Math grad student is surprisingly experienced [FM]

(set in the early 2000s, before hooking up apps existed, and chat rooms were all the rage)

Ashley really didn’t like this conversation. She was sitting in a local college bar with the other math grad and doctoral students from the university. Even though there was a much bigger city nearby that most of the students from her school would go to so they could revel with the students from the much larger university located there, the bar was packed. They were towards the back of the bar; the noise was loud but not deafening.

Ashley wouldn’t normally come out drinking, but midterms had just finished, and she had a particularly hard one in Partial Differential Equations. God that class was hard, like rethink getting a PhD in mathematics hard. She agreed to join them and had ordered a girly drink, but now she regretted coming.

“Seven” said Miranda with a chuckle, her large breasts shook to join her large tummy. “Another prime number!” responded Ethan, he had said five. They were all past tipsy, but not quite drunk. “Wooo” said Mark, high fiving Ethan. Mark had been the only broken double digits with eleven, another prime. That made sense, Mark was really hot, especially for someone involved in math. Ashley had answered “x” when asked and when probed confessed “x is greater than 0”. She really didn’t want to say it was actually one.

“Oh, let’s ask Jack” said Miranda looking towards the set of stairs to their location. Ashley looked at Jack. He was older than her and both had taken the same torturous test. He had drunk quite a bit more, being more accustomed to drinking. He was quite a bit like the guys she had dated, shy, awkward and dorky, much like herself. They were friends, having bonded during their nightmare like class. Jack had even asked Ashley out, but she turned him down, siting that dating coworkers and people in the same field was a bad idea. He agreed with that, saying it made sense.

“What’s your number?” asked Miranda.

“You have my number” Jack replied, sitting down. He had ducked away for another drink and a smoke and had missed the entire conversation. He was across from Ashley as she looked at him, he may be a five.

“No how many people have you had sex with” Miranda explained, giddy from the liquor “I said seven”

“Oh” He replied and thought for the briefest of seconds “umm 40…ish”

Ashley looked at Jack, the guy in his late 20s with the starting of a dad bod. She knew he didn’t date much and never having a girlfriend that the others knew about. She saw the girl sitting behind Jack whip her head around and turn back.

She looked at Jack, knowing the alcohol had loosened him up and thought, “what the hell?”

“What the fuck!?!” said Miranda, far too loud. “Are you serious?”

“Yea” Jack shrugged, ” why what was y’alls?”

“That’s more than all of us…” said Mark. “Combined” added in Katherine, she was a six and not a member of the prime club.

The conversation shifted to Jack as details were inquired about and given. Jack was standard in undergraduate, going to a religious type school. Never being very good with girls and all that, he didn’t lose his virginity till after high school and only had three partners until moving to his current area and having the larger city. He started chatting online in chat rooms, trying to date girls romantically. Turns out he was pretty smooth online and when the situation presented itself, he could close the deal quite well.

He wasn’t sure of the exact number, or quite a few of their names, some he didn’t even know when he was with them. He counted once and had gotten up to 28, but that was about 2 years ago, so he figures its somewhere in the 40s now. Some were one-night stands, others were multiple times; he had quite a collection of tales.

The Algebra class Ashley taught was packed and it wasn’t even as big as the list of Jack’s conquests. She stared at him, feeling flustered. She could have been one of them, one of his sexual conquests. Miranda glanced at Ashley; she knew Jack had asked Ashley out. She just grinned a drunken grin.

“Any of them married?” someone asked.

“Yea a few were” Jack answered in a way that sounded less like boasting and more matter of fact confession. “Their husbands knew or were there. Sometimes joining in other times just watching”. He smiled with a memory “One time, this was a few years ago. There was an older couple I had hooked up with over the course of a few months. We were hanging out talking naked, me and his wife were on the couch. He was sitting over on a stool and started to play guitar” he looked at Mark “he was a musician” Jack resumed “she started to give me a blow job and ended up climbing on top of me, the husband just kept playing. Only time I fucked with live music”. Jack looked at his drink thinking “they were the ones that told me that I was cuckolding him, and that I was what they call a bull”

Another question was posed “Ever fuck one of your students?”

“No, I try to keep all this separate from work” he suddenly smiles “I did fuck one of my student’s friend though. She wasn’t a student and didn’t even realize I taught her friend. We figured it out when she came over. She told me ‘I can’t believe your fucking Brian’s teacher’, which I had to reply, ‘Technically you’re fucking Brian’s teacher’ “. Jack added “she was on top, so it made sense”

Ashley didn’t mean to, but she pictured herself on top of Jack, giving herself to the man that she worked on crossword puzzles and math proofs with.

He says he’s going to go smoke, but they tell him to just do it there. Shots were ordered and drank, Ashley declined. Ashley really didn’t say much of anything at all, just had her mind wander. Jack told a few more stories, then came the question; “What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done?”

Ashley watches Jack intently as he thinks, he’s narrowing down which one. Dear god, she never thought he was like this.

“I fisted a girl once” Jack lights a cigarette “so I went over to this girls house and we talked for a bit then started the normal stuff, you know kissing, stripping, then I started to eat her out, you know standard stuff”

Ashley’s eyes got wide; he was describing sex as casually as he’d explain how he’d present a lesson to his class. She had never even had a guy use his mouth on her down there. She glances behind him and sees the girls at the next table all focusing on him, the one closest to him is turned around in her chair. Her nipples are clearly visible on her large chest as she stares at Jack as he talks. Ashley shifts in her chair and can feel her nipples rubbing against her much smaller bra, hers are hard too.

