds contemplating my game day wardrobe he snuck up behind me and took the towel away from me that I had been using to stay covered with. Standing behind me he rubbed his cock up and down my ass. I could feel him beginning to get stiff so I reached my hand behind me to feel it through his jeans and stroked it several times making sure he got hard.** 

**He reached in front of me cupping both of my breasts and began pinching my nipples which are super sensitive and only takes a few minutes before I am ready to come. Gary was pinching my nipples and nibbling on my neck then whispered into my ear that he hoped I liked what he picked out for me to wear. He chose these clothes because he felt that it would make it a lot simpler to find tickets at the game. Then he ran one of his hands down to my pussy that I had shaved clean just a few minutes ago and ran a finger up and down my wet lips.** 

**He inserted a finger easily and then circled my clit teasing me enough that if he had kept playing for a few more seconds I would have come. But he knew my limits and knew how to get me to agree to do whatever he asked. He kissed me on my neck one more time, told me to only wear what he had laid out and not to put on any underwear. Then smacking my bare ass, he told me to hurry up and get dressed and left the room.** 

**On the chair, he had placed a pair of white hot pants that I loved to wear but usually save them for going out at night to a friendly bar, not where there would be almost 80,000 people. These are extremely tight and short, I looked at myself in the mirror while I put them on and could see me ass almost sticking out at the bottom of the shorts. I laced up the front tightly knowing that all the jumping up and down I expected to do at the game I could easily make myself come if I had wanted to. The top Gary picked out was a red football jersey that I had worn to a Halloween party the previous year which had gotten a lot of men’s attention. I had cut the bottom half of the jersey off so that my midsection was bare.** 

**After putting it on I remembered just how short I had cut it. The bottom of the jersey hung just below my breasts but every time I would raise my arms it would of course rise to expose at least the bottom of my breasts. If I was jumping around at the same time somebody or maybe a whole stadium full of people would easily see all of my breasts and dark nipples.** 

**Just thinking about that along with the jersey brushing across my nipples every time I moved made them hard. Pressing against the jersey they stood out like two beacons in the night beckoning someone to come suck and chew on them. I had to admit to myself that I looked hot.** 

**We started standing out in front of the stadium about an hour and half before the game. Gary had made a little sign that said “2 tickets” and made me hold it while he held two fingers up. I had a lot of guys stop and talk to check me out but I was striking out on tickets and game time was getting close. Finally, Gary told me to hold my sign in the air knowing that I would be baring quite a bit doing so, but I told him I couldn’t or I would be watching the game from jail for indecent exposure.** 

**Then suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. Next to me stood a cute blonde that I guessed to be about my age. She was just a little bit shorter than me, she had sky blue eyes and a petite pair of breasts that were very evident underneath a football jersey from the other school. Her jersey wasn’t cut short like mine but was very large and she was wearing it outside of her shorts so that it nearly covered all of them. Looking at her it almost appeared as though she was only wearing the jersey.** 

**In a little southern drawl, she said, “Hi honey, I see you need a couple of tickets.” Then went on to explain that her husband had a pair of tickets that he had gotten for some friends who had not been able to make the trip. She introduced herself to me as Tammy and said that her husband Dale wanted to sell the tickets to somebody from their school who needed them but said she thought I looked to cute to pass up.** 

**Tammy motioned for Dale to come over and as he was walking toward us I could see his eyes roving up and down my body. As he approached Tammy told him that she thought he would like to have another cute gal sitting by him during the game even if I had the wrong colored jersey on.** 

**Dale shook hands with Gary and explained that the tickets were going to be sitting in the middle of a group from the other school. Gary didn’t hesitate to pay for them, then for the next ten minutes or so we stood there getting acquainted with each other.** 

**We walked into the stadium together and found our seats quickly. Boy I had thought I stood out because of the way I was dressed to begin with but when we got to our seats Gary and I were the only fans wearing red surrounded by orange. On top of that Tammy and I were the only girls in the middle of all these guys. Gary was fitting in quickly with everyone as they were all having a good time talking about the game and who was going to do what to whom. Tammy and I were talking to each other and I was getting a better look at her.** 

**I guessed her to be about the same age as I am. Before the game started the guys kept moving around the rows talking to each other. Several times as they passed in front or behind me I felt them brush against my breasts or my ass.** 

