Spinal Tap (Lara Croft, Creature, Forced O, Mind break/control)

Coughing, bruised and battered, hanging from her restraints in a blank gray stone room: Lara rested as best she could while bracing for the next round of ‘interrogation’.
The strength in her legs sapped from having to keep herself upright while being caned in every conceivable place, her arms long since numb from being elevated, she could only think.

A low hum broke the rhythm of her labored breathing, as the lights once again came to life around her. Through the heavy iron door, her captor entered. A tall, slender Scandinavian man, he carried with him a glass cylinder, capped at both ends by steel hatches, containing a semi translucent fluid, though she knew not what.

“It seems you are much more resilient to pain than I was lead to believe, Lady Croft.” His thickly accented voice taunted. “You are forcing me, in your resilience, to resort to methods I could and would not otherwise employ. You see, before you lies a being not of this natural world; a being of, how you say, extra-dimensional origin?”
Lara turned to high alert, a fresh course of adrenaline rushing through her, preparing her to react in whatever way she could.
“I assure you, Lady Croft, that even were you not stripped of all but your wits, that you could not harm this being. As such, it in turn has no intent to harm you. The intentions of such a being are wholly benevolent, in as far as it can perceive.”

The pressurized cylinder released at one end, triggered remotely, allowing the opalescent thing to emerge. The creature’s movements were like that of a gentle stream, mesmerizing and tranquil, yet still Lara held her guard, raising her feet and legs from the ground and pulling herself as high as she could manage toward the ceiling.
Holding this position proved to be a brief and futile resistance, as her fatigued body soon collapsed back down toward the waiting unknown. A wave of shock and fear took her as her toes made contact, allowing the creature to take hold and begin ascending her naked form. Her shock came not of pain, but rather the lack of it, as everywhere the being went, her pain subsided. Slowly, inching its way up her thighs, the being settled into the small of her back, where she could no longer see it.

From here, the contiguous form of the creature diverted into thousands of tendrils, each with a fiber optic glow, yet finer than the finest acupuncture needle. These tendrils wove themselves around Lara’s arms and legs, and where they pierced her skin, a wave of relief rushed through her. Not only could she no longer feel pain, she noted she could no longer voluntarily move her limbs, as evidenced by her Captor’s order to lower her to the ground, followed by her release from her bindings.

“I shall leave you two alone for a spell. Do try to enjoy yourself.”

Lara lay on her side, as waves of electric light pulsed through the tendrils slowly covering more and more of her body. Her face twisted and her brow furrowed as she fought to understand the way her body was betraying her to this sensation. As more and more of her thighs were tapped into, they opened wider. As her breathing quickened, her natural instinct to seize her own breasts sent a flurry of tendrils to them, instantly hardening her nipples and forcing a pleasured gasp.
Her sex responded in kind, awakening her clitoris and glistening with its own wetness. Another swarm of brilliant light wormed toward this new source of interaction, tapping into every nerve internally and externally, and as her body became awash in light, so too did her mind as sheer pleasure raced up her spine, the being’s reach extending directly into her central nervous system, grasping control of her every pleasure center.

Lara could not fight back the joyous tears. Every inhalation came as a delirious gasp, every exhalation a guttural moan. With every wave of light, her sex let loose a gush of fluid and this being, this thing, played her like a symphony until there were no pauses, no peaks. Her mind, body and this creature’s consciousness became one in a continuous yet indescribable orgasm that could have gone on for minutes or hours, time had no place in this bliss.

As she lay in her back, breathing as deeply as her once again aching body could manage, Lara fought back tears, this time of the pain returned and of how desperately her body craved the heavenly feeling she had been subject to. Though she was not bound, she could not find the might to justify escape. All that she could think of was what tidbit of information she could provide this man, once again holding the glowing canister, that he might deem sufficient. She knew a great many things he found of interest, each one was a potential chip she could use to buy just a moment of time in the embrace of the greatest lover she’d ever known.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/eupekh/spinal_tap_lara_croft_creature_forced_o_mind


  1. I didn’t expect to like that as much as I did. That’s some seriously beautiful writing.

  2. This can definitely deserve a pt.2! Especially love the part where Lara was scanning her mind for something to give the man in exchange for another round.

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