I was a great explorer.
I had explored every continent. I had sailed every river worth sailing.
But eventually while traveling through a forest, previously untraversed die to unknown reasons, this great explorer met his match.
He was captured in a net while climbing a shear cliff face.
But who had captured him?
He hung there for the whole night, as it was late when he set out, hanging by his feet in the net, for the whole night and half the next day. When he awoke, he was still suspended but he heard voices. Voices speaking in some native tongue he had not heard before, (he spoke 8 languages).
But who was it that was speaking this language?
A group of very attractive women. No men in sight. All these women had long, flowing golden locks down to their waste. But what what really different was what they wore.
They wore very rudimentary covers over their bodies. Not even worth calling it clothing. It was nothing more than a few bands of what looked to be vine.
It was then they noticed him moving and awake.
They spoke in their native tongue to one another.
One woman spoke to him in a very thick accent, she said “we do not have any men, we were cursed to only have female offspring, so any men are used solely for their ability to seed women then are released”.
He was so confused, this “tribe” was about 40-50 strong and only girls and women of various ages, no men.
But due to the ages of some of the girls a man obviously had not been through for a while.
But he was in luck, he hadn’t had any sex for a long time and now, well now he was going to get a lot.
Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f25cmh/in_writing_a_new_story_captured_by_a_tribe_im
Sounds like a fun story will be interested in reading what’s next
Looking forward to reading more.