The Fertility God’s Temple [MF] [size] [breeding]

My fingertips brushed over the stone wall. The sun shone brightly over the expansive complex of dusty ruins, and so I ducked into the shade of a small building, and was reaching for my water bottle when I glimpsed the carving on the wall.

A nude figure, strong and commanding. Crowning his head were thick ram’s horns, his gaze piercing as he stared outward from the stone. In between his legs, he was erect – a generous and impressive size.

I looked down at my guidebook, bemused. It only took a moment to locate the description of the small ruined site that I had wandered into.

*The god, whose name has been lost to time, is believed to have been a fertility idol, often depicted with a sizable phallus and multiple pregnant female companions. The carved reliefs along the antechamber walls are believed by researchers to depict the acolytes worshiping the deity.*

I moved further inward, curious now, until I saw the second scene.

The god figure was nearly twice the height of the little carved women, his arms outstretched, almost kindly, to those kneeling at his feet. Many of them turned their heads downwards, hands upraised in submission. One, however, gazed upwards into his eyes.

In the next scene, the god figure crouched on all fours over the woman – I couldn’t be certain, but I thought it was perhaps the same acolyte who was courageous enough to meet his gaze. Her legs parted for him, his manhood buried half inside of her. She was depicted with her head thrown back, mouth open. Even in the stillness of the carving, I could imagine the movement of their bodies as he thrust into her, claiming her…

I felt a flush travel up my chest and into my cheeks.

Moving further into the chamber, I glimpsed the final carving. The horned god cradled the woman in his arms, her stomach rounded and full, as he looked down at her. It was a tender image, almost romantic. Sacred.

I reached out, carefully tracing the half-moon shape of her stomach.

I smiled, before glancing at my guidebook again.

*It is likely that at one time an inner sanctum was present and was the site of many a scandalous ritual, although at time of writing it has not yet been located.*

Hmm. Perhaps some mysteries remain mysteries. Stepping backwards to admire the reliefs in their entirety, I heard a sharp *crack*.

The floor dropped out from under me.

Darkness swallowed me.

I landed hard, my side ached where I had landed. Thick dust filled my lungs and coated my limbs. I whimpered, my head spinning. When the worst of the pain had passed, I looked upward, managing to struggle to my knees.


A giant statue of the horned god loomed over me, lit only by the light that filtered in through the jagged hole that I had fallen through. I could make out the curve of his ram’s horns, dark painted eyes, the noble features of his face and… between his legs, his erect cock, veins carved in intricate detail of the stone flesh.

In the suffocating silence, I could hear my own desperate heart pounding in my chest.

Grainy, faint light filtered in through the hole as I glanced upward. Without a doubt, it seemed utterly impossible for me to leave the way I came.

A large chunk of rock landed beside me, shattering.

I bite back a scream, scrambling away – and trying to find the source of the falling stone.

My eyes fell once again on the statue, widening.

The statue had *moved*.

It’s large, muscular arm was moving, flexing upwards impossibly slowly. Dust shook off the wide stone chest as it rose and fell with the distinct movement of breathing, and the great horned head swivelled. It’s dark eyes sparkled with life – and fixed undeniably on me.

The ice-cold terror flooded my senses, and I forget how to scream.

“Priestess,” it breathed, its voice hoarse with disuse. “You have… awoken me.”

I want to move, I want to *run,* to get as far away as possible from this horrible sight. And yet, I can’t, my body rooted to the ground.

The statue steps forward, off its stone dias, dust clouding in its wake. As it moves, his erection sways heavily in front of him – easily as thick as my forearm, and as long as it too. I can barely tear my eyes away from his naked form, away from the glittering of his eyes. Something other than fear bubbles in my chest – primal and eager and *hungry*.

The god, because I realize without doubt that is what he is, smiles.

“Your body… it calls to me,” he says. “Such a beautiful offering cannot be refused. And it has been so long.”

I breathe, and I can feel something other than dust in my lungs – something rich and earthy, like soil after a rainstorm. Musky, like sweat. My eyes widen.

The god stops before me, and I gaze upwards into the dark eyes, as deep as wells. I think of the mural in the room above us, the woman with her face upturned to the horned figure – exactly as I am now.

“On your knees, little priestess,” the god murmurs.

I shift without hesitation, rising to my knees from my crumpled position on the floor. His hand reaches outward, his enormous palm – nearly as large as my face – cupping my cheek affectionately. His thumb brushes my lips, which part willingly for him.

The god grips his manhood at the base with his free hand, moving it towards me. In the dim light, I can see the glimmer of pre-cum that beads at the slit of his cock.

Without hesitation, I opened my mouth.

As the weight of his manhood enters my mouth, the sweet thickness of his pre-cum floods my tongue instantly, like a spoonful of rich honey. The warmth slides down my throat before collecting in my stomach, radiating outwards to my limbs. The warmth warms itself around me, until I felt as if I was floating.

“You remember,” the god murmured, his voice taut in pleasure. “How my body prepares yours to be taken. Do not resist my power, priestess. Let it consume you.” With remarkable gentleness, his thumb brushes a lock of hair out of my eyes.

My eyes flicker as I do as he instructs, the last remaining tightness of fear disappearing from my chest. The warmth envelopes me, and the god’s cock slips even farther down my throat. My throat tightens to gag, but the radiating warmth soothes the instinct, and I don’t. I’m rewarded with a deep, rumbling groan of pleasure, the god’s hand tightening around my hair.

