[FM] [exh] Lisa – Part 3: Public Indecency

Lisa boarded her normal 8:23 train as she had almost every workday morning for the past few years. Her outfit was tight, but work appropriate, though mostly hidden by her coat. Her skirt was short, but modest enough, and on this particular morning, came adorned with a small, pink paper clip – the only kind the drugstore had in stock the night before. Still unsure of how her mysterious partner was finding her among the multiple train cars, she could only hope that her subtle message was received loud and clear.

She stood in the crowded car, surrounded by dozens of people that could potentially be the one she was waiting for. Was it a man? Perhaps a woman? Wouldn’t that just be… intriguing, Lisa giggled internally to herself. She’d never really envisioned herself with another woman, but she certainly wasn’t against the prospect. It was at that moment that she thought she felt a deft hand enter her jacket pocket, no doubt checking if she had written a note describing her limits. Of course, she knew, there was no such note to be found. A moment later, she ran her hand down her skirt, only to find the paperclip missing from its deliberate location.

The sheer knowledge that she had crossed this threshold immediately made her wet. Her anticipation for that evening’s train was nearly unbearable. Her mind wandered from thoughts of the delightful to the debaucherous rapidly as the train approached her stop, and she disembarked with a larger smile on her face than she’d had before any work day she could remember.

The work day dragged on, but finally, it came to a close. However, Lisa still had time to kill; her unknown rendezvous partner had requested a slightly later train than their normal departure. She wasn’t quite sure why, but it couldn’t hurt to do something illicit a little further away from any prying eyes of coworkers who left at the same time she did. Lisa was nervous about much of what was to come, but the raw excitement countered any fears she had. As 6:28 rolled onto her watch, a train arrived and she made her way on board.

The late train was far more packed than she expected; it was even busier than her normal rush hour train. A combination of late city workers and the dinner rush created a peak ride time that ensured the train was packed to capacity. Lisa could barely maneuver into the car and grab ahold of a railing. Shoving between the bodies around her, while knowing that she was there for the express purpose of being some strangers play thing, made her that much more aroused.

The train started off, but quickly came to another stop. She realized now that this route stopped at significantly more stations than her normal express. What would normally be a 22 minute route to escape the city was now a 45 minute ride, something inevitably known to whoever she’d been communicating with. Lisa put on a smirking grin at this realization, before feeling something that made her feel shocked. A hand, running itself along the back of her right thigh. For a moment, she thought it might have been just another passenger trying to make their way through the car; however, after it lingered for just long enough, repeating the same massaging motion, she knew her partner had arrived.

Lisa fought an immediate urge to simply turn around and see who she was dealing with. She had wondered for so long that the mystery was killing her. But as the hand moved up her thigh, higher this time, bolder, it firmly grabbed the bottom of her butt cheek. The hold was tight, and the hand felt large. This was a man’s hand, no doubt remained in her mind. She leaned her body back into the hand slightly, as if to give the final acknowledgement that this was what she wanted. She felt a second hand wrap it self on her waist.

Lisa’s eyes darted to the left and right, but the train car was packed to the gills. Everyone was minding their own business, or zoning out, or falling asleep, or simply trying to ignore the world. But Lisa was focused entirely on the hand on her inner thigh, which was now tenderly rubbing forward and back, well under her skirt at this point. The hand on her waist held steady. Whoever this was, she was the only stability they were grasping now. The train car rocked gently on the tracks as it moved to the next stop, but the strong grasp on her remained the same.

After what felt like an eternity of teasing in this public venue, the firm fingers began moving upwards, softly at first, before pushing in slightly as they ran along the length of her slit. The only resistance they met was the bunching of her panties, as rubbing fingers along wet cotton is inevitably a tough task. For a moment, Lisa thought she heard a satisfied hum at the touch of her soaked underwear. The right hand pulled back, but only for a moment, as the left grasped her at the waist tightly and motioned her back, as the initial hand rapidly dove up her skirt from the back, before diving straight back down into her jet black underwear, which had frilly lace running along the upper edge since Lisa wanted to feel extra sexy today.

The motion was swift and effective, letting her skirt fall back down around the arm under it while also pulling her panties to a similar depth, getting them out of the way. The hand was quick, and only an adept watcher would have noticed what he’d done, but for obvious reasons, Lisa had; and more importantly, her body had. She had to stifle a gasp at the surprisingly seductive motion, wishing that more lovers had taken her this way. Her pussy lips had barely a moment to arouse before she felt a finger on each side of her outer sex, moving forward with the erotic pace she’d only seen in pornos, taking in every ounce of her heat and pleasure. She heard an announcement echo out for a stop as the train slowed, but her mind was melting into the moment too far to know – or care – where she was anymore.

The fingers slid forward meticulously, building anticipation, before shifting inward at the last moment, splitting her folds apart as they searched for the clitoris. She could feel her fluids soak around the digits as they located what they were looking for. Lisa nearly lurched forward, stopped only by the firm grasp on waist, as her clit was suddenly squeezed and toyed with, the heat in her body growing rapidly. With every motion by these foreign fingers, her body ached to respond audibly. The constraining palm on her waist left for only a moment, repositioning itself under the jacket, now only a thin button-down blouse between the hand and her stomach. As her clit was teased relentlessly, she could feel the other hand begin rubbing along her waist. She felt held, bound almost, by this simple gesture; yet above all, she felt pleasured.