“So I’m working her with two fingers” he moves his hand in the air as the trail of smoke highlights the motion “and she asked for more, ‘sure thing’ I think, some women like three fingers” He extends a third finger up and keeps up the motion.

Ashley watches the ghostly trail of smoke silhouette the motion, thinking of that being her. She’s barely put one finger in herself, much less three. God Jack could break her.

“And she asks for more, I think ‘ok four maybe, never done that'” he lifts a fourth finger up to join the others, “then she says deeper…deeper”. His hands go higher. “I watched as my knuckles went in, she kept saying ‘deeper’ and I keep going”. He moves his hand and tucks his thumb in as he twists the trail of smoke in the air, like some sort of sex wizard telling the mythical tale of magic hand.

“We never even mentioned anything about this, I never even seen porn about it. But I watched as my hand went inside of her. This was new territory for me. I curl my fingers and move them around inside of her, girls like that with a finger or two, but this was my whole hand” He moves his hand in a sexual wave.

“did that turn you on?” asked Miranda.

“It kinda weirded me out a bit, reminded me of doing puppets back in vacation bible school”. He chuckles “so eventually, my hands in a fist and I start to just pound into her”. He makes a fist and moves his hand to demonstrate. Ashley watches and thinks “I want to be pounded, not with your fist though”. She sees two of the girls look at each other than back to Jack.

“So, after she orgasms a time or two, she tells me to take it out, which I do” He lowers his hand and takes a drag of the cigarette. Ashley hated his smoking, one of the reasons she didn’t want to date him, but now it made him look like a real bad boy.

Jack adds more “So I pull out my hand and think ‘well that happened’ and she pulls me in for a kiss and looks at me and says, ‘fuck me!’, I take a look at my hand’. He holds up his hand again ‘and think, now I’m not small by any means, but I’m not going to compare to my fucking arm” He laughs as some of the others laugh as well “never saw her again”.

“Last call” shouts out the bartender.

“You live in my complex, don’t you? Stone heights?” it’s one of the girls behind Jack, not the nipple one but another one. Ashley watches Jack turn to look at her “I do, you live there too?” “Yea think I’ve seen you outside your apartment smoking, you’re in the building behind me” the girl adds. “oh, down by the pool, they ever going to fix that thing?” Jack continues with his friendly banter. “Probably not” she responds, clearly not wanting to talk about swimming.

“Ever hook up with two girls at once?” this was the girl with the nipples. Jack turn his head to face her, “nope never done that” he answers. Jack’s neighbor looks at the nipple girl and shoots a huge lusty smile. “Unless you count a gang bang, there was two girls there”

“You were in a gang bang?” Mark asks, Jack turns back to his group to talk to them. Ashley watches the two girls behind Jack look at each other and the rest of the table. Ashley can what yet another girl say to the two near Jack but it looks like it included the words “condoms”. The girls’ table begins to get their stuff together.

“yea once” Jack says back to his story

“what’s it like?” Katherine asked.

“Logistical nightmare, I was barely able to get in anywhere there was like 12 guys or so. I ended up leaving, I wasn’t planning on that I just happened to be there, I didn’t know anyone”

“How the hell did you happen to be at a surprise gangbang?” Katherine inquires.

“Oh, I’m not telling you that” Jack deflects, clearing after all this there’s still some things he’d rather keep private.

The table behind them all get up, Jack’s neighbor saying, “hey we’ll see you around, okay?”. “Sure, have a good night” Jack says with oblivious friendly tone. Ashley watches as they leave and giggle, she glances around and sees the whole table taking note of the girls.

The math crew wrap up their evening, walking out into the night. “How are you getting home?” Ashley asks Jack, feeling suddenly very shy around him. “Oh, I walked, I just live a way down that way, probably help me sober up a bit”

“You sure you’ll be ok?” she asks, she wants to get him alone. Maybe ask him some more stuff, keep him from those girls she knows will be looking for him. She wanted to be alone with him and let him teach her stuff. But he didn’t catch her signals, maybe it was because she sucked at it or maybe he really did suck at picking up on that in person. Maybe she should find him online, or maybe she should insist. “Hey I thin….” she starts.

“Ashley” Miranda and a few of the others walk up “Mind giving us a ride home, we probably shouldn’t drive”. “Fuck!” Ashley screamed in her head, there was no way to fit Jack in with the others, plus since he was so close, he’d be dropped off first. “Fuck!”

“Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow if we aren’t all hung over” Jack says as he starts to walk away, lighting up another cigarette as he starts to walk away.

Ashley stare out at him as he walks. Damn he was such a nice guy, he really was. She had shot him down and it was a done deal. Even he said it was a good idea to be friends only. She had convinced him to never pursue her romantically or sexually again, she thought that was the end of it. Now she wanted him, she shouldn’t but damn did she want him, she wanted to get fucked by him.

“You coming?” yelled out Katherine.

“Yea” said Ashley taking one more look at Jack as he disappeared into the night, the smoke hanging in the air to outline his path. She fucked up and she had to fix it. She had decided, she wanted to be Jack’s slut.
