Pets: Old & New [Mf]

The circumstances that brought Sara to my office that day were well-calculated, but I’m sure they seemed mysterious to her.  I was working on a large deal with a vendor and we had trouble agreeing on a price.  I love to haggle, especially when I have a lot of leverage, but I began to understand my account rep was up against it and didn’t have much left to offer.  I asked if there was anything of value that he could give to sweeten the deal for me.  I had plenty of money available to close, but I needed a little something extra to feel good about it.

“Uh, Mr. Roberts, I’m not exactly comfortable with where this conversation is going.  We have a strict policy against any kind of, uh, financial incentives with individuals to complete a deal.”

“I’m not asking for a bribe, Greg.  I don’t want money or gifts.”

“Oh, that’s great then.  What would be something you would be interested in?”

I had come into Greg’s office a couple times during this process and had noticed a mousey little thing who they had stuck in a corner.  She brought me coffee one time and I saw some potential.

“I want your intern who was near your office the last time I was there.  I have a spot available and I enjoyed meeting her when I was in your office.  Not sure what her name was, but she was short, with long brown hair, and had those red glasses.”

“Mr. Roberts, I’m not sure what you’re asking.  I can’t, like, trade her to you as if your company is a sports team.”

“No shit, Greg.  I want you to end her internship and give her my card as someone who needs an intern.  Tell her she’d be a good fit and I have great connections.  All of that is true.  Easy peasy.”

“But why?  Sara is next to useless here and I’m sure your position would be even more demanding.

“Let’s just say I have confidence in my ability to get the most out of her.”

“This is very unusual.  Do you need this in writing?”

“No, Greg—I’m pretty sure that won’t pass legal review for you or me.  We’ll just call it a ‘gentleman’s agreement.’”

“And if we make this agreement you will pay the last price I quoted you?”

“That’s right, Greg.  That’s a healthy bump in your commission over my last offer, I’m sure.”

“Yeah, you could say that.  Well then, I guess we have a deal.  You send over the signed paperwork and then I’ll take care of Sara.”

“Outstanding, Greg.  Glad we could bring this to a close.”

“Yes, sir.  Enjoy your new intern.  If this is going where I think it is, I’d love to hear about it sometime.”

I laughed.  “I have no idea what you mean, Greg.”

All the paperwork was finalized and the next day Sara was standing in the door of my office looking confused and a little stupid.  I didn’t need her to be very bright, just obedient.

I stared at her for a few seconds.  She was wearing the red glasses, most of her brown hair was pulled back into a bun with stray strands all over the place. She wore a weird-fitting shirt and skirt.  It was tight in some places, loose in others, and wrinkled all over.  Besides being sloppy, it was hard to get a sense of what was underneath.  Maybe that was her idea.  She wasn’t unattractive, but it was obvious that she didn’t put much effort into enhancing her features.  As I assessed her, she started shifting her feet uncomfortably.

I cleared my throat.  “Sara, welcome aboard.  I’m glad I was able to bring you in.  I think you’ll be able to help me out quite a bit and I think you’ll learn a lot in the process.”

She looked at the nameplate next to my door.  “Uh, Alex, no, uh, Mr. Roberts…”

“You may call me ‘Sir.’”

Her mouth gaped a bit at that.  “What?”

“I’m a bit old fashioned and require my assistants to call me ‘Sir’.  You won’t rank high enough to use my name.”

She jutted her hip and crossed her arms.  “I’m not comfortable with that, Alex.”

A grin came over my face for a moment and then it became a smirk.  She was going to be a fun one.  “Very well then, girl.  We can send you right out the door you came and you can kiss those college credits you are working for goodbye.  And I’ll be sure to make my opinion of you known to my friends at the other firms in town.  Won’t be long before you’re disappointing dear old dad because you can’t hold a job.  The last place certainly didn’t try hard to keep you.”

“What do you mean?  They fired me.”

“You were essentially sold to me in exchange for giving up a discount on a contract.  The value was about $12,000 and I intend to get my money’s worth.”

She looked confused, but also flattered.  She pushed some of the stray hairs behind her right ear and walked a little closer.  “So you bought me?  That’s *so* offensive, Alex.  Why would you do that?  You should have no trouble getting an intern.”

“That’s true.  I thought you had potential and the contract negotiation offered an opportunity to skip the tedious part of the process.  This type of arrangement is not for just any girl and it can take a long time to find the right candidate.”

Sara’s puzzled face began to turn red.  “Arrangement?  Is this some kind of sex thing?  It better not be—you’re old and that’s disgusting.”

