A Bold Move [MF][exh][1st][oral]


The history of my sex life is generally uneventful and
boring. There is one stark exception, though, which I
will tell you about now, the only really wild and
spontaneous encounter I’ve ever had. It is also a
cautionary tale, one that I hope others may learn from.
This is how it really happened:

My college dorm had an unusual arrangement for its
bathrooms. The dorm was divided vertically into
“entries,” small units with 6 rooms per floor. Each
floor had a single co-ed bathroom with two stalls, two
latrines, and a double shower. The arrangement was
probably quite sensible back when the dorm (in fact,
almost the entire school) had been men-only.

With women in the picture, new etiquette had evolved.
The bathroom door was normally open. If you were in the
bathroom, you closed the door. If you needed to use the
bathroom and the door was closed, you knocked – the
occupant would either reply “come in” if they were in a
closed stall or just doing their hair or whatever, or
“go away” if they were naked or just didn’t like

Some people, myself included, would even let others come
into the bathroom while we showed. The shower curtain
was opaque, and the practice helped to move people
through during the high-traffic times of the morning.

There was a mousy little girl who lived in the room
right across the hall from the bathroom on my floor. She
wasn’t what I would call really attractive, but had a
certain appeal because of her small size and shyness. I
didn’t know her name. She had dark, slightly curly
shoulder-length hair and slightly dark skin.

I had only ever heard her speak a few words, but she
seemed to have a little bit of an accent, and I imagined
she might be from Greece or Lebanon or some Eastern
Mediterranean place. It was not unusual for her to knock
on the bathroom door while I was showing in the morning,
and I could always tell when it was her by how soft and
tentative her knock was.

So I was in college. I was male. I was horny as hell. I
would often wake up with a powerful hard-on which I
would relieve with a little morning jerk in the shower.
One morning, getting lathered up and searching mentally
for a good fantasy, I thought of the girl across the

Not long after, I heard the almost reluctant-sounding
knock on the door. Hormones raging, I decided to have
some fun with her. I reached up and drew the shower
curtain. It would have sounded to her that I was making
sure I was completely covered up before giving her the
okay to come in. I wasn’t. I had drawn it open halfway.
I told her to come in.

The sinks and a long mirror were along the wall opposite
the shower. I stood facing the showerhead, away from
her, pretending to wash normally. She said nothing. I
heard the sink running. I snuck a quick look back at
her, trying to make it as natural a part of my washing
as possible.

She was in a pink robe, wearing her glasses (apparently
she wore contacts during the day), her hair a bit messy.
She was filling a small coffeepot at the sink, and she
was looking in the mirror at me. Seeing me seeing her,
she quickly smiled in an embarrassed way, shut off the
sink, and hurried out of the room.

I smiled at myself, pleased to have made an impression
on her, closed my soapy hand around my cock and gently
fucked myself as I thought about roughly penetrating the
mousy girl from behind.

It was only a minute or two later – I hadn’t had nearly
enough time to come – that I heard her knock again. I
was taken quite by surprise. I turned back to the
showerhead like I had been the first time, and told her
again to come in. The sink started running. And it ran.
And it ran.

I managed another glance. She had the coffee pot again.
I was amused at how pathetic an excuse it was. She was
looking at me in the mirror. I looked right at her and
gave her my best unashamed, unaccusatory, friendly
smile, then turned back away. The water ran a little
while longer, then she left.

At this point, the adrenaline was really flowing. The
possibility screamed at me: What if she came back again?
What should I do? My cock was throbbing at full

I didn’t have time to decide. In under two minutes she
knocked again. I invited her in. She still had her
coffee pot. The excuse was way past ridiculous. She was
undoubtedly fascinated. Did she want me to fuck her? I
guessed she probably didn’t know, just kept coming back
because she felt drawn. I couldn’t imagine that she was
very sexually experienced. Perhaps a virgin, perhaps
not, but definitely inexperienced. What did I want? I
had to do something.

My adrenaline level was so high I was having mild
shakes. What did I want? It was too difficult, so I
retreated to an easier question: What did I not want? I
decided that this was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of
opportunity, that what I would regret most would be not
having taken this chance at a steamy sexual encounter
with a near stranger.

This still didn’t tell me what exactly I wanted to do
with her, but I knew I had to make a move. She was
uncertain, so I had to be assertive. I was so hyped up
that this whole thought process only took about 5
seconds from start to finish. I turned around to face

One step at a time, now. Whatever we were going to do,
it would require privacy. The shower still running, not
saying anything, not bothering to dry off, I stepped out
of the shower, walked past her, and locked the door,
leaving drips and pools on the floor from my wet body. I
turned back toward her again with a gentle smile. She
looked scared, but didn’t move. Okay, that was a good
next step: calm her down.

