[mf] Sucky Vacation 15

Chapter 15

Jeff yawned as he picked over his breakfast options. He didn’t want a heavy meal, so an omelet was out. Fruit by itself wasn’t really substantial enough. Cereal could work. He picked over the boxes until he found some that didn’t look like candy. He put two boxes and a bottle of milk on his tray.

“Can I put mine on there, too?” Amy asked.

“Of course,” Jeff said and lowered the tray to accept her bagel and orange juice.

Amy wore dark blue shorts and a red crop top under an open white blouse that gave tantalizing glimpses of smooth tanned skin. Her soft brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail now that her beads and braids were gone. The change opened up her face up and allowed her penetrating blue eyes to stand out. Jeff couldn’t resist leaning closer to catch the scent of her again after snuggling her all night.

“Are you sniffing me?” Amy laughed as she pushed his face away.

Shawna chuckled as she walked up with her own tray. “Don’t worry, lass, he did the same thing to me. He’s seriously mental.”

“What? You smell good,” Jeff said as he joined the line to the cashier. “Morning, Shawna.”

“It *is* a good morning,” Shawna said as Lori walked over to put a giant cinnamon roll on her tray.

Jeff winked at Shawna, knowing how excited Lori had been all morning to see her.

After paying, they gathered together around a table for six in the middle of the noisy room. Jeff placed the food down for himself and Amy, then put the tray on top of the nearby trashcan. She beamed at him when he sat down next to her. Shawna plopped down next to Jeff with Lori on her other side. Shelly and Neal were the last to unload their food and join them across the table.

“So how’d the *family conference* go last night,” Shawna asked from her place at Jeff’s left.

Lori answered before Jeff could say a word. “First, Dad griped about us not picking up our room. Then he accused us of all having sex with Jeff until I told him I liked *girls*.”

Shawna snorted at the matter of fact way Lori dropped the comment. “Oh, yeah?”

“Then Uncle Will laughed and said the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Probably ’cause Mom and Aunt Kim still hook up.”

Jeff laughed even as he winced at the visual Lori’s comment gave him. Amy chuckled and shook her head as she spread cream cheese on her bagel. Neal gave Shelly a perplexed look.

“I’ll explain later,” Shelly told him with a sigh.

“Then Jeff told Dad to stop being an asshole,” Lori continued.

“Did it work?” Shawna asked.

Lori shrugged. “Who knows? Dad got sad and then he left. I guess we’ll find out today.”

Their parents arrived at an adjacent table with their breakfast trays which killed off that topic of conversion. The discussion turned to which parks or attractions everyone wanted to visit for their last full day. Shawna kept track of what everyone said and reported the results of her informal poll showing an even split between the movie park and the main park.

“Why not both?” Lori asked. “We can hit the main park now because it opens earlier for resort guests, then hit the movie park after lunch.”

Everyone nodded, so that became the plan.

As the group got up to throw away their trash, Mom caught Jeff’s eyes and gave a significant nod toward his uncle. Bob looked like a broken man, with slumped shoulders and dark circles under his eyes. All the bluster and bravado he’d shown the night before was gone. He would barely meet Jeff’s eyes.

Jeff waited as Bob stood to walk around the table. Amy clung to Jeff’s arm, glancing between his face and her father’s. “Do you want me to stay?”

Jeff let out a slow breath. “Let us have a minute. I’ll catch up.”

“Okay, we’ll wait for you at the bus stop.” She stood on her toes to give him a quick kiss on the lips.

Bob saw the brief display of affection and clenched his jaw before speaking. “I wanted to apologize for my recent behavior. It’s not easy for me to admit I’m wrong. And I *was* wrong. I’m sorry.”

“About what exactly,” Jeff asked. It wasn’t a flippant response. He wanted to make certain he understood what Bob meant and made sure his tone reflected that intent.

“I thought you were taking advantage of my girls,” he said with a frown. “They drive me crazy sometimes, but not one of them is stupid. I should’ve trusted them. I didn’t trust you.”

