The Bigamist Part 3 [FF, FFF]


Karl was a chef with two successful restaurants, one in LA and one in Seattle. He would commute between the two businesses and stay a week at each site, before returning to the other. Karl bought a house in each city, but the only problem was that each of those houses had a wife and children living in them. Karl was caught on phone camera with his LA wife, Anna, and the Seattle wife, Julie, found it, reporting it to police.

Karl eventually received seventeen months in prison for bigamy, but when Julie and Anna met, they found each other’s company supportive and soon, very loving. While Karl was in prison, Julie sold the Seattle house and took her three children to LA, moving in with Anna.

They had been together for nearly a year. Their children getting along like all siblings but, with two moms and an absent father, they had developed stronger and closer relationships. Julie and Anna franchised the Seattle and LA restaurants and opened other franchises in San Francisco and San Diego. Business was good, and there were more restaurants being planned.

Helping along this venture was Karl’s Seattle defense lawyer, Katherine Biggins, or Kat as she preferred, and the three ladies had developed a good working relationship. Kat was taking care of Karl’s residual legal issues while working for the interests of the new company, of which Karl was a partner in. That got around any conflict of interest issue that may have arisen. Ana and Julie’s former relationships with Karl did not impinge on the business, apparently.

Their marriages had been quickly annulled, property issues had been resolved rapidly, custody issues were not even raised. When he walked out of prison, Karl would still be a millionaire. Julie had deposited half the funds raised by the sale of their house into an account for Karl, and then purchased a half interest in Anna’s house, in LA, with her share of the sale. Profits from the franchise were split according to the original agreement and all three of them were well off.

There were, however, still a couple of unanswered questions that could no longer be ignored.


I then realized what I had said. “Ah-ah-,” I stammered.

“Oh? And why would that be you think?” Anna asked me.

“Is my Freudian slip showing?”

“Uh-huh! You bet it is.”

“So what do you think I am saying?”

“Mmmm no- you want to say something, you have to say it, I’m not going to be putting words into your mouth.”

“Like the sailor?”

“Ermmm -what sailor?”

“Sailor gets home after months at sea. Drags his wife off to the bedroom and proudly displays the tattoo he got on the end of his dick. It says ‘I love you!’ She takes one look at it and says ‘Fuck! You’re not home five minutes and you are already trying to put words in my mouth!'” I laughed, and Anna took a moment to work it out then laughed too.

“You are awful sometimes! But not quite,” she said, “I just want you to be sure of what it is you want and what you’re saying.”

“I’m not sure what I’m saying here, but look, we’re going up to Seattle to the meeting with Jerry and Guy, so instead of staying with my parents, how about we stay in a hotel and see what happens?”

“You mean go out for a night on the make?”

“Well, yes and no. Look I know someone who might be able to help us find that special guy.”

“One with a big dick?”

“Yeah, him, if you’re interested.”

“For a threesome?”

“Only if you’re interested. Mmm, or would you prefer to wait?”

“Wait for what?”

“For Karl to get out.” There I had said it. Finally, I admitted something that was haunting my nights, sometimes intruding on my days.

“What? Karl?” Anna looked shocked. “Wh-wh-.”

“Despite everything, I still love him. I love you, and him and it’s still damned confusing.”

“And he’s going to be getting out soon. But it’s not confusing for me, my love.”

“It’s not?”

“No, I dream of him, being with him, making love, but there is a major difference.”

“Oh, what?”

“You’re there too. I dream of him and you, the three of us, loving each other, being together.”

“You do?”

“Yes, I do and I thought I wouldn’t love him, at first, but he is so much of my life, I can’t give him up. I don’t want to give him up.” Anna leaned in and kissed me, and said, “I love you, I love Karl, I love all our kids and I want us to be whole, a real whole, all of us.”

I held her and kissed her, “You’ve said what I think I have been thinking for months.”

“And I wouldn’t want it any other way. The three of us, together.”


A few days later we were ready. We knew what was going to happen. We decided that we loved each other and, no matter what happened,we didn’t want to be apart.

We were going to Seattle for a franchisee meeting in a few days. Usually we stay overnight with Julie’s parents then return the next day. We really couldn’t do this without Mom and Dad, they look after the kids while we are away. Sooner or later, Julie’s parents are going to have to come and live here, in LA, if they want to maintain regular contact with their grandchildren. They had really embraced me, Hank and Sally. They they had met Ingrid and Joel, saw how well the five of them were getting along and appreciated that it wasn’t likely to be easy, but accepted it all.

