The Camgirl Part LX: You’re Gonna Need to Lock the Door [Plot] [Teasing]

**LX: Blake and Liam**


Blake leaned back against the sink, watching as Liam chopped up the half-onion with an expertise that belonged on a cooking channel. Unfortunately, at the moment, she was too shocked to enjoy the sight before her or poke fun at Liam for crying while cutting the onion.

“You’re staying,” she said, still not entirely believing.

“Yes,” Liam said, sniffing, “I thought I covered that when I walked in. Fuck, why do onions have to be in everything I like to cook?”

The corner of Blake’s mouth twitched at the comment, but she still couldn’t believe Liam’s answer. She wanted to reach out and touch him. To make sure he was real–that she hadn’t passed out after doing her work and was in the middle of a pitifully desperate fantasy. Not only did Blake not trust herself to touch Liam after that kiss, however–her pussy was dripping wet, her ass pulsed around the plug, and she was *still* only wearing a thin robe that she had to keep just right to keep her rock-hard nipples from poking through–but an irrational part of her feared that he would vanish if she tried. That she would wake up and find out that this really had been just a daydream.

“Why?” Blake asked.

Something of her disbelief and fear must have come out in the word. Liam froze for a moment, then set the knife down and wiped an arm across his face before turning to face Blake. He squinted a bit, eyes red, before taking his shirt and pulling the hem up to his face to wipe at his eyes.

Blake thought he cursed again, but she couldn’t be sure. His shirt was up only for a few seconds, but that few seconds gave Blake the first view of Liam’s abs she’d had since Friday when she’d spent the night?

*Fuck, has it really only been a few days?*

Sometimes it seemed like it had been weeks since that night, while others it seemed like mere hours.

*You’re worth it.*

Remembering Liam’s words sent an incredible warmth through Blake, as it had every time she’d thought about them since hearing them come from Liam’s lips.

*I thought he’d just meant he thought I was worth dealing with everything that comes along with being a camgirl. Did he mean more than that?*

Blake shuddered when Liam’s fingers brushed her cheek. Electricity flowed through her from the spots of contact, making her tingly as she looked up to meet Liam’s gaze. Once those incredible blue eyes held her own, his hand cupping her cheek, Blake had to bite her tongue to keep a moan from slipping out.

“Why wouldn’t I?” He asked, voice soft, “You’re not the only one who would be going crazy over break if I’d gone home.”

“But what about your family? The cost of the flight? You can’t just cancel on them last–”

“Blake,” Liam said softly, cutting her off, “I didn’t just decide not to fly home today.”

Blake blinked, “You didn’t?”

Liam shook his head, smiling, “Remember the day you were late to class because you were–” Liam cut off as his cheeks turned red. He cleared his throat before continuing, “Uh, thinking about me?”

Blake’s own cheeks grew hot as she remembered that day. Her pussy remembered too, throbbing with the same need that had distracted her on that morning.

*Fuck, fuck, not good. Liam is way too close to me right now. Especially his face. His perfect, stupid face. And his lips. Oh, fuck, his lips.*

Blake shook herself. *Fuck, when did my heart start pounding like that? No. Focus!*

“That long ago?” she asked, unable to move away from Liam. His hand still cupped her cheek though Blake didn’t remember when he’d started rubbing his thumb back and forth.

*Fuck, that feels nice. Is he doing that on purpose? Or does he not even realize it?*

Liam nodded, then kissed her on the forehead before straightening and turning back to the stove and counter.

Blake had to bite back another moan at the loss of contact. She raised her fingers to her cheek, then her forehead, still able to feel him there.

He picked up the knife again, “I told my family it was silly to fly *all* the way out and spend all that money just to come back a few days later and fly back again after not even a month. I’ll miss them, but winter break is basically a month that I get to spend with them, so it’s not so bad.”

Blake watched Liam, barely able to process his words, as he set the knife down again before reaching over to turn on the burner under the skillet.

“And I’m not trying to impose on you or anything, just so you know,” he said, taking a few slices of butter and dropping them into the pan, “Swar said I could stay with him over break and do Thanksgiving with his family if I wanted.”

