My daughter, What Exactly Did You Do?

Once the swing door passed, Juliette was assailed by the heaviness of the atmosphere, invaded by smoke from incense. Father Mairain had a heavy hand with regard to the offerings to the Lord. The church was empty as it should be … only the solar rays came to illuminate the biblical scenes, represented on the stained glass windows.

Here, Juliette felt good, at peace … finally freed from the demons who chased her, at any time of the day or night.

She trusted Robert, but it had to be said that her methods of making him recover the Way of God were particularly singular! However, thinking about it, it started from an irreproachable logic.

She had turned so far from her human nature, from her role as a woman, from her humanity, that she had to work hard to find them … otherwise she would experience the loss of her soul and her Salvation! Certainly, but everything that Robert made him do was disturbing! To walk naked under her clothes was confusing to say the least … and did the Church allow it?

Currently, Robert had ordered him to go to the church, completely naked under his beige overcoat … and there, Juliette wondered if all of this was really good, in accordance with the dogmas of the Holy Church!

But at least here, she was going to have the enlightened and neutral opinion of a true clergyman!

Father Mairain, a holy man if ever there was one, was busy replacing the candles on their candlesticks. When he saw this brunette with curly hair, thin and slender, stuck in his beige overcoat, his hands in his pockets, his eyes painful and his face closed, he thought that something was wrong!

At 63, after almost 40 years of officiating in different churches in France and Navarre, he had met some funny parishioners … he had a lot too.

He had noticed the attraction of a lot of women for ministers of religion … and for some like him, “ass” too!

Certainly the famous tendency of women to go towards the forbidden, the impossible … wanting to conquer impregnable fortresses … in appearance ?!

Anyway, the abbot had noticed that the most sluts, were at the start the most pious and boring of his parishioners, after a little psychological manipulation nevertheless. As if we had created a fault in a dam, having retained too long a large amount of unfulfilled desire and perversity, and that once the fault widened, everything came at once!

### In short, the stuck brunette of about forty … he could smell her.

– Hello, father, are you changing the candles?

– Not stupid, it is to square you very deep in your little pussy of giant clam frog, he wanted to answer! Instead:

– What can I do for you my child? Which way of Providence brings you to me, so early in the morning?

– Well indeed, I have a big case of conscience my father … and may be things to blame me!

– Come to my office.

She followed him and he made her sit in an armchair, opposite him, sitting behind his desk. He had a mini-camera arranged to have the vision on the crotch of these ladies … of which he could feast the eyes, thanks to the small monitor on his desk.

Unfortunately, the dildo kept the legs tight. No bottoms anyway, the legs were bare … he would have imagined her naked, in garter belts under her raincoat … you had to have confirmation. He got up, offering her a cordial, and already a hand on her shoulder, offered to remove her coat.

The woman stiffened, and cautiously surrounded her arms as if to protect herself … bet won! He was now sure she was completely naked under the raincoat. He gave her the cordial, which she swallowed quickly, and, giving her another, advised her to let go and relax … she was here in good hands!

As he had pushed the heating to the bottom, and the alcohol was starting to heat it up a little, the woman had to loosen the belt of her overcoat, and unbutton the top, revealing the top of her chest! Father Maurain was starting to get excited and bend hard!

– So my child, this problem of conscience?

After having related the episode of the bible which burned in her fingers, of its handling by her director of conscience, she stumbled to explain what consisted of “practical work”. The abbe felt that she was hiding something not very Catholic.

Not insisting, he proposed the confessional, where the beautiful could pour out on the wounds of his soul. Everyone, separated by the wooden partition, with the small trellis, the abbot could nevertheless see everything that was going on thanks to the two hidden cameras, above and below … there was some stuff in this confessional !

“Speak my child, it is God who listens to you through my ears. So this young man helps you to find the Way of Salvation. Good, but how does he do it?

– He explains to me that I had distanced myself from Humanity by conceited conduct, and that to find my soul, I had to plunge back into certain aspects of Humanity.

– Like what ?

– I’m a little ashamed … I think I made big mistakes. At the time, after a certain anxiety, I liked that, but now, in this church in the presence of you, my father, in the presence of God, I have the impression of having made a terrible error of judgment !

– Well my daughter, what exactly did you do? said the abbot, who was starting to get angry, about the woman’s lack of communication.

