Levi was ready to crush the day ahead of him. He had a job interview, a quiz, three meetings, lacrosse practice, and he was giving a talk. He’d mapped out the entire day in a planner, everything so tightly scheduled he even accounted for transportation time between each location.
He’d set an alarm for 6:00am sharp. And one for 6:05. And a backup alarm. He’d packed all his meals in advance. He was ready.
Stella had given him a confidence boost the night before. Earlier in their relationship, they’d each made lists of their wildest unexplored sexual fantasies. Every so often, they’d surprise one another by helping to cross a new one off unexpectedly.
Stella felt a bit badly that she was tearing through all the easiest options first, but what she didn’t know is, the simple ones were the things Levi most feverishly desired. Like what she’d done last night.
He got a text around 5:00pm asking him if he wanted to have dinner because she needed to vent about her awful friends and someone to rub her back because she was cramping. Levi couldn’t imagine a worse night for himself and almost made an excuse to get out of it. But as he searched for one, he was forced to acknowledge that if she was having a bad day, part of his job description as the boyfriend was to endure a few hours bad hours if it would turn her whole bad day around. So he dragged himself over by force, with a nice excuse about his upcoming busy day all teed up to get him out by 8:00pm.
He walked in to find her naked on her couch, lying on top of a white sheet, in silver cowboy boots. In front of her, six colors of finger paints. She’d even gotten her hair straightened like he’d told her he’d imagined the girl in this scenario. She got off on seeing him go from agonizing dread to delirious anticipation in a split second. He got off a number of ways throughout the night. Six ways, to be exact. One for each of the colors. By the end of the night she was a rainbow of red, orange, yellow, blue, green, violet… and white.
Each color told a different story of where he’d touched her, and how, and when. The layers kept track of which color was first and which was last. The opacity told them how hard he’d grabbed her where, and the contours captured what moves he’d used and in what direction. Where he’d pinched her, the paint would be lighter as his fingers dragged into her skin. Where he’d smacked her, there were delightful handprints of all different intensities. Where he’d rubbed her, there were vibrant ripples of color. And where he’d done something so right that she’d pressed closer up against him, there were the cracked and frayed imprints of his skin.
He so adored seeing a sensory record of their lovemaking that he would’ve gotten off a seventh time if she’d been awake. He always hated leaving before she’d woken up after they had sex, but he had no choice this time. He left a note with the breakfast he’d prepared for her and stuck in the fridge before slipping out to return to his prepped alarm clocks at around midnight.
He couldn’t cook to save his life, the breakfast was a way too hardboiled egg and some apple slices he’d done his best to shape into hearts. To this day he was clueless as to why she’d want someone as culinarily incompetent as he was to do any cooking for her. He’d be much older when he finally understood that it was the gesture she cared about, not the outcome.
Stella had had just as much fun as he did that night, and that’s one of the reasons they both enjoyed it so much. Acting on your fantasies is no fun when it doesn’t feel like the other person is living the same dream you are. Stella hadn’t felt strongly about the finger paint idea one way or another, but watching Levi’s excitement build as he layered colors and feeling how deliberate he was when every touch left a mark, was breathtaking.
Seeing him get lost in the moment of a dream coming to life was a fantasy for Stella in and of itself, no matter how they got there. It was rare that she was able to access the darker side of his sexuality. The unstoppable part that gets so totally carried away that it couldn’t be moving any faster but wants the moment to last a lifetime.
She liked that side of Levi, and she wanted to see more of it. She couldn’t cover her apartment with plastic wrap and pay for several gallons of water-soluble paint every time she wanted to unearth it, though. She decided she should just be direct with Levi about what she wants. She’d woken up missing him severely. Levi had sent her a text saying “breakfast is in the fridge, how’d you sleep xx” a few hours earlier. Without stopping to check the date or time she replied and awaited his response.
Levi was right on schedule when he got the text. He had the 15 minutes he needed to walk to his office hours appointment with his advisor. That would put him there three minutes early and allow their meeting to run as many as five minutes over and still deliver him on time to his French quiz. The day would continue from there. He hadn’t scheduled in time for texting, but reflexively grabbed his phone when he saw Stella’s name. He couldn’t ignore her messages after the gift she’d given him last night. And he’d been pretty rough towards the end. He didn’t know where his insatiability had come from, but by their final climax, he couldn’t tell if she was moaning in pleasure or pain.
On any other night he would’ve held her a lot longer and made sure she was ok. She’d fallen asleep before he could ask. He hoped she’d pick up the subtext of his “how’d you sleep?” It read more delicately to him than “can you walk?” He opened his messages. Stella wrote: “I was up all night dreaming of your ferocious cock. Please, please, oh god, please tell me you’ve got some free time today.”