The train continued bumping its way forward. Lisa was still surrounded on all sides by unknown passengers, who could undoubtedly feel some of her less voluntary spasms. They all were wrapped up in their own minds, while Lisa lost hers. The hand rubbed forward and backwards, and then in circles, an unending assault on her sanity. The fingers, however, had more in mind, as they shifted backwards, Lisa regaining a small bit of clarity in her mind if only for a moment.

She felt one thick, confident finger plunge into her. Her wetness greeted it as she could hear an audible squish come from below her belt, her pussy unable to contain its delight. The heavy lubrication easily invited a second finger shortly after, gaping her where none could see. As they began to move in and out, slowly at first but with increasing speed, she raised a hand to her mouth as if to stifle a yawn. Lisa, however, was instead muffling a light gasp she could no longer keep bottled, as the exploration of her body continued.

She had barely noticed that the hand once holding her waist in place was now massaging the underside of her breast, delicately running itself along the thin, weak material her sexiest bra was made of. What it lacked in proper support, it made up for in enhancing her already beautiful natural cleavage, and she could now feel the front hand worm its way to the center of her blouse, skillfully unbuttoning a middle button so it might continue its journey inward to her right breast. Her jacket was still zipped in front, protecting this exquisite view from the middle-aged man in the seat in front of her, who seemed to be trying to nap on this slow ride from the city center.

The fingers inside her grew in strength as they did in speed, now pulling back against her pussy with each stroke. The warm feeling of a man inside her was something Lisa had not truly realized how much she missed until this moment. She could feel light constrictions as her pussy squeezed the fingers, urging more from them. A sudden bump in the train almost bounced her forward once more, but the hand wrapped under her jacket pulled in to keep her firmly in place. Whoever was inside her was strong. With how deeply they were wrapped in and around her, she could feel some of their body pressing against her back, steady and solid.

As if using the jump of the train as an excuse, the upper arm now fully groped her breast under the shirt. Sly fingers slipped into the already low folds of her seductive bra, beginning to tease her hard nipple. Lisa’s pleasure was reaching a point where it was becoming hard to contain. Her legs began to squirm around the invading fingers, as she shoved backwards, rubbing her tight ass into the body behind her. She could feel something firm and hard against the back of her skirt. Lisa knew full and well that her benefactor was enjoying this too. She arched her back upwards and against his chest as the fingers left her pussy, moving back forwards to her clit with a renewed vigor.
It was clear now this hand had intent to finish her. Lisa could feel her body pulse with an erotic dread, not knowing how she could contain the inevitable orgasm. The fingers rubbed faster and faster, the same pattern over and over, her body convulsing into them as they did. She kept her hand in front of her mouth, as she leaned her head back as if to sneeze, when she actually just couldn’t resist. It was then she felt the hot breath of her strange captor, breezing against her ear. This small gesture, the final acknowledgement of how much this stranger was indulging in her pleasure, pushed Lisa over the edge.

Her hand clasped at her mouth, doing its best to reduce to a squeak what wanted to be an ecstatic scream. Lisa’s legs began buckling, but the strong arm giving her this pleasure never let her fall even an inch as it held firm between her thighs. The hand pulling at her breast softened, returning to a light massage, before pulling back entirely. The penetrating fingers beneath her, feeling Lisa regain her stability, reached down to pull her underwear close to their original position once again. Her mind still reeling from the experience, she was unable to move or speak as she knew if her mouth opened, a yell of pleasure would still erupt. She could feel her pussy quake with pleasure, as waves continued to echo through her body, weaker than before, but still going; the new experience proved more than she ever expected.

She only felt a hand once more, as it reached into her pocket. She could feel the arm quickly move away, as the chime for a stop played over the speaker. Lisa had no idea what stop she was at, or even how long it had been. Regaining composure, she glanced around, to see the same crowded train, oblivious to the ecstasy that had occurred right before them. The numerous headphones had been kind to her, as she only saw one woman looking over with a curious gaze. What had she seen? Did she know? Maybe that made it even hotter, Lisa thought, her first real thought since she felt a touch on her thigh.
Lisa realized this was her chance to see her pleasure-giver, turning around as quickly as she could, but she only saw a man in a high coat hurrying off the train car, as a new crowd of people shoved in to replace him. She reached into her pocket to find what she expected, a fresh note. A slightly damp fingerprint was visible on the outer side, which she knew was her own wetness. She unfolded it and held it up to her face, uncaring what anyone around her thought any more, excitedly reading the words.


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/eoharf/fm_exh_lisa_part_3_public_indecency


  1. Links to:

    * [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/d22ay8/f_exh_nc_lost_in_thought/)
    * [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/du7rqc/fsolo_exh_lisa_part_2_strangers_on_a_train/)

    My holidays got unexpectedly busy! But the good news is that with those out of the way, I can start focusing a bit more on what I really want to do. I’m debating whether this story needs a good part 4, or to move on to a new tale. What do you think?

    Hope you enjoy, and cum as hard as I did writing this <3

  2. One of THE best erotic writing I’ve come across. Kudos to the writer. Bar has been raised. Expecting more.

  3. Perfectly written. Love the setting in which the action takes place. This isn’t anything new, but damn, does the author know how to execute a great sex scene! Great stuff! ??

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