“No Capes!” (Superheroine, Monster, Forced, Humiliation, Orgy)

You know what sucks? Finding out on your 18th birthday that you’re super strong and super durable…by crushing your boyfriend’s dick with orgasmic contractions.

You know what else sucks? The entire town finding out, and you wanting to be invisible up until the point you CAN be, at least when you’re not wearing clothes. Oh, but you can’t control that when you’re a super emotional teenager, so you’re either a floating outfit, or, well, you know.

You know what really sucks? Turning 21 and finding out that no matter how much you try, you can’t possibly drink your troubles away. (Yay, healing and regeneration)

Fast forward another couple years and a couple thousand miles away and you’ve got a whole new opportunity to make a name for yourself. So that’s what Gust did! (That’s me, my superhero name is Gust. I know, I’m working on it) Come up with a sweet outfit, stop some robberies/murders/whatever, and maybe get recruited to a big team. That was the plan, and it was working out pretty well…

Then came the day when I bit off more than my petite mouth could chew, and I went from being Gust, to being called…Gush. You can probably tell where this is going, but I’ll go on anyway, it’s why you’re here, isn’t it?

So Chester Yates is a regular guy, except for the fact that he can change into a wrecking ball of a Monster codenamed Malice.

Here’s the basics on Malice: Large, bipedal pseudo-reptilian body? Check. Super Strong? Check. Durable? Yup. Driven purely by rage and instinct? Didn’t know that going in, but check that box too.
You know what ELSE they don’t tell you, or at least not us girls?
Malice is hung like a goddamn elephant. Literally? Figuratively? I’ll leave that up to you, sickos.

(Spoiler Alert: Superheroes get horny. Yeah Superman exists, but Lois Lane’s a territorial ice queen, so…)

Now, I’m not saying it’s the first thing I noticed, but I noticed. I tried not to let it distract me from beating his ass, and I took the fight to him pretty hard. Suffice to say there was a bit of collateral damage to the area, but no one got hurt. So far, so good, right?
Turns out though, in this city, fights tend to draw crowds; bigger fight, bigger crowd. So when he managed to get the upper hand by grabbing my cape and leveraging it to drop me with a power-bomb, all my dizzy head could see from the small crater I created was a ring of people with their phones out. Great.

Because here’s where things really really….really started to suck.

Not only does Malice have my arms pinned at my sides, not only is my head scissor attack not really doing anything, NOT ONLY is everyone watching all of this go down…but…my fucking tits are out, and I can’t do anything about it. Now I’m not Powergirl, but you’d certainly have to be blind not to notice.

Here’s a few more things the world learned about Malice that day:
#1 – He’s got a giant, slithery tongue, which he has total minute control over.
#2 – For some reason, he releases fucking pheromones that reflect his mood; which as you can guess, changed when he realized that he had a buxom heroine (who may or may not have already been a little in heat) right where he wanted her.
All of which leads us to
#3 – He eats pussy like a god

It didn’t help that I already had my legs wrapped around his head, but when all of the oversized taste buds on his snake of a tongue slipped under my unitard and started sliming me up down there, I lost it. ‘It’, by the way, was everything: my composure, my dignity, my reputation, my grip on his head, everything. The next thing I remember is throwing my head back and resting my feet on his shoulders. He’s literally tongue-punching me so hard to try and loosen me up (yay, healing and regeneration…..again) that my tits are damn near smacking me in the face, and I can’t help it. No, I really couldn’t help it, between all that, the pheromones, being watched by everyone, being pinned, and it having been for-fucking-ever…I squirted everywhere, all over him, all over me. God, it was so much.

At this point, Malice stands back up, still holding me. I tell you now, I never expected to see what I saw in the crowd: those people that were still recording were doing so with one hand down their pants, the rest were flat out fucking in the streets.

(#4 – His pheromones are, shall we say, potent?)


So he flips me over and I’m just hanging there, arms still pinned at my sides, tits still hanging in the breeze, reeking of sex like never before. Then I realize that somehow his mushroom-tipped, railroad spike of a cock is splitting me in two and pushing my uterus up into my diaphragm. (Again, whether that’s literally or figuratively is up to you) I’m screaming for maybe a half second before it knocks the wind out of me. It takes a few thrusts before I’m smart enough to put my feet on his hips, try (keyword: try) to keep him from just pulling me apart from the inside. Luckily I gain enough back to breathe and try to think of a plan. You can probably guess how that went. All it really meant was that now his tip is hitting every single spot I can think of and I’m screaming like someone just turned my orgasm dial to 11 and broke the knob off.

How many times did I cum? Fuck should I know?

All I know is that whenever HE finally came…He. Fucking. Came. It was like a literal fire hose, don’t ask me where it all came from. I was filled pretty quickly, probably gained a pound or two right there, and it just kept pouring out, mostly because he kept thrusting the whole time. It came, well, gushing out of me. (either that or my squirting is the reason for the nickname, maybe both, who cares at this point) I don’t know how long it lasted, but it was long enough for at least a full half of the crowd to have gotten off on each other, honestly that was kind of hot in retrospect.


So after a while, Chester reverts back to normal, passes out, and I’m just laying there with a full womb and a bunch of pain. It takes at least a minute for enough people to put their pants back on and pull me out of that hole. Some of them are still pretty horny, and I can’t blame them. So I made a few friends and got to know them pretty damn well before backup arrived to clean up the mess. It’s me, I’m the mess.

Needless to say the official story never got out until now, but I was fired; can’t be pregnant on that job without raising suspicion. I still get the occasional conjugal with Chester at The Raft whenever I get the chance to call in a favor, and every once in a while some creepy porn site like yours calls me in to do a shoot.

Certainly not the plan, but hey, a girl’s gotta eat.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ew5dbm/no_capes_superheroine_monster_forced_humiliation


  1. Love the writing style!! Makes me want to write in the same fashion now hahaha Hope there are more villains that Gush will eventually encounter.

  2. I was pleasantly surprised by this, I ignored it the first time around but your other superhero story caught my interest so I came back to read these. Loved them!! Hope you keep it up!

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