The City in the City – A Freeuse Series – Part 1 – Judge & Jury

“Would the defendant please stand.”

Cathy felt her stomach clench but did as she was told. She looked over at the jury, their eyes were all locked on her. She knew this was only going one way. Pulling one strand of forlorn blonde hair behind one ear, like she always did when she was nervous, she awaited what was to come.

“What is your verdict?” the judge asked.

The fat man who was the head juror looked straight at her.


The judge nodded.

“We thank the jury for its service and reconvene in one hour for sentencing,” the judge said, letting the gavel fall.

Cathy’s heart sank. She knew her chances had been slim to none with the all-male jury, but she had at least hoped.

“All rise.”

She stood up and felt her lawyer’s hand on her shoulder.

“The DA wants to talk to you, if you agree to.”

“Why?” Cathy said looking at her lawyer.

Sally was a middle-aged woman that had kept most of her charms and dressed almost as a young woman with that ample cleavage.

“May have something to do with the new zoning laws coming into play. Do you agree to talk to him?”

Cathy nodded.

“Catherine,” the DA said putting his hand out.

Cathy shook it. No one called her Catherine.

“Tell us what you want, Theo,” Sally said crossing her arms under her chest pushing her already significant bosom to new heights.

“Always the efficient one,” the DA said with a smile, not even trying to disguise the way his eyes ate up the lawyer’s tits. “All right. I have an offer for you.”

“Now? We already lost, didn’t we?” Cathy said looking between the two others.

“You did,” Theo nodded. “But you’re in luck. Judge Andersson is very liberal, and we have been able to steer his sentencing a number of times now.”

“Towards what?” Cathy asked.

Sally just stood there; her arms still crossed.

“Have you heard of the new freeuse zoning laws?” Theo said looking at her.

Cathy shook her head. Sally sighed.

“You really think she’s going to go along with this Theo?” Cathy’s lawyer said, shaking her head.

“At least let me finish,” Theo said.

“All right,” Sally said sighing. “Go ahead.”

“Very well. Federal law is allowing for a new type of zone called a freeuse zone. Any female entering that such a zone automatically consent to all sexual acts. And such a zone is now set up from fifth to tenth street and second to seventh avenue. At the same time taxes for all businesses within the Zone is increased by ten percent, which yields millions of dollars to the city. But then again, prices are almost double within the zone. And only adults are allowed in.”

Cathy stared from the DA to Sally and back.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Well. To be honest. There are too few female volunteers for the Zones, even if there are a some. Which means that the city has had to limit the male population, which in turn leads to lower profits for the city. So,” the DA drew a deep breath. “The mayor has initiated a program where, convicts such as yourself, can have their sentences commuted to living within the zone. The city within the city, that’s what they call it.”

Cathy just sat there, stunned.

“You’re looking at ten years in high security prison. You were after all part of an anti-government protest, that’s not something that the law looks lightly upon. We’re willing to offer you just five years within the Zone. And there will be no criminal record after time served.”

Cathy looked at her lawyer.

“It’s a pretty sweet deal,” Sally shrugged. “But then again, I’ve been known to frequent the Zone myself from time to time. But I can leave whenever I want. You wouldn’t be able to, if you do, you have to serve the ten years without parole.”

Five years instead of ten. And no record after. It was almost too good to be true. And she liked sex. A lot. It couldn’t be that bad, could it?

“So. I would just live there? Like, free?”

The DA nodded.

“As long as you stay within the Zone you are free to do whatever you want. Except for failing to comply with anyone that wants to sexually use you. If you do that, you will be reprimanded by the local constabulary. There’s a three-week introductory stay at a minimum-security facility to get you acclimatized.”

“But how will I pay for rent? And food?” Cathy asked.

“You need to get a job. Just like in the real world.”

Cathy nodded. She was just one semester short of graduating from journalism school and had worked as a waitress all through school. If it hadn’t been for being dragged into those protests, she would have been finished by now. But with all the crackdowns on free speech against the Corporations, Cathy had felt she just couldn’t sit on the sidelines anymore. It had just sounded so absurd that it would be forbidden to publicly criticize any product from a company of a market cap of $100 million or more. So, she had joined a protest group and got caught outside one of the Corporations. And now she had to face the music.

“I’ll do it,” she said nodding.

“You sure?” Sally said. “There’s no going back.”

“I’m sure.”


“Welcome to Ceria Correctional facility,” the female guard said.

Cathy looked around the room. It looked just what she expected a prison to look like. Everything was fifty shades of beige.

“As you step past this line you are entering into the Ceria facility freeuse zone. Has your lawyer explained the rules of the Zone for you?” the guard continued.

Cathy nodded. She was supposed to stay for a minimum of three weeks within the correctional facility, but it could be longer dependent on if she passed the exit exam or not. The details on that were a bit unclear.

“Please step over the line,” the guard said.

Cathy took a deep breath and nodded. Then she took a single step past the orange line that went across the entire room.

“Good,” the guard said. “Now bend over that table.”