**I could see they were doing this to Tammy also. Tammy told one of the guys that had been so obvious while he walked past her that if he wanted to feel her breasts all he had to do was ask. With that, all the guys said they wanted to, including Gary, laughingly she said they would have to wait until after the game. Dale looked at her and told her to quit getting the guys all riled up or she would really have a lot to take care of. Tammy looked at me and said,” That’s ok I’ve got backup with me today”.** 

**At half time the game was tied and there was a lot of ribbing going back and forth between the other guys and Gary. We had all snuck in some bottles of alcohol and were sharing the bottles among the group that we were with. Tammy decided that as it was halftime that she needed to go pee and wanted me to go with her, so I did. Both of us were feeling pretty good from the alcohol, we were at that stage where it seemed everything we said or did caused us to giggle and laugh.** 

**We weren’t loud but I noticed that we were attracting a lot of attention as we walked up the steps; I just figured it was because we were two good looking chicks.** 

**At the top of the steps I turned around to say something to Tammy but she spoke first and said, “Honey if you’re going to stay dressed like that we aren’t going to make it back to the guys for the second half.”** 

**Looking down I saw that my jersey had risen, apparently due to the tight conditions of the crowd and the left side of my jersey was above my nipple. Before I straightened my jersey, I told Tammy “Maybe I should just take the jersey off, it’s just going to get in the way the rest of the game” and Tammy laughed with me. We didn’t have to wait to long for a stall, before she went in Tammy asked me if I had a pair of scissors, she said she had something to straighten out.** 

**I had a small pedicure scissor in my bag and gave it to her. A couple of minutes later she came out of the stall and her jersey was cut just like mine looking at me she said she had left something in the stall for me.** 

**When I went inside I found my scissors lying on top of the bottom half of the jersey Tammy had cut and a pair of pink panties. When I finished I walked out of the stall and I whispered in her ear asking what she wanted me to do with her panties? “Give them to Gary.”**

**We got back to the guys just as the second half started, leaning over to Gary I nibbled at his ear and grabbed his hand stuffing Tammy’s panties into them. He opened his hand and held them out looking at them and asked me where they came from. I told them they were Tammy’s and that she wanted him to have them. He looked towards Tammy who had turned around towards us and grinned. Tammy elbowed Dale who turned around also and saw Gary holding the pink panties then laughed and said, “I thought you might want them they’ll probably match the ones your team is wearing”. All the guys saw Gary holding the panties and started laughing.** 

**It was probably one of the most fun games we had attended due to the excitement of the game as well as the group of people we were with. With about one minute to go in the game our team was trailing 21 – 20. The other team was driving towards our end zone and the entire crowd around us was cheering for them. Gary was handling it well but I knew he didn’t like it.** 

**If it hadn’t been for Tammy flirting the entire second half with us and Dale turning around looking back to talk with us and always looking up my jersey staring at the bottom of my breasts we may have snuck over to a friendlier area, but we were having fun so we stayed.** 

**With less than 40 seconds to go our team intercepted a pass close to the end zone and somehow ran it all the way back to the other team’s ten-yard line. The crowd around us suddenly turned quiet and all you could hear was Gary and I jumping up and down letting everyone know who we were rooting for.** 

**I felt a cool breeze across my breasts as I was jumping and realized that I had gotten my jersey hung up on my nipples exposing my breasts. Everybody around us had been looking at us celebrate and were now obviously enjoying the show I had given. At that moment, I didn’t really care what I was exposing but after a few glances from several older women sitting close by I tugged my jersey back down to the disappointment of my husband, the other guys close by and my new best friend Tammy.** 

**With time running out on the clock our team was at the ten-yard line lining up for a field goal. There was a time out on the field when Dale turned around again and said, “Lets make a bet on who is going to win.” Gary, feeling pretty good at the moment said sure what do you want to bet? Dale said how about we bet the girls jerseys; whoever wins gets the other teams jersey.** 

**Gary didn’t even stop to ask me before agreeing. Tammy and I looked at each other smiling; I was wondering whether Tammy was as wet as I was at that moment. It seemed like an eternity before the ball was kicked and heading towards the winning score, the home crowd started cheering when the ball suddenly hooked left and hit the goalpost, bouncing off it.** 

**The home crowd left quick and quietly. Gary and I were kind of stuck where we were surrounded by our new friends who were all going crazy. I turned to Gary and asked him what we should do. I really didn’t want to give up my jersey but would if I had to. The thought of taking it off right there and giving it to Dale was getting me pretty excited but I didn’t want to get arrested either.** 

