The Doctor – [M/F] Pt 2 of the story of a pregnant woman’s rather unconventional examination.

It was exactly a week later when Ana again waddled into Doctor Hendricks’s office and sat down with a smile and a slight grimace. “Everything OK Ana? You look nervous. There really is no need to be you know” said the Doctor, ushering Ana to a seat.

“I’m … I’m sorry Doctor, I’ve never had an Anal examination before.” She said smiling winsomely. Doctor Hendricks took her hand and patted it. “There, there – it will be OK. You will be OK. It’s best to be safe, isn’t it? Best to know that your body is coping well with the pregnancy?”

Ana nodded and a fuller smile drifted across her face. Doctor Hendricks coughed and looked at his computer screen “Just a few questions first” he added tapping his keyboard. “Did you manage to get your daily shot of cum, like I recommended” he asked directly.

Ana nodded, licking her lips absently as she remembered them. She recalled every spurt, every last tendril of cum that she licked off the many cocks she had sucked that week. “I … I went to the homeless shelter as you suggested, and I … I spoke with the warden there and gave him your regards.”

Hendricks nodded at her to continue. “Could you tell me a bit more about that – I need to get an idea of just how much cum you swallowed. Did it all taste the same, or was it different? Did you manage to rub some of the cum onto your tits, and on your bump, as I suggested?”

Ana blushed “I …I did … but I got the men to rub it into my tits and on my belly – was …was that OK” she asked a little worried. Doctor Hendricks smiled at her, “That’s fine Ana – don’t worry. It doesn’t matter who does it, as long as the cum is rubbed into the skin well” he added tapping his keyboard.

A broad smile came over Ana’s face – “Oh they rubbed it in really well, they spent 10 or 15 minutes rubbing it in, over my tits and over my big swollen pregnant belly” she replied, a lascivious look coming over her face. Hendricks nodded again. “OK let’s start at the beginning” said Hendricks, folding his hands in his lap and looking directly at her. “Tell me about the men in the homeless shelter”.

Ana closed her eyes momentarily – recalling the events. “Brian – the warden there, told me that he had had a surge of homeless men wanting to stay there – once word of your Initiative got around.” She said with a little chuckle. “Anyway, he got me to strip down naked, and got me to sit in the middle of the room. He said it was better I was naked, as it wouldn’t mess my clothes up and it meant the men could cum over all of my body and then rub the cum into all the different parts. Most of the men wanted to rub it into my tits for some reason, some rubbed it on my bump and some wanted to rub it onto my ass cheeks so I let them do that. The men lined up, cocks in hand and I sucked each one till they came. He started me on blowing 3 men a day ‘Morning – afternoon & Evening. Just blowing one guy each, time to begin with.”

Hendricks nodded “Did these men cum in your mouth or on your face or tits or belly” he asked matter of factly. Ana smiled and shifted slightly as she remembered. “They would cum in my mouth then dribble the last spurts over my face and tits. Then I would use my hands and scoop it up and drizzle it over my bump and get them to rub it in. Brian said that some of these men had not cum for weeks, maybe months or years” she said and huge shiver went through her.

Ana continued “They mainly came on my face, but there was so much of it Doc – it was really thick and gooey. I tried to get them to cum in my mouth but bless them, they were so relieved to be able to cum I think they shot it anywhere.”

Hendricks nodded and chuckled “Yes, it’s understandable that it’s thick Ana – it will be a build up of sperm over many weeks and months. Did it taste any different?” he asked with interest.

“It … it was quite salty – saltier than yours” said Ana recalling the taste in her mind. “It was thick but it didn’t really taste of much. Each time, I let the man fill my mouth with cum, then I’d roll it round my mouth a little before letting it slide down my throat.” Said Ana, feeling another shiver run through her.

Hendricks nodded intently. “Good, good – all normal. You were able to swallow without any problem then. When did you move up to sucking more than 1 cock, Ana. Was it the 4th day? That is usually the recommended course of treatment I advise Brian to make you follow.”

