Where do I start?

I was tasked with closing the store. Again. As if coming to work for the Thanksgiving weekend and doing two weekends straight after wasn’t enough. My asshole manager John decided that I needed to help him close the store at 10:00PM. He said that I needed to take more “responsibility” if I wanted to be a store manager – which I agreed to. I didn’t realize that more “responsibility” meant working myself to the bone at this thankless shithole.

The only good thing about this place was Heather. She’s probably the only person who made this place even close to bearable. Brunette, doe-eyed hazel eyes, and a cute butt. She’s definitely on the cutesy, geeky girl who could easily have an insta-following. Lucky for me, she doesn’t. I can’t believe some guys pass over her because they’d rather fuck some shrimp-face with boobs than Heather. Thank god, some guys are so singularly minded that they wouldn’t fuck anything less than a 32B. Fuck them. I’d fuck her any time of day.

The only problem is that Heather wanted the same job that I’m vying for.

That and that she’s a lot better at ass-kissing. At least better than me.

You can imagine my surprise when I heard them agreeing to an “arrangement” in making sure she gets the position.

All big box stores have the same layout. A large floor for merchandise displays, a dimly lit hallway leading to the restroom, a storage area at the back of the store for inventory, and finally, the not so motivating employee locker/meeting room to hold all those wonderful motivational meetings for the retail staff. Most if not all of these places have security cameras up the wazoo to record and prevent any kind of theft. The only places without cameras would obviously be those dingy restrooms that perpetually smelled like urine and looked like a pack of wet dogs decided to dry themselves and no one bothered to clean up. That and of course the break/locker room.

The Best Buy where I worked is no different. Except that this break room had a camera, and it belonged to me.

“So John, is there anything else that I can do in helping me considered for the position?”

I recognize Heather’s voice. I freeze. The lockers in the break room were separated by a small divider just beside the door where they entered.

“You know, I know you’ve worked really hard for this. It tears me up because Kyle’s worked even harder. Closing the store for the past two weekends, working over the holidays. I’m definitely considering him for the promotion.”

Finally, some fucking acknowledgement. Thanks John. It’s too bad you couldn’t say that to my face or in front of everyone else.

“Just because he works hard doesn’t mean he’s the right guy for the job. I can work hard too, and I’m really good at pleasing the customers. I know exactly what they need.”

God, I can tell by the intonation of her voice that she’s doing that daddy voice. I bet she’s slowly tugging the tips of her hair. She usually does that when she wants something from me. And I’m a sucker for falling for it. Every. Time.

“Heather, I’m not sure. I have to go with my gut.”

”Are you sure I can’t change your mind?” Heather says, again with that voice.

Silence. For only a second. The next thing I know, I hear the unmistakable sound of a belt buckle unfastening.

What, the actual fuck?

There’s a utility closet right beside the lockers. I slowly sneak into it just to see what happens next.

“Ok heather, let’s see how good you are at knowing a customer’s needs. I heard you’re really good with your mouth.”

”I’d like to show you then.” She emphasizes the word “show” changing the tone of her voice. I got hard. Instantly.

“You know, being a manager means you need to be able to clean other people’s mess, it’s a dirtier job than what most people think. You have to suck a lot of dick every day. So… I’d like to see how good you are at sucking dick.”

I roll my eyes. Did he really just say that? Here I am, trapped in the fucking closet. Watching my hard work literally get blown away.

Naturally, I did what every good employee would do when they see some kind of misconduct. I started recording.

I can see both of them clearly. John was there, sitting on his chair where he would give those creesy (crappy and cheesy) motivational speeches. I saw heather take off her shirt. She straddles John and grabs his hand, places it behind her back and helps him unfasten her bra. Her brown shoulder length hair with curls feel slightly just above her nipples. She grabs John’s pants and pulls them down to the floor. She slides between his thighs and brushes her hair to one side and starts putting her lips on the tip of his cock.

