Stepmother’s Thrall (Part 2)

“Ah there you are I called a maid service last night to clean up after last night’s little mishap. It’s ok to talk infront of her Lizzie, we have a mutual agreement and anything said to her will be kept a secret.” Amara said.

“You called me again?”

“Yes, I just have to want you with me and you will get the call.” Amara said.

“She keeps your secret? Is she a thrall too?” Lizzie asked.

“No of course not, you don’t get any sustenance from feeding on another thrall. She is deaf and can’t hear a word darling.”

“You plan on feeding on her!”

“Wong again I will have you feed on her when she is done. She won’t remember any of it except how good she feels when she leaves and the huge tip burning a hole in her pocket.”

“I’m not going to feed on her! I don’t want any of this!” Lizzie exclaimed. The maid finished and looked to Amara. Amara waved her over and when she was close Amara grabbed her wrist spun her around and licked her neck. She held the maid up and turned both of them to face Lizzie.

“Lizzie look at her face” Amara said as she slid her hands over the maid’s breasts. “She is so tasty, I have had her every time I come here and she keeps coming. She sees who puts the request in and she jumps at the chance to come. Deep down she wants this even though she won’t remember it.” Amara extends her fangs and bites down to release her blood. “Come here and feed.”

Lizzie moved toward them, she smelled the blood and felt so hungry. She found herself baring her teeth and fangs coming through pushing two of her human teeth out. She brought her mouth close to the bleeding punctures and stopped. She backed away and felt her new fangs with her tongue. “This is not me, I can’t” She said with tears in her eyes.

“It will all feel better once you feed. If you don’t you will die! Please Lizzie just one taste and it will all be better.” Amara pleaded with her.

“No I just want to go home, Please let her go.” Lizzie replied.

“She loves it and you aren’t hurting her, let me show you.” Amara sank her fangs back in and the maid moaned and smiled. It was like she was high from the experience. Amara grabbed a towel to keep the blood from getting all over. She pointed her finger to the wound and healed it. Amara took the blood soaked towel and handed it to Lizzie. “I will have another person here tomorrow for you to feed on. Maybe by tomorrow you will be hungry enough to feed. For now keep smelling the blood on this.” Lizzie took the towel and began to sniff. The smell of blood drove her crazy. Her fangs descended once again but all she could do is sniff. She wanted to throw the towel away but between the delicious smell and the compulsion she couldn’t resist. Amara sent lizzie to her room and woke up the maid. She gave the maid a big tip and thanked her for her service. While Lizzie was distracted with the towel Amara took out Lizzie’s cell phone. She texted Gemma telling her she could come tomorrow and gave her all the details on how to get there. All day Lizzie smelled the towel and Amara even made her sleep with it.

Lizzie woke up starving. Her belly was like a void trying to suck her in. The pain was horrible and she was just about ready to cave. She wanted to lick the towel at this point but the blood had dried and smelled terrible now. She found herself at Amara’s side again.

“You look terrible darling. I hope today’s meal is more appetizing to you.”

“It hurts so much!” Lizzie said as she collapsed to the floor holding her stomach.

“I know darling but as soon as you feed it will go away.” Amara said

“I can’t take it anymore I’ll fucking do it. I can’t take it anymore” Lizzie yelped as she felt her stomach muscles tense and strain.

“Go to your room and I’ll send her in as soon as she arrives.” Amara ordered Lizzie. Lizzie practically crawled to her room and climbed back in bed groaning in pain.

“I don’t care that I’ll be a slave, I would do anything to get rid of this pain” she told herself. She couldn’t tell how much time passed but eventually she heard her door open.

“Lizzie are you ok?” Gemma said as she stepped inside. She didn’t notice the door close behind her. “I got your text and Amara said you aren’t feeling well. The door locked behind her.

“Gemma? No not you what are you doing here?” Lizzie asked as she groaned in pain.

“You told me you got sick and wanted to see me sooner. I got up super early and sped down as fast as I could. What happened to you?” Gemma said looking concerned.

“You need to leave now! Run get out!” Lizzie shouted at her.

“Let me get you some water.” Gemma said as she tried the door handle. She now realized she was locked in. “Why is the door locked?” She looked at Lizzie and saw her face. She was pale and her fangs were out. Gemma was getting scared and Lizzie got up out of bed. Lizzie was breathing heavy trying not to move closer to gemma.