“I’m glad you came back,” I said, trying for a
combination of soothing and sexy in my tone. I advanced
toward her slowly, put my arms around her waist, and
kissed her. She closed her eyes and parted her lips
slightly. She was a tentative kisser, at least right
now. I moved one hand up to the middle of her back and
tangled the fingers of the other in her hair. I pressed
my body up against hers and gently opener her lips wider
using mine. She was slowly but surely relaxing.

I tried a little tongue. She started to pull her head
back. More assertive, I thought. If she won’t even kiss
you, it all stops here. I firmed my embrace behind her
head and leaned further in, my tongue probing her
boldly. In two seconds, she responded. I got the feeling
she had never kissed like this before, but in an abrupt
reversal, she started frenching me enthusiastically and
reciprocating the pressure of my body against hers.

I let it go on for about 90 seconds. Then it was clearly
time for escalation. An important wall had been broken
down in her: she was now happily involved in an act of
passion with me. I still didn’t know where it was all
headed, but I knew I wanted to keep the momentum. I
moved both my hands slowly down to her ass. I caressed
both her cheeks through her robe and whatever else she
had on underneath. (What that was, I hadn’t had the
opportunity to find out yet.) Then I held her firmly by
the hips and ground my pelvis against hers. She
immediately grabbed my ass and sunk her fingers deeply
into the cheeks, exhaling impatiently.

This was nice, but I could tell it wouldn’t be long
before I rubbed my dick raw against the terrycloth of
her robe. I reluctantly withdrew from her mouth and
turned my attention to her neck, my body pulling back
just a hair from hers as I moved lower. Her hands went
to my head and she ran her fingers through my hair,
letting her head tilt back as I nibbled around her

I undid the tie of her robe and reached inside to cup
her breasts through the faded blue t-shirt she wore
underneath. She was braless, of course, and her breasts
felt magical, only about a B-cup, I would guess, but the
perfect size for her frame. I continued to let my body
slowly sink, planting kisses down the front of her shirt
to her belly until I was kneeling in front of her, my
hands now on her hips.

It had been as perfect as a wet dream up to this point,
but I was getting too lost in it, and wasn’t being
careful enough. Too soon, I slipped my hands under the
hem of her shirt and into the waistband of her plain,
somewhat old, white panties, one hand at each hip,
intending to strip the panties swiftly off. It was as if
she woke suddenly from a trance.

She gripped my wrists and looked down at me with an
almost terrified expression. I looked back, frozen and
suddenly confused. Damn! Then she turned quickly and
yanked the door handle. It didn’t open – you’ll remember
I had locked it a few minutes earlier. She hurriedly and
clumsily unlocked the door with her shaky hands as I
stood and put a hand on her shoulder rather tentatively.
She ignored my gesture and ran out of the bathroom, a
few steps across the hall, and disappeared into her
room. Damn, damn, damn!

I turned off the shower – I had finished washing long
before. I toweled off and started to wrap my towel
around my waist, then stopped and hung it back on the
hook so I could brush my teeth in the nude, just in case
she came back. She didn’t, so I wrapped it around me and
went out.

I paused, facing her door, for several seconds, lost in
my disappointment. Then – was I imagining it? – it
seemed I heard the faintest of rhythmic sounds coming
from her room. I glanced up and down the short hall,
then moved quietly closer and put my ear near the door,
not quite touching it. There was a sound. It was very
soft, but there was just the hint of the creak of a
mattress, then eventually, a muted, high-pitched squeak
that sounded like a choked-off cry, then a short while
later, another. My pulse was once again racing. She was

I knocked on the door. The noises stopped. Nothing
happened. I knocked again. I heard her getting up and
walking to the door. There was a pause – she was
probably looking through the peephole – then the door
slowly opened partway and she peeked her head around its
edge, hiding her body behind it.

“Can I come in?” I asked. She opened the door wider and
stepped back. I entered and closed it behind me, my eyes
fixed on hers and hers on mine. She wore her t-shirt,
but not the robe or glasses. I moved two steps forward,
which she matched with two steps backward. Then she
stopped and I closed the distance between us and slid my
hands around her waist, lowering my head to kiss her

Something was different: I couldn’t feel the waistband
of her panties through the shirt. My hands glided out to
her hips and back around her waist, confirming that she
had removed her panties to finger herself. We had been
kissing tenderly, but I swiftly ramped up the passion at
this discovery.

I ran my hands over her back and her ass, my palms flat
and firm against her. She imitated this, and soon tugged
loose my towel to include my bare butt in her caresses.
She was definitely back into it. The hem of her shirt
was riding up in the back, and I slipped my hands under
it to feel her bare skin.

I could feel the urgency in her now, and the
psychological barrier the panties had posed was now
gone. I decided it was time to try again. I dropped to
my knees, lifted her shirt a few inches, and kissed her
clitoris through a matt of pubic hair. She didn’t

I kissed up and down her closed slit a few times, then
began a series of short licks from the bottom up to part
her hair. Her taste was forbidden and delightful. I had
eaten pussy several times before and thought I was
getting pretty good at it. As I started to lick slowly
and firmly up her now-exposed outer labia, though, she
backed away.