“Oh,” Blake said, nodding to herself as she deflated a bit. That made much more sense, “Got it.”

*Of course, he’s staying with one of his roommates over break. You really think he’d want to stay over if you’re not even going to fuck him yet.*

All the warmth Liam’s touch had brought to Blake faded. She’d let herself get too excited. She’d—


Blake forced that train of thought from her mind.

*This is Liam! He’s not like that. Even if he isn’t staying with you, it’s not just because you said you wouldn’t fuck him yet. Right?*

That last thought made Blake feel cold even as she gazed at Liam’s tall form.


Blake jumped, though Liam didn’t look back at her, instead swirling the skillet around above the flame. He put it back down after a moment, then lifted the cutting board he’d chopped up the onions on.

“Yeah?” she asked, voice small.

Liam went stiff for some reason, then scraped the onions off the cutting board onto the skillet. They hit the pan with a nice sizzle, and the smell of butter and onions filled the kitchen within seconds as Liam began to stir.

“Swar said I could stay with him,” Liam said, “But I only asked because I didn’t want to presume or make you feel pressured or anything. I want to respect your rules, and since we haven’t gone out on our date yet, I didn’t want to just show up at your door and make you think I was trying to manipulate you into sex or anything.”

Blake almost barked a laugh at that. Her eyes were hot and growing misty.

*He does want to stay with me. Fuck, he wants to spend five whole days just with me.*

Blake’s heart swelled within her chest, yet at the same time, her eyes felt just grew hotter and mistier. Trying to hold that back, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Liam, resting her head against his back.

“You’re amazing,” she whispered, “You know that, right?”

She felt Liam stiffen in her arms, but only for a moment.

“I’m glad you think so,” he said, voice almost as soft.

Blake held him like that for a bit as he cooked, trying not to cry at how sweet Liam was. When she couldn’t hold it back any longer, she searched for an excuse to hide her face from him.

*Oh, my robe!*

She gave Liam’s middle a squeeze, then stepped back, trying as hard as she could to keep her voice steady, “Fuck, I’m still in my robe. I’ll be right back.”

She made it two steps before Liam spoke.

“I think it looks good on you. Like, really good. You don’t have to change out of it if you’re comfortable.”


Blake didn’t turn around, continuing on to her room, “If you’re gonna be here, I need to at least put some panties on, or my legs are gonna be all wet before too long.”

As she closed the door behind her, Blake really wished she could have seen Liam’s face at that comment.

Then she flopped onto her bed and tried to get the tears out as quickly and quietly as possible.

*Stupid sweet fuckin’ perfect Liam.*



Liam glanced after Blake as she disappeared into her room, very conscious of the heat in his cheeks.

*No underwear? In that skimpy little robe? Was she serious, or just trying to distract me?*

Knowing Blake, it was likely both.

With a sigh, Liam turned back to the stove, pushing the onions around in the pan as they caramelized. He was pretty sure of what he’d heard in Blake’s voice, and he didn’t like it. He knew she had issues; ones hinted at in some of their more serious conversations, and others that Liam knew she wasn’t ready to talk about yet. He could deal with that, though it would be difficult making sure he did so in a way where Blake didn’t feel like he was pitying or smothering her.

*That doesn’t mean I have to like it, though.*

The sadness and desperation, and even the hints of fear that Liam had heard in Blake’s voice hit him like needles of ice being driven into his heart. Had he made the right decision in not entirely acknowledging it?

*She did say that sometimes she would need me to just let her be until she brought something up.*

For now, that seemed like the best course of action. Maybe along with something to distract her? Looking down at the onions, Liam had a good idea of what to do.

Blake’s door opened, drawing Liam’s attention. His cock throbbed as Blake walked out, a lump forming in his throat a moment later.

Blake’s robe was pale grey with an almost silvery look to it. It appeared to be made of silk, or something incredibly thin. Her nipples pulled at the fabric, drawing Liam’s eyes, and though he knew Blake now had on underwear, the way that the short, swishing bottom of the robe clung to Blake’s hips gave the illusion that there was absolutely nothing beneath it.