The business was going well, so far. We had the usual complaints from disgruntled patrons, arguments with suppliers, inspections from local health authorities, preparation of documentation for Internal Revenue and a zillion other things. Running a franchise was supposed to be easy, I thought, well easier than a restaurant, but while the pressure was off in some areas, it was well and truly replaced in others.

It finally came, two months after our agreement that Karl was going to be given the opportunity to come and live with us – in our king sized bed. The letter we had been anticipating, dreading, expecting. Karl was to be released. Our former bigamist husband was getting out of jail.

My hands shook slightly as I read the detail. After fourteen months of incarceration he was being given three months parole, if we had no objection. We would be given an opportunity to speak to the Parole Board, if we wanted to. We didn’t have to, but if we seriously objected to his parole, we could make a statement to that effect.

Julie and I had begun discussing this moment long ago, what would be our reaction, what would we say. Julie’s letter would likely catch up to us soon, but as she had moved to LA, the WA authorities had likely not kept up with her. We had already decided on a course of action. We wanted him home, with his children, with us, his family.

Through his lawyer, Katherine, we had kept a reasonable correspondence with Karl, making it all official and business like, even if unusual. We had provided Karl with all the documentation, the bank accounts with statements, the business logs. We kept him informed of how our decision to expand by franchise was going, reasonably well actually. We now had four restaurants, all with the same menu, the same names, the same decor style, the same service.

Julie, or myself, had visited each of the franchises and spoken with the franchisee owners, letting them know that Karl was going to be invited to oversee the quality control, to ensure a consistent standard of menu, of service, of marketing. The guys in LA and Seattle were good with that, but San Francisco and San Diego didn’t know him and were a little uncertain.

Our response to the WA Parole Board was to be simple and direct. As there was no crimes of violence or property damage and no chance of re-offending we could not see any cause to object to the the early release. Karl was to be offered employment upon his release. If he accepted the offer, he was to be traveling between WA and Cal regularly. As soon as was practicable, he would be expected to be residing in LA helping future planning in the business. We requested he be released on his own recognizance to fulfill the duties expected of his position.

Throughout the previous year when we had begun this venture, Karl’s lawyer was surprised initially at our attitudes and had grown very supportive. We had met with her on occasion since the trial and had actually grown fond of her. She was a little older, but a lovely person, a bit severe, perhaps, and always business-like, but there was a heart under that law-encrusted exterior. She was the reason Julie and I met, actually. A bit more about her later.

I showed the letter to Julie and she read it with equanimity, confident we were heading in the right direction.

“So babe,” she said, “We ready to do this?”

“While we were talking about it, I was good,” I replied, “But now it’s here – I don’t want to lose you!” I broke down. I really didn’t and I didn’t want Karl to be a threat to us, to our relationship.

Julie hugged and kissed me, saying, “You will never lose me. I always want you in my life, in my heart, and especially in my bed.” She laughed. “And if Karl has a problem dealing with that, well tough. He’ll get over it if we kick him out.”

Would you?, I thought, would I? Karl or Julie? Fuck it, why not both? An image shot into my mind as Anna said, “And I am really curious as to how it would be to eat Karl’s cum out of your pussy!”

Euwww! I thought, but then that image, “I just had the opposite thought.”


“What would it be like to try and fill your pussy with Karl’s cum directly from my mouth?”

Julie laughed, “Karl is going to get a real hiding you know.”

“Looks like it, I wonder if he will be able to keep up.”

“Well, if he can’t we will just have to trade him in on a newer model!”


Laughing our way out the door, the kids were quizzical as to what was so funny. That night, everything seemed to have a really magical quality to it. The food was wonderfully aromatic, the sounds of happiness and laughter was prevalent, the clientèle seemed extra relaxed and the night just slipped away. Everything was just right.

The next day, we told the kids their father was to be released and then asked them if they would like him to come home? Their excitement was obvious, the general feeling that being deprived of their father was unfair in the first place, that the discussions we had held during the last year with the kids had not diminished their love of him.

“Moms,” said Patricia, “Are you okay with him coming home?”

The kids all looked at us expectantly, “Why wouldn’t we be?” Julie asked.

“Well, considering…,” she started.

“Considering you two….” Gary started, “Get along really well.”

“And your father..?” Anna asked.

