Folk Fest Fornication (Threesome (Shower Scene)

We are riding the bus back to our campsite after a long night of dancing, the walk is too far after all the time on our feet, so we are thankful for the luxury. This is your first time at a folk festival, and my first time at Folkfest so I’m glad we’re both having fun. As the bus rides along we whisper about the ridiculous five dollar shower fee, and what we’re going to do about it.

“There’s a sink right out front,” you say casually. I hold you close so as to not slip off the short seats, and as I do, I notice the warmth radiating off you even in the cold night air.

“What do you mean?” I respond.

“I mean, you could wash your pits and stuff right there, you’re a guy, no one will care.”

I smirk at the idea, I’d have to figure out a way to give myself access to my body, while keeping it hidden. “I could go shirtless and just wear a skirt to cover my junk with easy access.” You tilt your head as if contemplating the image and then nod vigorously. “Well what about you, I don’t want you feeling smelly and gross just because of bullshit standards.”

You side eye me, I’m not sure if you’re asking this to dare me to answer, or you just don’t realize how obvious the answer to your question is. Either way, you ask it. “You want me to walk through the campground with nothing but a skirt on?”

I stare directly back at you, not breaking eye contact. “Yes.” You shiver at the certainty of my answer, squeezing your legs together. That is when you decided to do it.

As the bus rolls into camp you notice the big flood lights out the window. Scattered through camp are giant brightly lit lamp posts every few yards or so. Causing everything in their sight to be perfectly lit, and casting everything else into darkness. I voice my concern at the bright lights over the bathroom area, and your response causes me to have to walk behind you the whole way back to the tent due to tenting. “That just makes it more fun.”

Back in our tent we figure out the logistics, you slip on your space skirt, and I carefully pull off your Meundies and put on my elephant pants, and no shirt. I open the tent and scramble out, offering you my hand. You don’t take it and get out feet first. Or should I say ass first as you poke it straight up in the air coming out. The skirt slips up as you’re bending over and I see your lips poking out, a smooth sheen of moisture laying atop them. You quickly dart up as you hear me moan. We look at each other questioning if this is a good idea, my head darting back and forth to see if anyone can see us. You look down at yourself and hoist the skirt so it’s above your boobs. “Just to get started,” you say. I can’t imagine how that is more comfortable as the skirt is now higher up on your thighs than your red notice shorts.

You start to move out, going slowly as to not disturb the delicate environment that is your skirt line. I follow you, a ways back so you know I am there, but don’t feel me with you. Also, to make sure no one is watching.

We had seen one or two topless people earlier during a show so there was precedent, still it seemed like an unusual thing even here. You jump a small ditch caused by a large delivery truck earlier in the day. As you do, your skirt flies up and you flash me with all your glory. It’s an amazing sight, seeing the crescent moon behind your full moon. You land and immediately crouch and hold your legs tight, looking around to see if anyone saw. Only one other person is walking around at this time and their flashlight is pointed in the opposite direction. You are safe.

The bathroom area is set up with portapotties to the left, and a trailer of showers on the right. Sticking out of the trailer is a deep sink, the kind you’d see in a painter’s room. Five feet in front of the sink is a large generator that buzzes and hums as the bright beams from god descend upon all of it, all surrounded by a metal fence except where it meets the road. It does feel quite isolating in the dark.

You make your way to the sink and bring out the bar of jasmine and lemon scented soap we had purchased at the market. Looking around a final time, you take a deep breath and pull down your skirt. Your boobs bounce at the quick motion, and I see them getting hard in the night air. I love how your nipples get hard, it isn’t just the nipple, but spots on the areola that poke out. This tells me it isn’t just the cold that’s making them hard.

You release a small amount of water over the bar of soap and begin scrubbing your pits with it. I feel odd about it, but this is the most attractive you have looked since you left the tent. In that moment you let all else fall away, you are simply you, washing yourself, nothing more. Your skirt slipping a tad, showing off your hips, getting sprinkles of water dripping down your side upon them. Hunched over the sink, determination in your face. You’re radiant. But when you begin to splash water on yourself, that’s when you hear it.

“Oh hey Bryn!” A voice that isn’t mine.


It’s Dizzy Dallas. She is our favorite new performer at this festival, very approachable. She got her start in country but quickly moved over to folk music. We passed by her after one of her shows and you couldn’t help but compliment her sundress. You two hit it off like I’ve never seen, it was wonderful to see both your faces light up in conversation. You later remarked that it was because you both came from the west coast, but honestly, it was just chemistry. We ended up having dinner with her, but didn’t know she was camped out here.