Ana blushed, quite why she didn’t know. “Brian had an influx of men on the 3rd day” said Ana looking away, “… so he asked if I was willing to step it up and I agreed” she said looking away briefly. Doctor Hendricks smiled at her “It’s OK Ana, in this situation – it really is a case of ‘the more cum the better’. It replaces so many vital vitamins and proteins back into your body – vitamins and proteins that your body needs to support your pregnancy” said Doctor Hendricks looking at her and patting her hand once more.

“So, on the third day, in the morning how many men did you suck off” asked the doctor calmly. Anna thought a moment, mentally recalling it and counting the times she’d had a cock in her mouth. “In the Morning I sucked 4 guys off, they were all very hard and they’re balls were full so I didn’t want all that good cum to go to waste Doc, was that all right?” asked Ana a little contritely.

Hendricks nodded “And it all tasted similar, is that right? Can you estimate for me Ana – roughly how much cum you swallowed” he asked, poising his fingers on the keyboard ready to tap in the results. Ana coughed “I … I don’t know – should I have measured it” she asked a little concerned. Hendricks shook his head “No, No – just a rough idea that’s all. I mean – for each man, was it a teaspoonful, or about a dessert spoonful?” has asked looking at her.

Ana paused, momentarily thinking it through. I guess each man produced about 1 or 2 desertpoons except for one guy who produced about 3 or 4 dessert spoon fulls, and one guy – bloody hell, it was an egg cup full I’d say” said Ana, remembering the copious amount that the man had sprayed on her.

Hendricks made a note on his computer “And that was each man – and you said you sucked 4 men that morning, what about the rest of the day? He asked glancing at her. Ana’s face contorted a little, trying to remember. “It all … it all sort of blurs into one, Doctor, I’m sorry. I think maybe 3 men in the afternoon and then another 3 that evening. I remember that on the 4th day, it was 4 guys each ‘session’ and they all came with about 2 spoonfulls and the guy that shot 3 or 4 spoonfulls. On the 5th day I took 6 cum loads in the morning, 5 in the afternoon and 6 again in the evening – including again, the guy that shot the eggcup full – but it wasn’t quite so much this time.”

Hendricks chuckled “Sorry, give me a moment – I’ll need to bring up my calculator. My Maths isn’t good enough to cope with large numbers” he added with a smile. Ana blushed, unsure if the Doctor was teasing her or not. “Actually, for you Ana – I might need a spreadsheet.” He added with a big laugh and a smile.

After a moment – he nodded “Ok, and on the last day?” he said peering at her over the top of his glasses. Ana smiled in response, “That was just yesterday” she replied licking her lips slowly as the memory returned to her. “Yesterday I blew them all, every single guy in the hostel, including the warden” she added with a huge smile. Hendricks nodded approvingly “About how many men would you say Ana” he asked calmly.

Again, Ana smiled “At least 10 maybe 11 or 12. I got them to alternate, one would cum in my mouth, the next on my face and the next on my tits” added Ana, feeling quite proud of how organised she was. Once they had cum, I swallowed most of it, but sometimes I let it drool down my chin and onto my tits, so they could rub it in a bit more. I liked them rubbing it on my tits, but I liked it more when they rubbed it all over my huge belly – they rubbed it into my nipples too Doc, was that … was that OK?” added Ana, looking at the Doctor earnestly.

Doctor Hendricks smiled at her, “Perfectly fine Ana. And it’s good that you ‘enjoyed’ it. Our health service is so full of intrusive and painful tests – isn’t it nice to have some tests you can actually enjoy, without feeling guilty?” asked the Doctor, seeking to measure Ana’s understanding of what’s going on. “It’s … it’s so refreshing Doctor. I wish I’d known about your … um … methods … for my first child.” She said with a giggle.

“So, how did you find it – that experience? I was a little worried because some of those men, well … they aren’t the cleanest or most fragrant” said the Doctor, looking at her avidly. Ana smiled “It was OK. Some of them did smell a bit, but I put it out of my mind – told myself, they were just cocks that’s all. Just cocks and they were going to give me lots of the lovely cum I needed.”