**Dale bent down and said something to Tammy who was in front of me. Tammy turned around and looking up underneath my jersey, which made my nipples tingle, tugged at it and pulled me close to her. She said Dale and the other guys had gotten a suite at a hotel in town and were planning on celebrating their big win. Dale invited us to join them and that she was looking forward to taking my jersey home with her.** 

**I thought to myself at least they didn’t expect me to get half naked right there and was wondering what they expected when we got to the suite. I elbowed Gary in the ribs and told him what Tammy had said about going to the hotel and he said that at least he’ll have a good distraction to forget about the game. He then reached out and pinched one of my nipples and said, “It looks like you want to forget about the game to.” I elbowed him again as everyone started moving down the bleachers.** 

**There were eight guys with Tammy and myself in the room. Everyone had already had several drinks in the room when Dale suddenly asked everyone to be quiet. He asked me to come up and stand on the table next to him and said that now was the time they were all waiting for.** 

**He made some reference to this being almost as good a trophy to take home as the championship trophy at the end of the year would be.** 

**Dale thanked Gary for the hospitality and asked if he was ready to give up his trophy, Gary held up his drink and said, “To the winner the spoils!” Dale flipped on their team’s school song and left it up to me to remove my jersey.** 

**To tell the truth I was really enjoying this and Gary knew it, I loved getting naked especially in front of a room full of guys. I was really trying to figure out what excuse I could use to take off my hot pants as well. As the music played, I swayed my hips back and forth as seductively as I could on the small table top.** 

**I was holding the bottom of my jersey and kept lifting it up partially, just enough to expose the underside of my white breasts.** 

**As the music started to come to an end I grabbed a hold of my jersey and pulled it up over my head. There I stood with my breasts totally exposed to all of these strangers. My dark nipples were sticking straight out and I had a circle of goose bumps all around them.** 

**Gary always told me that I had the tastiest looking nipples he has ever seen. My areoles are about the size of a quarter and when I am excited they become taught with my nipples erect in the center and those little goose bumps surrounding them. Everyone in the room was cheering and telling me to take more off. I was standing on the table holding the jersey with one hand and pretending to somewhat embarrassingly cover my breasts with my other arm. Tammy came up to the table and I handed her my jersey, she held out her hand to help me down. Then Dale lifted Tammy up underneath her arms and placed her on the table where I had been standing. I could feel all the guy’s eyes on me and several were close behind me feeling my ass which at this point I didn’t really care.** 

**Dale said that Tammy also had a present for their new friends and with that she pulled her jersey off and stood there as naked as I was with her breasts exposed. Gary leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, “It’s party time.”** 

**Tammy had a pair of breasts that weren’t very big. She was about a 32A with big puffy half dollar sized pink nipples covering the ends. Tammy got off the table and told me that she was glad I was there tonight because last night she had to entertain these guys all by herself. She reached out and started untying the laces on my hot pants. Everyone was standing around cheering so I decided that if they wanted to party I was going to show them the way we did it here. As Tammy was unlacing my hot pants I unsnapped her shorts and pulled the zipper down.** 

**We both began tugging at each other’s shorts, I pulled Tammy’s shorts down exposing a reddish blonde bush. I accidentally brushed against her and felt the dampness between her legs and knew she was as excited as I was. Then Tammy pulled my hot pants down to my knees and I just kicked them off the rest of the way. I thought I heard everyone gasp as I stood there with my bald cunt.** 

**Tammy walked over to me and hugged me saying that she just had to touch it and placed her hand over my cunt and ran a finger up its slick lips. She carefully stroked back and forth for a few seconds before piercing the pink wet folds inserting her finger into me.** 

**Dropping to her knees she began licking my inner thighs as she continued sliding her finger in and out of me. She placed her thumb right on my clit and started circling it, then placed her mouth over my pussy and started sucking the juices right out of it.** 

**My legs began to buckle and I grabbed Tammy’s head and pressed her into me holding onto her as she used her tongue to make me climax. I could feel myself releasing a river of juice from between my legs that she was lapping up as it flowed over her face.** 

**My climax was so strong that I had to lay down on the floor where I had been standing. Tammy licked her way back up to my breasts where she sucked and chewed on my swollen nipples. Laying on top of me she ground her cunt against mine then crawled her way up to straddle my face, leaning over me she said in a raspy voice, “The boys said I could have firsts!”** 

