Getting Wet at the Bar [MF]

We sat a small table in the crowded bar. The music was a bit too loud for comfortable conversation. He leaned forward to make sure I could hear. “I love these earrings; they suit you.” He gently touched my ear as he spoke and all I could think about after that moment was where that finger might touch me next.

I forced myself to watch his face and listen to him speak, but mind was following that finger, now unseen under the table. His foot grazed mine, and I held still, allowing this subtle advance. That small point of contact was the locus of all my desire. I wanted more, yet waited for him to proceed. Above the table, I laughed at something that was barely funny while below I felt our knees touch. I smiled at him, inviting more.

Suddenly, that finger I’d been waiting for touched my bare knee and a shock ran through my body. My ability to keep up with the conversation faltered as I imagined what might happen next. The finger on my knee became a hand. The hand moved from my knee to my thigh, caressing the inside as though pointing out the path up my skirt. I gasped, breaking my cool facade, but threw him a coy look as I recovered. I could feel the heat of my blood racing through my veins in excitement, and knew he could see the redness in my cheeks. My pleasure was obvious, inviting him to continue, but still, I was afraid. Surely, someone would notice the dangerous game we were playing.

Trying not to interrupt the dance of our flirtation, I touched his shoulder and purred in his ear. “Careful, there are a lot of people here.” Suddenly his demeanor shifted. His hand remained fixed on my thigh but his body became rigid and tense. He gave me a stern look that brooked no denial. “Shut your eyes.” Hesitantly, I obeyed. “Now there is no one. It’s only us.” The sounds of the bar were drowned out by the blood rushing through my temples, and the fantasy felt real. His hand advanced quickly and he pressed on my pussy through my panties. My eyes fluttered open in surprise. “Keep them closed,” he growled. I bit my lip, unable to speak without moaning as his fingers massaged me. He pushed aside my panties and reached inside me, finding me already wet. The part of my brain that knew we were still at the bar was overridden by the pleasure of his fingers sliding back and forth.

Just as my arousal shut out all other senses, a woman behind me bumped me slightly, breaking the spell. My eyes snapped open and I froze as she took her seat right next to me, oblivious to the scene she was interrupting. Suddenly thrust back into the reality of the bar, I looked to my lover beside me. His look was questioning. His hand was still.

I hungered for the sensations of a moment before. In that moment, I was willing to accept any risk to return to that place. I looked him in the eye as I bit my lip, and grabbed his wrist under the table, pleading silently for him to continue his work. It hardly felt like a choice.

With our eyes locked now, he proceeded again to caress my insides. As he moved slowly and cautiously, we hid our under-the-table conversation beneath a banal exchange of pleasantries. Words came out of my mouth but I can’t say who spoke them. I had retreated completely into the ecstasy of his touch.

As my moment came, I shut my eyes again. I wanted to cry out, heedless of the consequences. Some last shred of my self-control held me back, so that only a small pleased “oh” escaped. I opened my eyes and saw him smiling at me. He pulled back his hand and I laughed, overcome with satisfaction and relief. He grinned wider and put that same hand around my waist to hold me close. Tired and pleased, we sat together and watched the people of the bar, wondering any had seen – but not really caring either way.


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