Liam started to speak as Blake approached, but remembered the lump in his throat and had to force it down before he could get any words to come out.

“I did tell you that you look *really* good in that, right?” he asked, “*Really*, really good?”

Blake smiled as she closed the distance between them, “You may have said something like that.”

“Well, you do.”

Liam grinned as Blake rested one hand on his forearm and the other on his shoulder before going up on her toes, lips pursed. He leaned down to meet her, capturing her lips to make the kiss linger just long enough.

“Thank you,” she whispered, lowering herself back down.

Liam just grinned, then remembered his idea, “Do you have an apron?”

Blake raised an eyebrow, “Yeah. I don’t know if it will fit you, though.”

Liam looked back to the onions, which were almost done, then glanced over at Blake as she bent down to go through some of the drawers. The robe hung open in the front enough to give Liam a tantalizing view of her breasts and rode high enough up on her thighs to tease as what she was or wasn’t wearing underneath.

*Fuck. She has to be doing that on purpose.*

Not that he was complaining, exactly. He wanted to respect Blake’s rules, however, and according to her, he had to be the one with some self-control.

“Ah-ha!” Blake said, holding up the apron as she straightened, “Found it!”

Liam chuckled to himself, taking the onions off the heat and pushing them into the small bowl he’d set out for the purpose. The apron was white save for the text on the middle, which read: “Fuck off, that’s what it’s supposed to look like!”

“Yeah,” Blake said, glancing between Liam and the apron, “I don’t think this will really cover too much of you, dude.”

Liam grinned, “Good thing it isn’t for me, then.”

Blake’s eyes narrowed for a moment, then widened.

“Hey!” she wined, putting her fists on her hips, lower lip sticking out, “I thought you were gonna cook for me!”

“I’ll still help,” Liam said, “But I’m going to *show* you how to do some parts of it so that if you like it, you can make it for yourself even if I’m not here to instruct you.”

That wasn’t his primary purpose in having Blake do some of the cooking, but it was still technically true.

Blake peered at him for a moment, then rolled her eyes and slipped the apron on, “Ugh, fine. I’m not touching any of the raw chicken, though. That’s just–” she shuddered, making a face, “Bleh–so gross.”

Liam snorted, “Do any of you guys have a slow cooker?”

Blake nodded, “Duh. How do you think I cook my meat, dude? Just dump it in without touching it and then pull it apart later.”

“That’s exactly what I was gonna recommend, actually,” Liam said, picking up the plate of chopped cauliflower as Blake walked over.

“Alright, here. Just turn the heat on to high and I’ll dump these in. Then take a little bit of olive oil and drizzle it over the top. There’s still some butter left over, but not enough for what we need.”

“How much olive oil?” Blake asked, unscrewing the cap, “A tablespoon? Two?”

Liam shrugged, moving over to where Blake had set the pan with the chicken, “Just drizzle it around the pan. Make a circle. As long as you don’t dump half the bottle into the pan, you’ll be fine.”

After watching Blake trepidatiously drizzle olive oil over the florets, Liam pressed down on one of the submerged pieces of chicken and smiled.


“Alright,” Blake said, “What now?”

Liam laughed, handing her the pepper and garlic-salt grinders.

It didn’t take long for Liam to see that his plan had worked. Giving Blake something to do that she was only somewhat competent in apparently took enough of her concentration to shut out thoughts of anything else. To his surprise, she didn’t really talk much as she cooked, save for a plethora of expletives and questions asking if she’d fucked everything up. Once they had combined the cauliflower, barbeque sauce, chicken, and pre-chopped veggie mix, Liam finally took over to let Blake relax.

“Do you get this nervous every time you cook something?” he asked, carefully moving the food around–the pan was big, but not as big as his wok at home, which is what he’d had in mind when telling her how much chicken to put in.

“I’m not usually cooking for other people, much less you,” Blake said, taking off the apron and putting it back in its drawer, “My cooking is also usually much less involved.”

“Fair enough,” Liam said, sneaking a glance at her.

