The Elven Bride, The Orcish Groom [M/F] [exh] [fantasy] [oral] [voy]

The portrait had disgusted him, initially. Elven women were far too soft and delicate for Orcish sensibilities. Orc women were stoic, muscular, and hard. Elven women were waifish, dainty, and round. And this Elf was certainly typical for her kind. Gentle face, unblemished pale skin, brilliant sapphire eyes, platinum blonde hair, and two perfectly rounded breasts hanging beneath her sheer dress. She was utterly revolting.


Dumag sat astride his war pig, glowering at the back of the Chieftain’s head as they rode toward the Elvish city. In his hand he clenched the small round portrait of his hideous bride-to-be, occasionally glancing down at it to remind himself to stay angry about this whole business. The many articles of the peace treaty signed last year had already begun to come into effect- this was simply the latest one. As signs of mutual good faith, one of the Chieftain’s sons was to marry the princess of this Elf kingdom- and Dumag was the only choice. He was too smart, too soft to be taken seriously by any woman of his own kind. So of course he would be the perfect groom to be given.


The small party came to a stop as they were met by Elvish riders atop silvery deer. Their leader raised a hand in greeting, but didn’t speak. The Orcs all slowly backed away on their pigs, some shooting final glances to Dumag as he was left. Once the last Pig had vanished into the trees, the Elf spoke.


“You will come with us. So not dismount, do not attempt to leave or escape, and keep your questions to a minimum. Am I understood?”


Dumag snorted. “Perfectly.” Hatred grew as the Elves surrounded him, leading him into the glimmering sanctuary of the Elves. Buildings seemingly sprung from trees, or appeared to have always existed carved of pristine white stone, and the denizens of the city all watched with combined horror and awe at the green, tusked, brutish Orc in their midst. Mothers pulled their children inside so as to not be frightened, soldiers lined the streets, and there was more than one shouted insult as the party drew closer to the citadel.


The Elven men looked just as delicate and soft as their women, Dumag observed as he passed through the gathering crowds. He could only ascertain the genders of the onlookers vaguely, relying on the shape of breasts under gauzy robes to tell the difference. He looked away from the angry onlookers, fixing his eyes to the gate growing larger before him.


The gate swung open, and across the courtyard, atop sculpted marble stairs, stood the Royal family. The King and Queen both held ice-cold stares to the Orc in their midst, and their children nearly all were mirroring the expression. Except the one who looked like the girl in the portrait- she seemed to be more… curious.


Dumag’s reception was rather cold. He was to be wed in two day’s time to Princess Yalanue Valric- but until then he was forbidden from leaving the chambers assigned to him. After the wedding rites were performed and validated (whatever that meant), he and the Princess would be sent to live in a small manor near the edge of the city. It was rather clear that the Royals wanted to be reminded of the arrangement as little as possible.


The chambers given were ornate to an Orc, but absolutely Spartan to an Elf. Dumag appreciated the lack of excessive decoration, but even simple furniture like stools and tables was over-decorated just by nature. He found himself much preferring to sit out on the balcony where he could look out at the forest surrounding the city and pretend he was still close to home.


He hadn’t realized he’d drifted off until he awoke, and the sky was dark. Dumag sat up, disoriented slightly as he looked around. There was an odd noise, but it took a moment before his head cleared and he recognized the noise.


Someone nearby was mating.


Dumag looked around for a minute before he realized it was coming from below. The balcony directly below his was offset enough that he could see, illuminated by the light from that room below, his future wife’s bare body as she was being fucked by some unknown Elven man.


She was laid across some kind of bench, legs spread wide as her companion rhythmically pounded into her, each movement pushing her heaving breasts nearly to her chin. She moaned, voice pitching up slightly with every thrust, until it seemed she could take no more and cried out, back arching as she clasped her rosy pink nipples. Her companion grunted, pulling his rather small cock out to shoot his come across her stomach, and quickly left, leaving the Princess still splayed out, smiling wickedly up at her watching fiancé.


Dumag realized his own cock was now rock hard, and he was unable to look away until Yalanue sat up, and walked out of sight. But the sight of her heaving chest was seared into his mind. His manhood ached, this was possibly the hardest it had ever been in his life. He reached down, daring to stroke it a few times, softly moaning as he remembered the Princess’ face as she’d been fucking.


There was a sudden light knock, then the sound of someone entering the chambers behind him. Dumag looked back, a wave of embarrassment crossing his face- which only grew worse when he realized it was Yalanue, still naked and covered in the other Elf’s come.


Her petite frame seemed ill-fit to support the massive breasts that it contained. They swayed with every step as she joined her husband-to-be on the balcony.


“Did you enjoy that, dear Fiancé?” Her tone was coy as she stood, illuminated by the moonlight. She looked down at his erection and grinned even wider. “Oh Goddess you did!” She giggled, tits bouncing lightly.


“What was that about, Elven whore?” Dumag grunted, looking away. “Is this how all of your kind are?”


