So I was commissioned for a strange erotica.

I have never written an erotica before and I was given a particularly hard (no pun intended) scenario. This is a gay erotica between a feminine kobold and a centaur. If that isn’t your kink, that’s fine. It’s not mine either. Still, I want to do a good job and so I’d like to share my first draft.


“Another drink, barkeep!” A deep voice rung across the rowdy bar. “Something that can actually get a man drunk this time!”

“Maybe you ask for a lighter drink, Phil, since, you know… You’re half a man.” Another patron joked.

“Hmph,” the tipsy man grumbled.

Saying that he was half a man, wasn’t far from the truth because this man was a centaur, a mythical combination of horse and man. With all the stamina of a steed and rowdiness you’d expected from a half drunken man.

“You sure know how to tease a man, Rudy.” The centaur snorted giving his friend the side eye. Rudy was a druid: intricate tattoos, fully intwine with nature, a bundle of magical energy, an insane knowledge of the arcane arts. A perfect example of what a druid should be. But more than that, he was an overall great guy. Charming, thoughtful, kind to everyone, even a centaur. Maybe that’s why Phil couldn’t help but fall in love with him.

“I do my best.” The druid gave a warm smile.

A slight blush appeared on the centaur’s face which was quickly hidden by a mug of ale.

“Sorry about all the noise. I know we’re loud, Mike,” Rudy said to the third companion at the table.

“It’s okay. I enjoy your company,” Mike spoke softly. “Even if Phil is a bit mean.”

Rudy laughed to Phil’s dismay, but he said nothing and simply watched with a bitter expression on his face. Rudy smile eventually faded and what took its place was a grim frown. Rudy, Phil, and Mike were a part of a massive civil war. Their kingdom was ruled by two separate monarchies, effectively splitting there land in two. And when two kings can’t get along, who else is forced to fight besides the common man.

“Today we took severe causalities. Around 200 men lost,” Rudy said bitterly. “There doesn’t seem to be a day where I’m not burying a friend or companion. When I’m not, I’m killing my countrymen. And the end of the war doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight.”

“Well, 200 men isn’t that bad,” Phil said trying to somewhat lighten the load. “I mean for what it’s worth last week we lost a hundred more… So there’s that at least, right?”

Rudy gave Phil a cold look that almost made the centaur flinched, despite being at least two feet tall than him. “It’s not about how many died. The fact that people are dying is the problem. This aren’t just nameless faces, but people. Mothers and fathers with families, children with futures. How many lives have I taken already? How many more do I have to take? You guys don’t have to bury anyone, but I’m a druid. I have no choice.” Rudy took a heavy drink from his glass. “Having to see all the mangled corpses of people you were just talking to a few hours ago… It’s maddening.”

Phil opened his mouth to speak, but couldn’t find the words. He was a centaur. A warrior at heart. He never thought about the lives of others when he took them. For him, the battlefield was just that. A battlefield. If he didn’t kill, he would be killed. Simply as that. Phil couldn’t imagine the struggle Rudy was dealing with. He wished that he had the sensitivity to console him, but that wasn’t him.

Mike rested his palm on Rudy’s shoulder, gently patting him. He knew nothing he would say could help ease the druid’s pain, but at least he could support him. Rudy noticed the atmosphere of the room dimmed and put on a safe smile to brighten things up again.

“Sorry about that guys. The alcohol got the best of me… I really should avoid the bottle. That’s more of your thing,” he nudged Phil. “Anyway, I’ve got to go. Duty calls. I have more ‘cleaning’ jobs to do before the day ends.” Rudy finished what was left of his glass and stood up from the table, making his way to the exit. “You can put the tab on me.”

“Rudy,” Phil called. “There are things we can’t change. All we can do is fight to end this war faster.”

“I know,” Rudy answered before disappearing from the bar.

Phil slammed his drink down. To everyone else, it was a drunkard acting up. But in reality, he was internally screaming. ‘All we can do is fight harder’. Great job Phil. That’s exactly what he needed to hear. Kill people faster! That’ll solve everything! I’m such a moron.