“Oh hey Dizzy,” you say, turning your head but no other part of your body, painfully aware of how your tits were still out. She seems not to notice and walks closer to you. Letting your eyes adjust, you notice she is still wearing a sundress, but this one is different. The last one was yellow with streaks of orange and daisies on it, made out of a thin material so you could see her bra and skin when the light shined on it. This one is purple with a big line of dark blue across the front that gets larger with the skirt, and a scattering of white dots for stars. Made of a thicker material, it hangs tighter to her coltish figure. Her long, large blonde hair shines under the light of the lamp posts.

As she gets closer she eyes your supplies and smiled.

“Doing a festival shower? Smart, you know they don’t even give us performers shower passes? Highway robbery, I tell you. Mind if I join you?” You look up at her and smile, and nod, handing her the soap. I move closer, but stay out of your way, not wishing to interrupt. I lean on the side of the generator, staring at both of you casually talking about how the day went. Dizzy scrubs her arms, and you get your upper back and legs. Eventually she works her way up and, not wanting to get her dress wet, without a second thought pulls her straps down to her waist and rests them there, beginning to wash her bright pink hairy armpits. Standing next to her, you can’t help but notice her B cup breasts; perky and pointy. You suddenly have a flash of wonderment asking what they would taste like. Then you remember you’re out in public with no underwear on, and start to bring your body closer to yourself, more embarrassed. Standing behind her I don’t notice her boobs, I do notice her lower back where on the left side she has the letters “PWR BTTM” written in a blue cursive. My brain immediately knows what that means and begins to picture what that would look like.

“Would you like me to wash your back?” Dizzy says, turning to you with a great big smile on her face. Still kinda embarrassed, but not really having a reason to say no, you say, “uhh, sure.” In that moment you are wishing I would come over and touch you already, so you are secretly happy for any kind of physical contact. Dizzy begins chattering away about tour struggles as she washes soap down your back, you stay silent, her moves reminding you of the first time I gave you a massage. Each motion seeming to dare to go farther and farther, lower to your ass, closer to your sides. Eventually you feel her breath as she talks over your left shoulder as she’s looking down. In a sudden move Dizzy grabs your boobs lightly and blurts out in amazement.

“How do you have tits like these? I mean come on, I’d die for these puppies. I’m so jealous, it’s hard going to these festivals you know? Because everyone’s got these amazing racks with no bra on.” She continues at high speed as she just absentmindedly holds your boobs in her hand, not seeming to understand social decorum. “Don’t you get dirty under here, like lots of sweat? Did you wash here?” she asks, as she moves her soapy hands under your boobs. *Is this what women do?* you think to yourself. *Just go around grabbing each other’s tits like it’s a party game?* You’re trying to remember what the appropriate decision in this situation would be, but the fact that there are soft hands caressing your boobs is making it hard to think.

“Hey, do you mind taking your hands away?” you say, looking back at her sheepishly.

“Oh yeah, sorry.”

“No, it’s okay, just, you know, nerve endings.”

“Oh.” Her face lights up beet red realizing what she just did, and begins to roll into a laundry list of apologies.

You smile at her and put your hand on her shoulder. “It’s all right.”

And it is, you actually don’t mind her touch; you the opposite of mind, you want it back. Just on your terms. As you’re thinking about that you remember the elephant in the room. Your vulva and butt hole still need washing. The thought was hard when someone might walk by, but with someone here, who you just met. You think about what I would do. Then you wonder where I am, you haven’t spotted me for twelve minutes, you hope I’m still around. *What would Hayden do…*



“I kinda have more to wash,” you say, letting your eyes drift downward

Her eyes follow and realization crosses her face once more. “Oh man, if you want me to leave that’s totally cool.” She stands up straight as she says it, like a military grunt taking orders from a general.

“No, I’m cool with you staying, if you’re cool I mean.” This tension is eating me up, there is almost a visual force between you that I can see, I wanted to bathe in it. Let that force cum all over my face. You are so cute in this moment I can’t take it, but I know I can’t interrupt.

“I’m cool. I mean, I’m kinda dirty myself, playing bass on stage in 90 degrees kinda traps the sweat in all the wrong places, if you know what I mean?”

You giggle at that and nod.