**I began licking Tammy’s wet and swollen lips as I parted her folds with my tongue tasting her. I easily found her clit protruding from its hiding place and started sucking on this sensitive nub and could feel Tammy’s muscles reacting to the stimulation. I was concentrating on her when I felt a tongue begin licking my cunt bringing me back to reality reminding me that there were a room full of guys who had to have been aching to get their turn with us when we were done with each other.** 

**Suddenly Tammy arched her back and started squirting like a fountain into my mouth and all over my face. My hair was drenched in her cunt’s juices. I had never seen anyone climax like this before. While she continued to squirt her juices over me I moved my hands up to her nipples pinching them as hard as I could and bit her nub making her scream in ecstasy. Tammy’s orgasm had me completely forget about the tongue between my legs.** 

**I continued to lap at her sopping pussy until she released her knees from around my head and lay next to me. We looked at each other and stuck our tongues deep into each other mouths until she began licking her own juices off my face.** 

**She whispered in my ear that she thought Dale had a surprise for me if I was ready and that she had been waiting all day for some local cock to taste. As we sat up we couldn’t take our hands off each other until we saw all the hard cocks waving in front of us.** 

**The guys had gotten so turned on they had all taken their pants off and were pumping their cocks, several looked as though they were ready to explode any second. I have been in the middle of several gang bangs and loved the sensation of having all my holes filled by hot steaming cocks but this was by far was the largest group of cocks I had helped entertain at one time and was hoping that I would get another drenching of cum.** 

**Tammy immediately crawled over to where Gary had been standing stroking his cock and pushed him down onto the sofa, getting on her knees she locked onto his cock and swallowed all of it at one time. Gary saw me looking at him and winked at me then went back to watching Tammy lick and suck on him. Tammy was a magnet as 3 or 4 of the guys quickly surrounded her and began squeezing her small breasts and playing with her. As she was bent over sucking on Gary one of the guys easily slid into her and began thrusting in and out.** 

**It only took a second for me to eye where Dale was standing and realized what the surprise was that Tammy had whispered to me. I had forgotten a long time ago how many men I have had but could still remember the special ones. I have seen and tasted a lot of average sized cocks, a few had been larger than average, some were thicker. The biggest one was a solid 12 inches but that had been a few years ago. I was now inching my way over to a cock that was at least that big.** 

**I reached out to wrap my hand around it and couldn’t get my fingers all the way around, but could feel it pulsing in my grasp.**

**Opening my mouth, I could barely get it inside so I slowly licked around this huge shaft and sucked on the balls that went with this monster. When I felt like I had fully lubricated this amazing cock I lay back and spread my legs wide, guiding this monster to my hairless cunt. With slow thrusts Dale began splitting me open wider than I had ever been before.**

**I couldn’t take any more of this teasing and wrapped my legs around his back pulling all of him into me at one time making me gasp. My muscles clenched his cock as it pressed against my clit. Dale was sucking wildly on my nipples and looking up I saw that there were two other guys jerking their cocks off over my face.** 

**Dale must have known I couldn’t take much more and that I was read to cum. Raising his head from my swollen nipples he lifted himself onto his elbows, ramming himself into me several more times making us cum together. I don’t think I have ever felt the level of ecstasy that I felt at that moment as torrents of cum pumped into me.** 

**My whole body was shaking as I orgasmed and felt as though I was in another world. Dale continued to slowly thrust in and out emptying himself inside of me. I unlocked my legs from around him and when he pulled out my hole popped like someone sucking on a sucker. It was then that the two guys that had been standing over me shot their loads all over my face and hair turning me into a cummy mess.**

**I lay there for a few seconds feeling Dales cum slowly ooze out of my pussy. I moved my hand down, feeling myself, and was surprised how I could fist myself because Dale had stretched me so much. I looked over and saw Tammy on the floor not far from me. She had cum running down from her mouth and had huge puddles of cum between her breasts and smeared all over her body. There were five guys sitting around her, including Gary, all who looked like they had given her their best. I managed to roll over to her and we began to lick the cum off each other, trying to clean each other as best we could.**

**Gary and I stayed with them the rest of the weekend and lost track of how many times we fucked and sucked. We still get together with everyone at least once every year. I found out afterwards that one of the guys who had cum on me was Tammy’s soon to be brother in law. I think he even fucked Tammy once that weekend.** 

**At the party the following year Tammy introduced her sister to us, that was another wild one. Over the years as a couple of the other guys got married we got to meet their wives as well and Tammy and I were no longer the only two women at the game, or the after party!!**



  1. Extremely hot story, very well written. The football fans and culture described here was spot on. Great action sequence at the end. Thanks for posting.

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