Jeff nodded his head and looked down at his feet. Bob sounded sincere. When he cleared his throat, Jeff looked back up.

“Kim and Jackie also got on to me about my double standards. I’ve never had a problem with their relationship. Hearing you say that you *loved* Amy, that you loved them *all*.” He paused and stretched his neck for a moment. “I didn’t understand. Still don’t, to be honest.”

“It’s easy. They’re my sisters now. I’ll never hurt them or let them get hurt if I can help it.”

“But the *sex*,” he said, acting like the word hurt him to say.

“That’s none of your business,” Jeff said firmly. “They may not be legal adults, but they’re old enough to make informed decisions about their own bodies.”

Bob chewed on that for a moment. “That’s what Jackie said, too.”

“Good.” Jeff considered his next question carefully for a moment. It made him nervous to ask, but Bob had opened the door with his admission of regret. “Are you guys seriously thinking of moving back to Houston?”

Bob shrugged and sighed. “I have no idea. It’s probably too late. You’re going to college in a couple of months. The girls will follow over the next few years.”

Jeff looked away, lost in his earliest memories for a moment. “I remember playing games with you. When I was little, I mean. I called you *Unca Bop*.”

“Yeah.” Bob offered the first smile Jeff had seen in a few days. “You were a cute kid.”

Jeff nodded and met Bob’s eyes. “Maybe it isn’t too late. College is close to home. I already plan to come home most weekends. If you did move back… I’d make time.”

Bob blinked in surprise, then sniffed as he rubbed his nose. “It’s something to consider.” His eyes got a little glassy.

“I’d better get going,” Jeff said, feeling the emotional moment between him and his biological father squeezing his own chest.

“Have fun today,” Bob said as he blinked a few times. “Keep an eye on them for me.”

“Will do,” Jeff said as he turned away toward the bus stop.

When he joined the others at the bus stop, Amy asked the question on all their faces. “What did Dad want?”

“To apologize,” Jeff said. “We’re cool now, I think.”

Amy stepped into his arms and he pressed a kiss into her hair. The scent of her washed powerfully through him. He felt something real for this petite young woman. Something significant had changed over the last week. It was going to be hard to watch her board a plane and leave for Seattle. He pulled back to meet her sparkling blue eyes. Her wide grin was infectious.

“Good,” she said. “Let’s go have fun!”

The six of them spent the day mixing and matching as they ran around or waited in lines for rides. Sometimes Jeff held hands with Amy, other times he snuggled Lori. Shawna rubbed his shoulders or hung on his arm. Shelly even let Neal go long enough to duck under Jeff’s arm for a while.

It had been the wildest week of Jeff’s life. He had expected his cousins, now sisters, to ruin his last real family vacation with his parents. Instead, they had turned a sucky vacation into an unforgettable week of connection and promise. Deep family secrets had all come out and despite the initial pain, the reality of his life hadn’t changed all that much. Biology isn’t the same as family. Dad was still dad, no matter what.

The last day of vacation eventually sapped some of the joyous energy. The ride back to the hotel was subdued by their impending departures to Houston, Chicago, Seattle, and Ireland. Shelly clung to Neal’s arm as they talked quietly. Lori sat in Shawna’s lap with her face nestled in soft red hair. Amy gripped Jeff’s hand and leaned into his body, her eyes gazing out the bus window.

“You okay?” Jeff asked her quietly as he squeezed her hand.

“It’s our last night,” she said without looking over. “Hard to believe.”

“At least we get to spend it together.”

Amy looked up with a bright smile. “True.”

Leaving the bus, the group wandered across the grounds back to the hotel rooms. Neal waited for Shelly to gather some clean pajamas before heading back to his room. Lori and Amy each took a bathroom to clean up while Jeff surfed the television. Shawna arrived clean with her red hair hanging damp around her face.

Jeff greeted her with a warm kiss when he let her into the room. “You seem happy.”

