The Camgirl Part LXII: I Think I Might Go Insane Otherwise [Buildup] [Teasing] [Lots of Unresolved Sexual Tension]

**VII: Blake and Liam**


Blake stood in the shower for a moment, curtain shut, after she turned off the water. She closed her eyes, trying to control her breathing so that breaths came deep and slow rather than match the pounding in her chest.

Blake wanted to scream, yet she knew that would do little to ease her frustration, and just alarm Sophie and Liam. Her aching, unsatisfied pussy throbbed in time with her pulsing ass and pounding heart.

*Why is it this hard? I haven’t had this problem since I tried to see if I could go without him. What the fuck is wrong with me?*

Blake knew that some girls couldn’t cum reliably. She knew that there were women twice her age who’d never experienced an orgasm from a lover or their own attentions. It still wasn’t fucking fair.

*That’s not supposed to happen to me.*

It hadn’t helped, of course, that on her way to the shower, she’d come out in just her robe and kissed Liam like she was trying to suck the life out of him. She’d *thought* that the renewed feeling of his lips and his tongue, his taste, his smell, would be able to send her over the edge. It had just made her more desperate with no relief.

Blake took a few more deep breaths, feeling her heart rate slow a little, though not as much as she would have liked. Setting her jaw, Blake pulled open the curtain and leaned over to grab one of her towels. She dried herself off a bit, then wrapped the towel around her head before stepping out onto the floor mat.

Blake had kept her hair mostly dry, as she didn’t want to be walking around with wet hair or a towel on her head in front of Liam. She didn’t think he’d mind, but she wanted to look alluring. Enticing!

In her current state, Blake was even more thankful for her earlier decision. Even if her activities in the shower meant she had a few wet spots to take care of.

Even as Blake got ready for bed–adjusting her nightly routine just enough so she would still look cute for Liam–her brain started to fuzz again, holes and even her nipples throbbing with the need to be touched.

Her own touch apparently didn’t count, however. Blake had ended up needing to fake her fucking orgasm during her show. She hated doing that. She’d tried being honest the first time it happened, but most of her fans had seemed disappointed–both in themselves and her–so she hadn’t done that again. Thankfully, she knew her body well enough and was usually able to get turned on enough that having an orgasm was a sure thing, but Blake had faked a few more times. Usually she just had some tea and went to sleep after a show like that to reset herself, but that wasn’t an option tonight.

*Tonight, Liam will be in my bed. Fuck, he’s actually going to be in my bed.*

Blake shivered at that realization; pussy throbbing even harder. She supposed she couldn’t blame it. Liam’s mere fucking presence turned her on even when she hadn’t been trying to unsuccessfully make herself cum for the past few hours. At this point, Blake was pretty sure that the source of her problem was also her solution. Her rules, however…

*Do they really matter anymore? I made those fucking rules so I would get to go out on a nice date and feel special for once, and it worked. Liam’s taking me out on a date, he fucking cancelled his flight home to be with me, and he seems excited about our date. Do I really need these rules anymore?*

Blake wasn’t entirely certain she did. In her current state, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to make it through the night without jumping Liam. Did she really want to go on their date like that?

Though Blake would have just been fine with a nice dinner, Liam had apparently planned something in addition to that. Blake wanted to be present enough to actually enjoy whatever that was, but if she were to go out even now, all she would be thinking about the entire time would be getting home and ripping Liam’s clothes off.

*Fuck…I’m not fucking him tonight.*

Blake didn’t know why, but it just didn’t seem right yet. She had to do something about her pussy though.

An idea—more of a memory—came to Blake. Her pussy twitched, the ache growing even more desperate as she remembered a fantasy she’d once had. One where she hadn’t been able to keep herself from touching Liam any longer but hadn’t wanted sex just yet.

Blake looked at herself in the mirror, checking to make sure she still looked put-together, her hair deep and luscious. She grinned, satisfied at her appearance, and what she was going to do to Liam.



Liam felt awkward.

He sat in Blake’s desk chair in his long PJ pants and some nice, warm socks. He’d almost put on a shirt, but he never slept in one, and he wanted to see if Blake reacted the same way she had when she’d spent the night at his dorm upon seeing him shirtless.

Not for the first time, Liam glanced at Blake’s bed as he waited for her. He’d seen that bed several times, but never in person. Being in Blake’s room was still a little surreal. He hadn’t gone in when they were just friends because they’d always hung out or talked somewhere else. There hadn’t been a reason to. Yet now that he was dating Blake—now that he knew how she felt—Liam felt an air of anticipation to the room.