You begin by rubbing soap on the outside of your vulva and thighs with one hand while holding the skirt in place with the other, ensuring no one can see. As you feel the tingle of your hand brushing the side of your lips you look up and realize Dizzy is just staring at you, not washing herself at all. She makes an excuse about not having the soap, but you can tell she is lying. As you hand her the soap she wets it at the sink and moves her hand up her sundress. You remark to yourself that she is using two hands, while you used one. As she does you both hear a group of three people walking down the road and smoking a joint. You both panic, you pull your skirt over your boobs again and run around the shower trailer, Dizzy runs full pelt around the generator, directly into my unbalanced bare chested body.

“Hey Dizzy, enjoying your shower?” I say, her bare chest on top of mine as I lie on the soft grassy ground.


The crew of pot smokers had continued on their path as Dizzy Dallas realized you two weren’t alone out here. Now we had talked about the prospect of Dizzy, as we seem to with most fun people we meet. I was definitely down to clown as usual as her fiery spirit, and slender body definitely attracted me, but to my surprise you also seemed interested. Not prepared to bring the topic up to her, but you definitely felt a physical attraction you weren’t used to having with someone you just met.

So with that conversation in my mind I struggle to keep my boner at bay with her breasts nuzzled against mine. You are having bigger troubles though.

As you peek around the corner to see what the commotion is, you see Dizzy on top of me, and you also see her ass. Her dress flew up as she fell and she is now presenting to the world, though she doesn’t seem to realize. She also seems to have the same idea of underwear as you do. The first thing you notice is how tight her ass is, small, but perfectly sculpted as if made of marble. Then your eyes travel downward, with her legs on either side of me her butt hole was as clear as her smile. It reminds you of mine with its protruding nature and seeming openness. Trying not to think about it, you know that it has seen its fair share of use. Traveling downward still your eyes rest upon her cock and balls. Dyed the same pink as her arm pits, she is smaller than me even flaccid, but with her foreskin intact.

“Oh God, sorry Hayden!” Dizzy says, getting up and covering herself. Your eyes lift up but I see your eyes before they move and know what you have seen. You both look quite cute with your haphazard garments covering your lovely boobage.

“Wait, what are you doing hiding out here?” Dizzy questions as you walk over. It is a fair question, one I don’t have a convincing lie for, so I don’t.

“Watching them walk around in public with nothing but a skirt on. It was…Fun” I say, gesturing over to you with a face that says that ‘fun’ is not the right word. At that Dizzy turns to you, looking you up and down. With how high your skirt is it isn’t hard to imagine what you aren’t wearing under there.

“You’re walking around this campground with no undies on, what are you thinking? There could be creeps about,” Dizzy says, flying off the handle a bit, not remembering she is doing the same. She means it in a protective way, but it comes across a little rude, which is probably the only reason you respond in kind.

” Who are you to talk, you’re not wearing anything either.” Your words catch in your throat, as if you realized what you said too late and were trying to pull it back in. Dizzy turns beet red, sinking into herself as she looks back and forth at us with a loss as to what to say.

As is my style, I decide to ease the mood with a tactless joke. “Should I take off my underwear? You know, make a matching set?”

Dizzy grabs your arm and sinks her head into you from embarrassment. Then she looks up at you with big round eyes, and speaks with a softer tone. “You’re really not wearing any underwear?”


“And you saw that I wasn’t wearing any underwear?”


“Well that doesn’t seem fair.”

“Huh?” you say, not knowing how to take that. Dizzy freezes again, realizing the only way someone could take that. I raise an eyebrow at this and smirk, returning to my side-leaning position on the generator.

“I mean, I didn’t exactly invite you to do that, so it’s unfair that you did. Right? I wasn’t trying to say–”

I cut Dizzy off with my trademark shit-eating grin. “No, you’re right Dizzy, it is unfair. Bryn got to see you all displayed, and what do you get in return? Nothing,” I say, side-eyeing you like ‘do you think this will work?’ And a bit of ‘are you down?’

Dizzy’s ears turn red, and she becomes even more flustered. “Hayden! I didn’t mean it like that, I swear. You’re making me out–”

This time it was your turn to interrupt, walking so Dizzy has both of us in her sight line. “Dizzy, I think you’re right. It is unfair, I shouldn’t have taken advantage, and I need to make it up to you.”

Dizzy looks aghast at your stance in the matter. “Wait, really?” she says, starting to calm down, slowly realizing what it was we were playing at.

