[mf] Sucky Vacation 16 [Complete]

Chapter 16

Jeff dreamed of being surrounded by silky warmth. He rose through sleepy clouds as pleasure pulled him towards sunlight. There was one spot where warmth flowed into a wet heat. The gentle suction on his cock finally drew him to full consciousness. He was still covered in sheets, but one section, just over his waist, moved in time with the sweet mouth drawing him to orgasm.

“Oh, Angel,” he gasped quietly.

The answering hum made delicious vibrations flow through his stomach. He shut his eyes to focus on the feeling. Hands twisted. Lips and tongue teased. Hot suction followed her mouth sliding up and down his aching shaft. Giving himself over to the pleasure, he strained to find that trigger that would break the mental block and unleash his flood.

Oral sex was always good, especially waking to it already in progress. As good as it felt, Jeff sometimes had a problem letting go. He wanted to cum so bad his balls ached, but he had to be in the right mental place to let it happen. Something about the idea of cumming in a girl’s mouth both excited him and made him pause.

He started by tightening the muscles in his legs and straining up into her mouth. Arching his back in time with her motions helped him feel like he was fucking her mouth. She responded by increasing the pace slightly and squeezing her hands tighter around his shaft. That felt incredible, but it wasn’t quite enough to get him over the edge.

Telling himself she obviously wanted this to happen helped. He imagined how it would feel to release a torrent of cum into her gasping mouth. She would drag her mouth up and down his shaft until every drop disappeared down her throat. That was the key for him. He wanted to give her this gift from his body.

Sweating now, he pulled off the sheets to watch her. The visual kicked his heart rate up as she made love to him with her mouth. He trembled on the edge. Her eyes were only half-open in obvious pleasure at doing this for him. Then he noticed her other hand stroking between her legs. The moan of pleasure wasn’t just about him. She wanted to cum as well.

Reaching down to cup her ass, he slid a finger between her cheeks to explore there. Amy initially jumped at his touch, but then turned slightly to give him better access. With one finger drawing through her wetness, he felt the familiar tightening of his orgasm.

“I’m cumming,” he announced to give her warning before releasing into her mouth.

Amy slowed but never stopped as she feasted on his body throughout his orgasm. The long, slow pulls of her lips stretched out his softening shaft and drew his last drops into her mouth. Her red lips were softly swollen as she finally released his tip with a satisfying pop.

“Now I can take a bit of you home with me,” she announced with a smirk.

“You didn’t cum,” Jeff said. “Come here. Let me help.”

“You gave me *four* last night,” Amy laughed. “And if I count the whole trip, I probably owe you a dozen.”

“It’s not about keeping score,” Jeff said as he pulled her to the pillows. “It’s about how much I love seeing your face when you cum for me.”

“Well, maybe one more for the road,” she whispered before opening her legs for him.

Jeff could tell she was primed and ready from her slick swollen vulva. He was still careful to wet his fingers in her arousal before rubbing her more directly. She kept eye contact the whole time, her eyebrows rising and dipping as he brought her along.

“You sure I can’t talk you into moving to Seattle?” she gasped.

“I admit it’s tempting, but you need to spread your wings, Angel. Time for you to fly.”

She squeezed her eyes almost shut as the sensations grew more powerful. “So you want me to sleep around like *you’re* going to?”

“If you want to,” Jeff said, still surprised by his own lack of jealousy. “I want you to find people who treat you like a queen, give you tons of orgasms, and let you grow without trying to change who you are.”

The words or his touch must have triggered her. She clenched down around his fingers and shivered with her eyes squeezed shut. The intense moment passed with a tremble and she relaxed into the sheets.

“I like the way that sounds,” she whispered at last. “But I’m still scared.”

Rolling her into his arms, Jeff kissed her face and held her tight. “You are so amazing, Amy. But we have to face it; we’re basically siblings. We’re going to spend the rest of our lives together, so don’t get hung up on things we can’t change. Be who you want. Love who you want. And I’ll still be right here for you anytime you need me.”

“Oh, that’s so sweet,” Lori cooed from the other bed.

“I told you and Shelly the same thing, goofball,” Jeff replied to her with a laugh.

“Okay, so now all the morning snogging and sentimental bullshit is out of the way,” Shawna grumbled as she sat up behind Lori. “I need coffee and breakfast.”

The quartet didn’t bother to shower yet. Packing and preparing for their flights would provide time later. So despite the strong scent of recent sex surrounding them all, they pulled on some clothes and made their way to the resort food court. None of the others appeared to be up yet, so they gathered around a table for four with their food.

“Looking forward to getting back to Ireland?” Jeff asked Shawna after they’d both had a few sips of coffee.

“Yes and no,” Shawna said with a glance at Lori. “I miss my mates and all, but this week has been… freeing. Not just the sex, mind you, awesome as it was. I just feel different now.”