There wasn’t anything overtly special about it. Blake had some lights hung up where the walls and ceiling met, she had a closet, a wardrobe, and a full-length mirror, a pleasantly large bed, and then her desk and nightstand. There was a large, open space of floor between the bed and the door. That in itself wasn’t necessarily unusual, but Liam had seen exactly what Blake used it for.

This room, and being in it, was special to Liam, however, just because it belonged to Blake.

Liam left out a muffled moan, shifting again as his erection twitched.

Going shopping with Sophie and putting away the groceries when they got back had distracted him enough to keep his erection down for a while, as had the rushing water of the shower while Blake finished her show. That kiss when she’d finally come out though…it didn’t help that she’d been wearing *only* a robe, and one that was much more loosely tied than the one she’d worn earlier, giving him an eyeful.

Liam’s cock grew harder at the memory of that. He hadn’t really thought that possible. His erection had only flagged once or twice since Blake had told him to wait for her in her room, and despite being in Blake’s room—maybe *because* he was in her room—Liam had caught his hands wandering to his cock more than a few times. He hadn’t done more than adjust himself once he’d realized where his hand was, but his self-control was running thin.

Liam flinched, straightening as the door clicked open. He looked to the doorway and swore his heart either sped up or skipped a beat. His throat had gone dry and had a lump in it, now.

Blake slipped into the room wearing the same plush bathrobe she’d worn earlier. It was barely tied, giving Liam an incredible view of the valley between Blake’s perky breasts and down to her bellybutton. The hem didn’t go down very far, giving him a good view of her pale, toned legs, but her robe closed at just the right spot to hide her hips from him. Her hair’s deep, royal blue shined even in the dim light cast by the string lights. Her cheeks were a little rosy, lips full, and her eyes seemed to sparkle as they pulled his gaze to them.

Liam grinned as those eyes roved over his chest, pupils dilating. When they returned to his, Liam swallowed the lump in his throat. The sparkle had changed to a burning fire, Blake’s face coloring as if to match.

She didn’t say anything, however. Instead, Blake just smiled at Liam, then walked over to her closet. After rummaging through it for a moment, Blake looked back at him over her shoulder. Liam’s cock twitched again. Blake’s eyes still burned with arousal, but now there was a twinkle to them as well.

Liam wanted to ask what she was up to. Then Blake turned back to the closet and dropped her robe.

Liam’s cock throbbed at the sight, heart racing.

Nothing but Blake’s hair covered her, and that she moved over her shoulder, bearing her back to Liam. Her pale skin glowed in the soft blue light, her curves and the subtle lines of her muscles casting shadows that enhanced her toned, petite appearance. Altogether, with her blue hair, she looked like a nymph or some mystical spirit from a fairy tale.

“Fuck,” Liam hissed. He didn’t think he’d been loud enough for Blake to hear.

While Blake didn’t just stand there for him to ogle, she took her time in dressing. She left her robe where it was, but picked out a small, silky bundle that unfolded into a filmy nightgown of pale blue. She turned as she slipped it on over her head, giving Liam an eyeful of her breasts and the curve of her stomach before the soft, filmy fabric covered her. Though it didn’t do much in that department. The silky fabric clung to her skin, tenting over her hard nipples, outlining the cleft between her legs as she turned to him.

*That barely covers her ass or her front.*

Liam gazed at Blake, spellbound as her eyes roved up and down his body again. When she met his eyes, she gave him a slow smile that made him throb.

“I thought you’d be waiting for me in bed,” she said.

Liam opened his mouth to say something—opened and closed it a few times—but nothing came out. What could he say? “I thought waiting in bed for you with a raging boner might be a little weird?”

Thankfully, Blake just giggled a bit, walking toward him. Liam blinked at that. She didn’t have any underwear on and didn’t seem like she was going to stop to put any on.

Liam found himself unable to move as Blake closed the distance between them, his gaze flickering back and forth between her face and the bottom of her night dress. Once Blake stood before him, she studied him for a moment, then looked down and giggled again.

“Looks like you’re excited to see me,” she said, voice bubbling as she batted long lashes at him, “I hope you didn’t have too hard a time with all the noise I was making.”

Liam blinked, then followed Blake’s gaze down. His cheeks burned—he’d forgotten about his erection. His pants were loose enough that at the moment, Liam sported a sizeable tent.

“That’s a bit bigger than I remember seeing it before,” Blake breathed, “Though, I don’t think you were as excited then.”

