Meeting and secretly playing in public [MF] [exh]

My heart skipped a beat when our eyes met from across the coffee shop. I couldn’t believe someone actually responded to my post — for one, it was actually asking to meet up in person, but it was also so much more tame than the usual requests for threesomes or RandomActsOfMuffDive or whatever. I simply wanted to have a face-to-face conversation about sex. After all, it’s not cheating if it’s just a conversation, right?

Now you were here, and you were even more attractive than you looked in your photo. We each wore a nervous, excited smile, and I wondered what was going through your head as I took you in, top to bottom.

We introduced ourselves while I bought our drinks. We exchanged niceties, and there was definitely an exciting chemistry between us, but it felt like a leap to move the conversation toward the overtly sexual, even filthy topics we had mentioned over PMs. So during a natural lull I decided to just go for it. It’s what we were both here for, after all.

“All that dirty talk led to some amazing sex dreams last night,” I said. I was excited to see your pupils dilate and a smile tug at the corner of your lips.

“Is that right?”

“Mmm-hm.” I took a sip of my drink. “In one of them, I was sitting on a love seat next to a girl in a room full of my friends. We had a blanket covering our laps in a half-assed attempt to conceal fingering and a hand job.”

“Did you get caught?”

“I can’t remember, because I’ve played it back in my head both ways since I woke up. I really don’t know which I like more — trying to keep a dirty secret in front of other people, or flagrantly showing off in front of them.”

It didn’t take long after that for our conversation to sound like the filthy texts we’d been exchanging the night before. We both shifted around in our seats as we talked about fetishes and fantasies that the other patrons could easily have heard if they tried to eavesdrop.

After a little while, you got a mischievous look on your face. I could tell you wanted to say something, but you hesitated. I smiled reflexively. “What is it?”

You inhaled sharply and looked me in the eye. “Wait right here,” you said, and you walked briskly toward the bathroom. You glanced back at me just before entering; I cocked my head to one side. You stifled a laugh and rushed inside.

I shook my head, clueless as to what was so exciting. I glanced around the shop. The place wasn’t packed, but it sure wasn’t empty, either. I tried to see if the people at the nearest tables were watching me without making it obvious that I was looking at them.

I heard the bathroom door swing open, and you strode toward me like you were walking a runway — full of confidence, with just a hint of a smile. I leaned back in my chair and your eyes were locked with mine. You sat back down in your seat and looked extremely satisfied.

“Hello,” I said, equal parts confused and amused.

“Put out your hands,” you said.

I was only too pleased to follow your orders, laying them cupped on the table between us. You moved your hands over mine, dropped something soft into them, and clasped my hands around it. Then you gently pushed my hands back toward me.

I gave you a look like you had just given me an unexpected birthday present, pulled my hands close to my chest, and looked inside. It took me a second to recognize that the tiny, silky cloth in my hands was the underwear you just removed. My fingers ran over a wet spot that gave evidence of just how arousing our conversation had been.

I quickly clasped my hands tight and laughed in surprise. “Holy shit!” I glanced side to side to make sure we hadn’t caught too much attention, and you laughed, too.

“How’s that for a dirty little secret?” you said, and slowly crossed your legs.

My mouth was agape in disbelief. I raised a hand to cover my mouth and was surprised to smell the scent of your wetness that I had just touched. It was intoxicating; I immediately went from amused shock to borderline inappropriate arousal. When I opened my eyes again, you raised your eyebrows at me.

The part of my brain that judges good ideas vs. bad ideas was clearly out of commission. “Now you wait,” I said, and gave a low chuckle when I saw your eyes go wide. I went off to the bathroom myself.

I locked the door and wasted no time in unzipping my pants. I was already hard as stone and wet with precum from everything you’d already said and done, It felt heavenly smooth to wrap your panties once, then twice around my cock. Your grool painted a ring around my shaft, and it didn’t take long for me to feel a full-body satisfaction that left me weak as I lined that cloth with pearlescent fluid. I clutched the sink for support; it hadn’t taken very much time at all. I caught my breath, gathered myself, and caught my reflection before heading back to the table.

Now it was your turn to look intrigued as I slipped the prize back into your hands. I had carefully folded it to try to ensure its contents wouldn’t spill out, but that probably wouldn’t last long.

You glanced down as you tried to shield it from prying eyes, and you gasped. “Holy fuck.” I looked at you tentatively, trying to read exactly what your reaction meant, but you gave me nothing in that instant.

You pushed your chair away from the table and gave me an intense and inscrutable look. You stood up without explanation and, for a second, I worried that I had gone too far. I was slightly relieved and a little curious when you made your way, yet again, to the bathroom, using your foot to close the door behind you.

You hadn’t exactly made a scene, but a couple other people noticed how quickly you had left the table and looked my way. I smiled weakly back at them.

I felt foolish and wondered what, exactly, you might have been doing. Washing any trace of me off your underwear? Throwing them out? Calling the police?

You emerged again before long, though, preventing me from actually freaking out. The look on your face wasn’t one of anger, either. It was… sultry, maybe? You took your time, now, as you walked back to our little two-seat table. Your hands looked empty, though, and sure enough, when you sat down, you offered me nothing.

By this point I was thoroughly confused. “Is… everything all right?” I asked.

Your mouth curled into the most devilishly playful smile at that point, like you knew you’d been messing with me. Your eyes lit up. “Mmmm,” you intoned, but without breaking your smile. “Mmmm-hmmm.”

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my cock, and I could barely believe my own eyes at what you did next. You opened your mouth wide and slowly stuck out your tongue, your eyes locked on mine, as you proudly showed me your mouth completely filled with my cum that had been lining your panties just moments ago. Your tongue was completely covered with my load, and you quickly whipped it back into your mouth before any could drip off. “Oh, my god,” I whispered.

The thinnest little strand of cum lay on your lower lip as you swallowed hard with satisfaction. Only then did you break eye contact, closing your eyes and clutching your chest as you let out an involuntary moan that surely must have been too loud for our surroundings. “Mmm.”

A guy two tables over glanced in your direction quizzically. You looked straight at him and said, “It’s a fucking amazing latte.” You turned back toward me and we both cracked up; the guy turned back toward his own business.

You used your index finger to wipe the last little bit of cum off your lips with a flourish, looked at it contentedly, and sucked your finger clean with a light smacking noise.

It was fucking incredible. I couldn’t believe it. I still can’t believe it. Somehow, we had just met for the first time, and in the middle of this coffee shop, I had filled your mouth with my cum. Jesus.

You were glowing as you looked at me again. I’m sure I must have had an incredulous look on my face; you certainly seemed amused. “Well,” you said, “I think that’s my entire lunch hour. I need to get back to work.”

Your confidence and control were just as much of a turn-on as the audacity you had just displayed. I shook my head in disbelief. “Yeah… I suppose I do too.”

We both stood up and leisurely left the coffee shop, preparing to walk our separate ways. As we crossed, you lightly grabbed my shoulder. It was the first time we actually touched, and I felt lightning course through my body. I stopped in my tracks, and you leaned in close to my ear.

“I hope you didn’t have any plans for your lunch tomorrow,” you spoke softly. Your breath on my ear made my blood run hot.

I turned slightly toward you. “I am all yours.”

You squeezed my shoulder and gave a winning little laugh, and then we went our separate ways.

I cannot *wait* to hear from you again.



  1. Wow! That was hot! Personally, better than if you’d just gone to a hotel/motel and fucked! Very nice!

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