“I know what you mean,” Jeff said. “I’ve never been this comfortable in my own skin. Before this trip, my biggest worry was about going to college in a few weeks and meeting a whole new group of friends. I’m just not afraid of that anymore. Maybe without stressing about it, I won’t come off like some kind of a dork.”

“Exactly,” Shawna said, waving a piece of toast to emphasize her point. “I am so glad I worked up the nerve to shag ya’, even if I was a bit of a tart. Now I can’t imagine being afraid like that.” She smiled at Lori with a wink. “Even with a lass.”

Lori gave a cute blush. “Can we still be friends? Online I mean?”

“I’d love that,” Shawna said and dug out her phone. She thumbed a bit and then showed the screen to Lori. “This you?”

“Yeah,” Lori said.

“Done. When you get online, I’ll be waitin’ for ya’.” Shawna ran her palm over Lori’s brown hair with a tender expression on her face. “I’ve had the *best* time. Be sure to let me know how things go with your mate Emma.”

“I will,” Lori said with a sigh. “I’ll miss you though.”

“You’ll always have a piece of my heart, love. You’re my first, after all.”

Lori grinned at the sentiment.

Amy let out a wistful sigh as she sat back from her empty plate to finish her coffee. “This whole trip has been full of firsts and I regret nothing.”

The rest of the group rolled in over the next half-hour. Shelly and Neal, Richard and Nessa, Bob and Jackie, Mom and Dad, each couple found a table nearby to eat breakfast. The conversation flowed easily for the first time since Bob began causing trouble. They each recalled funny moments, wringing the last drops of pleasure from an incredible vacation week.

One particular good memory prompted Bob, Dad, Richard, and Nessa to head over to the registration desk to verify if their vacations had indeed been compensated by the resort. The rest continued to share their favorite moments and sought closure with those going different ways.

Shawna and Nessa had the earliest flight out, followed by the rest at essentially the same time in the afternoon, albeit in three different directions. The hotel shuttle buses would take care of transportation to the airport, but packing for the return trips would require the remaining time in the morning. Just as everyone was getting up to go pack, Dad and the others came back with expressions of excitement.

“Okay, first, they really did make our vacation stay and park passes free,” Dad said. That brought smiles and nods all around. “We have an opportunity for something else, though. You know the resort has a cruise line, right? If we leave the money in our vacation account today, we can *all* take a week-long cruise next summer for no additional costs.”

That stunned everyone to wide-eyed silence.

“Seriously? A cruise?” Jeff asked.

Dad and the three others nodded.

“Mum, could we afford to come back and go on the cruise?” Shawa asked her mother with wide eyes. “And see Jeff and Lori and the rest next summer?”

“Yeah,” Nessa said with a grin. “I’ll have the vacation time and the only cost for us would be the airfare over. Do you want to do it?”

“Hell yeah,” Shawna laughed. “Oh, my God, that would be perfect.”

Lori hit Shawna like a meteor and wrapped her arms and legs around her body. Neal and Shelly gave each other a deep excited hug. Amy gripped Jeff around the waist and squealed happily.

“So I take it you’d all be interested?” Richard asked as he slipped an arm around Nessa’s waist.

The universal response sealed the deal. Dad kissed Mom before saying, “Let me go back and confirm everything, then we’ll go back to the rooms and pack.”

The prospect of another vacation together made leaving each other bearable. As expected, Amy, Shelly, and Lori took the longest to pack. Jeff had to sit on their overstuffed suitcases so they could run the zippers around the edges. After getting a luggage cart, Jeff, Dad, and Bob loaded the thing until the wheels flattened out.

The trip to the airport was punctuated with descriptions of the ship and all the amenities. Dad passed around the itinerary and room assignments as the group tried to decide how to arrange everyone. Dreaming of the next vacation kept them all occupied until they arrived to drag their luggage off the bus.

The first parting happened at the international gate. Since only Nessa and Shawna could go through, the group said their goodbyes there. Lori was tearful but upbeat. Jeff kept his smile pasted on as he kissed Shawna goodbye. Richard and Nessa didn’t bother hiding their affection or sadness at being separated. They spoke together quietly at the last and parted with a sweet kiss. Everyone stood there watching until Nessa and Shawna disappeared from view.

Neal seemed strongly affected by the parting, so Jeff stepped closer.

“You okay?” Jeff asked his younger friend.

“Dad hasn’t been this happy in a long time,” Neal admitted as he blinked back tears. “I wish they lived closer.”

“Don’t we all,” Jeff sighed and gave Neal a pat on the back. “Hey, I wanted to tell you how glad I am we got to hang out this week. If you want, you can friend me online.”

Neal turned and gave Jeff a back-thumping hug. “Count on it, man.”

Shelly grabbed them both at the same time and hugged them tightly. Jeff squeezed her back and kissed her hair.

“You guys made *everything* so special for me,” Shelly whispered to them both. “I’m gonna miss you so much.”