While the centaur beat himself down, Mike sat back quietly and sipped his drink, enjoying the odd spectacle.

A barmaid approached the two holding a large pitcher of mead. With a professional smile, she offered Mike a drink, “Care for some mead, ma’am? It’s popular amongst the soldiers and the nurses.”

Phil peered up from the table giving the server a blank look that confused her. “Sorry?”

Mike blushed furiously, but did his best to swallow his embarrassment. “I am a MAN, ma’am.”

She looked incredibly puzzled for a moment before finally registering what was said. “Oh! I’m so very sorry, sir. It’s just that you look… Err… Nevermind! This drink is on the house!”

“It’s fine. It’s fine,” Mike nodded avoiding the woman’s gaze.

Truth be told, Mike was really feminine looking. That’s not to say that there were no manly traits about him. It would be more accurate to say that he was a “beautiful man”. See, Mike is a kobold. And kobold tend to have specific defining characteristics for males and females of the species. Males had pointer horns, darker colors, and rougher scales. While females had smooth scales, duller horns, longer tails, and tended to be lighter in color. Mike, on the other hand, was a pure snow white with sharp horns that curled neatly behind his ears. His scales while rough had several openings that revealed patches of smooth underbelly. It didn’t help that he was so soft spoken either.

Phil never thought anything of it, but Mike was incredibly popular with everyone. The ladies and the men. For Phil though, it didn’t matter what he looked like. All he was to him was a war buddy and that was enough for him.

The server frantically poured drinks for the two soldiers, doing her best to cover her mistake.

“I’m very sorry, sirs! Please enjoy! I’ll be back with more drinks soon,” she said scurrying off before Mike could even reply.

“Well, Mike,” the old centaur smiled, “We got free drinks. Might as well enjoy them.”

He seemed a bit reluctant to take the free drinks at first, but… “Ah, whatever. I’ve never passed on a free drink before.”

…Mike took the plunge.

For whatever reason, the barmaid supplied them with a nearly endless amount of drinks. It had been a few hours since they first started getting free drinks. Now here they were on the 4th pitcher. She made a tiny mistake… Wasn’t this a bit excessive? Not that they were much better since they kept drinking everything she poured them.

Mike was far gone by this point. He was never a heavy drinker to begin with. It was surprising to even see him make it this far. Like Rudy said earlier, drinking was Phil’s territory. Being partial horses was good for a few things: carrying war supplies, running fast, and drinking huge amounts of alcohol. But even he had too much.

He grabbed the passed out kobold and tossed him on his back. “Barkeep. Do you have any spare rooms?”

“Yup. Head up the stairs, the third room to the right. Here.” She tossed the key. “Try not to fall down the steps.”

“Put it on Rudy’s tab,” Phil shouted as he made his way up the stairs.

The room was nothing too fancy. A few pieces of furniture were in the room. A wardrobe, a desk, a lamp, a bed. Simple. It didn’t make a difference to Phil though. As long as he had a room to rest in, he was fine. They weren’t need on the frontlines for a bit. He figured that they could sleep awhile, wait off the hangover then head back to the camp before they were seriously reprimanded.

With a sigh, he turned back to lay Mike onto the bed when he felt a sudden wave of pleasure run up his spine. Mike woke up. He softly dragged a claw up and down the steed portion of Phil’s body, curling it in a “come hither” motion. Phil relaxed for a moment before regaining his senses and tossing Mike off.

“Hey! What’s up with you!” Phil shouted.

Mike landed on the bed with a soft thud. He lifted himself up and blew a puff of air at Phil, his face red from the alcohol.

“What’s wrong Phil, you didn’t like it?” Mike asked, pushing out a fake tear.

“It’s not about liking it… It was just unexpected was all.”

“But you brought me up here for this, right? You wanted this to happen,” Mike teased.

“You’re obviously too drunk. I’ll just get a separate room and we can just sle—”

“I know that you’re in love with Rudy.”

Phil flinched, surprised that his secret affectionate towards Rudy was so easily reveal. Still he did his best deny the truth.