Liam swallowed. There was something different about Blake—the tone of her voice, the look in her eyes. It was familiar, but at the same time—

Blake’s fingers settled on his shoulder, cutting off his thoughts. Liam’s cock throbbed as shivers spread through his body. A haze started to fill his mind.

Blake giggled again, “That’s a nice self-esteem boost.”

Before Liam could ask what she meant, her lips were on his.

Liam suddenly found himself able to move again. He cupped Blake’s cheek in one hand, tangling the other in her hair. His heart pounded. His cock was harder than he could ever remember—

Blake broke the kiss, slipping out of Liam’s hands, leaving him gasping for breath, heart hammering at his ribcage.

“Wha—” he began, but Blake silenced him with a finger against his lips. He had the sudden desire to taste that finger.

“Come to bed, Liam,” she said, voice soft, inviting, yet he knew it wasn’t a request.

Liam rose as though Blake’s voice compelled him, taking her hand and following her to her bed. She climbed on, slipping under the covers, then scooted over, making space for him. She lay on her side and smiled at him, patting the empty spot next to her.

When Liam started to climb onto the bed, however, she held out a hand to stop him, shaking her head.

“What?” Liam asked, confused.

“Those,” Blake said, “You don’t sleep in those pants, do you?”

Liam shook his head slowly, “No…”

“Then take them off.”

Liam’s cock throbbed again. This time, he caught Blake’s smirk. She knew exactly what she was doing to him.

“I—” Liam began, then swallowed, “I don’t have any boxers on underneath.”

Those hadn’t really worked at concealing his cock the last time they’d slept together.

Blake smiled, “I didn’t think so. I’m also pretty sure you only sleep in boxers when you’re in your dorm with your roommates.”

She pointed again, “Take those off and get into bed, Liam.”

Liam hesitated.

*Does she really think we’ll be able to control ourselves if the only clothing between us is that flimsy nightie?*

He realized that it didn’t matter. It was Blake’s rules he was respecting. If she wanted his pants off, then she would get that.

Liam grabbed his waist band with one hand and his cock in the other, working the former around the latter so that he didn’t end up making his cock flop around.

He caught a gasp from Blake as he finally freed himself from the PJ pants, and thought he saw her shift around on the edge of his vision. He wouldn’t have been able to sleep that well in them, but he would have done so for Blake.

Liam kicked his feet free of the pants once they fell around his ankles. For a moment, he just stood at the edge of the bed. He knew he was larger than average—Blake seemed to have learned that as well—but he didn’t really think about showing off, or the effect he was having on Blake. He just gazed at her, eyes memorizing her face and the curves of her body, even covered as they were by the sheets and her nightie.

*What are you waiting for? She asked you to come to bed. Do it.*

Liam climbed onto the bed, not taking his eyes off Blake. She didn’t take her eyes off of him either, though they did flicker down between his legs a few times. Her cheeks grew darker each time, but Liam couldn’t read her expression.

*Is she impressed? Excited? Scared?*

Marie had definitely been intimidated at first.

*You’ve seen Blake take a dildo at least as big as you. Besides, you’re not doing that tonight. Right?*

Liam smiled as he snuggled in under the covers across from Blake, leaving a narrow space between them.

He felt awkward again. He’d looked forward to this, fantasized about it, yet now that he was here, with Blake’s rules hanging over their head, and how even kissing her seemed like it was too much for her at times.

Blake did away with the awkwardness, however. She moved closer, placing a hand on his chest, then gently pushed him down onto his back as she supported herself on hands and knees, leaning over him.

She was beautiful.

*Should I tell her that? Would it seem cheesy? Too used up? She has guys telling her that every day.*
But she hadn’t chosen any of them. She’d chosen him.

“You’re beautiful,” Liam breathed.

Blake blinked as if surprised by the comment. Then something changed in her eyes. Liam gazed at her, trying—

Liam grunted as Blake’s lips descended on his. Her free hand snaking behind his head to grip at the short hair there. He responded immediately, taking her hair in the same way with one hand as he pushed himself upright with the other. As they kissed, Liam found that he couldn’t stop touching Blake. Yet at the same time, it wasn’t enough. He didn’t enough have enough hands to touch all of her. Even if he did, he knew he’d still feel unsatisfied. A soft, citrusy scent he hadn’t noticed before filled his nose, teasing him, enticing him. He breathed in deep, wanting more of it. Yet at the same time, he didn’t want to stop kissing Blake. He didn’t want to stop tasting her. She tasted clean and fresh with a bit of mint from her toothpaste. Her hair was so soft and thick. And her skin was so fucking soft. Liam thought he better understood now why Blake had been so reserved with him physically despite her expressed desires. Even if he’d only been able to experience the river of soft moans and gasps that escaped from her mouth, those alone could easily drive him to lose control. With his hard, throbbing cock pressed up against Blake’s side along with all of that sensory input, Liam was teetering on the edge.