All the information Levi had stored in his mind for the day came flooding out like a mental pipe had burst. He heard nothing, saw nothing, thought nothing, remembered nothing, except what he’d just read. He felt the blood rush from his upper half downward. “I am free all day” he typed back as quickly as he could. “Fuck.” He thought, literally and figuratively, as he hit send.
He hoped by “today” she might actually mean “tonight” or better yet, “tomorrow.” She didn’t respond. She’d probably fallen back asleep. He was as relieved as he was bitterly disappointed. Now he was walking around with a useless semi. He didn’t have time to spare before he was expected in his 70 year old Catholic professor’s office, so he punched himself in the leg as hard as he could, hoping it would recirculate his blood. Or at least distract him. It did neither. He had no choice but to burn the extra three minutes he’d budgeted for overtime in the meeting. He ran to the bathroom and filled his hands with ice cold water, tossing all of it in his face. Now his shirt and hair were wet, but that would be easier to explain than the alternative.
He ran through his advisory talking points like Usain Bolt before getting up to leave for his next meeting, anxiously checking his phone the entire time.
He was incorrect in assuming Stella had been asleep that whole time. While he ran back and forth across town, she dashed back and forth across her apartment. Last night had been about him feeling his best. This time she wanted to pay special attention to herself going in feeling confident. She was washing her hair, checking her nails, picking out the right outfit, and getting in a correct frame of mind. She’d seen his text, but she enjoyed making him wait, and picturing him imagining what she’d do to him.
She had no idea he was so busy, Thursdays were usually his freest day, he only had one class. But that’s precisely why he’d booked all his appointments today.
He didn’t care. Just like he’d had an excuse about his busy day queued to get rid of his girlfriend last night, he now had an excuse about his girlfriend queued to get rid of his busy day today.
He was glad he’d studied so hard as he sank into his chair for the French test. If he couldn’t recall the answers on autopilot, he wouldn’t have been able to answer a single question. His hands were writing in French, but his mind was thinking in Stella.
He’d leapt past the French test and taken the second meeting without remembering a word he’d said or that had been said to him. He was convulsing in a graduate laboratory lobby, desperately trying to remember the pitch for his job interview while simultaneously refreshing his iMessages, hoping she’d wake up and follow through on her request.
He needed to get this job. It was a research position that was directly relevant to his thesis, which he needed to nail for grad school apps. But in the moment, he felt as though he needed Stella more. The shock of the cold had since worn off and it was all he could do to keep from crawling out of his own skin.
He caught her original text in the corner of his eye as he refreshed again. He loved how specific it was while ominous at the same time. She’d made it clear she wanted him, but not been exact about what for. Visions of possibilities danced through his head so vividly he didn’t even notice the interviewer until he was tapped on the shoulder.
“Levi Hudson?” “Oh. Yah. Uh… I mean, yes. Yes Sir, that’s me. What’s up… I mean, hello.” “Ho-there, take a breath. No need to be so nervous. You ok?” Levi straightened out his jacket. “Yes Sir, sorry, chaotic morning. Pleasure to meet you, I’m really excited about the work you’re doing here.” “Well don’t tell me, tell Cody, he’ll be interviewing you. I was just saving him the walk here because I’m headed out. He’s in 3A, go right on back.” Levi scrambled towards the office and checked his phone one final time. Just as he was switching it to airplane mode for the interview, Stella’s latest text came in; “Ready. For all of you.”
Levi almost tripped over his own feet. He began a fierce argument with himself. “You need this job. Don’t you dare walk away now. She’ll still be there in twenty minutes.” “But what if she’s not in the mood in twenty minutes? What if she thinks I’m not going to reply and she gets dressed again or eats a big meal or gets herself off?!” “What if you have no income next semester? Seriously, which situation is more dire?” He went valiantly back and forth, but it’s a phenomenon as old as time that arousal and rational decision making don’t mix. He was prepared to bail from the interview and pray they wouldn’t hire someone else before he could reschedule. But then Cody came out.
“Bro!” Levi couldn’t believe it. It was Cody Maso, his roommate freshman year. They’d been inseparable the first semester, then Cody had rushed a frat, moved into their house over winter break, and the two lost touch. But they’d parted on great terms.
Levi got so swept up in seeing him again, he forgot to bail. Before he knew it, he was sitting in the interview. Stella was lying on top of her bed in a bra and panties, getting irritated. She thought he was blowing off her invitation so he could play SkyRim or do laundry or something. “His ringer is never on.” She shook her head. She decided to wait a few more minutes, because she liked the idea of his shock and horror when he realized he’d missed her message essentially asking him to RSVP to an afternoon quickie.
