The meet up…part 1

It was a typical friday with one exception you and i planned on a meeting. We chatted for months online. You was a young attractive college girl.

You seem to enjoy chatting to me a older mature male. I was old enough to be your dad. You seem to like that though. We was both just enjoying this season we shared. You and i has this sorta secret relationship between each other.

Guys your age just didn’t treat you the same. You loved the mature discussions we had, laughter and daily attention you thrived on. I enjoyed your flirtation and your humor. We just seemed to want similar things.

Sure the relationship wasnt one for marriage we both knew this. I was currently married but in a dead bedroom relationship. At best that was very vanilla. I also had a hunch she may not be so faithful. But we seemed to just maintain for the kids sake.

You enjoyed the “game” you called it. Teasing and arousing a older taken man seemed to be fun for you. Your normal life you was always the “good girl” quiet and shy. How we ended up meeting online was a oddity.

You met so many that was just straight up jerks. You honestly didn’t chat very many guys because well you wasnt THAT girl typically. When we met online we just clicked. Any way, yeah it was a friday we decided to finally meet in person after months of chats. I got a hotel room and we both arranged a night away.

Amongst our daily chats we also shared secret sexual fantasies. You had mentioned how you enjoy the thoughts of a light dom male. You said how that you would melt under such. You wanted to be told what to do and so on…as i had meditated about that and we further learned more of each other i began to establish a fun filled focused evening for us both.

–the room

I had entered the hotel room and set my bag down on the dresser. The room was a large king bed room. Very nice, and was clean as expected. Refrigerator, coffee pot, and a balcony view. The bathroom had a jetted tub and a nice stand up full size shower. My phone began to vibrate, while im looking the room over, i recieved a text from you.

“Im here…in the parking lot.” you texted. My heart raced as this moment was approaching. I texted you back “ok, ill meet you in the lobby.” I slide my phone in my back pocket and stepped into the bathroom. Looking my self over i combed my hair once again, straightened my button up dress shirt a little. Smiled at myself and then headed out of the room.

I was wearing my nice blue jeans. They slightly faded, with my cowboy boots on. My belt is a nice 2″ leather belt with a nice buckle on it. My shirt was a nice dress shirt i had left just the top 2 buttons undone showing my white under shirt a little.

My hair is salt n pepper, very thick, and just a hint of a shadow on my face… my eyes are dark, and i stand over 6 feet tall. My build is solid, not fat not skinny.

I get to the elevator and press the down button. The elevator dings and i step inside. The anticipation is killing me. There was a older gentleman on the elevator already, we exchange nods and stand riding the elevator down.

The bell dings and the door opens. Then older fellow steps into opening and accidentally drops his phone. He bends over to grab it, basically holding me up from exiting when i look up and seen you.

You standing by the entry doorway just looking around with your coat drapped over your arms and a small bag sitting on the floor by your side. I had seen your pic so i knew it was you but your pics never did you justice.

You had long dark hair, that rested on your shoulders, your body was trim, and perfect in everyway. You was wearing a pair of tan dockers that hit you just past the knee. With a loose comfortable looking shirt. Sweater like material with a loose neck that hung down.

I froze as i was just taking your view in. It sure was a nice view and much different than pics. The older gentleman steps out of way…”im sorry” he says, walking away. I nod at him still focused on you.

I head straight for you. Then you look at me catching how confident i move towards you, you smile at me. Oh she is such a young vixen. Perfect in everyway possible, i think.

Once i get to you i smile. Being our first meeting i am very cautious of how comfortable you feel. I nod and say “wow i must say the pics you sent, ….does not do you justice at all, you are simply adorable.” As i finish this i hand you a single rose. It is a white rose. “Thank you” you say as you blush slightly. You reach for the rose and feel very shy.

“Lets sit here in the lobby and visit a bit first make sure we are still comfortable with each other.” I motion my hand towards a comfy chair. I bend down and grab your bag. We walk over and find a seat.

–the lobby

The lobby was really nice. All the couches and seats was all brown leather. There was at least 4 full couches, 4 love seats and like 6 chairs. It was a very large room. Nice and peaceful, dim lights and very soothing color patterns. They had a huge stone face firplace. Which they burned real firewood, not gas logs.

We seemed to click right off and really started making connections. I could feel the chemistry really increase. Her body language was all positive. Her giggles, and smiles, her body and legs pointed at my direction. I could tell she was feeling vulnerable.

“So shall we do this?” I ask. I could see your face change slightly as you knew what i was referring. I also could hear your voice flutter as you reply “yes please.”

By this time we was both feeling hungry to feed our desires. I grab your bag and lead you to the elevator. As we enter we continue our friendly conversation. The door pops open and i lead you to our room.

Opening the room door i hold it for you. “After you princess ” i begin the pet names for you. You felt chills down your spine and enjoyed my presence. You enjoyed the attention of this older male.

–back to room

You step into the room. After you look around i say “so you ready to get ready to eat?” You reply “yes”. You grab your bag so you can change. I asked you to bring a sundress for our dinner. I also buy you some pantyhose. I give you clear instructions not to wear panties at all. So you only have the full length pantyhose on.

I wanted you to feel them rubbing against you. Nice and firm. you grab the package as i hand it. You step into bathroom to change.

After you step out you stand before me. Im sitting on the bed. I look at you. You standing in your dark blue sundress wearing your black pantyhose. “You look amazing. Spin around slowly ” i tell you. I stand and take a step towards you. You spin slow as you keep eye contact.
“You look amazing ” i say.

I grasp your waist and stand before you. “Daddy is here now princess place your hands on my shoulders and dont move them.” I say firmly. You do as i say, then you feel my large hands go down to your thighs.

I feel your nylons…they feel so nice. Each hand on each thigh, then i slowly raise my hands higher up your dress. You only wear pantyhose as i told you feel so aroused. I raise your dress up and look at your cute young fidm bum as i start fondling it.

“You look amazing in those pantyhose princess ” i say then i bend down and kiss your lips with at first a gentle peck. Our eyes locked then i kiss you again this time pressing my tongue deep in your mouth. It dances with your tongue. We make out like highschool lovers as i have your dress up touching your firm bum.

After a few minutes i drop your dress and say “fix your self sweetheart ” you do so then we head out to the hall and for the elevator. We already discussed the restaurant and so we was quiet in hall. To the outside world we looked like father and daughter.

My distinct age difference and your young appearance definitely gave this view. As we enter the elevator the door closes. I grab you and pull you close. I raise your dress up and fondle you the way i want and you let me. We kiss again and you whimper slightly. The elevator stops i drop your dress, and we act normal as you fix it again. Walking towards the car.

–the restaurant

We drive to the restaurant and exit the car. I treat you like a absolute princess when not engaged sexually. You love all the attention. I hold doors for you and all. We get a table and we just simply enjoy ourselves in chat. We laugh and joke. Talking about any all things. Watching people come in and go out.

After we eat and finish our stay at restaurant we stand and start for the door. You need to visit the restroom and i kindly waited for you at the door as you did so.

You step out we smile then head towards the vehicle. I open your door and you step in. Closing it i enter my side start vehicle and we pull out heading for the hotel. Your heart is racing now. Knowing that we are about to engage in something we only fantasized about.

I reach for your hand and you place it in mine. We both was enjoying the moment. We reach the hotel and it seemed like no time we was back in the elevator. Again i grab you and pin you to the wall we make out so passionately you wrap your small legs around my large masculine body. The elevator goes up.

It stops and the door opens we immediately stop and then look at each other as we break out in laughter. Half giddy. We reach the hotel room and enter.

To be continued…


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