– I can’t bring myself to tell you about it … I’m too ashamed!

– Look, I think I understand your problem. What you have done is nothing, compared to what I see on your Path of personal life.

– Ah well, and what do you see my father?

– Hell under your feet, my poor girl! You are confessed, you do not trust me, and therefore you have no feeling of redemption. The Lord will hold it against you. I am beginning to understand what your thought director is trying to do.

You are so haughty, self-confident, individualistic and limited, that no more only Christian feelings pass through your soul. Pride is perhaps the greatest capital sin, which drives man to rise to the rank of God.

The vulgar creature tries to put itself at the level of its Creator. Do you understand my words well? If you persist in this lack of dialogue and openness, you are doomed to Perdition! Now describe to me the practical work, which your director of conscience advised you, to bring you back to what you really are: a poor creature, bogged down in guilty arrogance! “

The sermon had been so violent, and it echoed Robert’s arguments so well, that Juliette allowed herself to be destroyed by the validity of the priest’s declarations. Yes, indeed, she was bogged down in her Error. And she felt like she was sinking little by little into the hell of hell! Wiping a few sobs, she put on a face, and decided to confess everything to the abbot, in the smallest detail.

– My father, Robert, my director of conscience forces me to recover my humanity, and for that he engages in erotic games with me.

– Ah! We are coming. So what did you do with him, said the abbot, who was starting to heat up … once again his instinct had not deceived him! The fish was hooked, and he felt that the giant clam would soon open his thighs!

– He asked me to undress, installed me on his thighs and caressed my breasts. I felt a great shame, but also an ambiguous feeling of pleasure.

He ordered me to walk naked under my clothes, and spread my thighs to show him my cock, when we ate family, under the table.

And yesterday, after shaving my cock, he ejaculated on me, after asking me to masturbate, and then take me in the shower.

– So ? said the abbot, who had taken out his penis, and was beginning to caress himself, did you experience pleasure?

– Uh, yes my father. Lots, although this is all new to me!

– Perfect, you become human again. But now you’re going to leave your overcoat …

– But I can’t!

– Good, you will find yourself naked! And so, isn’t it the original nudity of Adam and D’Eve? Anyway, I can’t see you!

– How do you know ?

– I see through consciences, my daughter. Now, get down on your knees on the floor, facing the wall, spread your thighs and grab the little latch in front of your face! “

Juliette had indeed undressed, despite the fairly cold temperature of the church. She felt at the same time ashamed, but excited. After all, his abbot could only want the salvation of his soul.

She pulled on the latch which opened a hole ten by ten centimeters, and there appeared the abbot’s phallus in all its glory. Having understood what the abbot wanted from her, and taking advantage of yesterday’s lesson in the bathroom, she grabbed the scoop of flesh, and began to caress and manipulate it back and forth. A long moan answered his gesture:

– Now take it in your mouth, my daughter, and use your lips in a sucking reflex, as if you were eating an eskimo, amuse the glans with your tongue, and continue this delicious movement of your fingers on my penis. And keep going until I tell you to stop! Not before !”

### She ran her fingers over the priest’s penis

Even if she had to do it clumsily, at least he seemed satisfied. As for taking his phallus in his mouth, that she had never done, but as she felt confident, and that after all the argument of the priest stuck word for word with that of John, it was not done pray … and then she said to herself:

– But what does it feel like to have a man’s cock in his mouth … and when he ejaculates? As John did to me yesterday, on my breasts and my face, “she thought.

She told herself that she was making great progress to recover the path of her Soul! And also, she felt like a ball which weighed down in her stomach, as well as a tension at the level of her nymphs, which she had started to know well since two days!

– Name of God, but what a good sucker this Juliette! I was not mistaken … this small giant clam is easily malleable, and has the skills of a professional slut! But let’s not go too fast. The prey should not be startled. At this rate, I will not be long in letting go of the mash! “Thought Father Mairain.

And indeed, Juliette, who caressed the sex with one hand, while the other traveled more precisely on the abbot’s sex, was invaded in the mouth by a beautiful discharge of sperm! At the time, that made her cough and she had a little gagging, but very quickly she could feel the pleasant contact of this rod, which pulsed in her mouth, less and less powerful jets!

Part two: [](