“You are a worthy vessel for my seed,” he rumbles. “You will glow with our child, little priestess.”

My body hums with desire, and my jaw loosens even more. He works himself further inside of me, hips gently pumping as he pleasures himself with my throat. When the beads of his arousal well inside my mouth, I swallow eagerly.

The world seems to slip away, until all I can feel is the god’s hand on my head, the warmth of his pre-cum in my stomach, and shape of his shaft down my throat.

Suddenly, he pulls himself away, his cock freeing itself with a slight *pop*. The dim light reveals the tendrils of spit that hang from my parted, gasping lips to his throbbing shaft. The thick, pale blue veins in his cock glisten with my spit.

“It is time,” the god says.

His large hands are gentle as he undresses me, and as he lays me down in the dust and ruins of his temple. My knees fall apart willingly, although nervousness bubbles in my chest, and he nods in thankfulness, dark eyes burning in their sockets.

He crouches over me, positioning himself.

I feel it then – the blunt, slick press of his cockhead at my entrance. If he were a mortal man, I knew my body would be adequately prepared for him, as I can feel my wetness painted on the insides of my thighs. But, his sheer girth and length… I whimper, afraid of the impossible size of him inside of me.

The god seems to sense my fear, his eyes softening. His large hand curls around the nape of my neck, fixing my eyes to his, as his thumb brushes against my fluttering pulse.

“Worry not, little priestess,” he murmurs. “Your pain will be numbed by your devotion to me – and your ecstasy will be your reward.”

And then, he enters me.

A cock of his size *should* have split me in half – and I do wince as he presses inside of me, burying himself deeper and deeper. He draws himself outward and then inward again, an ancient dance, as my body learns to welcome his size inside of me. I whimper, and his hand holds me comfortingly – but he does not stop. A part of me knows, he could not stop even if he desired – what has begun now cannot be stopped. Not until it is finished.

I glance downwards, and I can see the impossible shape of his cock inside of me. What should have been a truly horrific sight, how my stomach bulges with each inward thrust, fills me with the intoxicating warmth.

The god proves a generous lover, his mouth dipping to suckle at my breast, and soon the pleasure coursing through me washes away the pain. Soon, I realize he is moving smoothly, each thrust slick with my pleasure, my body parting willingly for him. I groan, my head lolling in his grasp, when I feel his hips meet mine – our bodies joined completely.

My own orgasm seizes me greedily and without warning, my hands grasping wildly at the dirt floor as my legs twitch underneath me. Pleasure flashes up my spine, and I feel my body tighten around his – the god growls in response.

For a moment, the world shifts. From within the depths of my orgasm, I can see the temple as it once was – silk banners hanging from the walls, wax candles dotting the alcoves, the scent of incense heavy in the air. The priestesses, draped in robes, standing in a circle around the undulating pair in the middle – the god and I. I realized that what is happening has happened before.

I gasp as the vision leaves me.

The god does not stop.

I can tell he is pleased with my pleasure, but now, his own is paramount. He gathers me into his arms, holding me tightly, as each thrust gathers more and more speed. Each time he bottoms out inside of me, the wet *slap* of our bodies colliding echoing. My hands find purchase on his horns, grasping the thick bone as the god uses me.

It is not violence, not with intention to harm – it is primal. It is a need as old as the world, and he surrenders to it, my body as his release.

I feel it then, as his body tightens. He pulls my gaze to his, and I am consumed by the intensity of his dark gaze.

“My seed, I place inside your womb,” he breathes, his voice aching and eager. “Our child. Priestess, accept our child.”

With a roar, the god buries himself inside of me.

My entire body numbs, my heart skips a beat –

And then –

He fills me, the warmth of his cum spilling into my womb. I can *feel* each thick rope of seed as it releases from his twitching cock, the radiating heat flooding my body. My body accepts and accepts as much as it can, but I can feel his seed dripping out between where we meet, gathering on the temple floor.

His breathing is ragged as he finishes. His grip on me loosens, the tenderness of a familiar lover returning. He lays me down gently on the dirt, our bodies still joined.

“You have done well, little priestess,” he murmurs above me. His large hand traces over my belly, and I gasp – I can feel the quickening of life already inside of me. The god smiles. “Raise our child well.”

The heavy warmth, like sleep, flows through me, and I surrender to it – my last conscious memory being the rumbling breath of the god as he leans down to kiss my forehead.

“Hey! Is anyone down there?”

I gasp as I awaken, and coughing at the thick lungful of dust. I look around – the darkened room is still. The statue of the horned god looms over me, immobile as the stone it is made of.

“Oh my god,” I hear someone yell from the hole in the ceiling. “Are you alright? What happened? Don’t worry – someone is getting help right now!”

I sit up, blinking. I’m fully clothed, although coated in dust and dirt.

My hand strays over my stomach, and my eyes widen.

I look up to the gaze of the god, and just for a moment, his dark eyes glimmer.



  1. So wonderfully written. A true ode to slowly parted legs and primal prayers to ancient procreation.

  2. Excellent storytelling. Great fantasy erotica with fantastic descriptions. One of the better stories I’ve read on this sub.

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