“I really am,” she sighed as she climbed on the nearest bed. “I never would have believed it if you told me a few days ago.”

“I know what you mean.”

The idea of feeling so connected to Amy, considering how the trip started, should have been impossible. There was no denying the reality of it now. That sense of connection extended to Shelly, Lori, Shawna, and even Neal. The group of them had come together in various combinations to explore and play. It had changed them all to varying degrees.

“So any regrets?” Jeff asked Shawna as he fell back on the other bed.

“Only that we’re leaving.”

Jeff nodded to himself. In an odd way, it helped him understand his parents and their weird relationship with Bob and Jackie better. He had only ever considered sex in the context of his romantic relationships. For reasons he couldn’t really articulate, the idea of Shelly with Neal or Lori with Shawna never made him feel jealous or envious. He was genuinely happy for them finding their own connections and pleasure.

Lori came in from the other bathroom only wearing white cotton panties and drying her hair with a towel. “Got bad news,” she sighed as she climbed on the bed with Shawna.

“We knew it was coming, love,” Shawna said as she ran her hand down Lori’s leg. “It’ll be fine.”

“But I wanted our last night to be special,” Lori whined into Shawna’s neck.

“Being with you *is* special,” Shawna said as she nuzzled Lori’s damp hair. “Nothing can change that.”

Jeff scooted off the bed to go to the other bathroom and give them some time alone. He borrowed his father’s razor and shaved extra close after a quick shower. By the time he made it back to the other room, Amy was reclining on their bed trying not to watch Lori and Shawna too obviously. She was completely naked but had a towel laid out under her waist. Jeff crawled up from the bottom of the bed while Amy ran her fingers through the sparse hair on her mons.

“Hey,” she said with a grin when the bed moved under his weight.

Jeff answered her with a soft kiss, spooning close to her on his side with his hand propping up his head. She looked up at him as she bit her bottom lip.

“It’s kind of hot,” Amy whispered in his ear.

“Let me cool you off,” Jeff whispered back.

He softly blew air across her nipples and watched them tighten up from the sensation. His fingers traced around her slitted navel before he rubbed his open palm over her stomach and up to cup her breasts. She gripped his head and pulled him down for a kiss while he rolled her stiff nipples between his thumb and finger.

The heat built between them as Jeff shared soft, open-mouthed kisses with Amy. Her fingers clutched at his hair. Leaving her breasts, Jeff brought his fingers up to her mouth and traced her lips while they kissed. She turned slightly and sucked his forefinger into her mouth, wetting it thoroughly.

Returning to their kiss, Jeff traced his damp finger down her stomach and along her lower lips. She was already wet for his touch. Her hips tilted even before his finger split her heat. Kissing turned to gasps as he focused his touch right above her clit. Amy gripped his hair even tighter as she pushed into his hand.

“Remember that first night?” Jeff asked as he kept his touch focused on her pleasure.

“Yes,” she gasped into his mouth, her eyes glazing over with pleasure.

He ran his fingers between her legs a few times before settling into the gentle circular motions he’d used that first night. Her eyebrows tensed and raised with the rhythm of her arousal, her mouth open with shuddering breaths.

“Cum for me,” Jeff whispered as he kissed her lips and cheeks. “I want to see your face when you let go this time.”

That request made her mew like a kitten as her body tensed up, hips rising and falling with his touch. Keeping the same pace and pressure, Jeff stared at her expressive face as she got closer to her peak.

“Don’t stop,” she breathed. “Don’t stop!”

Amy shut her eyes. A flush was rising from her breasts to her neck. Her cheeks were dotted with bright spots as a sheen of perspiration broke out along her forehead. Holding her breath, she bore down against his fingers, trembling with need.

“Yes!” Her release drew a keening cry from her throat as her body rocked in time with her pleasure. “Yes, oh god, oh yes.”

Jeff couldn’t help dropping his lips to suckle at her breasts. He left wet trails between her nipples as he pressed deeper into her heat. Spurred on by the new stimulation, Amy gripped his head to keep his lips sealed to her body. She only released him when she finally collapsed back into the pillow, panting away the tension they’d built together.