The sudden rush of disappointment evaporated as quickly
as it had come as she sat down on the edge of the bed
and parted her legs slightly, holding out her hands to
me. I crawled a few feet forward and resumed my
ministrations, her fingers in my hair, holding me gently
to her.

My wet strokes parted her lips and caressed the length
of her open slit. I dipped the tip of my tongue into the
hole beneath at the start of each stroke, a little
deeper each time, and flicked her clit at the end, a
little harder each time. Her hands slowly pulled my head
tighter to her crotch and she began to move her hips to
my rhythm.

I opened my mouth wide and drove my tongue as deeply
into her as possible, then drew her entire labia into my
mouth and began to flick her clit repeatedly.

She lay back on the bed, then scooted herself up to get
her heels on the bed. My mouth followed, remaining
locked to her pussy, my tongue still working. Her heels
slipped off and she briefly tried to reseat them, but
quickly gave up and locked her ankles behind my head
instead. She held me tightly with her hands and her legs
and ground my face into her pussy.

Her inhalations were sharp, and she made a few of the
high squeaks I had heard from outside the door. Finally,
after about five minutes of my merciless tongue-lashing,
she began to breathe as if hyperventilating, and I saw
her abdomen tense and felt her shudder. I eased and
stopped my strokes as she released the pressure on my
head. I continued to kiss her wet pussy gently for about
30 seconds.

She propped herself up on her elbows, then struggled
upright and sat on the edge of the bed. I moved to kiss
her, but she tugged upward at my arms, indicating that
she wanted me to stand. I did, and she tentatively
touched my hard cock with the tips of her fingers,
lightly caressing it. I let her explore. She used her
fingertips for a minute, then her flat palms, finally
rubbing the tip of my cock in small circles against her
hand. This didn’t feel very good – more rough and
burning than pleasurable – so I guided her hand back
down and wrapped her fingers around the shaft, then
eased her head down toward it.

It was clear she had never given a blowjob before. She
kissed the shaft and the head here and there with pursed
lips, then gave several very small licks. She kissed the
head with her lips slightly parted, putting it in ever
so slightly. She glanced up at me, and I could see worry
and frustration in her face. It wasn’t working. I
thought briefly about trying to teach her to suck cock,
but I was worried about momentum. I needed something

I took half a step forward and found the hem of the t-
shirt she was still wearing. She held her arms up and I
drew it over her head and off, dropping it on the floor.
I cupped her breasts and held them together, making a
nice little cleavage between them, then pressed my cock
inside. My skin was clean and tacky, and her breasts
were dry. There was too much friction, and it wouldn’t
slide. My penis, still large, was starting to loose some
hardness. She looked up at me again, and I could see her
mounting distress at not being able to please me.
Something else, something else quickly.

There was only one other thing, and my racing mind
finally hit upon the key to make it possible. I kissed
her quickly and said, “Don’t move,” and ducked out the
door, naked. In a flash, I was across the empty hallway
and back in the bathroom. For reasons I never knew, and
didn’t at the moment care about, one of the other
residents of my entry kept a box of condoms on the shelf
by his (or maybe her) toiletries. I had always found
this curious, but it was now my salvation. I ripped two
off of the strip and dashed back to her room.

She was still sitting on the bed, exactly as I had left
her. She seemed a trace hopeful as she saw me re-enter,
then a trace fearful as I ripped open one of the condoms
and took it from its package. This was it. I pressed on.

As I neared, my dick grew fully hard again. Her eyes
were locked on it. She slid backward on the bed, lying
across it, until she could get her feet fully on the
mattress, requiring that she prop her head against the
wall. I rolled the condom on and crawled over her on the

In my sex-crazed delirium, I wasn’t thinking about her
possible virginity. After a brief pause to find her
entry, I slid cleanly in without obstruction. Whether
from previous sexual experience or tampons or something
else, her cherry had already been popped. She was small,
and I filled her completely. Even through the condom,
the sensation was electric. In no time, I was fucking
her roughly, her hands over her shoulders to push back
against the wall as I tried forcefully to drive her
through it.

With each stroke, I seemed to reach the very back of her
cunt, only to find myself going deeper with the next.
Her hips began to buck up to meet mine. In less than a
minute, I exploded into her with a cry. She reached down
to grab my ass and pulled me into her. My entire
consciousness was in my cock, and I floated on
endorphins. She hadn’t come, but mine was an unutterably
sublime orgasm.

We lay like that for a long time until my cock began to
shrink and I withdrew it to remove the condom. I gave
her an exhausted smile and said, “Wow.” She smiled back.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/f9366q/a_bold_move_mfexh1storal

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