Unexpected interaction

Hey everyone if you haven’t read my first part please do!!!

So after getting a taste of this porn shop I decide to go back the next day. At this point I really didn’t care what I found when I got there, but of course playing it safe I came prepared with some condoms. A ft er I arrive I can see that it’s pretty full in there which gets me really excited! I walk in and pay the cashier so I can go to the back. I walk in….

I walk and my eyes adjust to the dim lighting. I make my rounds still very nervous not really making eye contact but still looking to see who’s there and if the same person is there from last time(she wasn’t). So I walk around and then I decide to stop and watch this one tv showing girl on guy porn. I stand there watching while other people pass me. The. This one guy stands right next to me and starts watching. Hey says “hey how’s your day been going?”

So I look at this guy and he’s a whit male, grey hair and looks about early 40s but I must say he was a good looking guy. He had a whit button and some slacks. He looked the office type.

So I say “not too bad, just came in here to meet people, how about yours?” He says “same here, but I think I found some one who has peeled my interest” I blush!! I say “oh yea? Who might that be?” He was so smooth when talking to me. It felt like an old friend found me after not seeing each other for awhile. We talked and I find out he’s supposed to get married in about a month!! He told me his wife is ok with seeing other men until they get married. Idk if he was lying or telling the truth but I didn’t care. He invited me to on of the rooms. I went in with him of course. We start taking but this time he had me against the wall and he starts getting closer and we make out for about 5 min, then he asks me if he can finger me. I agreed and it felt amazing. He was so gentle at first and then made lick he’s fingers so it can go in smoother and faster. He made me moan so much, I was stroking my cock while he fingered me and grabbed my chest it felt so good. Then I couldn’t hold back, let out a big scream and jizzed every where. I cleaned myself up and we parted way after making out a little more and talking. He left me wanting more and of course I forgot to ask for his number, but maybe for the best…..

Part 3 is crazy. Let’s just say it turned out to be a group party in there! Thanks for reading just a little tease for the next part. I’m glad I can finally share my experiences with all of you, it feels good to know all of you have something sexy to share lol (read part 1 if you haven’t)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/fee6aa/unexpected_interaction