Cathy hesitated. The guard was a big woman. Not fat. Just big. Like an amazon warrior stepped out of some Hollywood production. She must have been over six feet tall, which meant that she stood at least a full foot above Cathy herself, but the guard’s blonde hair almost matched Cathy’s own. Long blonde hair that fell heavily down over her shoulders. But that was probably the end of any likeness. Cathy’s own green-grey eyes looked nothing like the guard’s blue ones and Cathy’s chest looked flat compared to the amazon woman’s heavy bosom.

“This is not starting out well,” the guard said. “Bend over the table.”

Cathy nodded and did as she was told.

“Face forward. Don’t look back at me.”

Cathy nodded again and felt how her pants were yanked down over her thighs. Then her buttcheeks were spread open and she felt a tongue licking all the way from her pussy up to her ass. She gasped as the tongue was pushed into her asshole. She had never been with a woman before, but she just closed her eyes and imagined it being Simon going down on her. But it was hard, Simon had never dared lick her ass like that, and Cathy was ashamed that she liked it. The door opened and Cathy tried looking sideways.

“Face forward!” the guard growled.

Cathy nodded again and did as she was told.

“She’s ready for you, sir,” the guard said.

Cathy tried looking back again.

“Face forward!” the guard shouted and there was a loud smack and then pain lanced up through Cathy’s body.

The skin on her ass burned. The guard had spanked her. Hard. Cathy felt tears well up in her eyes. She had never been spanked before. Damn. It hurt!

“I think this one will take some time to break, sir,” the guard said again.

“I’m fine with that,” said a rough male voice. “Suck my cock Henderson. Get me nice and wet.”

A few moments passed then there came sloppy gagging sounds and Cathy felt a hand on her still burning ass. Her ass cheeks were pulled apart and then she felt a finger in her butt. She gasped.

“I don’t think this one has been fucked in the ass before,” the male voice said.

Cathy panicked. He was right. She had never had more than a finger in her butt.

“Damn, this is tight,” the male voice continued to the backdrop of gagging. “You’d better get my cock real wet, Henderson. This is going to take some serious lubrication.”

There was a minute or to more of the gagging sounds from behind and that one insistent finger that probed Cathy’s asshole.

“That should do it. Spit on her properly and then stand aside.”

“Yes, sir.”

Cathy felt something wet land right in her asscrack and then there was something huge pushing against her sphincter.

“Now. We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” the voice said from behind. “Open your ass up for me, just like you’re taking a dump. But instead I’m going to put my cock up your ass. Understood?”

Cathy nodded and did as she was told. It almost felt like she was shitting herself but instead there was a strong pressure against her and then she gasped as the man’s cock slid into her.

“Fucking hell, she’s tight. Definitely not been assfucked before this one,” the man said and started moving in and out of Cathy’s ass.

It hurt like hell. Tears welled up in Cathy’s eyes, but she bit her lip and again imagined it was Simon. He had always wanted to try anal, but Cathy hadn’t wanted to. Now she wished that it was him that had taken her anal virginity, not this prison guard. But, it wasn’t the first bad choice she had made in her life, and it likely wasn’t going to be the last one.

“Some more spit. She’s drying up quickly.”

Cathy exhaled as the cock was removed from her ass and there came more of the gagging sounds.

“Very good Henderson, you’re getting better. Next week I’ll try to fit it all down your throat.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” came the female guard’s voice and then the pressure was back on Cathy’s ass.

She immediately tried to open her asshole up to let the man in and she gasped loudly as he entered her fully.

“Very good, intern,” the man said. “We’ll make a proper slut out of you yet.”


“Rough first day?”

Cathy rolled over on her bunk and was surprised to see the guard that had first met her, what was her name? Alexis. That was it wasn’t it?

“Yes,” Cathy said roughly.

She had spent most of her day on her knees with a cock down her throat and speaking was not easy. Her asshole was burning from all the cock that had been in there and cum stained most of her body. The large woman walked up to her bunk and sat down next to Cathy. To Cathy’s surprise she ran her hand over Cathy’s face in a surprisingly humane gesture.

“First day’s always the worst,” Alexis said smiling down at her. “You’ll do better once your butthole stretches out and you learn how to deepthroat.”

Cathy nodded. She was probably right. She looked up at the guard.

“Why do you work here?” she asked.

She had seen the male guards use the female guards almost as much as they did the interns, and at one point she had even seen Alexis getting assfucked against a wall as she passed by.

The large woman shrugged.

“It was either this or work as a cleaning lady. And I’ve never liked to clean much. Besides, I don’t mind a little cock. And the pay’s not bad. Full medical and dental. But enough talk about me. I was just coming to check in on you and give you your first shot.”

Cathy blinked.


Alexis nodded.

“All girls going to the Zone has to be on the new experimental XV-cocktail. We don’t want you to come down with an STD on the first day, now do we?”

Cathy froze. She hadn’t even considered that. She had only been with Simon and two more guys and they had all worn condoms.

“So, roll over. This needs to go in your buttcheek.”

Cathy was too tired to protest so she just rolled over and a few seconds later her pants were pulled down and there was a sting and then it was over.