“Really, really. Now can you think of any way I can make this up to you?” you say, leaning forward cupping your hands together in a way that looked like you were begging, but it really just let you cup your breasts together with your biceps. Dizzy takes notice again of your ample cleavage and takes a while to respond. I’m just dying at your theatrics, and your zeal. I am madly in love with this creature I see before me, and the thought of the game is the only thing stopping me from taking you right then and there.

Finally ready to speak, Dizzy knows what she wants. “Well. I mean, if you saw me, it only seems fair…if I saw you.”


Dizzy speaks, each word coming out slower than the last, but as her sentence ends my eyes light up. We all stand there a second, taking in what we are all thinking. In a flash I move to secure the area to make sure no one is coming, and you grab Dizzy’s hand and pull her behind the shower trailer. There is no direct line of sight from the road, but the fence around the edge gives plenty of spots to see. Luckily there are mostly vans parked there, so unless someone were in their driver’s seat it is unlikely they would notice. Still, with the harsh light, it’s impossible to see that far out. It is a gamble.

I race back to you as you’re asking Dizzy to sit down. She obliges, setting her dress on the long grass. Crouching low, you hold your skirt down tight over you, then with a flash you raise it high above your head.

Dizzy and I are in heaven.

You could not see because you have your skirt above your head, but she is enraptured by your vulva. Your hairy bush like a mountain in a national park. Your lips protruding heavily outward, soaked with water and your own juices. Your belly is also visible, which makes the whole thing that much grander. Your clit is fully exposed and begging for someone, anyone to touch it. The curves of your butt can also be seen, round and plump as always. Dizzy is speechless, just sitting there taking it all in. Eventually you peek from behind your skirt at her and she comes back to earth.

“You’re beautiful,” is all she can say.

“Right back atcha,” you say with a wink. She begins to blush again at this, and I decide to step in.

“You know B, this still doesn’t seem right. Didn’t you see Dizzy from when she was lying on top of me? Wouldn’t it be more appropriate if she saw you in the same position?” I say with my same smug voice.

“Dizzy, would you like that?”

“Yes please!”

As you move towards me, Dizzy stops you in your tracks, resting her hand on your collar bone with determination. “Wait, I have a better idea.” With that she pulls two pointy metal objects from her hair, and moves over to the shower door. She sticks them in the lock and starts to jiggle them about. “I always come prepared. You pick things up on the road, ” Dizzy says, wild-eyed, as she pops the lock. The look on her face says she’s ready to stare at your vulva all night–or, something more.

We enter the dark and cold shower room, divided in half by a semi-transparent shower curtain. Dizzy flips a switch and a fluorescent light turns on above. Once the door closes you scoot your skirt back down so your tits and belly are showing.

“Not the best of places, but I can assure you no one will be watching.” I need no more convincing, I lie down on the floor, arching my back at the cold, then settling in. I gesture with my fingers for you to get on top of me. You oblige, staring at Dizzy the entire time. Once you’re straddled on my hips, you lean forward so your boobs are touching my chest. You stare directly at me, then motion to your ass with your eyes.

“Do you mind?” you ask me. Dizzy is sitting down cross-legged behind you, a one-woman audience ready for the show. Not one to hold up a performance, I pull your skirt up,letting it fly like a bullfighter. Dizzy’s eyes expand. Explode might be a better word for the speed of their widening.

She sees all of you. Your hairy legs that grow hairier as they get higher, the tree trunks god gave you instead of thighs, the soaked mound of hair glistening from the liquid coming from your body. Your clit and labia, a doubles figure skating team branching out on their own and making a heroic display.

Not wanting to rest on our laurels, I grab an ass cheek with each hand and spread them wide. Dizzy is floored by this, quite literally falling backwards. Your entire being on display, The dazzling flesh of your inner vulva is shown, intricately designed like the ceiling at an expensive and ancient movie theater. Beyond that, your slightly gaping vagina is teasing what further treasures could be inside. None of this is slightly crossing your mind as the tight hands on your ass, and the air on your vagina, and the skin being stretched in all the right ways, is compounding in you, sending shock waves of pleasure up your spine that tell your brain to keep doing whatever you are doing.

After a bit, I look up to see Dizzy still lying there. Worried, we both get up to check on her. Lying flat on her back, with a sizable boner tenting up her sundress, is Dizzy Dallas, famed folk music star. Her eyes are closed, though her chest movements show she’s still breathing.