“What are you talking about? Me? Of course I’m not. That’s ridicu—”

“Rudy also knows,” Mike interrupted again.

Phil’s jaw dropped. The feelings that he so desperately tried to hide were never hidden in the first place. Maybe it was because he was drunk, but he couldn’t seem to organize his thoughts. But he doubted that being sober would’ve help either. All he felt was a burning shame.

Even so, Mike never stopped speaking. He just dropped bomb after bomb.

“Rudy knows how I feel about him too. But he’s too nice to tell us no. We’re his friends after all. And that’s all we’ll ever be to him,” Mike said flatly. “You know that we never had a chance. Especially, you. A centaur.”

He did it. He hit the one soft spot that Phil wanted to hide. A romance between a druid and centaur… It’s laughable.

“Nobody in their right mind would ever think that the two of you could mix. To everyone you’re a brute. Impulsive, crude, untamed. Everything he’s not,” Mike explained. “We’re both losers here. So why not just for one night indulge ourselves?”

This was a side to Mike Phil had never seen before. Each word spoken, honeyed and layered. He stood there mesmerized as Mike lured him in with his dark temptation.

“The love that’ll he’ll never show you. Your body that aches for his touch. Forget all of that. Spend the night with me. I’ll accept it. Your impulsive, your ferocity. I’ll take all of it. Of you.”

With those last words, he surrendered himself to his lover’s embrace, locking lips with the seductive kobold. Mike gripped around Phil’s neck and pulled him in for a deeper kiss, his tongue slipped into Phil’s mouth and the two tongues intertwined. Mike’s mouth had a sweetness from the mead they shared. Phil’s craved more of that sweet taste, pulling the kobold closer. They explored the entirety of each other’s mouths, only taking breaks for small gasps of air.

The two broke away from each other, dying for breath. Their faces, red and flustered. Their lust acting as a second round of intoxication.

Phil’s arousal reached its breaking point. He wanted to pin down the kobold and take control his fragile frame. Knowing how easily he could dominate only furthered his carnal desire. It was almost maddening, yet he restrained himself. Not wanting to get ahead of himself. To rush things. Instead he started by slowly peeling off Mike’s uniform. He undid the buttons on his jacket, revealing the smooth mesh of scale and snow white skin. The centaur ran his hands down his lover’s body. His scales were hard and cool to the touch while his skin was warm and soft, supplement by a bit of toned muscle. It was an odd sensation but not an unpleasant one. Mike cooed from Phil’s touch. He positioned himself so Phil could have better access to his body.

Phil continued working down the kobold’s slender frame until he reached his next obstacle: Mike’s pants. But Phil wasn’t ready to remove those just yet. He deliberately skipped over it, deciding to rub the kobold’s inner thighs through the cloth. A devious smile creeped on Phil’s face when he saw Mike’s manhood bulging obscenely, wanting for his direct touch. Lucky for it, it wouldn’t want for long. Phil grabbed Mike’s erection, wrapping his fingers around it. Phil gave Mike a few gentle tugs, gripping tightly at the base and easing it as he made his way up and back down again. Soft whimpers escaped from the Mike’s mouth as he suffered through the sexually torment.

“Don’t tease me…” Mike groaned, eyeing Phil hungrily.

Of course Phil was happy to oblige, removing his lover’s clothing in one swift motion. And there Mike laid bare. His smooth supple thighs, his slim waist, his engorged manhood; all of it on display. Phil smiled thinking back on how many people could only dream to see this, but here it was, all for him. Phil continued his ministrations. This time grabbing Mike’s member directly. Another gasp escaped the kobold who was unprepared for the centaur’s sudden warm. His hands easily covered the entirety of Mike’s penis. Though that wasn’t to say that Mike was small. Far from that. He filled up Phil’s palm nicely, throbbing wildly inside his grip.

Phil began stroking Mike eagerly. With each stroke, liberal amounts of pre-cum leaked from Mike. He lifted his waist, thrusting in time to Phil’s motions. Desperate for more stimulation. It was funny seeing the slim kobold swinging his hips furiously. It wasn’t that long ago where Mike was tempting Phil, but look how quickly things changed.

