[MF] Nerdy Girl from Algebra, Part 4

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f8yv3p/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f938y5/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_2/), [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f9hwrh/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_3/)

I arrived in at Algebra class and sat down in my usual spot, but the nameless nerdy dom girl never showed.

I scanned the lecture hall the entire 50 minutes the class lasted, but could not spot her.

When lecture ended I rushed to the door, and by that I mean I literally ran down the stairs to beat everyone to it. Then right before I would have left, suddenly pretended to have to look for something in my bag right by the only exit, so I’d be sure if she was in the room she would not escape me. I didn’t care if everyone else in the room thought I was some idiot – they would be right, I was an idiot for ass.

But all I proved as the room emptied out was that my great expectations were a giant bust.

I even hung onto false hope and waited outside the room, incase she would show up later. I don’t remember how long I waited, maybe an hour, before I finally admitted to myself that what had happened was indeed too good to be true.

It was maddening that I didn’t have anything to go on either. No way to track her down. I certainly didn’t have her name but I couldn’t even accurately describe what she looked like. In my memory she was the vision of lust but that was hardly helpful.

My obsession even hit the point that I desperately asked the prof after one of the classes if he “remembered a girl who dropped the class about three weeks before?”

He answered no, and that he hardly even remembered me and he was talking to me at the time.

So I gave up hope and when I did, as you do, sometimes you find something better.

What I found was that what I had with Kathy would blossom into something insanely satisfying.

After that “first” time with her, first time I’d taken control that is, things went to an entire new level of fun and filth.

In the beginning it was more of the previous: the unnamed girl was always on my mind as I progressed from spanking Kathy to pulling her hair, to putting industrial clips on her labia, to dripping hardcore candle wax on nipples. I pushed her boundaries and took every sexual inch she was willing to surrender, claiming it for a girl whose name I didn’t even know.

But as the time went, I feel in love with the acts before me as much as the possibilities that eluded me.

Pretty soon when I fucked Kathy’s ass, it was her mouth I lusted to put it in after.

And mind bending sex was really a gateway to a much more fulfilling relationship. I’d go so far as to say that by Christmas, Kathy was my girlfriend. I was absolutely sure I was the only one she was banging, or even wanted to bang, which was nice. And by that point, I was pretty satisfied overall with life and with her. It wasn’t love yet, but it might actually have been heading that way.

So of course, I had my final exam for Math 122: Algebra, and when I handed it in and was fleeing to join Kathy for dinner to celebrate the end of the term, the nameless girl was waiting for me outside the gym.

I wasn’t sure if it was really her at first. If I’m honest, I’d only spent an hour with her total, but it had been an hour burned into my soul.

Her eyes gave it away though; she had that stare that looked through me and into me. As soon as I recognized it my eyes locked with hers. I walked toward her almost from autopilot.

I started to speak and as she had done back when, she stepped to me and put the fingertip to my lips. I should have anticipated it. She left it there, touching me ever so slightly. It smelt like her pussy, or what I remembered it smelling like. It made my cock start to swell.

But she didn’t speak. She bit her lip. She made several false starts to say something. She bit her lip again, hard this time. God the woman could turn on sex appeal like a light switch.

Finally she said, “That whore… what was her name?”

I opened my mouth to answer. This time it was going to be my hearts reaction to say Kathy wasn’t a whore… not like last time when I thought the word just didn’t apply. No, this time I knew Kathy was some sort of whore, but she was my whore, and I cared about her. I didn’t want this stranger calling her that, even if frankly, this stranger had been the catalyst for me discovering Kathy’s wild side.

Well none of that mattered because as soon as I opened my mouth the girl who stood before me fucking bit my lower lip. And hard. I swore I could taste blood. I stepped back from her, honestly with a bit of fear, and she left her mouth hanging open, like some wild animal.

She basically hissed, “On second thought, I don’t care what her name is either…”

Then she stood up straight, straightened herself out, and seemed to regain her composure. A calm washed over her, which was a bit more unsettling because I wasn’t sure if I even wanted what was to come, but deep down I did realize I was a slave to this girl’s mouth, pussy and any other thing she might chose to use on me.

The wild smile from before was back.

She winked at me and said, “I still want to taste what you’ve got in those balls of yours.” and she reached forward, and cupped my crotch in her hand, gently squeezing it right there as people walked by. Suddenly as she groped me, and gently massaged me I was aware of just how in public we were and that anyone could just look closely and witness this.

She was in her own world though. She clearly didn’t care.

She continued her earlier thought loud enough for anyone to hear, “But before I eat your cum, you ARE taking me to that whore, and I am going to eat her ass…”

Suddenly all my fantasies flashed before my eyes, the one’s I’d only dreamt of and the one’s I’d lived out so recently with Kathy.

She squeezes my junk to snap me back to my currently reality.

“Well, nod if you understand?”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/falcyg/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_4


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