“We like being here, with you, having two Moms, and five brothers and sisters,” Ingrid volunteered, “And if Dad comes home, then will Gary, Patricia and Bobby have to move out?”

I could see they had thought about this, unbeknown to us. “Not at all,” Anna and I echoed. The looks of relief passed over their faces, even Bobby looked like he knew exactly was going on. Anna went on and said, “We love having Moms and Bobby, Patricia and Gary here, don’t we?”

Ingrid and Joel both nodded, and Ingrid hugged Patricia, “You don’t have to move out of our bedroom.”

“When is he coming?” Patricia asked.

“We have spoken to his lawyer and she tells us that it takes about a week for the paperwork to be completed. So depending on the rules they lay down for him, it could be as soon as then or it might be a week or two more.” Anna said.

The kids were disappointed at that news, they expected him to walk through the door I think. So there is our answer, the kids agreed with us, they want him back too.

“Well, we have to go to Seattle on Monday, and the release will likely be on Wednesday, so we will see what happens then, won’t we?” I said.

“You’re going away again?” asked Bobby.

“Yes,” Anna replied, “We have our regular meeting with the guys in Seattle and with our lawyer. But, with Dad’s release, I want to go too and see if we can bring him home with us. Would that be OK with you guys?”

“Yes!” they all cried. They must miss him too.

Well that was all set, I thought. A better response than I thought, but then, it is usually adults who are confused over emotional decision making. The simplistic black and white emotional lenses kids have make it a lot easier for them at times.

We had managed to turn local management of the restaurants over to the franchisees and their staff so this left us with a lot less pressure on the daily organization of the restaurants. However, this meant we had to engage in a whole range of other activities we hadn’t considered before. We really had to put money into advertising, for example. Whereas before, we relied entirely upon word of mouth with support from various local, often pretentious, “gourmets”, or the “gormless”, I thought, we now had an advertising budget. As well as a whole lot of other things.

There isn’t a nationwide purveyor of the foods we prepare, we couldn’t premake, freeze then ship, a lot of stuff it was all of a quality that needed on-site preparation. We had to ensure quality control, and that is now causing us a couple of problems in San Diego, perhaps Karl can sort it.

In the meantime, we had to meet with Katherine, so we arranged a dinner at the hotel we were going to be staying at in Seattle. Katherine was to explain the Parole Board’s response to our letter, discuss the new contracts for future Franchisees joining us, discuss Karl’s role in the new business and a range of other things around the children. Ordinarily there would be a different attorney for each of these things but, for some reason, Katherine had just taken over our legal business and made sure we were all good. That was a topic for discussion, possibly, but after everything else, I expect, if there was time. Next stop, Seattle.


Dinner had progressed well. Katherine had not brought a lot of paperwork, but general discussions about how Karl was going to fit into the operations and continued growth seemed to answer an number of questions, in my mind anyway.

We got onto how the kids were getting along, how living in LA was different to Seattle, how Karl was going to fit into a family dynamic established without him. Anna told Katherine that we were going to try and live together, see if it worked. Katherine was surprised, actually.

“I thought…,” she started and then stopped.

“Oh yes,” Anna said, “We have a wonderful lesbian relationship, don’t we babe.” This was the first time we had said anything like this outside of our respective parents. We hadn’t said anything to the kids but Gary, Patricia and Ingrid had already worked it out. Although startled by Anna’s declaration, I still nodded and Anna went on, “For which we haven’t thanked you properly, yet.”

“Thank me? What for? You guys have taken the world on, on your own terms, I can really respect that. That’s why I have tried to be there for you because you are so self-determined to be strong. So why thank me?”

“For bringing us together. That wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t insisted on us meeting to discuss the business operations and how we were going to deal with them. Everything else has flowed from that.”

Katherine nodded, “It was, to me anyway, an obvious solution, as long as Bill,” her associate, “kept you talking and not arguing, I felt you might find you have a lot more in common than you may have thought. You have taken it a lot further than I had thought was even possible.”

“And we did,” I said, “And I am really grateful you saw it.”

Anna reached over and took Kat’s hand, brought it to her mouth and kissed it, Katherine was shocked, but didn’t resist.

“And now,” Anna said, “I think I would like to take you upstairs and show you just how much we love you.”

Anna kissed Katherine’s hand, again, and gave me that ‘I want to do this’ look. “I think that would be a wonderful idea,” I said, looking at Katherine.

“But, I’m your lawyer! We can’t it’s not…not… professional!”