Through the door she could hear Amara shouting “Lizzie feed!” The hunger and the command were starting to take over. Lizzie slowly moved toward Gemma and Gemma kept stepping back.

“Lizzie you’re scaring me, stop it!” Gemma demanded. She backed up until she reached the vanity by the wall. She bumped into it and put her hand down to balance herself. Her hand pushed down on a hand mirror causing it to fracture and slice her hand. With the smell of fresh blood in the air Lizzie moved like a blur to Gemma. She grabbed Gemma’s hand and brought it right to her mouth. She lapped up every drop and sucked on the wound. Gemma tried to stop her but couldn’t pull her hand away. She screamed as Lizzie painfully sucked at the fresh wound. Amara unlocked the door and ordered Lizzie to stop. Lizzie pulled away and felt amazing as a wave of warm happiness washed over her. The hunger was gone and her mind was clear. “What the hell is going on here!” Gemma shouted.

“I’m so sorry Gemma, Lizzie was so hungry that she didn’t even bother to dose you. It would have been much more pleasurable for you had she been clearer. Lizzie apologize to your friend.” Amara said as she healed Gemma.

“Oh Gemma I’m so sorry, but thank you so much, I needed that.” Lizzie said and another wave ran through her.

“Gemma here have a glass of wine to calm your nerves.” Amara handed her a glass and Gemma gulped at it. She tried to say something but before she could get the words she collapsed to the floor. “I put a bit more in this so she would go right to sleep. Put her in bed then come to the living room so we can speak.” Amara said. Lizzie happily did as she said and met her in the living room. “We have a little issue. She won’t forget what has happened because you fed in her without mixing anything into your saliva. It’s too late now and I don’t know if she will keep our secret.”

“What should we do?” Lizzie asked.

“I know she is your friend so we will have to try and make her not want to talk to anyone about this.” Amara said “Go pour us some wine please” Lizzie ran and got them wine and felt another wave.

“Why do I keep feeling this strange warmth move through me.” Lizzie asked “It feels so good and is kind of a turn on.”

“In of the benefits of being a thrall. Since you physically cannot refuse a command anymore you are rewarded when tasks are complete. The more likely you would have wanted to resist the bigger the reward.”

“But I want to do what you say I don’t need a reward.” Lizzie said.

“Do you like being slapped in the face?” Amara asked.

“Um no not at all.” Lizzie replied.

“Ok pay attention to this. Count to three and slap yourself in the face as hard as you can.” Amara commanded.

“One, Two,” Lizzie got excited as she counted down. “Three” she slapped her face with all she had and was happy to do so. She felt a tingle between her legs and was so turned on.

“See you wanted to do it and then got that wonderful feeling after. Not a drop of resistance” Amara explained.

“Oh I see, this feels so great I see what you meant before. I’m sorry I resisted at first.” Lizzie said. They discussed all the details involved in being a thrall. Lizzie learned the differences between vampires and thralls. It takes two vampires to make another vampire but only one to make a thrall. If a vampire is killed all their thralls perish too. Only a vampire can heal and make thralls but all other powers are at a thralls disposal. After hours of chat Gemma finally woke up.

Gemma looked at her hand and didn’t see any sign of a cut on her hand. She had no clue what was really going on but knew she wanted to get out of there. She quietly tiptoed out the back and headed to her car. Lizzie and Amara heard every step she took but let her get as far as she did. Gemma got in the car and stuck her key in the ignition. There was a woosh and suddenly the passenger door was open and Lizzie was sitting next to her with the car keys in her hand. “I really am sorry about how things happened before Gemma.” Lizzie said. Gemma opened her door but then another woosh and her seat belt was on. She sat back and saw Lizzie’s hand on the release for the belt. “Just listen Gemma it wasn’t supposed to be this way. It would have felt so good and all you would have remembered was that. You wouldn’t have remembered being fed on just that it felt great.” She took Gemma’s hand in hers.

“I just want to leave.” Gemma said. Lizzie licked her lips, brought Gemma’s hand to her mouth, and kissed it. Gemma felt the warmth spread through her hand and up her arm. Lizzie pulled her arm up and kissed her wrist. And Gemma started to relax.

“See this is how it was supposed to start, it’s just going to get better from here.” Lizzie started to smile as Gemma succumbed to the affects. Lizzie kept kissing further up Gemma’s arm pulling up her sleeve.