Jeff raised his head to kiss Amy’s mouth again, licking tiny touches on her lips as she relaxed. The kiss deepened again as she recovered and only ended with them staring into each other’s eyes. Amy smirked when Shawna gasped from the other bed, and they both turned to look.

Lori had slipped down to push her face deep under the dusting of red hair between Shawna’s legs. The happy giggle Lori made when Shawna jerked or moaned in pleasure made Jeff smile. The sight of Lori’s panty-clad ass humping the bed while she licked her lover was erotic as hell. Shawna had been watching Jeff and Amy through eyes lidded in pleasure.

“I’m gonna cum,” she whispered to the brunette between her thighs.

Lori just murmured in anticipation, pushing her face even deeper into Shawna’s wet depths. When the moment came, Shawna’s head rolled back against the pillow and her back arched off the bed. Her body trembled while she made a low groan as she went over the edge. Lori squealed in delight, the sound muffled as Shawna gripped her brunette locks to hold her where she was. Then she collapsed into the bed with a sigh.

“Oh, love,” Shawna murmured as she tugged Lori up to kiss her.

The sight of Lori climbing up between her legs made his already aching erection tremble. Amy was breathing deeper as she watched the pair rub themselves together, breast to breast, hip to hip. Lori kissed Shawna, her cheeks still shiny and damp. Shawna reached down and pressed against Lori’s ass to encourage her to grind harder.

Jeff still had his hand resting on Amy’s mons, his fingers idly tracing through her swollen lips. When Amy began to rock her hips at the same tempo her sister was using with Shawna, Jeff pressed down harder and began working a finger deeper inside. Amy jumped when he accidentally brushed her overstimulated clit, so he moved his hand slightly to avoid the now prominent bump.

With his finger deeper inside, Jeff rocked his hand to keep pace with her hips. Amy’s eyes were riveted on the other couple, her hands closing around Jeff’s arm to guide his touch. He could tell when she liked something he was doing because her fingers would grip tighter. Pressing upwards, he began to explore inside for her special spot. Not everyone he’d been with liked it, but Amy obviously did from the way she squirmed.

“Oh,” she whispered and clutched at his arm, eyes still on Lori and Shawna. “That feels so good.”

Jeff bent to suckle at Amy’s nipple and added a second finger to press the spot he’d found inside her. Her hips set his pace, so he relaxed and enjoyed the flavor of her skin. Glancing at the other bed, he saw Lori raising up and grinding herself against Shawna. It obviously felt wonderful because both of them looked close to losing it again.

“Oh, Shawna,” Lori moaned. “I think… I think this’ll work.”

“Fuck me,” Shawna commanded. “Rub your sweet pussy on me. Oy, that’s it right there!”

Amy shivered as she watched. Jeff felt her inner muscles tensing around his fingers. He continued to suckle, moving from one breast to the other. Amy tensed her fingers against his arm, pulling at him to increase the pace. With her knees up, she raised her hips against his touch, pushing against the fingers deep inside her.

Lori let out a keening cry, her hips rocking to rub her mons against Shawna as she obviously came. Shawna gripped Lori’s hips and kept the pace up when Lori faltered. Lori recovered quickly and cupped her hands over Shawna’s breasts and squeezed them.

Pressing more firmly, Jeff followed Amy’s lead to give her what she needed. Watching Lori reach her crest seemed to prompt Amy to a more frantic pace. Jeff felt the muscles around his fingers tense for a long moment, then they suddenly began to pulse as Amy wailed in pleasure. He plunged his fingers deeper to keep Amy from pulling away accidentally as she strained through her release.

Shawna crowed, at last, holding Lori’s hips still as she rubbed against her. Slowing as she crested, Shawna moved her hands up to pull Lori down for kisses. The two of them came together in a tangle of arms and legs, looking like they wanted to find a way through the other’s skin.