“Oh, not at all. That’s why I’m being shackled to you in two days. I’m a bit too… Wild.” She licked her lips, still staring at his massive green cock. “But Elven men are all so self-absorbed… And their dicks are tiny compared to pretty much every other species. Even Imps and Goblins are bigger.”


“And how do you know that?” His eyes were still glued to her chest.


“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She carefully lifted her breasts up before letting them drop, watching his eyes follow them. “The laws say I can’t properly fuck you until we validate the marriage, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have other fun… Tell you what, if you get me off, I’ll make it worth your while.”


Dumag’s mind told him to refuse. His erection on the other hand, wanted to see what she meant. “What do you want from me?”


Yalanue stepped closer, grabbing his hand and cupping it against her mound. The stories were true- elves really did have no hair below their eyes. “Just lay back and let me see if your tongue is just as big as your dick?” She batted her eyes up at him as one of his fingers slipped inside her wet folds.


Elf tasted impossibly sweet. Even with the sticky remains still smeared across her, Yala’s pussy was an incomparable flavor that Dumag found impossible to compare. She sat astride his face as he laid on the balcony, clasping his head between her plump, plush thighs. Her voice as she cried out was different than it had been with the Elf- soft, gentler moans. As his tongue slowly dove deeper into her, she quaked, squeezing his head slightly with each flick. There seemed to be one place just barely within his reach that sent her into a shivering mess above him- a slight difference in texture to him but clearly an epicenter of pleasure for her. He opened his mouth wide, forcing his tongue in as deep as it could go, and massaged the spot until she finally cried out, clenching his head tighter than before as a sweet juice flooded his mouth.


After a moment, Yala slid off him, still in a daze. “I don’t know what that was… But that was amazing…”


“You seemed to be enjoying that Elf more.” Dumag rolled his eyes as he sat up, erection throbbing almost painfully.


“Oh please, Captain Folmar wouldn’t know I was faking if I told him. Elf cocks are *tiny*.” She moaned softly as she ran a finger through her wet pussy and licked it, shivering again. “Now… My turn.” She threw herself at her Fiancé and began licking his cock with a whine.


Dumag couldn’t stifle his moan as his head rolled back. He’d only ever played with it himself- none of the others of his kind found him attractive at his small size. But this was an alien sensation- one he wasn’t opposed to in the slightest.


“Are all Orcs this big?” Yala smiled up at him between licks. “This is going to break me in half once we’re married…”


“Ah… I’m… Most are bigger…” Dumag, for all of his comparative smarts, found words failing him as pleasure assaulted his brain. Was this the power of the Elves?


Yalanue slowly dragged her tongue up the underside of his erection before wrapping her mouth around the head with a smile, watching her Fiancé cover his mouth in a weak attempt to stifle himself. “I’m going to see just how much of this I can swallow… I’m good but you’re going to test my limits…” She then opened her mouth wide, sliding down the length of his member. She kept going until she was at the halfway point, clearly starting to struggle as she slowed to a crawl, eyes watering as she stared up at Dumag, shivering. She managed to make it three-quarters before stopping again, and he felt the strangest sensation as her throat massaged him before she pulled off suddenly, gasping for air with a rapturous expression.


“Wha-“ He tried to form a thought, but the pleasure of what happened was clouding his brain.


“How big are you, exactly?” She grinned, beginning to lick along his length again with a wide grin.


“Six… Seventeen I-I think?” He wanted, no- NEEDED her to do that again.


“Oh Goddess… I heard Orc were big but… I don’t know if I can take it all in…” She reached one hand down, rubbing herself as she used the other hand to massage him. “One more time.” She then began swallowing him again, gagging and choking as she fought to gain more distance. She almost made it- but had to pull off again, whining and fingering herself harder.


“…Yala… Yalanue I… I think I know what to do…” Dumag gently grabbed her hand and pulled it up, licking her juice-stained fingers. “Come here…”


She did as told, letting him pick her up by her waist and hold her upside down- her warm, inviting pussy right in his face as her legs draped his shoulders; and her head hanging over his throbbing cock. As he lowered her, he began to lick her again, burying his mouth in her pink folds as she started swallowing him.


This time, she took it to the hilt. Every inch of him was now buried in her throat, and his tongue was assaulting her just as it had before. She twitched in pleasure, locked into this position and unable to do more than drool and weakly moan around him. It didn’t take long before she was cumming in his mouth again, and this time, he was cumming in hers as well.


His cock swelled for a moment before shooting wave after wave of steaming jism directly up into her stomach, firing again and again until he was finally spent. He carefully pulled her off him, setting her back down on the cold balcony floor as his erection began to finally soften.


Yala gasped, falling back as she breathed heavily. A bit of loose come leaked out of the corner of her mouth, but from the look of her swollen stomach, most of it had reached its destination. “Haaa… How am I gonna hide this from my parents tomorrow?” She asked weakly as she rubbed her bloated body. “I look like I’m pregnant!”


“I don’t know… I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” Dumag smiled. Perhaps this Elven Bride business wouldn’t be so bad after all.



  1. Highly satisfying fantasy erotica. Wonderful imagination from the author. Thanks for posting.

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