I crossed my hands and sighed.  I knew this dance so well.  “I’m not going to waste my time explaining it to you.  Feel free to turn around and waste your modest talent slinging fast food for the rest of the summer.  I’m offering you training for a position that will provide clear and simple tasks, very personal mentoring, and immediate performance feedback.  Once you complete your work, you’ll be able to apply these skills for many years to come.  You only get to be trained the first time once, which is what I enjoy and why I’m giving you this opportunity.”

I extended my hands towards her to encourage a response.  “That’s all very vague and I’m not sure it would really be that useful to me.  What is the job anyway?”

“Like I said earlier, you will be my assistant.”

“You have a secretary, sitting right outside your office.  What else would there be for me to do?”

“Rebecca used to be my assistant and she was promoted after being very helpful for a few years.  You may ask her about the differences between the roles, but it boils down to this: a secretary schedules meetings, arranges travel, makes sure documents are received and sent, and organizes anything that needs to be signed; an assistant handles personal errands, takes notes, does research, and makes sure I’m managing my stress.”

“That’s not a very inspiring career path, Alex.”

“You would have a lot of options here if you prove to be useful, but she chose to continue to work with me and I was happy to have her stay in a different role.  Past people in this role have gone on to work with the executive offices and HR.  If you impress the right people, you may find something that matches your ambition.  But all of these roles require you pay your dues first and being a Director’s intern assistant is where that journey begins.”  

“This is the most elaborate plan I’ve ever heard of for hooking up with college girls.”

“If that’s what this was, you’d be right.  But it’s not even close to that.  This is about you learning your purpose and fulfilling your potential.  If you could understand that, you wouldn’t be here but—spoiler alert—that is the outcome of this internship.”

Sara unfolded her arms and began to relax a little.  “And what if I don’t find that this suits me?”

I gave a little smile as I could tell she was warming to the opportunity.  “I’ll tell you what—you give me 2 weeks and I’ll sign off on your credits whether or not you decide to continue.  I think that’s a fair amount of time for you to get an understanding of the role.  Deal?”

She briefly smiled before pulling it back into a shy smirk.  “I have to say I’m curious about this, but I feel like there’s a lot you’re not telling me.”

“Think of it like one of your courses.  If I gave you all the details of what you were going to cover, would it make any sense?”

“No, but at least there would be a syllabus so I’d know what we’d be learning.”

“Very well—I will provide you an overview for you on the first day.”

“But I still have to give you two weeks?”

“For the credit—yes.  However, if you come just 1 day, I will set you up with another internship if you aren’t interested in the overview.”

Sara smiled again, this time letting it stay.  “Hmmm—you have addressed my objections, so I guess I can’t refuse at least trying one day.”

I stood up and extended my hand.  “Then we have a deal.”  I felt her nervousness as I shook her hand.  The first touch is always such a wonderful thing—her small, soft hand in mine.  Watching her reaction to my large strong hand gripping hers reassured me that my instincts were not wrong; she was feisty, but she needed me.  Even if she didn’t know it yet.

“We have a deal, Alex,” she replied, cringing a bit when saying my name as if she was regretting being disrespectful but not yet wanting to give in.

I released her hand and motioned towards the door.  “Rebecca has some paperwork for you to sign and we’ll see you on Monday.”

She nodded and backed out the door, not wanting to turn her back to me.  It was a curious move, but one I understood later when I caught her walking away from Rebecca’s desk.  She had a slender frame, but there was the suggestion of a round ass under her ill-fitting skirt.

Rebecca knocked on the door shortly after Sara left and I waved her in.  She looked down briefly and cleared her throat.  “I’m a little surprised that you’re going in that direction, Sir.”

I can’t say her reaction surprised me and I’m not ashamed to admit I orchestrated today’s events in part to perhaps cause it.  Rebecca had been a good girl for the last couple of years, but she had gotten a little comfortable when it came to my attention—she wasn’t used to my eye going elsewhere in the office.  This new development was a surprise to her and I planned on taking full advantage.

I pushed my chair back and patted my leg.  “Shut the door, Becs, and we’ll talk about it.  Sit on my lap like you used to.”

She kicked out the door stop and locked the door once it closed.  As she walked over to me, she was bouncing a bit.  I guess I had been neglecting her after I overextended myself while I was on the road.  She stopped by my chair, smoothed out her skirt, and gently dropped into my lap.  Rebecca was just a touch over five feet tall and her feet dangled off the floor as she nestled into me.  