Hendricks smiled. “That’s a very good attitude to have Ana” he said “Plus, you shouldn’t underestimate your contribution to getting so many homeless men off the streets. Brian tells me the number of men sleeping rough has almost halved in the last week. That’s all down to you Ana. So you should feel very proud of yourself.” He added with a broad smile.

Ana beamed in response, it was an unexpected and most welcome extra benefit – Ana had always been a community spirited person, so being able to give back to the community like this made her feel so good about herself. In her mind, she considered what other similar initiatives she could help with.

Doctor Hendricks stiffened in the chair. “Now, although today’s test is primarily Anal, we have a couple of other small tests we need to do. Is that OK Ana?” he asked, tapping on the keyboard.

Ana smiled at him, her confidence in Doctor Hendricks now total. “Firstly, do you have any concerns?” asked the Doctor, looking her up and down in assessment. “I … I … Yes, and I think I need to get undressed so I can show you. Shall I strip off and get on the bed?” asked Ana, a little too eagerly than she intended. The Doctor chuckled, and gestured to the bed.

Doctor Hendricks walked across to her, his white coat already flapping open and Ana realised she was already getting excited. “Tell me what’s concerning you” said the Doctor, absently rubbing her tits, then giving her nipple a little tweak.” Ana moaned lowly “Well, I’m … I’m not sure if I’m lactating properly” she said with a low sigh.

Hendricks smiled at her “Well, we can soon check that” he said, dropping his mouth onto her nipple and then rolling his tongue around it. He closed his mouth around the erect nub and began to suck. Ana gave a low moan and Hendricks withdrew his mouth, then using his thumb and forefinger – he squeezed the nipple quite hard. “Hmmm … yes, I see” said the Doctor, a slight concern coming into his voice. He squeezed her nipple again, then the other one. Small white flecks of fluid finally began to appear, and Hendricks sighed “Ah that’s better. I think …” he paused to consider, “… I think it’s OK – it just needs to be … umm … you need to be helped – I can recommend something for that, we’ll talk about it at the end of the appointment. Anything else?

Ana blushed and looked away. Hendricks noticed immediately and took her hand. “It’s OK Ana, no matter how embarrassing it is – I’m a Doctor and I’ve heard it all before. I’m here to help Ana, so it’s best you’re open and honest with me” he added looking at her.

Ana took a deep breath and smiled “When … when I was … umm … sucking those guys, one of them …” she coughed, and Hendricks patted her hand again in approval as a sign for her to continue. “He put his cock right in my mouth, and his cock was quite big so I … I … he slid it in, and I took most of it, but when he tried to push it in more … I gagged” she said, sounding embarrassed despite the Doctor’s comforting words. Hendricks looked at her “And what is it about that, that concerns you” he said, waiting for Ana to voice her actual concern.

“I shouldn’t gag like that, Doctor” added Ana quite firmly. “It’s just a cock, I should be able to take it all the way down my throat, shouldn’t I? I mean – that’s what us women are supposed to be able to do isn’t it” she asked, now sounding a little confused. “I’m just concerned that my pregnancy is making my gag reflex even worse” she said a little disconsolately.

Hendricks smiled. “I can … there’s a test I can do Ana, to measure your gag reflex – if that’s what you’re concerned about? Would you like me to do that test?” he asked walking back to his keyboard. Ana nodded intently “Oh … umm … yes … just for my own peace of mind Doctor.” Ana tried to glance between her legs, quite why she didn’t know – she already knew she was absolutely dripping wet.

Hendricks stood up abruptly, “We can do the gag test, now if you are ready”. Ana nodded eagerly, her mouth already forming a round oval shape in anticipation of Hendricks’s cock sliding in. The Doctor unzipped himself and immediately pulled out his semi hard cock. “You’ll have to get me ready” he chuckled, presenting his cock too her. Ana grabbed it avidly, and immediately started to lick the tip of the cock with her tongue. Doctor Hendricks gave a low moan despite himself. “Don’t make me cum Ana, not yet – otherwise we’ll just have to repeat the test tomorrow” he admonished. For a brief moment Ana actually considered doing just that, and a wicked grin passed over her face.

