[F] [Mast] [D/s] The Submissive Showering

We are showering together and you switch the shower head to stream and hand it to me. You look at me sternly commanding me to cum like I do when I’m all alone. I begin to laugh as I reach over you to put away the shower head. You firmly put your hands on my shoulders and sit me down saying forcefully, “I told you to cum.” My laugh stops abruptly as I look up at your serious face. Your eyes are black with lust, or maybe it’s anger. I’m unsure which. I look down and shake my head no but you take a hand off my shoulder and lift my chin to look at you. It’s nearly impossible for me to maintain eye contact but you keep your hand under my chin and your other hand gestures to get on with it.

I don’t want to do this but I reluctantly reach down with my left hand to reveal my clit to the warm stream of water. My body jerks as I find the right spot and I pull the shower head closer. I close my eyes and my hips slide side to side, automatically trying to avoid, or at least lessen, the overwhelming sensation. You bend down, nose to nose, growling at me “do not move” reminding me that your hand is precariously close to my throat. I begin to worry what I’ve done to make you this angry. I want to please you so I sit as still as I can, locking my legs against the shower seat, every muscle working hard against the desire to lose myself for fear of what comes if I do not listen this time.

You begin to slowly stroke your growing erection with your right hand, keeping your left on me. I still have the shower head spraying directly on my clit and realize that it’s too close and I’m afraid to ask to rearrange. It’s too much and I’m not able to cum as the non-stop pressure beats down on my sensitive clit. You realize this so instead of allowing me to move, you release my chin and tell me to close my eyes. I feel the water get ice cold, jumping and shrieking from the surprise, nearly dropping the shower head. Your hand swiftly closes around my throat and I snap my head and back against the cold shower wall. “I told you close your eyes and not move,” you say through gritted teeth as you hold me against the wall.

Just before I close my eyes I see that your erection has grown as hard as I’ve ever seen it. You’re really enjoying forcing me to submit to you. I want to please you so I try again, the water still feeling like ice daggers. I feel the water begin to warm comfortably and then continue past, getting as hot as I can stand. I struggle to stay still as I feel pleasure building in my tense legs and arms, spreading slowly toward the center of my body. You hear me gasp as I’m getting closer and stroke more intently. I feel your other hand tightly squeeze my throat just before orgasm hits. I shake silently against your hand as it rolls through seemingly for minutes, not taking the pressure off my clit yet.

I open my eyes and you announce you’re about to cum. I close my eyes again and open my mouth to take it but you spray your huge load on my chest and face, only a little making it into my mouth. You take the shower head out of my death grip, pull me up against you and kiss me deeply. As we rinse off you say, “Wasn’t it fun not being a brat for once?” Of course once we were back in bed I tried to bring back the brat and you wouldn’t allow it, but that’s a story for another time.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/fbu91l/f_mast_ds_the_submissive_showering

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