I pushed her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.  Her cheek reddened and her head turned.  “I thought you didn’t want that anymore, Sir.”

“Why would you think that?”

“You stopped training me and then you put me out there with that new job.  I’m hardly around you anymore.  The other girls explained to me what it all meant.”

“And what did they say?”

“That I’m too old and now you don’t want me, but you felt guilty so you stuck me at the desk.  They told me you probably had a serious girlfriend or something, but then *that girl* showed up today.”

I nodded my head while I listened.  “Yeah, I can see why you’d question what was going on, but I explained that I’d still spend time with you.”

“I know, but you haven’t.  It’s been so long.”

I laughed a bit.  “It’s been 3 weeks, sweetie.”

“But that’s several days longer than it had ever been before.  Don’t you want me still?”

I moved her hand to the growing bulge underneath her.  She smiled a bit and then removed it.  “That’s not the same as wanting me.  Any woman can get you hard like this.”

“You’ve gotten very insightful.  I guess the distance has helped.  Look, I don’t want to hurt you because it’s my weakness that I find the challenge of training a girl irresistible.  And you were such a pleasure to teach.  But there was nothing else for you to learn.  You know I’m not looking for a partner.  I needed to create some separation.  I’ve never had this kind of arrangement last anywhere near this long and I’m not sure what the next phase is like, but I’m starting to get an idea.  Seeing you today sparked something in me.  I think it sparked something in you to.”

“I guess I thought you had just moved on from wanting something like we had.  Realizing that I was being replaced did make my stomach drop.”  She leaned into me, resting her head against my chest.  “What can I do to stay close to you?”

Her vulnerability was irresistible.  I moved a hand up her dress and felt the cotton panties I had expected.  In a vacuum, they aren’t the most exciting option for underwear but there was something about that girl in tight white panties.  Plus, she was always my juicy peach and I enjoyed how well they showed her excitement.  

I pressed my fingers into her slit through the fabric until they were wet.  I pulled my hand out and put my fingers into her mouth.  She sucked them as she held onto my forearm.  When I withdrew my fingers, she whispered, “Please, Sir.  Use me.  I don’t care if that other girl filled your balls, I want the cum.”

And that’s what Rebecca’s new role would be—the old standby when I wasn’t fucking the new girl.  That role also came with something that I rarely engaged in when she was my pet: a desire to humiliate and hurt.  I felt like I needed to warn her.

“Listen, it would be different now.  I don’t feel protective of you.  It would be rough.”

“You use me however you need to.  You own me.  That never changed.  You just lost interest.”

“Okay, but you won’t be my good girl anymore.  You’re going to be my dirty little office cumslut.”

“I think that would be an excellent use of me, Sir.”

I felt her breathing quicken as I abruptly returned my hand up her skirt and between her thighs.  I pushed underneath her panties and twisted.  My knuckles brushed her dripping slit as I twisted until the fabric ripped.  I pulled the remains of the panties off her legs and shoved them into her mouth.  She gasped a bit at first and then acclimated herself to the dirty gag.  “The entire office will smell your cunt after I’m done with you.”  She nodded with appreciation.

I put my hand back between her legs and quickly moved my knuckles over her clit until I could hear she was ready.  Rebecca always struggled with my cock, so I tried to get her as wet as possible before I pushed inside.  I let my hand linger after I was done and then reached further down until I felt her asshole.  I found anal in the office to be not much fun, but I wanted her to wonder if I was going to push into her dirty hole while she was getting fucked.  I rubbed around her asshole and then pushed against it.  I grabbed her face with my other hand and squeezed her cheeks a bit while my pinkie barely entered her ass.  “I’m going to use every inch of you.  I own all of you.”  She nodded vigorously and I pulled my finger out.

Rebecca was in shape, but her ass was a bit meaty—it wasn’t too big, but it was larger than it should have been.  I liked her slightly flabby ass and after probing inside her I decided I wanted to look at it a bit more.  “Stand up,” I growled.  She pushed her skirt back down and then stood up.  “You’ve been a petulant little bitch since I moved you out there.  I’m glad we’re moving on, but I need some retribution.”  With that, I reached up and grabbed her hair.  I firmly tugged her head down until I could grab her by the waist and then pulled her down until she was laying across my knees.  I could feel her heaving against me–I had never had this kind out of outburst with her before and it must have caught her by surprise.  I’ve been getting in touch with my darker side since we had last fooled around.

