A surprise for her ffmmm

He is acting weird tonight. We’ve gone to the club before, but he seems nervous about something. He looks fantastic in his dark shirt and jeans and I’m feeling pretty fabulous in my sweater dress that shows enough to tease without giving away all the goods, so what’s going on? Maybe it’s because the club is so crowded, I love people but it is a bit busy.

As we finish off our glass of wine, he seems a little more relaxed but like something is still off. I have tried asking but he keeps saying everything is fine, just relax and have fun. He keeps rubbing his fingers over my arm, back down to lightly grip my breast through my dress and kissing my neck softly. I’m pretty sure if he keeps this up, we are going to need to find a room or a corner in the back because I am extremely turned on. Maybe that’s why he’s doing it. I think he enjoyed plunging his fingers in me in front of everyone last time we were here. I couldn’t do anything but cling to him and moan, oblivious to all the people standing around. Just thinking about it make my nipples harden, that’s going to be noticeable without the bra I tossed in the back seat of the car earlier.

I run my hand over his crotch, testing to see how he’s feeling about the night. He is rock hard. I am not sure what has him so turned on, I have been focusing on his touch not nearly reciprocating enough to cause THAT. I look up at him questioningly, he grins a small grin and then moves my hand.

What? I’m really confused now. He starts to slide his hand under my sweater, and barely touches my lips and I jolt. “We can’t do that here, it’s not allowed in this part of the club”, I remind him, even though I yearn to shift my hips forward and feel more his touch. He strokes me once more and removes his hand and I groan. He has been teasing me all night, promising I’d find release once we got here and now he’s just continuing the torture.

He doesn’t seem to mind continuing to sit, but I need him to touch me more so I grab his hand and pull him up and out of his chair. We take a tour of the back, pausing at one of the rooms. They have put the chain up, but the door is still open. This is a clear sign: No one can join, but watching is allowed. If the chain were down: anyone could join. The door shut means leave them alone completely.

Inside we can see a woman on her back, legs spread as far open as possible and a man pounding her pussy. He wasn’t going easy on her, the entire bed shifts with each thrust. She is screaming his name and I am lost in it. Out of nowhere I feel 2 fingers invade my pussy. I have been wet all night but they stretch me a bit upon their invasion. My knees nearly buckle with pleasure. The sudden sensation of being occupied coupled with watching how well the lady in the room was being fucked almost made me come. I can feel it building.

If I just thrust my hips a few times…what?! As sudden as they were in me, he removes his fingers and I am empty. Stuck on the cusp of orgasm, I lick my fingers, but before I can shove them inside me, he makes me stop. “No touching yourself” he says. I stutter, “But, I need…”, “your needs will be seen to later, I promise, just be a good girl, enjoy the ride, and trust me”. I do trust him, but that isn’t helping my throbbing, begging pussy. It won’t take much more for her to be dripping, running down my leg, showing everyone how excited I am.

I am pulled out of my thoughts as I hear the lady scream simultaneously with the hulk of a man that had been fucking her. They were done, the show was over. I start to move on, but he grabs me around my waist and holds me in place. We watch as they each clean up, strip the bed, wipe it down and leave.

Before I know what is happening, he is pulling me into the room with clean sheets in his hands. Yes!! He is finally going to give me release! As he makes the bed, he asks “Do you trust me?”. I nod, slightly confused. Then he pulls a blind fold out of his pocket. Ok, we have tried that once or twice, and if it means I can cum I’ll wear it. He slips it on and sits me on the edge of the bed. He pulls my shoes off, then stands me up and slowly pulls my dress over my head.

I feel a warm sensation on my nipples and can only assume his mouth is close by. I shove my chest forward but all I hear is a small laugh and then a cool breath brushes across both of my nipples. I moan. Apparently he is not done torturing me even as I stand here completely naked in front of him. He then helps me sit then lay back on the bed.