As Ana continued to slide her hot wet mouth down the shaft, licking the underside and then with her other hand, tugging his balls slightly, until the Doctor gave another low moan. “oh … OK Ana” he managed with a little huff of breathlessness. “I’m … uhhh … going to tell you what I’m going to do. You just respond in whatever way your body, more importantly, respond the way your mouth and throat tells you to. In a moment you’re going to take my cock fully into your mouth, and you are going to close your lips around it so that it forms a seal. Are you OK with that?” Ana nodded – keeping up her attention and effort on the Doctor’s now firm cock. “I’m going to hold your head in my hands, Ana and then I’m going to move my cock in and out of your mouth – I believe in common terms, it’s called a skull-fuck Ana. And that is effectively, what I am going to do to you. I am going to ‘fuck’ your mouth. You don’t need to do anything, just take as much of my cock down your throat as you can manage, until you gag. When you do gag – I’m going to do something, I’m not going to tell you quite what right now – it needs to be a ‘surprise’ for you so that I can measure your reaction. But please trust me, Ana, that I will in no way – let anything bad happen to you. You’re OK with that I hope?”

Ana stopped her sucking, rather intrigued about what the Doctor was going to do when she gagged. She had never been skull fucked before – but she was familiar with the term. She trusted the Doctor implicitly, so what he said didn’t bother her really. Ana nodded fervently before resuming her licking and sucking.

Doctor Hendricks smiled at her “Very well, let’s begin.” He said taking his cock in hand and placing one of his hands on Ana’s face and giving her mouth a little squeeze so that her mouth pouted rather wantonly. Ana opened as wide as she could, and felt the Doctor’s cock slide in. The homeless guy’s cock had been a good 7 inches and Ana guessed she had managed at least 5 inches before gagging. But Doctor Hendricks’s cock was thicker and probably around 8 inches so Ana did wonder how much she would be able to take.

With about 4 inches of his cock inside her mouth, Ana took a breath and then used her lips to seal around his cock. “Now Ana, I want you to breath through your nose – you’ll find it a lot easier to take my cock down your throat if you just keep breathing through your nose.” Ana nodded, and began to snort slightly as she got used to it.

Doctor Hendricks placed a hand either side of Ana’s face, holding it in place. Ana understood not to move, knowing she needed only to concentrate on her breathing and let the Doctor fuck her mouth. Hendricks eased his cock in and out, only going in about 4 or 5 inches to begin with. Quickly he built up a rhythm, groaning slightly as he did so. Once happy that Ana was able to breath well enough through her nose, Hendricks slid another 2 inches into her mouth until she was now swallowing about 6 of his cock inches. Ana tried to cough and struggled a little.

Hendricks stopped, still with 6 inches of his cock in her mouth he said “Just breathe Ana, breathe through your nose and try and relax your throat. Trust me Ana, you’ll be fine. Just try and relax and breathe” he said in his best bedside manner voice. It seemed to do the trick, and Ana relaxed somewhat. Hendricks felt the pressure on his cock ease and he slid another inch into her. Again Ana struggled, her eyes bulging a little and she coughed again, and wriggled a bit more.

“Nearly there” said Hendricks in a calm tone, “… just breathe Ana – you’re doing really well.” The Doctor withdrew his cock, until just the tip of his cock was in her mouth. Ana opened her mouth instinctively and took a huge breath. Drool, saliva and some pre-cum began to ooze out of the side of her mouth as Hendricks began to slide it back in. Ana dutifully closed her mouth around the cock to form a seal and continued to breathe through her nose as best she could – snorting occasionally, as the drool of spit and pre-cum began to leak out of her nose.

Ana felt the Doctor’s grip on her head tighten and then, she felt him start to thrust quite forcefully in and out of her mouth, pushing she guessed – about 7 inches down her throat. Breathing and keeping calm was an effort now, as she struggled to take the continuous thrusting. With each breath through her nose, more drool leaked out, hanging down from her nose in tendrils of snot, saliva and precum.

