“Mmm.. let me see if I..” Clarissa was planning her ambush tactic when she was ambushed by a piece of paper. “Now who threw (pealing it off of her cleavage) this piece of.. of (she glanced at this stray paper) hang on a minute this says ‘For anybody who likes to get down with the tunes or even the artist who bring the beat! Cum out on the sexteenth for some heavy petting at the third annual Moan Down on the Beach brought to by..’ Oh yes I will get the interview of a lifetime as well as check out some of the boys” Clarissa typed the date down on her almost extinct bullet Vibraphone. “Oh shit, today is the pledge orgy” the look of terror struck her as she scrunched her skirt up. Grabbing a hold of her blouse and closing her eyes, “Please forgive me..” Pulling on the bottom as all five buttons popped off exposing her tits. Hooking her panties with both thumbs, “Just think I am pledging my self to..” Knocking herself off balance with her panties still around her ankles. “Will she ever learn? Stay tuned to find out..” voice came from behind her panties. “Who’s therrrr.. Ooo Ooo..” instinctively tucking her knees up to her shoulders. Still unable to see who was on the other side of her panties, the feminine style reduced the possibilities by twenty five percent butt that could still leave a few thousand more. “Ooo yes Ooooh yesss OooohOooohOooohOoooh no.. Oh fuckkk..” this one knew to go for the pussy. “Ooooh yesss (minus ten present more) Ooo OooOoooOoooo (rubbing my.. my..) OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss fuckkk yesssssssss..” the attacker let her tongue dip down on Clarissa’s unsuspecting asshole. “OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk please doooo.. (returning to the rubbing, the circular pressure butt never trying to enter) OooohOooohOooohOoooh Ooooh yesss fuckkk Mmm Ang..ie (taking in a deep breath) OooohOooohOooohOoooh (butt being cut off by her orgasm)” pulling on her own, grabbing, pulling, biting, ripping panties. “I will.. wi.. n..ot cum cuMmm.. Ooooh fuckkk I’m cuming” Clarissa was never a squirted butt would definitely flood someone’s mouth if pressed, Angie was pressing. Licking deeper then Clarissa has ever felt before, Angie’s tongue going from the back rim to deep in the pink sea. Causing a invertible orgasmic tidal wave of pure unadulterated pleasure that forces Angie’s tongue to batter Clarissa’s clit to submission, then it starts all over again. “I know (rimming Clarissa’s pussy) something that (sinking so deep in to the cuming pits) you did (locking onto her clit, battering it with a well practiced tongue) the other (tracing Clarissa’s pussy like a well tuned race car) day (rimming her pussy once again).” Clarissa’s cum has flooded out of her pussy, without Angie’s tongue to lap it up her cum ran down her ass crack coating the intrusive thumb. Angie was now kissing right around Clarissa’s slick slit, “Are you going to tell me or do I have..” putting more pressure on her thumb. “Yesss I I.. will yesss yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk yesssssssss..” clamping down on her ripped panties as the strain made more threads give way. “Yesss Ooo yesss it was me.. posing nake.. naked in front of of Ooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk (Angie’s tongue dipped so far down into Clarissa’s pussy) OooohOooohOooohOoooh Ooooh yesss Mmmmmmmmm (Clarissa’s panties finally ripped in two) Mmmmmmmmm it was meeee whooo whoooooo did bondage” Clarissa’s body rebelled, her knees clamped both of her triple S’s as Clarissa spread her goodies for Angie to choose from. “That was my panting job that you stole” Angie’s hot breath washed over Clarissa’s pussy causing her to spasm as the cum rushed out. “(Swallowing the cum, butt Clarissa’s pussy still looking volatile) Thank you for (going deeper yet as the smooth lips parted for the lesbian goddess) doing that for me butt (was it just one flick, Clarissa’s hands cradled Angie’s head pulling her back to the heat of passion) I wish you would have asked (hitting her clit hard, sucking, licking, kissing (yea, that does work), slurping from the very core) me first then you (tracing the quivering pussy lips back to the rim job) could have had me all to yourself. Congrats Clar you are in” wiping her mouth off on the hem of her shirt. “Dam, you are so fucking good” Angie winked before walk away, leaving Clarissa on the ground, her pussy still quaking.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ewglkp/wet_dreams_university_15_pledge_orgy_dream_master