Levi shifted in his seat as Cody went over the minutiae of the team’s progress so far. He was explaining dumbed down versions of concepts that Levi could’ve been teaching in full since he was a high schooler. Cody stopped mid-sentence as Levi stared out the window, wondering what Stella was doing, or undoing, at that moment. “Yo, you ok? You don’t seem all here.” Levi shook off the distraction. He decided it was better to level with this guy than try and fake it with someone who knew him.
“I’m not all here right now. Can I be real with you?” Levi confessed, not breaking his gaze from the window. “Sure.” Cody agreed. After four solid hours of interviewing for an entry-level pharmacological research assistant job, he was just glad to have a candidate with something interesting going on in their lives.
“I am actually, and I’m not just saying this because I like science and need money, the perfect candidate for this position. I am ardently passionate about the issue at hand, I’m thorough, meticulous, technically sound, and have way more than the requisite experience for a job like this. I’m not a dick, I’m just in a rush, so can’t communicate all that in a way that sounds humble.” “Are you blowing this out your ass or do you have references who’ll say anything similar?” Cody passed back. “I am a named contributor on Efficacy of Optimized Treatment Protocol Using—” “Yah, yah, I’ve read it. The study the department just released in conjunction with Duke?” “Yes. That one. And the lead will personally recommend me, her information is on my CV.” “Alright, but we work long hours in close quarters so be straight with me. If you want this job so bad, where you going that matters enough to rush through the interview?”
Levi hesitated a moment, but knew if he didn’t risk it all, he’d guarantee losing it all. He crossed his fingers that this Cody was the same kind of guy he’d known in three years ago. “Right before I walked in, my girlfriend sent me this.” He said, taking out the message thread, covering Stella’s name with his thumb to protect her privacy. Cody read it and his eyes popped out of his skull. “Damn. You’re a bigger man than me, I wouldn’t have walked in here at all. Between you and me, you’re the most qualified applicant by a mile and I think you’ll be fine. You’re burning your one free pass on letting your relationship affect your work though, deal?” “Deal.” Levi said, already halfway out the door. “If I can get in on the action, you get two passes.” Cody added. “Gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.” Levi called on his way down the hall. Cody was exactly how he’d remembered him.
The anticipation had been mounting as Levi approached Stella’s apartment. He liked not knowing what he was getting himself into in the abstract, but practically speaking, he was kind of nervous not knowing whether he’d be the giver, receiver, or all of the above (and below.) He knocked on the door, but it was already open. “Damn it Stella, that is so unsafe in this city, even if you know I’m coming over.” He thought to himself. But he didn’t want to admonish her with his overprotectiveness now and risk ruining the mood, so he kept this to himself.
“Hey.” He called as he stepped into the apartment and removed his shoes like she’d spent weeks reminding him to do before it became compulsory. He wasn’t sure what direction she’d come from, but before he’d put his foot back on solid ground, she had thrown herself at him. She kissed him like her tongue was a metal detector tracking his fillings. She nibbled on his earlobes and rubbed her hips against his, the epicenter of her femininity warm and ticklish as she peeled his layers to the ground.
She wanted to communicate that she was glad to see all of him, not just his piece, but she didn’t feel like talking. Instead, she paid special attention to sucking on his neck and rubbing the small of his back. She knew that since he was all but guaranteed to cum from the sex, that foreplay was usually tailored to her, so she made a point to mix it up sometimes. Especially times like this, where her primary objective was for him to feel as good emotionally as he would physically.
Stella felt powerful when she could make him feel special. And she knew from how his shoulders eased back and his breathing deepened that she was accomplishing both goals. Usually he’d feel obligated to reciprocate, but he knew from the way she held him, that she was on a mission. He’d have plenty of opportunity to reciprocate later.
Stella wanted to see him lose control again. She aimed to have him so hungry for more that the lust paralyzed him in place. She wanted to feel his hands and his mouth move faster than his thoughts again. She decided to lead by example. Once she had him down to his boxers and nothing more, she pulled him by three fingers to the bedroom. She kicked the door shut behind them and pushed Levi into the bed.
It had taken a lot of patience, guidance, and self-discovery on his part, but he’d finally helped her become confident in her own sexuality. If she’d stroked him just the right way as he fell, he could’ve bust just from watching how unwavering she was in stripping him down and throwing his body where she wanted it. It was night and day from when they’d first met.