“We’ll still chat online,” Neal said with a reassuring tone. “We talked about this. Just go back and have fun this year. I’ll do the same. At least now we can look forward to being together next summer.”

Jeff smiled down at them with a proud nod. “Exactly.”

Shelly nodded, but her eyes were still shining with unshed tears. “I know. But I’m gonna miss you like crazy.”

“Good,” Neal said as they all stepped apart. “I’m gonna miss you all so much. I’ve been an only child my whole life and now I feel like I have a whole family. I mean, except for the sex stuff.”

His red-faced admission made Jeff chuckle. “With this family, that may not be *entirely* accurate.”

The remaining group had lunch in the food court at the center of the terminal. The dynamic had already shifted without Shawna and Nessa. Lori clung to Jeff’s side while he kept reassuring her with caresses and kisses. Amy smirked at her little sister.

“That first crush is always the hardest,” Amy whispered in Jeff’s ear.

Jeff nodded. “Give her a break for a while?”

“She drives me nuts most of the time, but I’ll cut her some slack. She’s been through more than any of us this week.”

Jeff considered that. Lori could present herself older than her years and had the last few days. The reality was she still wavered on the cusp between being a brat or embracing her emerging maturity. Shawna had supported Lori as they explored together, but now she had to return to her life alone, with new knowledge about herself and her desires. He didn’t envy her challenges.

Lori glanced up at him, perhaps drawn by his scrutiny. “What?”

“You doing okay?”

“What if Emma changed her mind?” Lori whispered with her brows drawn tight. “What if she doesn’t really like me the way I like her?”

“Then you’ll probably cry for a bit, take a deep breath, and go find someone else who does. And no matter what, you can talk to Amy and Shelly and Shawna and me about it all. I can’t imagine it’ll be easy even if Emma does like you. You have other friends that will probably judge you for how you feel or behave. Just know that we’ve got your back. Okay?”

Amy reached over and rubbed Lori’s knee. “We gotcha, li’l sis.”

Lori bit her lip and then gave a shy smile. “Thanks. For everything.”

Richard and Neal parted next as their flight time approached. Shelly hugged and kissed Neal until Richard and Bob physically pulled them apart, chuckling the whole time. Shelly kept smiling through her tears and Neal kept glancing back to wave every few steps. Soon they were gone from view and Shelly took a final shuddering breath to calm herself.

“Just one year,” she told herself as she clutched her arms. “Next summer. We can do this.”

“And plenty of calls over the Internet,” Jeff reminded her. “No matter what happens, I can’t imagine that guy ever forgetting you.”

“You really think so?” Shelly asked in a small voice.

“Guaranteed,” Jeff said as her two sisters hugged her tightly. “You never forget your first.”

Then the time came for Jeff to board their flight back to Houston. They all hugged and kissed each other, even Bob for a change. He gripped Jeff by his upper arms and stared at him with affection and resolve.

“I’m sorry for all the crap I caused this week,” Bob growled. “I want you to know that I’ve always been proud of you, even though I had no right to be.”

“I understand.”

Before Jeff could say anything else Bob pulled him into a crushing hug. Jeff tensed at first, then hugged his biological father back. Bob released him a few seconds later and pushed away slightly, his jaw trembling as he visibly battled his emotions.

“Have a good trip back and good luck at college.”

“Thanks, Bob.” Jeff had his own emotions pushing around in his throat. “Keep in touch.”

“I will,” he said as he backed away to stand with his family. “I will.”

When they lined up to board the plane, Dad patted Jeff on the arm. “Thanks for letting Bob have that moment.”

Jeff was still awash in conflicting emotions and just nodded.

“He’s more than just my best friend and brother-in-law, you know. We grew up together like brothers. We married identical twins. We’ve always looked out for each other. I’m glad you guys have started working through everything. I fucking hate secrets.” The last sentence was a mumbled utterance to himself more than a message to Jeff.

“Me, too,” Jeff said, yet felt compelled to add, “But you’re still my dad.”

“Always and forever,” Dad sighed.

They boarded the plane which sat three passengers to each side. No one wanted to sit in the middle seat if they could help it, so Jeff looked around for an empty row near his parents. A young woman sat in the window seat across the aisle from his parents, so he leaned closer.

“Is this seat taken?”

She looked up from her phone with a bored expression until she met his eyes. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing a University of Houston shirt over bright red yoga pants that hinted at her athletic build. When she smiled at Jeff, her face lit up.

“No, it’s free. I’m Alyssa.”

“Jeff,” he said and pushed his backpack above them in the luggage rack. When he sat, she was still watching him. “So you go to U of H?”

“Starting this year. You?”

“Yeah,” he said as he buckled the belt low across his lap. “Me, too. What are you studying?”

“Computer science,” she said.

“What a coincidence,” Jeff said with an easy smile. “So am I.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/eq5hwo/mf_sucky_vacation_16_complete


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