She caught him.

“What?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.

Liam shrugged, “I’m not allowed to check you out?”

Blake grinned, and Liam had to fight back one of his own as her cheeks reddened.

“This isn’t fair,” she said, folding her arms across her chest in a pout.

Liam raised an eyebrow, “What isn’t?”

“You’re wearing way more clothes than me.”

Liam thought for a moment, then grinned, “I could take off my shirt, if you want.”

Blake’s eyes widened, and Liam thought he actually saw her pupils dilate.

“Yes,” she breathed. Then her cheeks grew even redder, “Fuck–wait. Don’t I mean–” She threw her head back, “Ugh!”

With a sigh, she returned her gaze to Liam, narrowing her eyes, “That was not fair. You’re supposed to be the responsible one here.”

Liam just laughed, turning back to the food.

For a bit he just stirred the mix of chicken, veggies and barbeque sauce, then he heard something behind him and smiled as Blake’s arms snaked under his to wrap around his middle again, her head resting against his back. A comfortable warmth spread through him, and he laid one hand over her arms, encircling her wrist with his fingers.

“Let me know if I’m being too touchy, alright?”

Liam blinked at that remark. He almost set down the spoon but remembered what he’d decided on earlier. He’d go with that until it didn’t work anymore.

“I think you’ll have to try really hard to get to that point,” He said, continuing to stir.

Blake seemed satisfied by that, and a comfortable silence stretched between them after that. Liam liked being this close to Blake. He knew that it was a bad habit to keep comparing her and Marie, but he couldn’t help it. Marie had never just touched him like this. With her, any physical affection had been short–a quick hug or kiss–or had simply been sensual or sexual in nature. They hadn’t ever just touched each other. Not like this.

Liam liked this better.

“So, were your parents really okay with you staying over break?” She asked.

Liam bit his lip at the question and the twinge of pain that came with it. He’d wanted to keep their conversation away from this kind of thing–for now, at least.

*But Blake said that this is only going to work if we’re honest with each other, and you know she’s right. Who knows? Maybe if you open up about that, she will, too.*

“My parents…” he began, then sighed, “It—it’s not them I really needed to worry about.”

“What do you mean?”

Liam took a deep breath, glancing at the pan again. The food looked about ready–sufficiently sauced and crispy in the right places.

“I don’t live with my parents when I’m home,” he said, turning off the burner, “They–”

Liam tried to explain, but the words wouldn’t come. He couldn’t make them.

*Fuck, how does it still hurt this much after so long?*

Blake’s arms tightened around his middle. He could feel her concern through the simple touch. That helped.

“It’s…not something that’s easy for me to talk about,” Liam finally forced out with a sigh. He laid one hand over Blake’s squeezing them for a moment, then shifted over to the cabinet where the girls kept their plates and Tupperware. Blake let her arms fall from his middle. Liam frowned at the loss of contact but knew it would be a bit too difficult to try and parcel out the food with her wrapped around him like that.

“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Blake said.

Liam sighed, glancing over his shoulder as he got down two bowls and three medium-sized Tupperware.

*How can she always look so beautiful?*

“I want to,” he said, “At some point at least. It’s just…”

Blake’s hand came to rest against his back, sending shivers all over his body.

“I know,” she said, “I–I have stuff like that, too. It isn’t something you really talk about, so when you try to, it’s harder than you thought. Right?”

Liam nodded, resting his hands on the counter.

*This is definitely a much heavier mood than I had planned for tonight.*

“Some of it isn’t too hard to talk about,” he said, flashing a smile at Blake over his shoulder as he moved back to the pan, “The person I really had to convince was my Auntie.”

“You live with your aunt?”

Liam shook his head, laughing to himself a bit as he carefully portioned out the food into the different containers, trying not to spill any on the counter.

“Not exactly,” he said, “That’s just what I call her. I live with my best friend, Kekoa, and his parents. I usually spend the holidays with them, when I can.”

“Kekoa?” Blake asked, the hand on his back now rubbing small circles over his shirt, “Sounds exotic.”