I lifted up her skirt and admired her ample backside.  Even from shifting around her ass was jiggling.  I pushed my hand between her cheeks until I found her asshole again. Then I moved my hand back and rubbed her ass for a moment. Her head was on my left side, so I swung my right hand back and then down hard with a flat hand to spank her fat ass.  A loud clap echoed in my office and she yelped when I struck her.  She whimpered slightly in the aftermath and I saw a large red hand print forming on her right cheek.  I then grabbed her ass and shook it, feeling her entire body move from the motion.

“I’m so sorry, Sir,” Rebecca cried out.  “I’ve been neglecting you terribly.”  I then gave her another hard spank on the other cheek and she gripped my leg as she groaned.  “Not again, Sir.  Please.  I’m such a terrible girl.  But don’t hit my bottom again if you can find it in your hear to forgive me.”

I considered her request and lifted her up off my lap.  I walked behind her and pushed her face forward over my desk.  I pushed her skirt up while I unbuckled my belt, unzipped, and dropped my pants.  I pushed down my boxer briefs and shoved my rock hard cock between her bright red ass cheeks.  I held her head down with one hand and pushed my cock against her asshole.  She cried out a bit in anticipation of the coming pain, but instead I showed her mercy for now and moved my cock down until I found her burning hot cunt.  I went in aggressively, but she was plenty wet already and I slid in balls deep immediately.

Her pain-filled cries became moans of pleasure as I pounded her sweet pussy. I held onto her hips while I thrust making her ass shake with violet waves.  My balls slapped against her as she arched her back to take me in deeper.  I had missed this–she could be a little nutty the rest of the time, but good god was she built for fucking from behind.  I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer, but I slowed down a bit to savor this.  Any time after was going to have expectations and bullshit–this was a surprise fuck we’d never get back.

I pulled out until only the head of my cock was inside and then pulled in again gentle, holding her against me as I remained stationary at the deepest point I could manage.  She moaned loudly.  “Oh fuck, Alex.  I love you.”

And there it was.  The real reason this all had stopped.  We had gotten too close, too intimate–she could never accept the limits of this arrangement.  I had missed being with her, but we could never be a couple.  I didn’t want a life with her, but that was more about me not wanting a relationship at all rather than not wanting one with her.

I wouldn’t make the same mistake with Sara.  I’d nip it in the bud.

But there were more pressing matters.  I tapped her right hip and she remembered her training.  I pulled out and she turned around quickly.  Knees on the ground, back arched, mouth open wide.  I stroked my cock hard in front of her mouth and then she reached up.  Her tiny hand gripped most of my shafted and expertly began to coax the cum out.  I grabbed her hair as she go to the critical point–I groaned.  “Oh, fuck Rebecca–eat that cum, baby.”

I began to spurt onto her face and into her waiting mouth.  She didn’t stop working her hand until the last spurt.  She moved the cum on her face into her mouth with her manicured fingertips, dropping the load on the tip of her tongue.  She showed me all the cum I had given her and then took a big gulp followed by a huge grin.

“See, daddy–I still can get your cum out.  I’m so glad I can make you happy after all this time.”  With that she leaned over to take my cock again in her mouth, sucking out the remaining cum and cleaning my cock and balls off.

“Am I a good girl?”

I patted her head, not wanting to encourage deeper feelings.  “Yes, sweetie–you were very useful for me today.”

She gave a half smile–not the response she wanted.  “You will still be hiring the girl?”

“I will, but you aren’t going anywhere if you can keep things in perspective.”

I could tell from the look on her face she understood me.  Her eyes filled with tears, but she didn’t let them fall.  She nodded quickly.  “Of course, Sir.  I’ll be whatever you need me to be.”

I was pulling my pants back on, signalling our time was wrapping up.  I smiled at her.  “Now, that’s a good girl.”

She cocked her head as she pushed down her skirt and gave a genuinely sweet smile.  I could see her trying to calculate if this was going to be enough for her.  I suspect it won’t be for long, but probably will for now.  She reached down and grabbed the ripped panties, putting them in her purse.  She traced her fingers along my arm as she walked by.  “Until you need me again, Sir.  I’ll be out front after I clean up.”

I watched her walk out and sighed as I saw her cheeks strain against the skirt.  I was about to dump gasoline on a wildfire, but the result could be amazing.  

I did need to fuck Rebecca’s ass again at least once before this all blew up.


1 comment

  1. Now I know why you call yourself thedirtyboss. Brilliantly written story. Characters, dialogue, setting, action – all perfect and highly enjoyable.

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