“Are you comfortable?” He asks. I nod eagerly, hoping that this means his cock will soon be in me. “Good, now lay back and just enjoy”. Some nights all he cares about is my orgasm, and that’s great, but tonight I need it and his cock both. He knows he can make me cum with a few thrusts of his fingers, but that doesn’t compare to the sensation of his cock in my pussy, stretching me and feeling him fill me completely. I try to pull him closer, but I can’t see and my arms find empty air. I start to pull off the blind fold and he stops me “leave it there and just relax, if it gets to be too much just say so and we will stop”. I respond “ok” trying not to let my frustration out in my voice and let my hands fall back to my sides.

His mouth is on mine suddenly and I lose myself in the kiss, trying to express how horny I am. I nip his lip, suck his tongue, everything I can to communicate my need to him. He breaks the kiss and I feel his hands start to trail down my body. Goose bumps pepper my flesh.

I am trying to let him enjoy his game but my hips keep rising off the bed of their own volition. Sudden his mouth finds my breast and I gasp. It feels so good, when I cum tonight it’s going to be a big one, he has me so wound up. His tongue is lightly tracing over one nipple while his hand mimics his mouths movement on the other. Then he pinches and nips them. Mmmmmmm.

“More! Please!” I can’t say more what, I just need more, I’m a bundle of nerves waiting to be touched. All of the sudden his touch is gone again. I feel the bed shift and think “he’s going to make me cum, finally!” Ahhhh I feel a finger slide inside of me, I want this, I want more, I want everything. Once more I feel my nipple gentle between teeth and am torn between wanting a harder bite or for the pressure to release. I feel my pussy clamping down on his finger inside me, but it still craves more. Then his tongue is on me, flicking my clit ever so gently while slowly moving his finger in me.

Wait…my brain scrambles to catch up. If his mouth his on my pussy, who is sucking my nipple right now? I tense up, and all I can say is “Sir?”, he responds “just enjoy”. He can see what is happening, I must have forgotten to hook the chain when we came in. “I’m sorry Sir, I was so caught up, I forgot to put the chain up”. He responds “I’ll punish you for that later, now just enjoy”.

I try to clear my mind and go back to enjoying the fact that I have two talented mouths working on me simultaneously. The other person hasn’t said a word, but since Sir didn’t tell them to leave it’s ok. I trust Sir. As I start to relax again, I feel him surround my clit with his lips and suck, I nearly jolt off the bed. “Good girl” is all I hear before my head starts buzzing.

He slids a second finger into me. Meanwhile my breast is receiving gentle kisses and suckles now, matching the ministrations I’m receiving below. It seems whoever is with us, is well in tune or watching exactly how Sir treats me and responds in kind.

At this point my hips are bucking non-stop. I can’t fight the urge to grasp the head at my breast and pull it harder against me. I need rougher, I need them to find that fine line between pleasure and pain for me. My hand meets a head full of long hair. I gasp, it is a woman at my breast.

At the same time, she understands the signal and sucks as much of my breast into her mouth as she can and holds it, moving her tongue over the nipple simultaneously. I never thought I’d have sex with a woman but it’s thrilling and I feel closer to orgasm than ever. My pussy is quivering around Sirs fingers and all I can do is chant “please” over and over again.

I feel bad for holding her head so tightly and release my grasp, but she guides my hand back to her hair and wraps my hand in it. She then proceeds to nip at my nipples with her teeth. Now I’m thrusting my chest at her and my hips at Sir going crazy. I have to cum!

And suddenly my pussy is empty again. I sob, but then I feel his head pushing against my folds. Oh thank God! I’ll finally have his cock. Just as it slides into me, so slowly I may scream from frustration, he latched his head on my breast beside Hers. I grab both of their heads and shove my breasts at them as hard as I can. At the same time they both bite. I scream. It hurts, but it hurts so good. I’m on a high at this point, I snatch both of their heads off my breast and kiss them both at the same time.