“Did your vulva kill her?” I ask, half-jokingly. You look her over inquisitively, crouching and moving closer in. You begin to poke her tit with her right hand to see if she’s awake, and possibly as a slight revenge for earlier. I look down at her boner and try poking it out of horny curiosity; it bounces back the way boners do and Dizzy jerks slightly. She turns over onto her side, curling up into a ball.

“Hey Dizzy?” you say with concern in your voice and a hand on her shoulder.

Woken from a daze, she turns to look at you bleary-eyed, as if departing from a dream. “Hi- hey Bryn, what’s up?” Possibly out of relief, we both laugh at this and look at each other. Another unexpected adventure we find ourselves on. We smile. It’s nice.

“Would you like to cuddle?” you offer Dizzy in this trying time. She nods tipsily. We both move to big spoon her on either side, our arms crossed over touching each others bodies. The room begins to warm up with our combined body heat, and for a few minutes, we just lie there, peacefully. Curled up in each other’s warm spaces.

That is, until someone has an idea.


“I probably should have mentioned it, my doctor told me about it a couple weeks ago when I got tested. Basically when I get turned on too quickly all the blood rushes from my head and I pass out a little.” Dizzy is explaining what happened earlier while curled up in our arms. We have been lying here for a few minutes and started discussing what had happened, and when we all got tested. An important discussion.

Dizzy rolls over to her side facing you, and looking into those deep blue eyes of yours she asks:

“I got to see you earlier, but may I touch you?”

You raise your eyebrows in excitement, and nod shyly. Dizzy puts her hand on your belly, sliding her hands down as you jerk at the motion. She passes over your covered crotch, and moves slowly over it, electrifying your senses once more. Sliding up your skirt so your vulva is in the open air, Dizzy begins gently rubbing her fingers across your outer labia.

“I’ve never experienced a vagina before,” Dizzy confesses sheepishly.

This spurs you to your own confession. “Hayden was my first penis.”

As your discussion carries on, the subject begins to grow larger in my pants. With nowhere to go my penis prods against Dizzy’s ass. Without pausing a beat, she begins to move her hips up and down rubbing against me, harder and harder.

Finally getting the guts to explore, Dizzy plunges her finger deep inside your vagina, slowly moving in and out as you grab her shoulder in appreciation. Unable to take it, I remove my pants and underwear, making me the first to be truly naked in this brigade. Grabbing Dizzy’s hips I rub myself harder against her ass, in return she rubs her finger harder, inserting a second one and rubbing the roof of your vagina.

“May, I touch yours?” I ask Dizzy. She turns over on her back and removes her dress. Switching hands, she sticks her hand back inside you.

I run my hands up her thighs, feeling her shake as I do. She’s already extremely hard, her penis poking out of her foreskin. I run my hands up and down her shaft, feeling the unique ease of movement. My hand glides, it wants to be here; Dizzy’s shakes turn into violent thurts as I grip her harder with my entire hand. She clutches my shoulder with her free hand and stares directly into my eyes. I am lost in her gaze for a moment until I see the desire behind her look. I move myself between her legs and lower my head to her crotch. With my naked ass in the air I take her cock in my mouth.

Only her head at first as the saliva grows in my mouth, then as every good slut should do I takeall of it. The rush is exhilarating, I feel her touch the back of my throat. I take all of her fairly easily and continue in and out at that pace. I move my hands around and grab her ass, pulling her in as my mouth goes down, increasing the speed. Little did I know that Dizzy had stopped fingering you, my focus on her cock blinds me to your movements behind me. At first you just stand there staring at your good sucking a cock, seeing my enjoyment until you can’t help but join in. You drop to the ground and put your head in between my thighs. At first I think it’s just my imagination, feeling the feeling in my mouth on my penis as well, but realization dawns. You take me into your mouth again and again until my hips move with you, pinning your head to the floor with my force. You reach your hand up and take Dizzy’s hand in yours, a comradery of people pleasuring the same person in their own way.

Dizzy squeezes your hand tight and with her other hand she pushes my neck out, taking me away from what feels like my sole purpose in life. She moves behind you, gently gliding her fingers across your vulva.

“May I?” Dizzy wants inside you, and she wants it bad. Your brain won’t let you say no, with the fire in her eyes, the same fire that was deep in your loins. You flip around into doggy style with your hands steady on my ass. You turn to look at Dizzy in the cutest of ways.

“Only if you do me like this,” you said with a start. As you finish your sentence, Dizzy grabs your thighs and pulls them apart, ramming herself into you before your words leave your mouth. Splashes of your wetness fly as she pounds you.

