He Mistook Her for a Shy Girl. Part 3: Raising the Stakes. [Mff] [Mast] [FMast]

Chris’s feeble defences had been broken. He wasn’t able to fight against the emotional and sexual weapons in Chloe’s arsenal. He became distracted, his work on his book slowed to a crawl – he was behind schedule and lacking sleep. How could he ignore his foe, when she was a regular visitor in his home and his daughter’s best friend and crush.

The pictures continued to be delivered to his phone unabated. He couldn’t stop himself looking, if only they were to be deleted immediately after. He thought of going to Tammy a few times and coming clean. But he didn’t want his wife to know that his sexual curiosity for a woman 20 years his junior was the trigger for this calamity.

Jess and Chloe became ever closer – he was pretty sure his daughter wasn’t gay but there was no doubt she was finding joy in the experimentation of bisexuality. This seemed to totally pass Tammy by, but even without the unwanted pictures that Chloe had sent him the signs were obvious: the hand on the bottom as they waited to cross the road, the entwined fingers as they watched a movie, the exchange of tongues in a stolen kiss in the swing seat at the bottom of the garden.

Recently the communication between Chris and Chloe and been one way traffic, but he plucked up the courage to meet with her again. Not that he had any sort of plan.

*Chris: Need to talk face to face. Somewhere public this time.*

*Chloe: OK. The bandstand in Victoria Park. 1pm today.*

It was a bright sunny day in May and the park was full of dog walkers, old folks and workers on their lunch break. Chris took his bicycle, just so it could be argued that the rendezvous wasn’t the main reason for him being there – plus he could make a swift exit if he spotted anyone he knew. Chloe wasn’t necessarily inconspicuous, but at least she dressed more demurely this time. He dismounted and leant his bike on the bandstand railing before sitting down next to her.

“Hi Chris, lovely day,” she remarked.

“Lovely, yes,” Chris replied.

“It’s been a wild few weeks huh?”

“It’s not exactly been that pleasurable for me Chloe.”

“Oh come on Chris, you’ve got some wonderful pics of me for your collection. I know you saw them all. I am sure Tammy’s noticed the change in you – I bet you fuck her a little bit harder whilst you’re thinking of Jess and I making out.” She allowed herself a snigger.

“Don’t push it…” Chris replied, barely containing his anger.

“Can’t handle the guilt of touching yourself, while you watch me lick her cute little pussy? She is fucking hot Chris.”

“You’re a fucking disgrace,” he spat back.

“Calm down, I am just having a bit of fun. It’s only six weeks until the end of term and then we’ll be off travelling; life is going to get dull and boring again soon enough.”

“I think dull suits me best… I’ve learnt that sometimes your fantasies are best left as just that.”

“Sure, I understand that, but I bet you’ve never felt this alive either.”

“Hmm,” Chris replied in grudging acknowledgment.

“My motivation is simple – I just get off on the thrill of chase, the fear of getting caught. But don’t worry I don’t intend on getting caught – not like you married guys who wade in dick first!”

“You don’t know me as well as you think,” he said, looking her square in the eye.

“I know one thing…. I’d like you in my mouth again,” her voice dropping to whisper for dramatic effect.

“Not again, it’s too risky,” he said, without ruling it out completely.

She sprung on her opportunity, “I hold all the cards sweetie, just play along and in six weeks – I won’t be your little problem anymore… I am not getting going to get caught, and if you’re not completely dumb, neither will you.”

*Six fucking weeks* – he thought.

“Plus no more pics of Jess and I… promise,” her hands clasped together in an angelic pose.

“Fine… what exactly are you planning?” Chris said with a sigh.

“A bit more controlled danger – you know where the children’s playground is right?” She gestured over in its general direction.

“How about you meet me there on Friday night at 9:30pm. Inside the maze.” Clever, Chris thought to himself, you couldn’t be easily heard or seen from inside there. The walls were well over head height after all. “I’ll go through the yellow entrance, you go through the red – we’ll meet inside. There’s a couple of hand sized holes in one of the panels I will shine my torch from the other side so you know where I am.”

Puzzled, Chris asked, “And what then?”

“You have heard of a *glory hole* haven’t you? We don’t see each other but we make an exchange… I get to taste that lovely cock of yours and you get to finger fuck my wet little hole.”

Even if it was blackmail, Chris liked her plan. It seemed Chloe had thought of everything. It was even on the night that Tammy went to choir practice and she didn’t usually get back till 11pm.

The few days between their public meet and Friday night were decidedly uneventful. There were no messages from Chloe and she wasn’t even seen in the house. Chris at least managed to make some progress on his book and talk to his wife without an overwhelming fear of being found out.

As 8:30pm on Friday ticked round, Chris was alone in the house. Jess had left about half hour before, she didn’t indicate where, but she was her happy chirpy self.

“Not with Chloe tonight?” Chris had asked.

“No, she’s gone for a meal with her folks,” Jess replied.

*She has it covered – of course.*

Chris jumped in the shower and trimmed the hair around the base of his penis and scrotum – he then cleaned himself thoroughly, resisting the temptation to touch himself or let his imagination runaway with him. He then threw on a sweatshirt and loose tracksuit bottoms, donned his long coat with a hood and left the house for the short walk to the park.