But Phil was done teasing the kobold. Now he wanted his cum. He quicken his pace, focusing on simulating his most sensitive areas. All the while giving loving strokes across his chest, stomach and thighs. Mike let out more pitiful moans, shifting violently under Phil’s expert treatment. Until he reached the point of no return.

“Ahh! I’m cumming!” Mike roared.

Wracked with pleasure, he threw his head back as his arousal boiled over and he exploded in Phil’s grip. Thick ropes of semen coated Phil’s hand, but he never eased his motion. He made sure that Mike was completely spent, waiting until he had gone completely soft before letting him go. Mike collapsed on the bed doing his best to regain his breath.

Satisfied, Phil let Mike rest and left to grab a towel from the bathroom. Hopefully the owners didn’t mind having to clean up their mess. Who was he kidding? They run an inn. They were definitely used to this by now.

When he returned, he saw Mike sat upright on the bed looking incredibly upset.

“No fair…” he grumbled.

The centaur tilted his head unsure what his lover meant.

“I wasn’t ready to cum… It happened too fast,” Mike pouted.

Phil smiled. Even though Mike was mad, it hard to take him seriously when he looked so cute. “We can keep going if you’re ready for round 2.”

Mike hopped out of bed and strutted to Phil with a seductive wave of his tail. “I’m ready, but this time you’ll be the one receiving. It’s only fair if you cum too.”

“Sure. I’m all yours.”

The femboy slid underneath Phil, unsheathing his member.


“Something wrong?” Phil asked.

“No. No,” Mike shook his head. “I was just expecting a bit more from a centaur.”

If Phil was a normal human, his 7 inches would be something to be proud of. But on a centaur, it was definitely a lot less than impressive. On average, a centaur could be 12 inches or longer. Even longer depending on the breed.

“Is that a problem?” Phil asked, unbothered by Mike’s reaction.

“No, it’s fine,” Mike smiled. “At least I’ll be able to fit everything in my mouth.”

He grabbed Phil’s manhood rubbing along his length. Then he opened his mouth, giving small candied licks across the crown. Phil closed his eyes and let Mike work on him. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t guide his head or even see what he was doing. It was one of the downsides to being half-horse he thought. But that thought quickly melted away as Mike’s tongue danced along his erection. He pressed his lips onto Phil’s head, slowly parting as he swallowed Phil’s length into his waiting mouth. Phil let out a small gasp that he quickly tried to hide. Mike smiled, glad to hear the stubborn old horse groan. Then he took the entirety of Phil into his mouth.

He bobbed his head up and down, moving in a rhythmic pace. Alternating between slow powerful suction and fast flickers of his tongue. He gave small loving kisses to Phil’s member, running his tongue up and across its girth before hungrily devouring it again. Under this type of treatment, it was near impossible for Phil to stand straight, let alone hide his voice. He rested his head against the wall and surrendered himself to warmth of Mike’s mouth.

“Fuck!” he groaned.

Mike sucked harder. Hearing Phil lit a fire in him. He wanted to hear more from Phil to see the strong warrior weak from pleasure. Waves of arousal assaulted Phil. Mike’s hot mouth, the room’s cold air, the teasing bobs of his head, his lewd wet slurping, all of it meshed together and pulled Phil into his climax.

Mike felt Phil grow in his mouth, pre-cum continuously leaked into his mouth mixing in with his saliva. He knew that Phil was close to cumming. He wanted it. He sped up, warping his tongue around Phil all while sucking down his throbbing manhood.

“Shit! I’m gonna cum!”

Mike slammed himself onto the base of Phil’s dick, ready to drink down his seed. Phil unloaded into Mike’s throat, showering him with a torrent of cum. Phil relaxed and let the pleasure flow through him. Each shot of seed felt larger than the last, yet Mike never moved, cough, or choked. He simply swallowed each load with a wet gulp until Phil gave him everything he had. He removed Phil from his mouth with a loud “*Pop!”* and stood up satisfied with himself.