Not wanting to let Dizzy have all the fun, I get on my knees and begin to feed you my cock. This is not a blow job, face-fucking is a more accurate term.

So there you are, a smile on your face, a penis in your mouth and vagina, both moving in and out at different speeds. You look gone in that moment, as if your mind left your body so it could fully enjoy the sensations it was having. Bryn took a pause, you are simply two holes that are being filled.

Dizzy and I stare at each other in glee, I will admit to possibly high fiving. I lean forward and began to make out with Dizzy, her soft wet lips brushing mine, as your soft wet lips brush her penis. Feeling her inside you, her thighs bump against your ass as my tongue moves across hers. A choking sound from below causes me to stop as I realize I have had my entire penis inside your mouth the whole time I was kissing Dizzy.

“Are you okay?” I ask in a panic, gently massaging your neck.

“That was, that was awesome,” you sputter out as you regain your composure. Dizzy ,having paused inside you in case you were hurt, continued to do as she would. I smile and give you a big kiss on the cheek.

It was time I ended this.


As Dizzy continues to pound your vagina, I can see her getting close to the end. I know I must act to give you a finish worth cumming for.

“May I join you Dizzy?” I ask with a wink, gripping your shoulders.

“Huh? Um… where?” Dizzy is breathing heavily and is a little disoriented in the awesomeness that is your vagina.


I grip your shoulders tightly and pull you up so your back is touching Dizzy’s chest; she rose with you, her dick being pulled by your unstoppable vagina. I quickly move my hands to your upper thighs and use my fingers to spread your lips apart. Dizzy reaches down and holds you up with me, so it is actually quite easy. Our hands touch, it’s cute.

With your lips spread apart, I shove my hard cock inside you, pushing Dizzy’s cock to the side and up. We are both inside you now and your eyes go wide in disbelief. You had expressed a desire to have two penises inside you, you did not imagine in the same hole. But if you could take five fingers I figured you could take both of us, and you did. I am having a wild time, the closer part of my dick is being pushed up against your G-spot, while the farther part is rubbing Dizzy’s penis against you. She is moving at a different speed so the dual rubbing is indescribable. I bury my face in your chest as I pump you harder, giving it my all. I reach up with my mouth and grab onto your tit. You give out a sharp moan and I know that Dizzy has done the same with your back, biting into it. I ram you again and again, feeling your body rub up and down against mine. Feeling you both wrapped around my member, shooting waves of pleasure up my body. I feel a tingle inside myself and know I’m not going to last much longer. A second later I hear a cry from Dizzy.

“I’m close!” she yells with struggle in her voice. You look down at me from your perch in the heavens. I look up at my angel and gave you a knowing nod, signaling that I was too.

“Do it! Both of you.” Your words are a struggle to release, you are being swallowed by pleasure, but you just manage to let them out. With that a fire roars in both of us, we know we are at the finish line so we give it our all. Both of us slamming into you as hard as we can, creating bruises in your ass for the morning. I can feel her penis getting harder, filling with cum ready to explode, mine did as well, filling your vagina even more. e

“I’m cumming!” We both yell in unison. Our cum flows into you like it belongs there, with not much room it immediately begins leaking out over us as we give our last few thrusts. Dripping down our balls, onto your thighs, basking us in glory. As I keep myself inside you, feeling my penis get smaller and smaller, I feel Dizzy slipping out. Peeking around you, I ssee a smile on her face, and a glazed look in her eyes. Panic strikes me as I remember her fainting earlier.

Moving before thinking, I rotate you so you are holding onto my right side and then let go, squatting down and leaning my torso to the left. You slide perfectly down my right side, trailing semen as you do .

As that was happening, I reached forward, grabbing Dizzy and draping her over my left leg in a back-supported dip. I stand there for a second holding the dip as you cling to my leg, Dizzy supported in my arms. I feel like an action hero.

I lower her safely to the ground and collapse on top of her, our cum-soaked penises meeting once again.

We lie there together for a bit, you come over and snuggle in yourself, but eventually it gets late, and we have to return to our respective tents. We clean ourselves up and help each other don our evening wear. If anyone paid the slightest bit of attention they could tell we had just had ferocious sex, and we hoped no one would before we got back to our tents. Or at least, two of us did.

We said our awkward goodbyes, and promised to meet up again tomorrow to discuss tonight, and possibly plan next time.


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