Though his make-out-session with Blake had filled his mind with a haze of arousal which only continued to thicken, a thought somehow penetrated that mist.

*What changed?*

At first, Liam barely noticed the thought. His attention was too consumed by Blake—the way her curves felt under his fingers, the way she touched and grabbed at him with an intensity that seemed almost desperate—yet eventually, it found a way through to the forefront of his thoughts.

Liam also needed a breather, and reluctantly pulled back from Blake. She let out something like a whimper at the loss of contact, but Liam rested his forehead against hers as he caught his breath.

Chest rising and falling heavily, Liam glanced up at Blake to find her looking back at him from under heady-lidded eyes.

“I thought you said that kissing like that would make it too hard for you to control yourself if we were alone,” he half-panted.

“I did,” Blake breathed, “It does.”

“What made you change your mind?”

Blake bit her lip for a moment, then grinned, “I think I might go insane otherwise?”

Liam laughed at that.

“I—” she paused, taking a deep breath before she continued. Her cheeks somehow grew even darker, “I haven’t been able to cum at all today.”

Liam blinked, “You haven’t? I thought I heard—”

“I faked it,” Blake sighed, “I hate doing it and don’t ever usually need to, but I was way too turned on and tired and I just needed to stop. I wasn’t even able to cum in the shower afterward.”

Liam chuckled at that, “So that’s why you took so long?”

Blake’s cheeks somehow grew even darker, “That might have been part of it. Sometimes I just like to take advantage of a set water bill.”

“Do you do that a lot?”

“Do you?”

Liam shrugged, “Not too often.”

Blake raised an eyebrow.

“I’m serious,” Liam protested, grinning, “I can’t always get comfortable enough in the shower. Not in the dorm ones, at least. What about you?”

Blake bit her lip, “When I was in the mood, but…”

“But, what?”

“I’ve had to do it a lot more frequently since I met you.”

Liam cleared his throat, once more aware of his painfully hard cock, “Really?”

Blake grinned, then pushed him back down onto her bed. She threw back the covers, leaving his cock pointing straight up in full view.


Liam’s cock twitched at the curse from Blake. It pulsed when she met his gaze, eyes smoldering with lust.

“I knew it was big,” she breathed, “but…”

“Not too big, right?” Liam said hopefully.

Something changed in Blake’s gaze as she leaned closer, “That doesn’t apply to you. I’d make it work.”

Liam raised an eyebrow, “I don’t think that’s how it works—”

He cut off as her eyes took on an intense glint.

“It could be too big for certain fun things,” she said, “But my ass is a lot stretchier and deeper than my pussy, Liam.”

Liam swallowed, cock twitching again at the images that evoked.

“To answer your original question, though,” she said glancing back at his cock, “It’s perfect.”

Something in the way she said that—a sort of hunger in her voice—made Liam even harder than the thought of Blake taking a cock twice his size had.

His eyes went wide when she swung a leg over him, straddling him, then lowered herself onto his stomach. She shifted for a moment so that his cock pressed up behind her against the cleft of her ass, then relaxed, seeming satisfied.

“You remember that night that you sat with me in the bathroom?” Blake asked.

Liam nodded, struggling to focus on her words. As if the feeling of her soft, firm ass against his cock wasn’t enough, Liam could feel her pussy. He couldn’t feel her lips, and the fabric of her nightie hid it from his view, but Liam could feel its heat and the wetness on her thighs.

“I’d thought about you quite a few times after the first time I met you,” she said, “at first it was just because of how hot you are. You were just a nice face and body for me to picture when I needed to get myself off.”

Blake leaned forward a bit, running her hands over his muscles as she spoke, taking short pauses to squeeze the firm flesh. Her fingers created tiny sparks of pleasure where they touched his skin, leaving trails of fire behind them.

“Every time you came up, though,” Blake continued, “It just got worse. You were protective and sweet and nerdy, then I found out how big your cock was—,” she punctuated the word “cock” by pressing her ass back against it.

“Fuck,” Liam hissed, eliciting a giggle from Blake. She dug her nails into his shoulder bringing forth a gasp from him before continuing.

“That one was a real problem. Any time I would use one of my bigger dildos, you would pop into my head, and suddenly it would be your cock stretching me out.”

Liam’s head was growing too fuzzy—it took him a moment to process her words, “Fuck, Blake.”