The park gates were locked as he expected but it was only a short stumble through the bushes to find the well known gap in the railings. He then set off towards the playground, keeping close to the trees and only turning to the light of his phone to guide him when the darkness closed in. He navigated the around the slide and zip line and made for the centre of the play area where the maze was located. Without the light of his phone he could make out the yellow maze entrance to the left, where he assumed that Chloe had entered; he made for the right. Once inside it was eerily quiet and dark, so effective the walls of the maze were at blocking out noise and light. He illuminated a small patch at his feet and crept onwards.

Not surprisingly it was difficult to navigate a maze in near darkness, whether or not it was made for kids, but having made several dead ends he finally found the centre. He checked the time before turning off his phone – 9:28pm. The round holes that Chloe had mentioned were clearly visible. They were a few inches in diameter and at roughly waist height, which was perfect for their intended purpose tonight.

Only a minute or so later the sound of footsteps and rubbing against the wall became clear. Chris knelt to peer through the leftmost of the two holes and was relieved to see a torch light bouncing off the walls on the other side. Before he could detect anything further a female hand came through the hole and stroked at his face. He retreated slightly, as did the hand, but then it emerged again holding a note. Chris took the crumpled paper and read:

*It’s me… Put your cock through the left hole, your hand through the right. C x*

This was it, another encounter with this freak of a woman. His heart was pounding steadily but actually he wasn’t that aroused, probably due to the mild sense of panic within him. He took a deep breath then hauled his joggers and briefs down to mid-thigh and positioned himself at the hole. In an instant her hand was through, her soft hands circling around his length, fingers tugging at his scrotum. The cool air around his exposed legs only served to heighten the sensation. She massaged him like this until the head of his penis touched the wall. She gripped him firmly and pulled him towards her until his cock and balls were swallowed by the hole and his belly pressed against the cool plastic.

He had never had such an experience before, he felt totally exposed, and yet the majority of his self was hidden from view. It was a strange disembodied feeling. He sensed her grip on him became lighter as she held his now straining cock between thumb and forefinger. Then without warning her mouth was upon him soaking his shaft completely and he threw his head back as the bolts of pleasure encircled him. Her blowjob technique was beyond belief: the wetness in her mouth, the pressure from her tongue and the way she engulfed him entirely, his balls compressed against her chin.

Without any other senses to rely on in the silent dark, he was consumed entirely by the imagery in his head and her mouth around his cock. He suddenly remembered the other hole… What further pleasure awaited him there. He thrust his hand through, feverishly seeking some recognisable part of her. He found the zip of her jacket, which in turn led him to her t-shirt. He spread his palm across her warm belly and then down to her belt. His hand moved further to the right to where he encountered her long thigh – she was obviously in a half kneeling position. Feeling orientated now, he ran his hand back across her skirt towards her knee. He felt denim, then bare skin, then wool – she was clearly wearing long stockings – his prize was now in reach.

Her sucking had now returned to a rhythmic pace and his mind had cleared a little. He angled himself slightly to the right to increase his reach, then he followed the warm skin up underneath the hem of her skirt, letting his hand drift ever inwards. He felt the warmth of her pussy even before he made contact. His fingers soon brushed against the cropped fuzz of her public hair – she was absolutely soaking wet. His fingers split, the first two instinctively making for her sweet young slit while his thumb explored the folds of slick skin hiding her clit. Without any resistance his two fingers were enveloped deep in her hot wetness and he felt her lips lock down on his cock as he did so. Here they were, in an intimate embrace, yet with a cold unseeing wall separating them.

The sucking stopped and she took his penis in her hand so she could inch closer to the wall. This was a relief to Chris as he was close to cumming, while at the same time he had greater access through his glory hole. He felt her lift up her skirt and he realised he could now rub her clit and her anus with his fingers at full reach. He then returned to her dripping vagina with one rigid finger, which he ran up the its inner wall, homing in on her g-spot. Meanwhile his thumb continued to massage her engorged clit. He continued like this for many minutes judging his success by how hard she gripped his cock. Eventually she could take no more, her hips bucked and he heard her other hand slam against the wall. Her climax was convulsive and sweet liquor smothered his hand. Her grasp on his balls was so tight, he nearly shrieked in pain.

And without warning she was gone, his waning erection left hanging free. Another note had been pushed through the shared hole. He ignored it and instead focussed on retrieving his hands so he could greedily lick up her sweet juices that still ran down them. She tasted divine.

The note read: *Don’t go, I’ll be back in 5. C x*

He leant against the wall and inhaled deeply, his mind swimming in heady pleasure. A shiver ran clear down his spine so he wrapped his coat about him to conceal his own nakedness from the cool night. Unseen to Chris was the exchange that was happening at the entrance to the maze. Two females engaged in hushed conversation:

“What was it like?”

“Fucking great, like I told you it would be. Now get in there while he’s still warmed up.”

“What do I do?”

“Just tap your torch on the right hole of the two – he’ll know what to do. Enjoy, you little whore.”