“Fuck.” John moans as heather swallows his cock whole. For a forty year old guy who has no life other than this job, John is exactly what you’d expect in height and girth. Average.

Heather rhythmically goes up and down. Starting at the tip then slowly going deeper. I see John’s john start to hit the corner of her cheeks. Hearing his deeper moan every time she comes back to the beginning. Watching from the darkness, one thing’s clear to me. Heather’s really good at what she does.

I watch her face. Eyes closed, making those slurping sounds which only made the precum at the tip of my dick pool and drop down my shaft.

“How hard are you willing to work for it? Asks John.”

“As hard as you need me to. I also, always finish the job.”

“I see John grab the back of her hair, caressing it so tenderly” Then he grabs a bunch of her hair, his fist like some kind of giant scrunchy as he guides her head deeper. Eyes closed, his mouth gapes open as he pushes heather’s mouth deeper inside of him.”

Heather grabs his thighs and pushes her head to get some air. She licks the side of his cock going from the tip, slowly down the shaft, to the base.

John, still with his hand on her hair guides her lips back to the tip…then forcefully pushes her head in. I can see heather’s surprise not expecting it. Her eyes gape open as John moans and starts to get a little rougher with her. He stands up from the chair and grabs the sides of her head pushing her all the way in. Heather shuts her eyes, and John takes her out.

She coughs, gasping for air. Her spit coating his cock.

He slaps her on the face with it.

She stares back up at him. God, I would’ve come by now if it were me in his place. I would’ve spread my cum all over her face and hair and I would engrave the look of her cute face in the deepest recesses of my memory.

John stands up and Heather instinctively gets on her knees. He gently places one hand on her cheek and puts the other at the back of her head.

“I want you to look at me while I fuck that pretty little mouth of yours all right?”

She nods.

Just like before, he slowly guides her mouth in him. I see him close his eyes and open his mouth in ecstasy as heather, on her knees worships his cock. I see her round her lips a little more and hear John moan in approval.

“Fuck. I’m almost there” he growls. I see heather get more into it.

Without warning, John holds her face and full on pushes all of him inside her. Heather’s eyes blink open. John pulls out.

“No teeth you slut.” He says. “The more teeth I feel, the longer this will go on.”

He pinches her nose and her mouth opens in reflex and begins shoving himself in her tiny mouth.

I hear her start to gag as he starts to thrust. Still she holds it in. In between the gurgling sound, the moans, and the slightest of whimpers, I start to stroke myself.

He stops to give her a breath and takes her to the wall, pins her head against it, and slams his dick in. She doesn’t complain.

This went on for about ten minutes or so. The silence punctuated by her gagging, slurping, whimpering, breathing. Over and over again.

I finally hear him grunt in excitement as heather’s gag and whimpers slowly start to build up to muffled screams. He holds her head firmly pressed into his groin as he continues to thrust. Her head sandwiched between the wall and John’s legs. Heather starts to push against the wall to get some air but John holds her in place fucking her throat.

He lets out a grunt and continues to hold her still as he empties inside of mouth. Heather’s hands fall to her sides, relieved that it’s over. It took her a couple of seconds but I can see her start to gulp his load, swallowing every single drop.

John let’s her go and Heather gasps for air. The only thing I noticed aside from her hacked breathing was the remnants of John’s cum mixed with her spit slowly dripping on the sides of her mouth.

“So, can Kyle work as hard as that?” She says, wiping her mouth with her hand.

Fuck. Even if I did try, there’s no way i could beat heather when it comes to sausage smoking.

I had to stop stroking myself. Any louder and they’d find out that someone else knew about their little “arrangement”. I’ll have plenty of time to take the pressure off after I get home. I don’t know if I’ll ever stop hearing her gag whenever I see her put something in her mouth.

One thing’s for sure. After I show this to them, I’ll definitely be able to fuck both of them up in more ways than one. She’ll have to do more than just suck my dick to make this go away. And as for John, I’m sure this little video will surely make him gag.

Where. Do. I. Start?


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