Human Anatomy and Sexuality 101 – Part Three [MF] [Exhib] [HandJob] [Oral] [Squirting]

Week Three – The Reproductive System

The next week seemed to drag by; I couldn’t get my mind off last class, and how I ate out my sister-in-law Rachel and was given a hand-job by a complete stranger, who then proceeded to catch and swallow all of my cum like an expert. Thinking about it though made me a horn-dog at home, and my wife Leslie had never been happier. I probably should have felt guilty that I was being used as a live subject, along with her sister, for our Human Anatomy and Sexuality class, and maybe to some extent I did; however I justified it by telling myself that Leslie was benefiting from it as well, and my love for her had never been stronger. In my justifying mind, I had not technically had intercourse with another, and was therefore not cheating on her. I tried not to think too hard about what weeks 6 and 7 had in store for us in class.

When I got to class that week most of the class was already there, and the desks had been rearranged in a circle again. In the middle however, instead of two desks there was a hospital-style bed complete with leg stirrups. Rachel was standing by it, nude, and my cock immediately stirred at the sight of her. She had apparently disrobed right there, because her clothes were folded nicely on a little shelf below the bed. Not to be outdone, I started stripping myself, knowing that most of the eyes in the room, including Rachel’s, were watching me. When I was naked, my cock again as hard as a rock, I folded my clothes and put them by Rachel’s and looked around right as Kate walked in.

“Oh good, you’re already ready,” she stated simply. “As you can see, we have a special piece of equipment today that I borrowed from the Health Department – don’t worry it’s clean. Today we are going to be learning about reproductive systems, and I would like us all to be able to get a very close look at our subjects. We’re going to start with our female subject today; Rachel, go ahead and hop up onto the bed and put your feet in the stirrups. Brian, you stand by the side so the rest of the class can come get a closer look.” Once Rachel was on the bed and her feet in the stirrups, her smooth pussy was plainly visible to everyone in the class, with her legs wide open. Her lips were puffed and glistening with excitement, her nipples were hard, and her breathing was short and ragged. Even her anus was visible, which was also hairless. “Rachel, we’re going to need to touch you a little bit, in order to see everything. I will be doing most of the touching, but we’re going to need some other hands as well. Are you OK with my using Brian as my helper?”

Rachel already seemed in a slight daze, but was able to nod her head in agreement. Kate proceeded to talk about the different parts of the female reproductive system, paying special attention to the ones visible from the outside. At one point she had me help pull Rachel’s pussy lips apart to show the inside of her vagina, and she showed us where her clearly visible clitoris was. She also covered the urethra and the anus. When she was done, she moved up to the breasts, and showed the class how to check for breast issues and lumps. She then talked about signs of female arousal, and had me gently massage Rachel’s breasts and nipples. She finally talked about the female orgasm, and we moved back down to Rachel’s vagina.

“Brian, with Rachel’s permission, I want you to gently place your mouth here,” she said, pointing to Rachel’s engorged clitoris, “and massage gently with your tongue.” The look on Rachel’s face was all the permission I needed, and I did as instructed, eliciting a moan from the subject. Kate then inserted two fingers into Rachel’s vagina, and one finger from her other hand into Rachel’s asshole. Rachel immediately began bucking and thrusting her hips, as Kate and I worked our magic on her. With a scream, Rachel erupted in orgasm, juices squirting out of her onto my face and Kate’s hands. As Rachel calmed down, Kate immediately went back to teacher mode. “That, class, is how to bring a female to orgasm, with extra squirting as an added bonus.”

I helped Rachel down from the bed, and Kate gave her some wipes to clean herself up with, as well as some for my face. I was then instructed to climb onto the bed, and I felt very exposed. My cock was again hard from the activity of eating out my sister-in-law, for the second week in a row, and in the position I was sitting felt like it was very much on display for everyone to see. My balls were hanging off the edge of the bed, and they felt very exposed as well. Kate, with Rachel’s assistance, proceeded to describe the male reproductive system to the class, paying very close attention to my cock and balls, with everyone in class seeming to be only inches away. My rectum was also explored, as it was shown how to check for prostate issues.

“Now we are very lucky to have one subject with pubic hair,” Kate said to the class, “because it gives us an opportunity to shave him.” I tried to sit up and object, but Rachel’s tits were very much pressed against my stomach, and she was looking at me smiling.

“You’d be wise to hold still,” she told me with a wink. It seemed she had been previously made-aware of this part of the evening. Everyone who wanted one had an opportunity to participate in shaving my pubic region, and luckily they were all very gentle. It was a very surreal feeling though, and it didn’t subside when they were finished.

It felt so smooth that I almost missed it when Kate said, “and now for the male orgasm, although you have already seen it.” With one hand she grasped the underside of my cock and with the other she inserted a finger very slightly into my ass. “Rachel, please gently fondle his balls.” She gladly accepted the offer, and in less than 30 seconds I was spewing cum across the room. This time the other students let it fall to the ground, watching it in awe. “Now class, I want you to watch what happens to his penis after orgasm,” and all eyes were again glued to my cock. After a few seconds, however, it started to subside.

Kate had some of the students clean up the hair, shaving cream, and cum on the bed and on the ground, and then had some others disinfect everything. Rachel and I got dressed, and class was over. As we walked out, I couldn’t believe how this class had affected me the last three weeks, and I chatted with Rachel about it. As we got to our cars, Rachel mentioned my birthday that was coming up in a few days. “I’ve been working with Leslie on a special present,” she said with a wink as she got in her car and drove away.



  1. This is one of the hottest stories I’ve ever read. My panties are soaked imagining myself on that hospital bed with my feet in the stirrups getting my clit licked in front of all those people.

  2. This was a hot read, but in my opinion, the previous chapter was hotter. The ending here is quite promising, so I’m very much looking forward to reading what comes next. Thanks for posting.

  3. This is a really hot series! Best one I’ve read in this sub! Gonna read the next part tonight, can’t wait!

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