Amy collapsed back against the bed, her brown hair still as wet as it had been after her shower. She rubbed her face briskly and sighed as Jeff extracted his fingers from her body. He wiped them on the towel without really paying attention to the mess.

“Our turn,” Amy said with a happy grin up at him.

“What was the last two times?” Jeff asked as he grinned back at her.


Jeff reached across her body to the nightstand and picked up a condom.

“I’m still on my period,” Amy said as he tore open the package.

“And after all that, I’d only last about twenty seconds. Besides, I care too much to take that kind of risk with you lightly. That time before your period was risky enough.”

“Fine,” Amy sighed.

Jeff rolled the condom down his shaft before he realized the occupants of the other bed were watching him. “What?”

“I’ve never really seen you put on a condom before,” Lori said as her eyebrows crinkled. “That one time you were turned away and it was dark. It looks weird all blue and squished like that.”

“I need to protect Amy. Shawna has an implant for protection,” Jeff said.

Lori shrugged. “We can only make spit babies.”

“Gah,” Shawna said through a chuckle and buried her face into Lori’s hair.

“Spit babies?” Amy asked.

“I read about it on a Lesbian blog.”

“Of course you did,” Shawna said in a light-hearted tone. “She’s taught me more than I’ve taught her!”

“That’s not true,” Lori said. “We learned everything together. That’s why I liked doing this with you so much.”

“We’ve all learned a few things this week,” Amy said as she tugged Jeff down over her.

Jeff moved between her raised knees before lowering himself to kiss her. She moved slightly and reached between them to guide his cock into her. Moving slowly, Jeff let her direct him into her body. She shivered as he stretched her, then her mouth opened slowly as he filled her. In then out, a little deeper each time until he was fully seated in her warmth.

“Oh, I’m gonna miss that,” Amy purred.

“What’s it like,” Lori asked in a whisper.

“He stretches me open and then fills me up. It feels so good to just have him in me. Then after I get used to how it feels, I want him to pound me into the bed.”

Jeff shivered as Amy ran her toes down the back of his legs and tugged at his hips. Her fingers felt cool against his back as she traced up his spine. He kissed her again, slow and wet, while he pushed himself deeper. She made a cute little cry when he bottomed out.

A glance at the other bed showed Shawna toying with Lori’s nipples and licking her earlobe while they watched. Jeff returned his focus to Amy, keeping his mind off his own orgasm long enough to give Amy her own. They moved together until they found a pace and motion that worked for them both. Jeff kept nibbling at Amy’s lips and jaw while she writhed against his thrusts.

“So good,” Amy purred. “A little faster?”

She kept her arms and feet moving, pushing her hips up to meet each stroke. Jeff made sure to grind against her each time he went deep to make her gasp. He began to alternate the depth of his strokes, with a few short ones in a row before pushing deeper a time or two. Amy responded with sighs and scratches when he hit the right spots.

“Did we look like that,” Lori asked Shawna in a tense whisper.

“Yeah, love, we did. Hot, innit?”

“Rub me?” Lori begged. “Please?”

Jeff tuned them out, focusing solely on Amy’s body and desires. Her tight heat made holding himself back very difficult but he wanted this last night to be special for her, for them both. He could tell she was getting closer when she held her breath. When her legs clamped down around his hips he had to push harder to get deep through her straining muscles.

“Fuck,” Amy muttered under her breath. “Oh, yes!”

Head down and pounding, Jeff kept up until she bit down on his shoulder to stifle her guttural cry. Jeff used the pain to hold himself off and waited for her to relax. He slowed then, kissing her deeply until they stopped. His impending orgasm eased back.

“You didn’t cum,” she whispered between pants.

“Not yet,” he replied with a grin.

“I’ve never cum three times in a row before,” Amy laughed.

“Want to try a different way? You on top? Me behind?”

“Me on top!”