She climbed on top of him and massaged his pecks, working her way down to his inner thighs. She was talking, but it wasn’t clear whether it was to him or just about him. “So strong.” She murmured as she paused to enjoy his chest a moment longer. She flicked a finger lightly back and forth across his nipples. She knew he liked having them played with, even if he wouldn’t admit it in this lifetime. It was one of his favorite ways to be stimulated, so he was thrilled when she’d discovered this without his having to say anything. And that she’d started doing it without asking, realizing he’d feel obligated to decline. She’d come to accept that she may never fully understand the psychology of straight male sexuality.
She teased him a while longer, pressing into him with her hips, dragging her hands along his thighs, rubbing him through his underwear, with her hands and her tits. Finally, she couldn’t bear her own desire any longer. She looked him straight in the eye as she pulled them down to be reunited with the ferocious cock at last.
Thoughts blurry with endorphins, slit dripping, clit engorged, hips quivering, she attached herself to him. To feel him sliding in after the extended period of anticipation was pure ecstasy. She squealed in delight. Levi looked up at her, mystified by this turn of events. Stella very rarely took top, and when she did, she usually needed a fair amount of help and support to get going in a way that was comfortable for them both.
But she’d done a lot of reading and studying and practicing to get ready for this. She loved having control of the tempo for once, with total competency. She stopped thinking about his experience and shifted the focus to hers. Moving him inside her to make contact with the most sensational spots, and officially transitioning from lovemaking to fucking.
Their feelings towards one another played no role in her decision making from that point forward. As she settled into a rhythm on top of him, she dug her nails into his hips as she forced him deeper inside of her and rode him harder and harder until she felt each thrust reverberate through her ribs.
Levi could barely breathe. The waves of bliss were so forceful and intense, he went from zero to sixty with barely any middle ground. He was so enchanted by how euphoric his manhood was making Stella that he managed to page out of how white-hot electric her pussy felt against him, just enough to stay stiff for her. He didn’t even notice how deep her nails were pushing into his sides as she rode him and moaned, each exclamation louder and more passionate as she glided harder and deeper.
He groped her ass cheeks to try and distract himself from cumming. “You’re the best Levi. You’re the only one.” She whispered in between gasps. “I’m close.” She yelped as she sat down, taking him up to his nuts, rising up off the bed like a trampoline. She finished them both by sliding up and down him as quickly as she could, heightening the warmth and intensity of the explosion for them both. The final penetration made her feel as though she’d been struck by lightning from the ground up, splitting her in half with one leg on either side. She released an ultra-satisfied shriek of fantasia as Levi came inside her with a hypnotic gasp.
She flopped onto the pillows she’d positioned for just such the occasion. “You’re SuperMan.” She whispered as she tried to catch her breath. Levi was still in another dimension. It took a few more seconds for him to come floating back to earth.
They took a second to breathe before Levi switched gears. He had an opportunity to do-over what he couldn’t last night. He didn’t notice and wouldn’t have cared that Stella was drenched in sweat. He wrapped his arm around her and held her with all the care and attention he wished he’d been able to show her the night before. There was no job he was prouder to hold than being her safe place.
She buried her head in the softest part of his arms and delighted in his scent. He pressed the tension from her shoulder blades and planted light kisses on her cheeks and the top of her head. Finally, she said, “Would you be mad if I had to go now?” and he laughed to himself, realizing she still had no idea what he’d been in the middle of when she wrote him. “I think I can find something to do.” He replied coyly, figuring it wasn’t worth sharing the minor inconvenience lest he dissuade her from trying something so wonderful again.
He tried to make sure he’d checked off every box before she walked out the door. “You know I’ve never been the best with words, but… Stel that was out of this world.” “You were spectacular too.” She smiled. “This, last night, everything. There will only ever be one you.” Levi said, and meant it. Stella soaked up his satisfaction like a sponge. That reaction was all she’d hoped for.
Levi searched his mind for something to give Stella to look forward to that wouldn’t take any more of a physical toll on her than her gifts to him already had. He could feel how raw she’d become when his fingers had wandered as he held her. He worried, but she loved it. “Want to come over tonight and just cuddle or something?” He asked.
She couldn’t tell if it was just in the name of reciprocity or if it was something he actually wanted to do. But they both knew cuddling was her favorite pastime, so she said yes either way. Levi surprised himself as he realized he was even looking forward to it a little himself.
He stood and held her close one last time before she freshened up to step out into the world. The two were silent as they parted ways, but when their hands reluctantly pulled apart, their thoughts were the same. “How’d I ever get so lucky?”
Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/eozzxo/lucky_you_lucky_me_str8
I wish you could fix up your dialogue. It’s the only thing holding you back from being an excellent writer. Your story looks great from skimming through it.