“What is this? It feels so good” Gemma said. Lizzie reached over and pulled the lever to move Gemma’s seat back. She took off the seat belt and licked her neck. Gemma moaned as her brain began to swim in the floating feeling Lizzie’s kisses were providing. Lizzie unbuttoned Gemma’s shirt and licked her chest.

“I always take care of you Gemma don’t I?” Lizzie said in her sweet voice.

Gemma moaned “Yes”

“Do you like how I am making you feel?”


“Do you want to feel more?”

“Oh god yes” Gemma can barely get the words out. Lizzie sloppily licked her finger getting it soaked. She slid her hand down Gemma’s pants and slid her fingers inside her. Gemma turned her head to the side and gasped as she felt Lizzie penetrate her. She went completely limp and as she was brought close to orgasm.

“You want to take care of me too right gemma?” Lizzie continued to ask.

Gemma made a noise that was definitely a confirmation “MM HMM.”

“You want to feed me so I can keep taking care of you right Gemma?”


“I need to hear you say it gemma” Lizzie said as she exposed Gemma’s breasts and sucked on her nipples. She moved her fingers more rapidly in and out then all around Gemma’s clit. Gemma was breathing heavy and fast getting closer to cumming.

“Yes, I want to take care of you!” Gemma moaned the words and Lizzie’s fangs extended in response. Lizzie sank her teeth into Gemma’s neck and let the blood flow into her mouth. The puncture itself to gemma like an orgasm in her neck. She was weak but managed to reach her hand around Lizzies head to pull her harder on her neck. Lizzie drank deep as Gemma came. Gemma twiched and moaned loving every second of it. Lizzie was suddenly aware that Amara was watching from in front of the car the whole time. Lizzie opened up Gemma’s shirt a bit more to give Amara a better look at her young perky breasts. Amara laughed and said to take it slow and save some blood for her. Lizzie stopped and let Amara heal Gemma. Gemma protested a bit when Lizzie stopped feeding. Lizzie slid her fingers back out of Gemma. Gemma tried reaching for Lizzie’s hand to put it back down her pants but didn’t have the strength to do it. Amara and Lizzie carried her back in and put her in bed.

Gemma woke up later and found a platter of food next to her bed. She was starving and devoured the whole plate quickly. She felt confused and had no clue how she got in bed. She tried to remember and all she knew was that she was in the car with Lizzie and felt good. She started feeling horny at the thought. She could remember cumming and Lizzie and wanting to be touched by her. ‘Was I drunk? Shit did I have sex with Lizzie?’ Gemma thought to herself. ‘I’m not gay or bi but just thinking about this is turning me on.’ All she was certain of was that Lizzie made her cum and she didn’t want her to stop. She tried to think further back to how she got to the car. Then she remembered Lizzie and the cut on her hand. She looked again at her hand. Was that just a dream? She was so confused but she was sure Lizzie drank her blood.

Gemma left her room and found Amara and Lizzie near the kitchen. Lizzie went to go near her but Gemma grabbed a knife and pointed it at Lizzie. “STAY BACK!” Gemma shouted. “What is going on here?” She asked as Amara praticaly teleported behind her. Amara, from behind, grabbed the wrist of the hand that Gemma held the knife. Amara reached her other hand around Gemma’s chest to restrain her and licked her neck. Gemma gasped as she felt the effects spread again. She felt herself let go of the knife and reached for Amara’s arm to support her. Her mouth opened to let out a gentle moan as Amara kissed and liked all over her neck.

“Well Gemma you seem well rested. Lizzie has been saying how good you tasted and I really wanted to try you out.” Gemma found herself reaching up and running her hand through Amara’s hair and pulling her head down to bring her mouth back onto her skin.

“Wow she really just want you to keep licking her. How come she still resists up until she gets a dose?” Lizzie asked.