“They’re Hawaiian,” Liam said, scraping the last of the food out of the pan.

“Hmm,” Blake said, “Not gonna lie, I pictured you growing up in like a super WASP-y neighborhood. You know, where there are like five different house designs, but they all look just different enough to not look like cookie-cutter houses?”

Liam laughed, “I mean, you’re not wrong, though I think there were only four different designs. Kekoa lived about ten-fifteen minutes away. We just met when we were super young and have been friends ever since. I spent a lot of time at their house when–when things started to get complicated at mine. I started going on trips with them and got to know their extended family really well, too. Kekoa and his cousin, Havika, are my best friends.”

Liam turned then, bringing the pan over to the sink. He went to turn on the water, but Blake slapped his hand away.

“Nope! You cooked–I’m doing dishes.”

“Technically, we both cooked,” Liam pointed out.

Blake rolled her eyes, “You still did most of it.”

She pointed to the bowls, then the table, “Go set the table and get us some water. I’ll rinse this and everything else so that they aren’t too gross to wash later.”

Liam thought for a moment, then leaned down and kissed Blake. She let out a muffled squeak when his lips brushed against hers, immediately deepening the kiss, hands clutching at his shirt.

Liam’s cock throbbed at that, and he remembered Blake’s rules and the food he’d just made. He pulled back, eliciting another squeak from Blake.

“What–” She began, then paused to take in a breath, “What was that for?”

Liam shrugged and shot her a grin that he knew was overly smug, “Can’t I just kiss you if I feel like it?”

Still grinning, he moved past Blake toward the table before she could react.



Blake peered at Liam over her food as they ate. She’d offered one of the Tupperware to Sophie before sitting down, asking her roommate if she wanted to join them. Sophie readily accepted the food but declined the second offer with a grin at Blake. When she’d asked what Liam was doing over, Blake had explained and asked if it was okay that he stayed over. Sophie had laughed and said that he was welcome any time as long as she got to enjoy some of his cooking.

Liam had laughed at that as he sat down with Blake to eat.

So far, their meal had progressed in relative silence, which Blake was thankful for. It gave her time to think about what Liam had said. Though she did get distracted every now and then by her pussy. Even that short kiss had been enough to fan the flames burning between her legs.

*Sooooo not fair.*

She would have to find some creative way to get back at Liam for that.

Figuring that out would have to wait until later, however.

“You never finished answering my question,” Blake said, taking a drink to help wash down a bit of the food, which was delicious, as always, “Are…Kekoa and his parents alright with you missing Thanksgiving with them?”

Liam blinked at her for a moment, then smiled, “Yeah. I initially tried just telling them I thought it would work better financially and stuff if I didn’t fly back until after finals, but they saw right through me. Well, Auntie did, at least.”

Blake couldn’t help but smile at the affection in Liam’s voice when he said “Auntie.” It made her feel a lot better after Liam’s earlier, more somber mood.

And confused her. Liam seemed way to well-adjusted and just…normal to have something in his life that was that hard for him to talk about.

*Are they divorced? Dead? Abandoned him? Were they just shitty parents?*

Blake shut down that line of thinking again. Speculating was just stupid. Liam would tell her when he was ready.

*Would it be easier for him if I opened up first?*

That still scared Blake. She couldn’t really think of anything Liam could tell her that would scare her away, but she could think of plenty in her own life that would turn most people into ghosts. Blake didn’t think Liam would do that, but she still worried he might reject her or think of her differently.


Blake shook herself back out of her head and looked up at Liam.

“You alright?” he asked, gaze focused on her.

Blake smiled, “Yeah. Uh, what do you mean they saw through you?”

Liam’s cheeks colored and he scrubbed a hand through his hair, “Uh, they knew I was staying because of a girl.”

A lump formed in Blake’s throat, “You-you told them about me, then?”

Liam raised an eyebrow, grinning, “Blake, I told them about you a while ago. When I asked about staying, they just laughed and asked if I still expected them to believe that you and I were ‘just friends.'”


Blake looked down, pushing a few pieces of food around her plate before returning her gaze to Liam, “What did you tell them about me?”