But Doctor Hendricks was relentless. His thrusts became faster, more intense and impatient. “Ah Fuck, not … long now … Ana” he huffed, the effort and the knowledge of his upcoming jettison of cum now at the forefront of his mind. Ana prepared herself as best she could, concentrating on breathing through her nose, despite it all. Suddenly Hendricks’s thrusting became torrid and he began to slam the whole length of his cock into Ana’s mouth, and held it there. This time Ana did struggle, her hands coming up to try and push the doctor back a bit – aware that he was now pushing her face so deep into his crotch that she could feel his balls on her chin, and more worryingly – her nose was pressed up to his belly, preventing any air going to her lungs. As a result, her throat ached, her lungs burnt with the build up of the carbon dioxide that she was unable to exhale. Ana thrashed and, despite the big cock in her mouth – was able to make some noises that she hoped the Doctor would understand as her desire to breath.

Hendricks withdrew his cock, giving her a chance to exhale and take another quick breath before again he slammed her mouth with his cock. “Ah fuck … gonna cum, Ana … here … fuck … yes … take it down your throat … Ana … all the way down your throat and into your pregnant fucking belly.” Hendricks groaned as he felt himself explode into her mouth and straight down her throat. As he did so, he pinched her nose – preventing any air that could have gone in and out, from passing.

Ana’s head began to swim with the lack of oxygen. Her eyes bulged wide and she was desperate to cough. Still Hendricks held her face pushed hard into his groin, as she felt the first spurt hit the back of her throat. She had never experienced anything like that before, the closest she could think of was when taking a big swig of Coke and then feeling the froth hitting her throat. But this was altogether more intense than that. Another spurt, then another hit the back of her throat and she swallowed instinctively. Spurt after spurt, she swallowed continuously until, eventually – Hendricks gave a huge sigh and pulled his cock out.

Ana took a huge breath and gave a huge snort as she tried to clear her nose. Her head still swimming with dizziness, and her breathing still difficult, she absently scooped up the drool that was on her face and chin and popped it in her mouth, licking her fingers as she did so. She looked up at the Doctor who was stood there looking expectant, a little smirk on his face. “Aren’t you forgetting something” said Hendricks, nodding down at his cum and Saliva covered cock. “You need to clean me up, Ana. No point in wasting that cum is there” he said with a smile.

Despite her discomfort, Ana smiled and nodded – immediately, licking the remaining drool from Hendricks’s cock until it was all gone. “I … I didn’t know you were going to stop me breathing” added Ana, sounding a little annoyed and concerned. “Won’t that … won’t that harm the baby?” she asked a little more concern entering her voice as her breathing began to come back to normal.

“For a short period, no – it won’t harm the baby” reassured Hendricks with a calming smile. “Most people don’t realise that we sometimes ‘hold our breath’ at night when asleep. That test, as well as testing your gagging reflex – which is fine, by the way – it also tested your response to ‘not breathing’. If your response was not good, and you were to have one of these ‘none breathing’ phases in your sleep, then it would be concerning. But don’t worry – you reacted quite normally to it. Nothing at all to worry about, but I appreciate it was a little uncomfortable for you. I’m sorry about that.” added Hendricks, genuinely.

Ana nodded, allowing her relief to surface. “As … as long …” she began, her breath still a little laboured “… as long as it was a necessary test and that the results were ok.” She added with a shudder, realising now that her clit was practically on fire with lust and desire.

Doctor Hendricks looked at her, his gaze a little hard “Ana” he said in a rather stern tone. “I’m a Doctor, ALL my tests are necessary – you have to trust that my methods are always geared towards the well being of you and your baby. If you don’t believe that – well, maybe we need to postpone the Anal test until next week. If you struggled to accept the Gag test – I fear you may struggle with the Anal tests” he finished, his fingers tapping furiously on the keyboard.

Between her legs, Ana’s clit howled – if it had a voice it would have screamed the place down. It demanded satisfaction, and it cursed Ana for even doubting the Doctor and his methods – and now because of that, she wasn’t going to have the anal tests.

**Disclaimer**: This is a work of fiction.  You must be 18 or over to read this story. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only.


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