“Lizzie you shouldn’t interrupt someone while they are having their meal. I don’t like to talk with my mouth full.” Amara replied and let Gemma go. She walked towards the couch and Gemma followed her like a puppy. Amara took Gemma’s hand and brought it to her mouth. She sucked on Gemma’s finger causing her to shudder. “Lizzie I want you to strip your friend for me. Do it slow, I want to take in every facet before I taste her.” Amara sat down and let Lizzie start to undress Gemma. “Dance with her as you undress her.” Amara commanded as she reached for a remote and turned on some music. Lizzie began to move Gemma around playing with her to the beat of the music. Gemma was like a posable doll staying where she was placed but slowly going limp. Lizzie in buttoned Gemma’s shirt and removed it as she gave her a spin. She had no bra on so Lizzie licked her finger and played with Gemma’s nipples as she danced with her. Gemma made sounds of pleasure as she got more of the drug in contact with her skin. Lizzie unbuttoned Gemma’s pants and let them slide down slow as she kissed her neck some more. She was really loving toying around with Gemma. Amara grew hungry as she watched Lizzie play. “Yes slide her panties off then lay her down in the couch” Amara said. Lizzie raised both of Gemma’s hands in the air, licked her finger tips, then traced her fingers down Gemma’s arms. She worked her hands down Gemma’s sides, then to her hips. Gemma felt more warmth radiate from the touch. Lizzie slid Gemma’s panties off and help her step out of them as she guided her to the couch. “Place her head I’m my lap and spread her legs apart.” Lizzie lowered her down into Amara’s lap then moved down her body kissing and licking as she went. She paused at the nipples sucking on one for a moment and then moving to the other to flick her tongue over it before moving further down. She got between Gemma’s legs and spread them apart a bit. Amara took Gemma’s arm then said “Lizzie I think you know what I want you to do next.” With those words Lizzie began to lap at Gemma’s pussy. Amara smiled and extended her fangs. Gemma was in the throws of mindless pleasure as Amara slowly sank her fangs into Gemma’s wrist. She started to drain Gemma as Lizzie sent her down a tunnel of bliss. She wreathed and twitched and came. There was no pause after Gemma moaned from orgasm. Lizzie only moved her tongue faster and deeper. Lizzie wanted to keep Gemma in this state as long as she could. Amara pulled her mouth off of Gemma’s wrist and kissed her on the mouth. This caused her to pass out from ingesting a dose. Lizzie was a little upset that Amara ended her play time but didn’t complain. Amara took another sip from Gemma’s wrist then healed her. She beaconed Lizzie closer with a come hither motion of her finger and, when she was close enough, grabbed her shirt collar. She pulled her close and kissed her feeding her a mouthful of blood. The blood trickled from their kiss out the corners of their mouths and down their chins.

“I just love toying with her like this” Lizzie said. “I wish I could play with her all the time.”

“Yes it’s fun to play with your food despite what most parents teach their children. She is strong willed I just hope we can break her by the end of the week.” Amara replied. The cleaned up and moved Gemma back to bed to rest again. Over and over she would wake up, try to get away, then blissfully submit. The week was coming to an end and the cycle was unbroken.

“Gemma is getting very weak. I fear we may have fed on her a bit too much. We can’t keep doing this Lizzie.” Amara said as Gemma lay asleep in her lap.

Lizzie stroked Gemma’s hair as he thought of an idea. “I want to keep her. I already practically control her life. She would be lost without me. Can you make her a thrall too! She won’t be a threat anymore and I can play with her whenever I want!” Lizzie looked so excited at the thought of her friend being a thrall with her.

“Lizzie I don’t think that is a good idea. She has her own family and would have to leave so we can make sure she is fed properly. I don’t know what your father would think if we suggest she move in.” Amara said.

“She is already over all the time, her mom won’t notice a thing. As for my dad, you have him wrapped around your finger already, if we both say something he will be happy we are getting along.” Lizzie replied.

“If it will make you happy I’ll do it. Once she is fully turned I will order her to follow you commands as if they are my own. You will be responsible for her. I will make sure your father is fine with everything and I’m ordering you now to like what I have in store to get him on board with the idea.” Amara said.

“Why wouldn’t I like your idea? I’d be happy with anything to keep Gemma.” Lizzie replied.

“It doesn’t matter now I already ordered you so even if I said it, you would like it now. I’d rather keep it all a surprise until after. Your father will be her in the morning. I told him to come on the last day so we could all have breakfast together but we will have to rearrange things. For now let me fed Gemma my blood. I have already tasted her earlier.” Amara said then went to grab her knife. She made a cut on her hand and dripped it into Gemma’s mouth then healed herself. Gemma was in too deep of a sleep to swallow but the blood knew what to do. It moved down her throat and spread inside her. Lizzie pulled Gemma closer and held her the way Amara did for her when she was turned. Gemma began to shake and convulse. Her eyes opened briefly the shut and she went limp in Lizzie’s arms.