“That you’re a friend,” Liam said simply, “Well, more than a friend now. Kekoa and Havika laughed when I admitted that to them.”

Blake raised an eyebrow at that, “They laughed?”

Liam’s cheeks colored again, “They may have been giving me shit about being into you since the first time I mentioned you to them.”

“Which was?”

Liam shrugged, “Something about you being awesome because of whatever you said to make Marie start having sex with me more often.”

Blake’s own cheeks grew hot at that, “Oh. Right. Did you tell them anything else about me? Kekoa and Havika, I mean. Not your Auntie and…Uncle, I’m assuming?”

Liam nodded, smiling, “Kaia’Auntie and Uncle Steve. And they just know that we share a lot of interests and how great you are. I won’t tell them what you do for a living unless you want me to. I even made sure not to show them any pictures or anything. I don’t know if they would immediately recognize you, but I’m pretty sure they’ve both seen you at some point.”

Blake sighed, stuffing another bite of food into her mouth.

“The price of success,” she groaned once done chewing.

Liam snorted, “You are pretty popular.”

Blake frowned down at her food, “That really doesn’t bother you?”

“It does a little.”

Blake’s gaze snapped up, meeting his, her chest tightening, “I thought you said—”

Liam reached across the table, taking her hand in his. Even that simple touch felt so wonderful. That touch, combined with the look in his eyes, relaxed Blake, melting away her apprehension.

“You said you want me to be honest with you, Blake,” he said, holding her gaze, “I never said that you being a camgirl doesn’t bother me. I just said that you’re worth dealing with the ways that it does.”

*You’re worth it.*

Liam’s repetition of those words brought a warmth to Blake, making her feel a bit better. She still didn’t like that he was bothered by it, though.

“What about it bothers you?” She asked, “Specifically? Just so I can see if there’s anything I can do to help.”

Liam smiled at her, “You don’t need to do anything, Blake. You enjoy your job, and I’m glad that you do. That’s more than most people can say. I’m pretty sure the only things that really bother me are the same things that bother you. If I notice a guy checking you out on the street, I don’t really care about that. If someone tries flirting with you…” He shrugged, cheeks turning pink, “Well, I’m pretty sure you’re into me enough that I don’t really have to worry about that.”

Blake almost barked a laugh at that. *That’s the understatement of the century.*

“If some guy catcalls you or makes a rude comment or is an ass to you,” Liam continued, “Then I have a problem. With you, that’s just much more likely to happen online. Like I said—it’s not a problem with you. And honestly, that’s probably just your version of having to deal with shitty clients or customers for someone working at retail or in an office. Your shitty days just have more potential to hurt you. That’s mostly what bothers me.”

Blake found herself smiling at that. She tried to take another bite of food to give herself a moment, but after a moment of groping around with her fork, found that she had cleaned her plate.

“Aw man,” she sighed.

She was mostly full. That didn’t mean she didn’t want more, though.

Liam laughed at that, rising and taking her dishes.

“Hey!” Blake tried to swipe her plate once she realized what Liam was doing but wasn’t fast enough to get anything but her glass, which still had a bit of water in it, anyway, “You cooked, I’m doing dishes.”

“We both cooked, and I like cooking,” Liam shot back, “Plus, don’t you have a show to get ready for?”

Blake checked her phone, “Not for another hour and a half.”

“And how long does it take you to get ready for a show?” He asked, setting their dishes in the sink and turning on the water.

Blake’s cheeks grew hot, “An hour.”

Liam blinked, “But you barely wear any clothes? And you’re already wearing make-up.”

“Well, if I’m doing something themed, then it can take way longer or a little bit less time,” Blake explained, but first I have to pick out what I’m wearing. I either have to pick out a set of lingerie or pick out some panties and socks that go with a small T-shirt. Then once I’ve done that I’ve gotta do my hair and makeup to match it. Curling or straightening hair takes a long time, and if I don’t find something to wear pretty quick, picking out clothes and throwing them all over the room and then cleaning up after takes a while. Then I’ve gotta pick out some jewelry to match my hair and clothes, and then I need to set up my equipment and make sure the part of my room people will see is clean and free of anything too personal.

