Katie and Kayla Pt 2. [Ff, inc]

Katie woke, then stretched as far as she could. She felt a relaxation, a calmness inside her that she had never felt before. Then she remembered what happened the night before. The adrenalin grabbed her system and shock and fear took over. She fucked Kayla last night. Or Kayla fucked her with a vibrator and her tongue and she masturbated Kayla, with both her fingers and the vibrator, twice, to an orgasm.

She jumped up, out of bed, expecting to see Kayla in bed, alongside where Katie had been. No, that wasn’t right, she left Kayla’s room after experiencing twice the pleasure that a woman can give another. Katie hadn’t gone down on Kayla, but she would have, Katie thought. Perhaps next time.

Next time! She really was thinking about it, but right now, she didn’t think she wanted to even see Kayla. Her bladder was full and she didn’t want to embarrass herself so she fled into the shared bathroom. The door was unlocked and when Katie got halfway through the door, she saw Kayla, naked, just getting out of the shower. Katie was dumbstruck. For the umpteenth time Katie saw her sister naked but for the first time she saw how beautiful Kayla was in her raw form. Katie looked at Kayla as a sexual person, a lover, and she was overwhelmed with a heady rush of hormones. Her resolve to avoid Kayla dissolved in that rush.

She didn’t wait, even before Kayla had reached for a towel Katie embraced her and kissed her. Kayla returned the kiss and reached up to caress Katie’s breast.

“Sorry, gotta pee,” Katie said, “Then have a shower.”

“Want company in the shower?”

“Never tried it before,” Katie said while relieving herself, “You?”

“Yep, and it’s fun,” replied Kayla as she adjusted the shower, patiently waiting for Katie to join her.

Finishing her morning pee, Katie reached for some paper to wipe herself, but Kayal said, “No, just join me in the shower, I’ll clean you up.”

Surprised, but willing, Katie stripped her nightie off and stepped under the shower head, rinsing her body, but Katie wasn’t sure if the sting of the hot water was arousing her or the anticipation of Kayla enjoying her body. Kayla had the body wash out and smeared it over Katie’s breasts and belly. She then stepped in and hugged Katie and started to shimmie.

Being hugged by a naked woman was an erotic experience, but having her so slippery and writhing over her, that was a real exciting thing. Kate’s nipples hardened and she felt her vulva swell. Kayla kissed Katie and ran her hands over Katie’s body.

Making a little space between them, Kayla ran her hand down over Katie’s hip and then inward, to touch the mound of hair between Katie’s thighs. Katie felt Kayla’s fingers glide over her mons then touch her now hardened clit. Kayla masturbated Katie, gently, then with an increasing vigor, bringing Katie to a fever pitch of arousal that demanded release. It wasn’t long before Katie came for the third time in the last twelve hours.

Katie slumped back onto the wall, feeling the shower tap stab into her back. She jumped and the little pain wiped what was left of her orgasm away. A little regretful at her own stupidity, she kissed Kayla. Then she kissed Kayla’s breasts. Moving down, Katie steeled her nerve and got onto her knees. Water gushed over her head as she leaned in and kissed Kayla on her neatly trimmed bush.

Probing a little with her tongue, Katie remembered what Kayla did to her last night. She felt around, a little lower as Kayla leaned back a little exposing more of her own sex to her sister’s mouth. Finding a small hard knob, Katie licked it and felt Kayla shudder in excitement. Ignoring the water cascading over her, Katie licked and slurped at Kayla’s pussy, trying to reach as far as she could with her tongue to return the pleasure she herself had received.

Katie ignored the growing discomfort of her neck being bent at an awkward angle and just kept lapping at the folds of skin now under her mouth. Kayla’s breathing got more and more ragged, her moans and gasps more frequent, her body started shaking as she felt Katie’s tongue finding all the right places. The persistent lapping on her labia, her clit, her vaginal canal, all of her, was going to bring her to an orgasm. Then it hit, washing over her faster than the water gushing out of the shower head. She grabbed Katie’s head and pulled it tight onto her pussy as she shook with the muscle spasms of climax.

Kayla slowly let Katie’s head go, reluctantly allowing her sister’s mouth to leave her pussy. Katie stood and Kayla kissed her, lapping the juices Katie had around her mouth, inside her lips, on her tongue. Still a little sakey at the knees, Kayla held her sister and said, “I really do love you.”

“And I love you too,” Katie replied.

“And that was only the second time too.”


“It took me about seven or eight times of having sex with a girl that I finally got the courage to go down on her. You did it in two.”

“Well, I might be a lesbian then.”

“Nah, I think we are likely to be sluts together.” Kayla laughed. “You really loved the vibrator and it’s a lot better with a warm body attached to it.”

“Depends on the body though.”

“Yeah, so tell me, who do you masturbate to? Who do you dream of fucking?”

“Mmm,” Katie stalled.

“For me it was Aiden Kemp.”

“No, don’t know him.”

“He’s a year ahead of me, graduated last year.”

“Oh,” Katie said, “Then I can say it’s Mia’s brother, Andy.”

“Andy?” Katie nodded, “As in the City U freshman?” Katie nodded again. “As in the boyfriend of super-bitch Julie Agistino?”

“Yep, that’s him.”

“Jeez, and I thought I was aiming high,” Kayla said, “Wow.”

“Why not? He’s a real hunk.”

“Yeah he is, and I’ve heard he is well hung too.” Katie was a little embarrassed, but then the water ran cold. Both girls shrieked and got in the way of each other trying to get out of the shower stall. Katie quickly turned the taps off and they stood laughing and shivering. Getting out of the shower they quickly dried each other off and went to the rooms to get dressed.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Alice heard their shrill cries and smiled to herself. She was really looking forward to her planned day and now the girls had sorted their differences, she need some advice on what she could or should do next.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/em09xc/katie_and_kayla_pt_2_ff_inc