She just grinned, continuing to run her hands over him, “Shh. Then there was that night with us both in the bathroom,” she dug her nails into his flesh again, just hard enough to get a reaction out of him, “You didn’t even want me yet. You weren’t trying to catch a peek at me naked, you weren’t trying to get into my panties—not that I was wearing any. You were just there for me. I was not okay, and you were so fucking kind, even sweeter than you were that night out on the couch. After that night, I couldn’t take a shower without thinking of you. I would imagine you watching as I undressed, then stepping into the shower behind me. Sometimes I would suck your cock, or you would eat me out. Sometimes we’d fuck. Other times, you would just tease me, massaging me as you soaped me up or shampooed my hair. You’d get me all worked up, and then just kiss me as you got out of the shower.”

Blake wiggled her ass against his cock, and Liam felt the beginning of an orgasm building.

“Blake,” he breathed.

“Any of those fantasies would be enough to make me cum,” Blake continued, squeezing his arms as she gazed down at him, “I usually cum at least once in the shower—two or three times if I was horny enough. I thought about you during my show earlier. I usually do, when I’m conscious enough to actually form coherent thoughts. I thought about you when I was in the shower, too.”

Blake’s words in his ears had the same effect as if she was stroking his cock. That, combined with her hands on his torso and her ass still pressing and wiggling against his cock, was slowly proving to be too much. His orgasm approached slowly, but it approached all the same.

“Blake,” he breathed again.

She didn’t seem to hear him.

“But for some reason, I couldn’t cum. I could blame my pussy, but it’s really your fault. I’m pretty sure my pussy doesn’t want to cum anymore unless you’re involved in some way. I don’t know if it just wants you to be touching me, me to be touching you, or you inside of it, but—”

“Blake,” Liam rasped forcefully, “If you don’t get off me, I’m gonna cum.”

Blake’s mouth froze mid-word. Her eyes widened, pupils dilating as she gazed at him.

For a moment, the two of them remained absolutely still. Then Blake shifted her weight forward and half-rolled off of him onto the bed. Her face was bright red.

“Sorry,” she said, not meeting his gaze as she pulled the covers up over her, “I didn’t mean to tease you that much. I know I made the rules. I’m just so fucking—”

She cut off as Liam rested a hand against her hair. When she didn’t look up, he smoothed her hair a bit, then tangled his fingers in it and gently tilted her head toward him. Once she met his gaze, he moved closer.

Blake blinked, as though surprised. She opened her mouth, but Liam didn’t give her the chance to speak.

He pulled her to him, trying to ignore how soft her nightie felt against his cock, how firm her body was as he pressed against her, and gave her a deep, slow kiss, trying to reassure her.

When he pulled back, both of them were breathless, though Blake looked a bit more dazed than he was. After shifting his hips so that his cock didn’t press against her, Liam pulled Blake even closer to him and looked into her eyes.

“They’re your rules, Blake. I want to respect them, but you’re the one who makes them. If you want to change them, then I’m fine with that. I just want to make sure you won’t regret changing them.
Blake gazed at him for a moment, biting her lip, then nodded.

“I don’t want to throw them out completely,” she said, “But if I don’t do something, I won’t be able to make it through the night without fucking you.”

Liam hesitated for a moment, then forced the words out. *It’s the right fucking stupid thing,* “I can go sleep on the couch if—”

“No!” Blake hissed, grabbing onto him, “I am not wasting a night where I can be with you by having you sleep on the fucking couch. I just—” she sighed, then drew herself up, meeting his gaze again.

“I don’t think we should have sex tonight,” she said. Liam smiled inwardly at how she seemed to have to force out the words. What she said after though, didn’t entirely register in Liam’s brain.

“What?” He said, shaking his head, “Sorry, I didn’t—”

Blake cut him off with a finger to the lips.

“I want to suck your cock.”



  1. I promise Blake is going to suck his cock next time!

    This section was like 1 short paragraph out of the 4 paragraph outline I had typed up for this part, so needless to say it ended up being a bit longer than I thought.

    Hope you guys enjoy!

    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIII](
    [Part LIV](

    [Part LV](
    [Part LVI](
    [Part LVII](
    [Part LVIII](
    [Part LIX](
    [Part LX](

    [Part LXI](

  2. It’s happening! I’m about as hard, frustrated and desperate as them both at this point

  3. I would honestly pay good money to get updates faster than twice a week, this is such a good story! Keep up the great work!

  4. This was an amazing chapter. I’ve never been so turned on by a story where only teasing happened. Bravo

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