“Fuck,” Liam breathed, “Are you going to need like, all day tomorrow to get ready for our date?”

Blake narrowed her eyes, “You shouldn’t make jokes like that when the only thing I have to throw at you is a heavy glass.”

*Wait! Date.*

“What exactly are we doing for our date tomorrow?” She asked, running a hand through her hair.

Liam flashed an infuriating grin at her, “Part of it is dinner, but the rest is a surprise. All you need to do is dress up.”

“Ugh,” Blake groaned, flopping back into her chair, “Can you at least tell me what you’ll be wearing so I have a general idea of what I should wear?”

“Slacks, a nice button up, and a jacket,” Liam said, “And a tie, if you really want me to.”

Blake glanced over at the backpack Liam had set over by her door, “You’ve got all of that in there?”

Liam laughed, “I have a little foldable thing for suits that *just* fit in there. Comes in pretty handy.”

As Blake studied Liam’s backpack, she thought of something.


“What’s up?”

Blake turned back to Liam, “What time is our date tomorrow? So I can reschedule my show?”

“Oh, right. Reservations are at six.”

Blake smiled, taking out her phone, “Thank you.”

She quickly made the adjustment on her calendar, then glanced back up at Liam again and smiled before making another adjustment and relaying them on her social media platforms. Blake looked back up at Liam to find him smiling at her.

“What?” She asked, cheeks heating again.

*I’m just going to end up looking like a tomato permanently at some point.*

Liam shrugged, “You’re just nice to look at. I also feel like you had something else to ask. That ‘Fuck’ sounded a bit too emphatic just for needing to reschedule your show.”

“You’re annoyingly perceptive,” Blake remarked.

“Only when I’m not trying to be.”

Blake stuck her tongue out at him but rose from the table and made her way over to the sink. He’d made quick work of the dishes and was just drying now.

She put a hand on his arm, looking up at him.

*Fuck, sometimes I forget how tall he is.*

“I…want you to stay over tonight,” she said.

Liam grinned at her, “I was hoping you would. Sleeping with Swar isn’t nearly as enjoyable.”

Blake rolled her eyes, “I have a show tonight.”

Liam nodded, “Yeah. And?”

“Are you fine just…hanging out while I do that?” Blake asked.

Liam chuckled, but looked away. His cheeks turned red again.

“I have some stuff that I can do while you’re doing your show,” he said, “You just…um…”


He set the last dish down and sighed. His face was bright red when he turned to her, “You just need to lock the door.”

Blake raised an eyebrow, “Why?”

Liam bit his lip.

*Fuck, that’s cute.* Her pussy agreed.

“When I was watching your show last time,” he said slowly, “I was half-naked all the way across campus, and I had a hard time telling myself that it would be a bad idea to run across campus and break down the door and interrupt you. You’re kind of loud, and if I’m just in the next room…”

He trailed off, clearing his throat, “You’re gonna need to lock the door.”


Liam shifted and Blake glanced down at his jeans to find a nice bulge there.

She swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat, nodding as she looked back up at Liam, “I think that’s a good idea.”



  1. Woo! Part 60! Did not think this was going to be nearly this long when I started writing the first chapter.

    I know there’s been a lot of plot lately, but that’s winding down. Things will heat up again next chapter and they’re not going to go down for a while.


    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIII](
    [Part LIV](

    [Part LV](
    [Part LVI](
    [Part LVII](
    [Part LVIII](
    [Part LIX](

  2. So much built up tension! Great writing! Its weird, when I first started reading this I just thought it would be a hot steamy story to get off to but now I’m honestly enjoying the fluff and plot filled parts more! I just want them to be happy with each other and I can’t wait to see how you write it!

  3. I’m so infatuated with these idiots. I didn’t refresh your account 3 times at work today, I promise :|

    Loving the plot.

  4. I love that with a long story like this you have time to just have plot and teasing. Just makes everything more worth it. Great job!

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