Jeff carefully lifted himself off and moved to allow Amy to roll out from underneath him. The towel had a wet spot, but there were no signs of pink on her or the towel. Jeff put his butt on it anyway just in case and reclined against the pillow. The warm spot where Amy had been was damp with her sweat. Jeff loved feeling it against his back.

Amy straddled his stomach before lifting his hard shaft up and sliding back. He shut his eyes at the tight heat that surrounded him. His hands rested on her hips as he stroked across her mons with his thumbs. She sank down slowly until he was fully embedded.

Rocking her hips back and forth, Amy sat up and pulled her long hair high off her neck. “Is it hot in here?”

Shawna chuckled and drew Jeff’s attention. Lori watched with lust-glazed eyes while Shawna rubbed circles on the gusset of Lori’s white cotton panties. His youngest cousin had her lower lip pinched between her teeth while she held her breath. Shawna opened her mouth and began sucking at a spot between Lori’s neck and shoulder.

“So hot,” Lori murmured.

“I thought you were gay?” Amy asked with an amused glance at her sister.

“I am, but I still like watching y’all,” Lori said then whimpered as Shawna tweaked a nipple.

Jeff pulled his eyes away and returned his focus to Amy. She shook out her hair and bent over to rest her hands on his shoulders. The change in position allowed Jeff to grip her hips and thrust up to meet her rocking rhythm. That forced Amy’s eyes closed and she lowered her head to concentrate on the sensation.

With her petite breasts swaying over his chest, Jeff leaned forward to take an erect nipple between his front teeth. Tugging gently, he let it slip away and then caught it again, over and over. Amy swayed closer to give him more opportunity to play. As he teased her more, their thrusts increased in depth and tempo.

“I can’t believe it,” Amy whimpered as her body teetered on the edge of a massive orgasm.

“Come on,” Jeff begged, holding his own release off with his will alone. “Cum for me.”

Amy froze, her body squeezing down hard against his as she cried out. The pulsing hammer of her release triggered his own. His heartbeat thundered loud in his ears and his vision dimmed as the overwhelming orgasm knocked him back into the pillows. His thrusts into Amy’s body slowed with each aching spasm as he emptied himself into the condom.

Amy collapsed on top of him, her heart beating a crazy tattoo with his own. He wrapped her in his arms, kissing her hair, her forehead, her ears, every part of her he could reach. She kissed his chest and even licked his hairy nipples as she snuggled deeper into his embrace.

“How am I gonna live without that,” Amy whispered into his arms.

“Who says you have to?” Jeff asked, somewhat confused by her comment.

Amy let out a sad laugh. “Are you going to move to Seattle?”

“No, but I’m not the only guy in the world. You had a good experience with Neal, too, didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t the same,” Amy sighed as she turned her face up to meet Jeff’s confused gaze.

“It’s *never* the same,” Jeff said. “That’s part of the fun.”

Amy frowned. “What just happened between us feels more than just *fun*.”

“That’s because of who we are to each other. We have a deeper connection, but our kind of connection isn’t necessary to enjoy sex.”

Amy placed her hands flat on Jeff’s chest and rested her chin on them. “I hear what you’re saying, but I’m not sure I want sex without a connection.”

“So then find someone when you get home and develop a connection with them first.”

“You won’t mind?” Amy asked, her confusion still plain on her face.

“Of course not! I want you to be happy,” Jeff said and then squinted his eyes at her. “And besides, you’re still technically my sister.”

Amy rolled her eyes. “I wish I wasn’t.”

“If wishes were fishes we could walk on the seas.” After Jeff got her to smile, he continued. “I wouldn’t want to change a thing that happened this week. It means so much that you’d trust me enough to be there for you with everything we’ve done. But I’m going to college in the fall and you’ve got two more years of high school. Take this experience and use it to find a way to make yourself happy.”

“What if we really do move to Houston,” she asked with hope still in her eyes.

“We’ll find out then.” Jeff ran his hand across her soft brown hair. “But no matter what, I’ll always love you.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/eq5h8r/mf_sucky_vacation_15