“No, this is friendship and love, it’s got nothing to do with law or professionalism,” Anna said, “This is us being with a real friend.”


“‘But’ nothing. Fact is, we are not going to be seeing much of you, Karl is going to be coming to Seattle far more than we will be. So we aren’t likely to get a chance like this again.”

“I agree with Anna,” I stated, “We really haven’t thanked you enough for the friendship you have given us, far beyond the usual client-lawyer relationship. We know we want to share some quality time with you, and if that makes use all cum, then more joy for us.”

“I don’t -,”

“We know you were married, you have a daughter, divorced, but we don’t know if you have a current relationship. We’ve never seen a man in your life, don’t know if you prefer being with women. We just want Kat the person to be with us, not Katherine the lawyer, for a change.”

Anna stood and, without letting go of Kat’s hand, practically dragged her out of the dining room and into the elevator.

Anna was aware of the camera in the elevator,so did nothing that could potentially embarrass Kat. We walked to our room, opening the door and once through, with the door shut Anna turned and embraced Kat, kissing her, Kat kissed her back. I came in behind Kat and put my arms around her as Anna moved a little to allow me to cup Kat’s breasts. I ran my thumbs over her clothed nipples and kissed her exposed neck.

I could feel clothing being rearranged so started stripping our prey removing her upper garments, exposing her silken bra. I undid the clip and her shoulders slumped forward in surrender. I again cupped her breasts, feeling for the nipples as they hardened, kissing her neck, her shoulders.

Kat’s a little older than we are, maybe 10 years and her skin no longer had that fine soft glow of youth, but a deeper texture and softness were obvious. I stepped back again saw her skirt fall to the floor exposing a black lacey pair of panties covering her still firm ass. I quickly undressed and then pressed my naked body against her rear. I saw Anna’s head in line with Kat’s breast and a gentle slurping sound of suckling.

I molded myself to Kat’s ass pressing my boobs into her back and reached around to slide my hand under her panties. I felt the softness of skin and was surprised by the bare skin and small bristle feel of her pussy. Didn’t matter, I gently caressed her lips and felt the swelling of her clit. My face was buried into Kat’s shoulder and I felt rather than saw Anna stand upright, “Bed,” she said.

I had to let Kat go, just when I could feel the juice of her soft skinned snatch spreading over my fingers. Before I let her go, I had to look at that ass, it felt firm so I pulled her panties down, and saw it was as firm as it had felt. I kissed her ass, running my fingers up the inside of her leg. Kat shook a little but held her step, spreading her legs a little to allow me to touch her pussy.

Anna was still mostly dressed, and I looked around Kat’s waist, she caught my eye, letting me know it was going to be alright. I could do whatever I wanted to with both of them, and I wanted to do them both.


Julie got undressed so quickly I didn’t see her, and I love watching her undress. She is so fucking stylish, everything she does is stylish. That’s part of the reason I love her so much. It didn’t matter really, even though I love it, must have been when I was sucking on Kat’s tits.

I was being a real slut here, and Julie was going along for the ride – and what a ride it was going to be. I just knew from the start of dinner this is where I wanted to go, and I hoped that Kat wanted to cum too. She did. I hadn’t told Julie I had the urge to just bang Kat’s brains out, as I didn’t have a chance to. No idea where it came from, I just wanted her under my tongue.

I stepped aside and let Kat and Julie head for the bed and got undressed as quickly as I could. They lay there, Julie’s hands running over Kat’s body while kissing her. Kat was strangely quiescent, submissive even. Given her aggressive manner in a courtroom, her calm self assured social manner, I was somewhat surprised. Then however, she had been led so far, not been given an opportunity to take a lead.

Kat lay on her back with Julie kissing her, touching her, I crept forward and kissed Kat’s inner thigh, I wasn’t going to wait. By the time I had kissed up her thigh, Julie was gently masturbating Kat, and I wasn’t going to be denied here. I brushed my lips over the back of Julie’s hand and she moved it, giving me access to Kat’s sex.

I ran my tongue over her already swollen clit and down into her vulva, the smooth skin of her sex already slick with her moisture. The heady scent of a woman in heat captivated me, breathing it in, spurring me to get my tongue into her as far as I could. I licked her pussy lips and then her clit, which seemed to swell again as I licked and suckled it.