Gemma woke up in the morning like she had a terrible hangover. ‘They are going to drink me again aren’t they’ she thought to herself. She suddenly felt the need to run to the other bedroom and with that thought and a woosh she was there. She saw Amara laying in bed next to Will kissing his neck while his eyes were rolling back.

“Gemma don’t speak or move.” Amara told her. She found herself frozen. She found herself frozen thinking that they had never done that before. Amara took her knife and cut Will’s wrist dripping blood into a wine glass. She healed him then licked up the remains from where the wound used to be. “Open your mouth.” She told Gemma as she handed the glass to Lizzie. The smell of blood was intoxicating to Gemma as her fangs descended pushing out her old teeth. Lizzie quickly poured the blood into Gemma’s mouth before she had a chance to resist. Once it hit her tongue she instinctively swallowed the delicious warm thick liquid.

“I’m sorry Gemma, we didn’t have time to let the hunger take over. This is better anyway. The feeling of hunger is terrible and I never want you to feel that way.” Lizzie said.

“Gemma I want you to follow any order that Lizzie and Will give you as if they are my own.” Amara said.

“Yes Amara” the words just flowed from Gemma and she was happy to say them.

“Is that what you meant before to get my dad on board. You want to share my pretty new toy?” Lizzie asked.

“She will be all our plaything and I want to share everything with your father but know that’s not quite what I had in mind.”

“Oh wow I feel great.” Lizzie handed her the glass and Gemma drank what was left and started licking what wouldn’t pour out. “Can I have some more?” She asked as she stared at Will.

“Not now. I have you enough to complete your transformation but only I am allowed to feed on Will.” Amara commanded. “Don’t worry you will be fed later when the maid comes to clean up before we leave here.”

“Can I go in the other room to play with my new toy before the maid gets here?” Lizzie asked Amara.

“Not yet, you will have plenty of time to play with her when we get home. We need to spend time as a family. First we need to reward your father for feeding Gemma. Gemma go undress your new daddy.” Amara said.

“Yes Amara.” Gemma said and she moved to the bed. Amara got up and moved towards a chair in the corner that was facing the bed. She took Lizzie by the hand and brought her over to the chair.

“Don’t worry I won’t make you watch what’s next. I know I love watching but it’s not a sight a daughter should ever see of their father and best friend. Your father brought your headphones though.” Amara handed the headphones to Lizzie and sat in the chair spreading her legs. “Put those on and get down on your knees.” Lizzie happily did as she was told. Amara put her heel behind Lizzie’s head and used it to pull her mouth right up to her pussy. Amara watched Gemma undress Will as Lizzie licked Amara’s slit up and down.

Gemma got Will down to his underwear and with a delighted look in her eye she said “Oh Daddy, you are so big!”

“Gently rub it and you’ll see it get even bigger.” Amara said to Gemma. She rubbed her hand from the base to the tip and it twitched to life. It grew in her hand and Gemma looked intimidated. “Go on see how far you can take it in your mouth. Use the special power in your saliva” Gemma didn’t know what she meant but her body would do as commanded. She salivated and began to take will into her mouth but only went about a quarter of the way down. Will began to moan and twist as more of the drug seeped into him through his cock. “You want to make him feel good, don’t you? And do you think it feels good enough to only tease the tip Gemma? Ask him if it feels good and if it would be better if you went all the way down.”

“Does this feel good Daddy?” Gemma asked. She couldn’t say his name after Amara said he was her new Daddy.

“Mmhmmm” is all Will could say.

“Would you like it better if I took you all the way into my mouth Daddy?” Gemma asked.

“Ohhh. Mnnhmmm” replied. Gemma gagged as she tried desperately to take him in deeper. Her eyes bulged and she was getting mad at herself for not being able to do as she was told.

“I’m sorry Amara I’m trying but I just can’t get any further. Gemma pleaded as she lifted her head up for air. She went right back to trying though.

“It’s ok Gemma, you just need practice.” Amara moaned between words as Lizzie worked her tongue. Between the feeling of Lizzie’s tongue and the site of the adorably inexperienced girl trying so desperately to suck her husband’s cock, she was feeling almost unbearably aroused. “For now ask Will for help.” Amara almost couldn’t get the words out.

