Fucking A Dentist

How it started…

I live in a small city with numerous dental professionals. A couple of the more accomplished dentists usually have a long line of persons to attend to. I am usually impatient and unwilling to join the queue.

This led me to a dental practitioner who was still trying to make a name. Her husband is an entrepreneur who has invested in the health sector. He owns an institution where health services are rendered albeit there is no provision for dental care in the hospital.

### There was a day I needed a doctor’s attention.

I went early as I didn’t want to experience the frustration of waiting on a long queue.

As with other big hospitals, the doctor’s office was quite big and well equipped. I went in and met the doctor sitting on the table in a very calm manner. She was a very pretty woman with an attractive physique.  She was smart, sharp, and brainy. She looked very young too.

I explained how I felt to her. I told her I felt a little discomfort in my teeth and needed it to be checked. She told me in clear terms that I have blazed a trail. She applauded me for been proactive as no one had come to her to check for cavities. They only visit when the damage is done.

The doctor instructed me to sit and open my mouth. She did a thorough inspection and concluded that I was in excellent fettle. My teeth had no issue; only some problems with my gums. She gave me some substances to take home and asked me to come back if there was no improvement in seven days.

I left her office with so many things running through my mind and after a week, I went back there.

### She followed the same pattern and procedure.

I sat down, opened my mouth and she inspected thoroughly. This time, there was good news. My gum was healing fast. She said I only needed to take some drugs and I will feel better. However, she was quick to point out that if I don’t use the medicine religiously, the aim will be defeated.   She promised I will experience maximum transformation if I ensured strict compliance.

I waited patiently as the doctor combed her office for the medicine to no avail. When it was becoming obvious that it was either finished or missing, she concluded that there were a couple of drugs stored in her private residence which was just above the hospital.

I didn’t want to waste more time and I told her I will purchase it from a nearby pharmacy. She persuaded me to follow her upstairs to receive the medicine. I agreed.

We got upstairs and there was really nothing in the house. It was both scanty and silent. I waited a little while she went in search of the medicine. After some time, she came out and handed it over to me. I felt that was a license to depart. Little did I know that she had something else in store.

It all started with deep kisses. We kissed each other intensely for an extended period of time before proceeding to the bedroom. She unzipped my trouser while the foreplay continued. After this, I smashed her pussy for a couple of minutes and left her begging for more. It was a crazy feeling. Her pussy tasted different. She knew I was on another level and probably from another planet. I could tell she had never been fucked so hard before.

After satisfying her sexual urge, we cuddled for some time before making arrangements for another encounter.

#### She then proceeded to the hospital to attend to other patients.

I went back to her house at night as the man of the house was away.

Read the end on [https://rubberout.com/fucking-a-dentist/](https://rubberout.com/fucking-a-dentist/)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/el2vec/fucking_a_dentist