I was lost in the eating of her pussy, similar to what happens when I am eating Julie, only this was a little different. I couldn’t feel the little twangs of excitement as I pleasured her. I wasn’t getting the clues of imminent release that signaled a cum. I hadn’t felt a lot from her, I just wasn’t reading her signs. Then I felt a tension, an immediate grab, but little strength, a slow and low moan and a release. Maybe Julie’s noisy orgasms had spoiled me. I knew I made her cum, but what the fuck?

Julie took the initiative and kissing Kat, she moved down Kat’s body, kissing her breasts, her stomach, then she met me on the way up and she kissed me. Moving a little faster than me, and being in a better position, Julie straddled Kat’s face and lowered herself onto Kat’s mouth. I reached up to play with Julie’s luscious tits and raised myself to kiss her. The look she gave me though was really quizzical, then a frown.

Clearly, Kat wasn’t much good at eating carpet, which was really odd. She is such a go getter, a demon in court, yet a sexual dud? She is gorgeous, mid-forties, works out strongly from the look of her muscle tone and I hope I look as good as her in ten years. Yet, there was something seriously wrong. Then I got it.

I raised my hand and slapped her stomach. Hard. Kat jumped and squealed a little but I just ignored it, “That’s one of the finest pussies you’ll ever get to eat, bitch!” I said harshly, “You do a good job on it and I might let you cum! Do you understand me?”

Julie just about froze at my tone, her eyes widened in surprise, but I heard this whimper, “Yes, Mistress.” Julie’s eyes widened even further and I mouthed “Sub-Dom” and she got it too.

“Yeah, you put that tongue into me, yeah! That’s it! Don’t ignore my clit, slut!” On and on she went.

“Spread your legs, slut. I am going to finger fuck you!” I ordered and her legs opened for me. I ran my hand over her vulva and started gently masturbating her then realized that gentle wasn’t going to work for her. My movements became stronger and more harsh and her body began reacting to my ministrations.

I shoved two fingers into her and used my other hand to slap her clit. She was so wet in moments I put another finger into her, pumping my hand in and out. I could tell by her responses she was really enjoying this kind of treatment so I just went for it. I put my forth finger into her then cupped my hand preparing to fist her.

Without a lot of preparation and no oil, I forced my hand fully into her. It disappeared into her pussy right up to my wrist. My hands are not big but even so, it was something of a struggle to get there. Kat cried at the massive intrusion, but didn’t stop licking Julie. Julie’s body language, her moaning, her cries were all indicating she was about to cum.


I couldn’t believe the transformation in Kat. From really dull church mouse to a real fucking tiger. Her tongue just got to me, inside me, on my clit, I was going to cum hard, just then I saw Anna’s hand disappear into Kat’s pussy. That was just so fucking sexy, watching that sent me over the top and I came, real hard. I just about convulsed sitting on Kat’s face, and thought I was strangling her with the noise she was making, but then I realized she was screaming with pleasure as Anna fisted her.

“Don’t cum yet, bitch!” Anna cried, “You cum when I tell you you can cum!”

I heard this muffled “Yes, Mistress, only when you tell me to.”

Fuck me, I thought, what the hell? How could this happen? Dominant vertically and submissive horizontally? What caused this, I wondered. Just go with it for now, see where it takes us.

Kat’s tongue was just entertaining me, still, I’d cum once and she was working on getting me going again! What a dynamo! Anna’s forearm was pumping in and out of Kat’s pussy and her moans and cries were indicating she was getting off on it, but her tongue was working miracles on my clit. How does this work? I came a second time in quick succession, and collapsed off Kat’s mouth washed out for the moment. Kat’s cries became more and more urgent and I heard Anna say, “You can cum now slut! Cum on my fist!” And Kat came hard, with a massive cum blush all over her torso. Her cries and moans all blurred into the single call of a woman in orgasmic release.

Anna pulled her fist out of Kat, gently, then replaced it with her mouth. Kat was a little subdued, so I said, “That is one fine mouth on you slut, enjoy it.” The transformation was unbelievable. Kat really did start to enjoy it. I watched her action and reactions, listen to her cries and moans as Anna tongue whipped her pussy. This went on and on, I thought Kat was going to cum several times, but she didn’t, then I realized, no-one had told her to. I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it tight, slapped her face with the other hand and said, “You’re gonna cum bitch, cum so hard that even the walls will be talking about this for centuries.” Where this came from I had no idea, I’ve never done anything like this before. I was fucking brutal.