“Please Daddy, help me take you all in, help me make you feel good.” Gemma begged of Will. Will grabbed Gemma’s head and held her still. He bucked his hips and began to fuck her mouth. Gemma drooled more onto Will’s cock dosing him further. His body took over knowing the harder herl fucked her mouth the more drool he would get and the more of that drug he could absorb. Gemma was gagging but it felt so good to finally do as she was ordered to. The feeling of not fulfilling a command was dreadful but the relief she felt now made her ignore the gagging. Will was getting too excited fucking Gemma’s face.

“Climb on top of him and take him deep in your tight wet pussy” Amara eagerly gave the command. She wanted to see Gemma moan and wince as she lowered herself onto his throbbing dick.

Gemma pulled Will’s hand off her head and took her mouth off of Will cock. He looked worried and desperately tried to pull her back down. “Shhh Daddy it’s ok.” She said as she moved into position on top of him. She tried to lower herself gently so it wouldn’t hurt too much but Will bucked hard up into her. She let out a loud moan half pleasure as the cock filled her and half pain as it stretched her beyond her limits. “Ahh please Daddy slow down.” She begged.

“No you let him use you as he sees fit.” Amara corrected her.

“Yes Amara. Oh god daddy you are so big. Fuck me, use me. Is my pussy good enough for you Daddy?” Gemma said as Will bucked hard into her making the same affirmative moans as before. “Oh god I’m so close, I’m going to cum” Gemma moaned as she was bounced around.

“You are not allowed to cum yet Gemma just keep fucking” Amara said as got close to climax. Amara watched Gemma closely. Her breasts bouncing as she was moved up and down. She started to see a little blood trickled down Will’s cock from between Gemma’s legs. It hadn’t occurred to her that she was a virgin. Amara wanted to taste the blood. It wouldn’t satisfy her hunger but it would still taste just as good as it did when she fed on Gemma before. Amara came hard at the site of the blood covering her husband then had an idea. Amara lifted Lizzie’s headphones slightly and whispered to her. “Don’t get up, Gemma and I are going to switch places.” Amara got up and walked over to the bed. She looked back and saw Lizzie with her back to the floor obediently kneeling facing the chair. She told Gemma to sit in the chair and let Lizzie take care of her. She gave her permission to cum as often as she could until she said otherwise.

Amara began to suck and lick all the blood off of Will’s cock. He tried to grab Amara’s head so he could buck into her but Amara pinned his hands down. He began to go limp again and just let Amara expertly take him into her mouth.

Gemma sat in the chair and Lizzie began to lick her immediately. Gemma came almost right away after already being stimulated for so long. Lizzie tasted the blood mixed with Gemma’s other juices and started to touch herself as she licked. She muffled her moans by burying her face deep between Gemma’s legs bringing her to orgasm again and again.

Amara bobbed her head up and down faster now. Will’s body tensed as he came. Amara swallowed every drop of cum mixed with Gemma’s blood. She didn’t stop even after the cum stopped flowing. Will’s face was I mixture of pleasure and agony as his cock continued to pulse and be milked dry. He tried twisting to get away but Amara held him tight. She wasn’t going to stop until all the blood had been lapped up.

Lizzie was fingering herself fast and deep as she drew another orgasm from Gemma. Gemma was paralysed from pleasure and Lizzie was getting closer to cumming. Faster and faster she lapped at Gemma’s clit as she matched pace with her fingers. Her swollen clit was throbbing at her touch and she finally made herself cum.

Amara kissed Will on the mouth, knocking him unconscious. She covered him with a blanket for Lizzie’s sake then told Gemma to take off Lizzie’s headphones. Gemma could barely move but mustered the strength to pull them off. “You can stop now dear, your father is covered and I don’t think Gemma can take much more.” Lizzie pulled away and took her wet fingers out of her pussy. Amara came over and licked Lizzie’s fingers clean and gave her a wink. She then went over to Gemma and slid a finger inside her eliciting a surprised gasp. She healed Gemma but wiggled her fingers around unnecessarily as she pulled them out. She licked the blood and wetness off her own finger. “Ok girls I am starving! It’s a good thing I requested a whole cleaning crew from the maid service. They should be here any minute so let’s get ready to eat before we leave.”



  1. Great storytelling. More information included here on the thralls and vampires that inhabit this world. Well written sexy happenings. Thanks for posting. ?

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