Chris’s eyes opened as he perceived the faint sound of laughter. He wasn’t sure what to make of it, but he held perfectly still, listening to his own heavy breathing. A moment later there was a flicker of light and a loud tap on the plastic wall. He didn’t hesitate to return to the his previous position, skilfully guiding his still swollen genitals through the hole. Once again the hands gripped him and he was a little shocked at how cold they were. This was soon forgotten though as she began to toss him off in a smooth and measured fashion, his foreskin cloaking and revealing his purple glans on each stroke. His balls began to relax away from his body as the warmth spread back through his groin. Another minute passed before he felt her tongue upon his shaft, licking him lovingly from bottom to top and back down again. She then took each of his balls in her mouth and held them tenderly between her teeth while she sucked on them sweetly.

He was totally consumed by this woman. How dearly he’d love to plunge his cock right into her, but for now this new experience was all his body could have mustered. She had now returned to the blow job, but this time it was tight and fast, his tip hitting the back of her throat on each relentless gulp. He felt a huge well of semen building at the base of his penis, ready to explode.

Realising it could soon be over, he reached his hand through the free hole. This clearly shocked her into dropping the torch, as two bright flashes illuminated his arm. He grasped for any piece of her wanton body, again finding skirt and skin. He gripped her thigh, which felt far thicker than before, but he searched onwards unrelentingly towards her wetness. Her bald pussy greeted him eagerly and he thrust his fingers in and around her, savouring every last feeling.

He knew the moment of his own orgasm was upon him and he took his hand from between her legs to grasp her thigh, alerting her to the impending ejaculation. She altered the pace of her sucking and introduced her tongue to the proceedings. Chris felt his body tense completely and he let out a barely stifled… Fuuuccckkk! Jet upon jet of hot spunk exploded from his cock, which she swallowed down heartily. He was still cumming as she released her lips, so he assumed she took a few healthy spurts across her face too. Utterly spent he dropped back to his haunches, his cock still hanging from his pants.

The torch flicked bright again and the sound of female laughter rang out, much clearer then before. Were there two voices, he couldn’t be certain. Feeling suddenly vulnerable he cleaned himself up as best he could, gathered his belongings and stumbled wearily from the maze.

He slept in the next morning and Tammy had not woke him – he was both physically and mentally exhausted from the encounter. Now, in the dull light of a new day, he was sure that it *was* two women on the other side of the glory hole, but he didn’t care to guess who they were and in which order they had pleasured him. Was it even Chloe at all? Curiously, his tormentor hadn’t contacted him since the event. Whereas usually she took great pleasure in teasing him with her calculated words.

And so, with the passing of another seven days, Chris started to feel normal again, like he had regained some sort of control of his life: which of course was a complete fallacy. On that particular Friday he picked up the mail from the doormat and sifted through it idly, noticing one handwritten envelope addressed to him. He carefully opened it and pulled out a gaudy greetings card bearing the words ‘Thanks for everything’ in glittery italics. As he opened it, its contents fell onto his lap and onto the floor. He gathered the photographs up and glanced at the text inside the card. It read:

*Thanks for other night. We had a great time. With love, Chloe & Jess. xx*

Chris involuntarily started shaking; he had the overwhelming urge to run to the bathroom and empty the contents of his stomach. He steadied himself on the table as a cool sweat enveloped his brow. He took a large swig of water and buried his head in his hands, his fingers clawing at this face. What the fuck was this bitch capable of and what had he done to deserve such punishment.

Ten minutes of controlled breathing brought the colour back to his face. He tore up the greetings card and gathered up the photos to take them outside – his first thought was to burn the lot. In the garden he found a metal can and tossed them in and squatted down to glare at the offending items, a gas lighter in his hand. In his position, poised to light the items afire, he began to think. What if the photos didn’t show what he had cruelly imagined, perhaps this, like everything Chloe did, was another manipulative game? He wavered further but then resolved to take a look.

The first photo was brightly lit – taken on a dark night with an unflattering camera flash. Sure enough, it was the view screened from him that fateful night, the other side of the glory hole. It was Chloe in action, her ponytail cast across her shoulders, her mouth almost fully sheathing a veined erect cock – his cock. Viewing the second photo required more of his will – it showed an identical view but this time the subject was different. A young woman engaged in fellatio, her unmistakable red hair tied back, hungrily devouring her father’s erection. As he fell to his knees he saw the third photo – a happy beaming redhead, his firstborn, sticky ropes of cum flecked across her face. He sat there hunched, watching the devilish documents burn, until there was nothing left but ashes.

He took out his phone and texted that vile bitch:

*You’re not welcome in this house again. I can’t be held responsible for my actions.*

The reply was immediate: *Then I have something to tell you. Meet outside the bus station, Sunday at 1pm.*

[To be continued…]

***Thanks for your comments/feedback so far. I don’t know what part of my imagination this story came from, but it has almost written itself so far. The series will be tied up (for now) in part 4: The Garden Party. Cumming soon!***

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/eok99i/he_mistook_her_for_a_shy_girl_part_3_raising_the

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