“Yes Mistress!” She cried. And she did, she came real hard. Again there was a bloom of rouge over her upper torso. A real cum blush. Her breasts were heaving at the spasms of pleasure sweeping through her.

Fuck me! I had cum twice, Kat had cum twice and Anna had been in control, mostly. “Now, slut,” I said, “You’re going to make Mistress Anna cum. You’re going to lick her pussy, then you’re going to fuck her with a strap-on. Got it?” I demanded. Kat was on her knees, head down and hands on her thighs before I finished. “Yes, Mistress Julie. I am going to eat her pussy then fuck her with the strap-on.” She didn’t ask where the strap-on was, she just accepted it would be there for her to use. “And you will do a real good job on it.” “Yes Mistress Julie, of course!” there was something in her tone that was hurt, but it was more about me doubting she could do a really good job, I thought.

Anna leaned back and spread her legs for Kat to get to her pussy and in moments, Kat was kissing along Anna’s thighs making her way to their junction. When she got there, Anna gasped in pleasure, which quickly turned to real pleasure, then into a real cum. In the meantime, I had gotten the strap-on out from its hiding place and prepared it for Kat. As Anna recovered from her cum, Kat put the strap-on on, like a real pro, she knew what she was doing, that’s for sure.

“Where would you like Mistress Anna? Pussy or ass, Mistress?”

“Pussy, pl- slut!” Anna replied. She rolled onto her stomach and lifted her ass, “Right in my pussy, slut. Make it good for me.”

“Yes Mistress Anna, I will do my best.”

Kat certainly is someone with hidden depths. She knew exactly what she was doing with this thing, a damned sight better than us, that’s for sure. I was really starting to feel a little jealous here when Anna signalled me to join her. She kissed me and as Kat was pumping her pussy, “Fuck, babe, when she’s done with me, you gotta get her to fuck you.!” She kissed me and I reached under Anna to play with her tits and then caress her clit. It wasn’t a lot after that I felt Anna hunch and squirm and scream into the pillow as she does when she cums as I’m doing her doggie. She fell forward and I rolled onto my back, “My turn slut, fuck me.”

I lifted my knees up high and gave Kat access to my sex. I felt the knob of the dildo slide into me, then Kat’s weight on me as she pumped in and out of me. I like the thing, but I’ve never felt I was using it right, or being used by it right. Neither Anna nor I really knew how to use it, but Kat did and she fucked us both with it like a true whore. She was fucking good.

My clit was being crushed by Kat’s pelvis, my nipples being squeezed by Anna, so I cum again in short order. After that, it was just a haze, I was well and truly fucked.


Unbelievable! Katherine was Kat! A Sub? Wow! In a few minutes we had each gotten our breath back.

Kat was now kneeling at the end of the bed, hands on her thighs, eyes down. Julie and I just looked at each other and now we had a chance to think about it, were thoroughly confused.

“OK, Kat, you’re a sub.”

“Yes, Mistress Anna,” she replied, “And happy to be one.”

“As long as you are ordered to be so,” Julie said.

“Yes, Mistress Julie,” she replied, “But I still enjoy it even if ordered not to, secretly, if I may say, Mistress.” She didn’t look up but there was a smile on her face, and gladness in her voice. You can’t fake that, I thought.

“A sub is usually in someone’s possession, I thought,” I said.

“That can be true, but in many circumstances, the sub acts as a sub in private but the Community allows them to be whatever person they wish to be in public, Mistress Anna, a free agent. I only receive an invitation to a party or gathering or an evening at the dom’s choice. As a free agent, I can accept or decline such an invitation, but if I accept, I accept all the rules that are imposed for that evening.”

“Do you decline many?”

“Not many, but a few at different times. I went for a year without accepting any invitation after Jeremy and I split. I was really busy raising Stella, rebuilding the practice, keeping the clients happy, engaging new staff, promoting new junior partners and so on. There just weren’t enough hours in a week to do it all, but I did, I had to. That is why the firm is doing well now, I got lucky and picked a number of really good junior partners and that made all the difference. Fortunately, most of our clientele stayed with us, even those Jeremy brought into the firm, well my fucking them helped. I really didn’t mind a return bout with most of those, some I let go because I really didn’t want their business, some I fought tooth and nail to keep, but lost anyway, it balanced out. We were smaller, leaner and meaner, and I got back into court. I had to and found it was really where I wanted to be. Friends, doms and subs all helped out and we have done well.”

“Okay, but how did you get here, to this point in your life? What’s your story?” I asked.