I broke off and took my time kissing Her in thanks for what she was doing for me, then turned to him and did the same. Then I realized, I am not kissing Sir. Again my brain whirls, there are now four of us in the room, my pussy throbs harder, I feel Sirs cock throb, it seems he is excited by all this. I remember his words “just enjoy” as I shove both of their heads back on my breasts. Sir starts moving inside me, I am bucking trying to quicken the pace and he insists on going slow. Slowly in, pulling all the way out, sitting the tip at my entrance, then slowly back in. Each time my hips thrust, he pulls out and waits for me to calm down. It’s torture,

Him and Her are killing me switching between using their mouths and hands on my breasts, and then I imagine them kissing over me while massaging my body and I get even wetter. I don’t know how I’m supposed to survive this. Sir slides back in me again, and says “My little slut, are you enjoying this?”. He knows that term kicks me into over drive when I’m this turned on. I’ve told him before I was his slut, but this time, I’m proving it.

“Yes Sir, your slut is loving this, please don’t stop”. His one word reply does nothing to bank the fires of my desire “good” and then he shoves into me for several hard thrusts. Yes! I scream, almost there! And he stops and withdraws from me again. I almost cry.

I have learned not to question sir or he will continue this torture longer, so I await his next step while stroking the heads of the strangers at my breasts. I hazard a question, knowing that it may back fire, “are you enjoying this Sir?” The only response I receive is a cock in my mouth. I suck hungrily. Maybe if I can drive him as crazy as he has me I will finally find release. As I am sucking and licking, I feel two fingers slide inside me.

It’s not what I need but at least Sir hasn’t forsaken my pussy completely. Sucking cock isn’t my favorite thing to do, but I will do anything at this point to make sure I find release. Sir knows this and withdrawals from my mouth after several hilt deep thrusts at which I swallow knowing how it drives him crazy.

Again I feel the bed shift and his cock at my pussy. “Please!” He knows what I am asking for and shoves inside in one fast hard stroke. He grips my thighs and pull me toward him, cause my nipples to pop out of our “friends” mouths. I feel them shift around and suddenly my breasts are once again covered in touches. I beg “Please let me see you when I come!”

Suddenly the blind fold is ripped off and I see Sir standing beside the bed stroking his cock harshly. I then look down and see a beautiful brunette female and male by my chest and a strange man buried in my pussy. I look at Sir my eyes bulging out of my head, everything feels so good, and based off of the moisture I see gleaming off of the tip of his cock he is enjoying this too.

Finally he speaks again “Fuck that pussy as hard as you can, I want you to make her scream!” I gasp and then can’t do anything as my hips are used as handles for the stranger hammering into me. My nipples are being tugged and yanked due to the furious movements but all I can do is yell “Oh God, Sir!!! Oh God, Oh God” he knows what I’m waiting for, he knows I can’t cum until he tells me to, something about the command sets me over the edge. I keep begging with my Oh Gods, he just smiles and strokes his cock. I can’t take it, Stranger is now groaning and I can feel his orgasm is close. “Please” I try again, and Sir still remains silent. Stranger cums in a guttural sound and I am still thrusting trying to find my release.

As Stranger slides out of me, Sir walks up, drops to his knees, shoves 3 fingers in me, looks me in the eyes and says “Now you better cum slut and wash his cum out of you!” I let loose a scream like I have never heard before and shattered all around him, I soaked his hand, face, arms, and chest. I try to be embarrassed, squirting isn’t “normal” but all I can feel is relief and lust for more.

He doesn’t disappoint, as my first orgasm starts to subside, he shoves his cock in me, Her starts kissing me, and Him starts stroking my clit and I loose it again, as does Sir. I’m panting having never climaxed so hard before. But I don’t forget my manners and say “Thank you Sir”, as he stands up to clean us all off.

Edited to split paragraphs for readability

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/eosalu/a_surprise_for_her_ffmmm


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