Boss has a worker blow him.

So I worked for a company a was a production manager . I had 60 people I look after both men and women. Everyone had my phone number I got text all the time about everyone in people lives. One night I was playing poker with friends a women from work text me. That she was stuck in a town 2 hours away. I said I would come pick her up if she need to get home. We send text back and forth for 2 hour about everything. Do she said she did not need a ride home but she had the hots for me. I said OK but you do remember I your boss and I should not be talking to she about anything sexual. She said she did not care. So I said prove it. And she did. Sent me a picture of her tits. Over the next 6 months I have had blowjob in my office and fuck her in 7 different places at work. Then she got hurt a left work and found a easyer job. Than about 3 months later another women start flirting with be at work. So I call her in to my office and told her that it was not right I wad her boss. And she said she did not care jump on my desk and lifted her shirt up. And ask me if I like her tits. And yes yes I did like them. She give me a bowjob and we have fucked a couple of time . Then I left the company because it started go down hill because of the owner. I do still talk to both women. But there is something about doing a coworker that a turn on.



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