“There. That wasn’t so bad, now was it? Just two more shots and you’ll be good to go.”

Cathy just lay there not bothering to argue. She felt the guard run her hands over her back and it felt really nice. Alexis found a knot in her back and slowly massaged it out. This was the best that Cathy had felt since she arrived at the facility.

“Have you showered today? Your face is all crusted with cum,” the guard said, and Cathy again felt her fingers on her cheek.

“I tried,” Cathy said, exhaling, “but I got no farther than the changing room before I was pinned down on the floor by two guards and I could barely walk after they were done with me so I just headed back here.”

Alexis’ hands ran down her back again slowly kneading her lower back.

“Well that won’t do. Come,” she said standing up and taking Cathy by the hand.

Before Cathy knew the word, she stumbled after the guard and all of a sudden found herself in the showers.

“Don’t worry. The other guards will be asleep now. It’s just you and me,” Alexis said, starting to take her clothes off.

Cathy realized that she hadn’t seen the guard in the nude before. She was truly a magnificent creature. Her massive boobs were clearly fake, but they suited her. She was muscular, but not ripped and her pussy was clean shaven and smooth. She grabbed Cathy by the hand and pulled her in under the hot water. They stood there together soaking for a moment until the water stopped. Alexis poured shower gel into her large palm and then started rubbing it all over Cathy’s body. It felt so nice that Cathy didn’t even react when the large woman started rubbing her tits and then down her back and finally cleaned her pussy and ass. Her large fingers made sure every part of Cathy’s body was squeaky clean before she turned the water on to rinse her off.

“Now you do me,” she said handing Cathy the bottle.

Cathy nodded and started rubbing Alexis body. She marveled as her hands ran over the woman’s huge breasts. She had never touched another woman like this before and the feeling of her stiff nipples under her fingers was strangely exhilarating. She continued down Alexis’ stomach and hesitated slightly before starting to rub Alexis’ pussy. But once she got started it was just like cleaning her own snatch. She was not certain, but she thought there was a sigh of pleasure escaping the guard’s lips as her fingers ran over her slit.

“Can you clean my butt as well?” Alexis said turning around and spreading her buttcheeks.

“Sure,” Cathy said and poured some more shower gel into her palm and applied it to Alexis’ buttcrack.

She cleaned it thoroughly for a while.

“You need to get your fingers in there,” Alexis said, turning her head towards Cathy.

Cathy frowned but did as she was told. She was surprised how easy three of her fingers slid into Alexis asshole.

“Yes. Just like that. Get it nice and clean,” Alexis said with a deep voice.

Cathy nodded and continued.

“Could you go a bit deeper?”

Cathy hesitated.

“Don’t worry. I don’t mind. I just like to get clean before I get my early morning fuck by the Warden. Really clean.”

Cathy nodded and pushed a fourth finger inside Alexis ass. It felt strangely nice to have her fingers inside the other woman’s butt. She would never had thought that.

“Could you go a bit deeper,” Alexis breathed.

“But then my whole hand will go in,” Cathy protested.

“Yes. Do that. Put your whole hand in,” Alexis breathed heavily.

Cathy did as she was told and looked at her hand as it disappeared into the large woman’s asshole. Cathy was not a big person, but she wasn’t tiny either and it felt truly strange to have her whole fist up another woman’s ass. Not bad, just strange.

“Yesss,” Alexis hissed. “Just like that. Now move it back and forth. Back and forth.”

Cathy did as she was told and couldn’t help feeling a little bit excited by the sight. Then, all of a sudden, Alexis started gushing out of her pussy. One time. Two times. The large woman leaned against the wall and moaned as Cathy really got into fisting Alexis’ asshole. She realized that was what she was doing. This wasn’t cleaning any longer, Alexis enjoyed this more than she had seen any woman enjoy anything for a long time. Finally, Alexis stopped moaning and Cathy slipped her hand out looking at it as if it was a strange weapon.

“That was perfect,” Alexis said.

Then she turned around and before Cathy knew the word the large woman placed a kiss right on her lips and held it there for a long time.

“How come you’re so nice to me,” Cathy asked as she was lying face down on her bunk.

“I just like you, that’s all,” Alexis said and slowly pushed the butt plug into place.

Cathy bit her lower lip. Even though Alexis had massaged her butthole with both a soothing gel and a lot of lube, her ass was still sore after getting fucked all day long.

“This will really help you adapt. You can’t keep a regular butt plug in for more than a few hours before you get nauseous. Therefore the DOC Freeuse Section has developed a new sort of plug that breathes, which means that you can keep it in for longer periods of time, for example, overnight, so that your asshole is nice and stretched should you get buttfucked when you wake up or while you sleep.”

“While I sleep?” Cathy said incredulously.

Alexis nodded.

“Happens more often than you think in the Zone.”


This was chapter 1 of our Freeuse Series – The City in the City.

Take a look at our profile for more sexy stories.



  1. Mind-blowing freeuse tale. I liked how the freeuse law was for specific zones. Great imagination.

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