Stepmother’s Thrall (Part 1)

Lizzie was a freshman at her local community college. Her first semester was so stressful that she almost quit. It wasn’t just the fact that she had to get through starting a new school, that was the easy part, it was her dad’s new girlfriend. Amara was just strange. She says she is only a few years younger than her dad, Will, but she looked like she was still in her twenties! What women would lie about her age to make herself older. Well except for when Lizzie and her best friend Gemma tried to drink at clubs. They could get in now that they are both 18 but they still pulled a few sneaky maneuvers to con some drinks from the bartenders. Amara and her Lizzie’s dad were only dating for a summer before her dad asked Amara to move in. That was the last thing Lizzie needed before school. Thank god she had Gemma keeping her sane. Gemma was accepted to a school far from home but, even though her grades were high, they were not high enough for any scholarships. She could have taken on loans but she couldn’t dream of being away from Lizzie. They spent every moment they could together. Lizzie helped Gemma create her schedule, figure out which books to get for class, and basically organizes her whole life. Lizzie loved having the distraction of taking care of Gemma. Gemma was a smart girl but a total disaster when it came to pulling things together. She wouldn’t have survived a month without Lizzie. Gemma made sure Lizzie got out and had fun to balance her out sometimes. They fit like puzzle pieces.

Lizzie and Gemma were in Lizzie’s room setting up their schedules for the upcoming semester when they heard Will and Amara pull into the driveway. “Dad and hoe are home from their Vagas getaway I see” Lizzie said in a disappointed tone.

“Oh, come on. You barely take to her. How could you know she’s a hoe?” Gemma asked.

“I can hear everything that goes on in their bedroom. They are down the hall and they still make tons of noise. It’s not just once in a while either, It’s EVERY FUCKING NIGHT! I tried to speak to my dad about it, super fucking awkward by the way, and a few days later his solution was to buy me noise canceling headphones!” Lizzie replied.

“Oh sweet! Those things are awesome!” Gemma said.

“Well yeah he got me really good one.” Lizzie said then paused a moment ”Wait that’s not the point. She had to learn all the different things they do. I always sounds like something new is going on. She didn’t learn them from my dad so, you know, she must have hoed it up a bit before my dad came in.”

“Well he certainly came in her on their getaway, Bah!” Gemma joked. “That sound is them! I just thought there were some strays in the area getting it on. Wow they last a while too, I’m impressed. I had no clue your dad was such a stallion.” Gemma gave Lizzie a wink.

“Ugh gross gemma! Stop that!” Lizzie made a fake vomit sound.

“I don’t know how your dad can keep that kind of pace going every night like that. Is that why he is so pale now-a-days?” Gemma asked.

They hear Lizzie’s dad shouting up from down the stairs “LIZZIE, CAN YOU COME DOWN? WE HAVE SOMETHING WE WANT TO SHOW YOU.” Will said.

“Maybe they got you some soundproofing for their room too. OH! I bet he is going to set his room up like a studio so they can start filming their sexcapades! Maybe he’ll let me be the videographer. That would be super hot!” Gemma continued to poke fun at Lizzie.

“Ugh no! I can’t take it anymore, it’s too much, you are going to make me puke!” Lizzie replied.

“That’s exactly what Amara said the first time she deep throated your dad’s cock!” Gemma quickly retorted.

The girls came down the stairs giggling. “Hi dad, how was your trip?” Lizzie said.

“Hello dad.” Gemma said. She started calling Will dad years ago. He felt awkward at first but after awhile it grew on him. He treated her like she was one of his kids anyway and she was almost always over so why not?

“Hey Girls, Yeah it was fun!” Will replied.

“Are you up or down from the roulette wheel?” Gemma asked.

“Oh we didn’t do much gambling, we were busy doing other things.” Amara interjected.

Gemma gave a little poke to Lizzie’s back and whispered back to her “More like gettin’ busy.”

Lizzie elbowed her “SO.. um.. Dad, you said you had something to show me?”

Will began to speak “Yes! I have some great news”

Amara quickly interrupted practically throwing her hand towards Lizzie’s face and saying “WE GOT MARRIED!”

“WOW THAT ROCK IS HUGE!” Gemma blurted.

“Married, like no engagement, no proposal, no big wedding.” Lizzie looked mortified.

Amara smiling at the look on Lizzie’s face“Oh there was a proposal, we were laying in bed after some… exhaustive activities. The question was asked and he said yes!”

“Wait you asked him?” Lizzie getting even more angry with the way she through innuendo about.

“Well it’s modern times Lizzie. Women can break tradition and ask for their lover to marry them.” Amara answered. Lizzie’s was getting more disgusted as Amara continued “I got right on the phone and made some arrangements. Once your father got his second wind we went out to get rings then straight to the 24 hour chapel. It was a small ceramony but the place was so beautiful. You would have loved it!”

“Yeah maybe if you slowed things down I could have actually attended my own father’s wedding!” Lizzie said and she ran back up the stairs to her room and Gemma followed.

Will knocked on Lizzie’s door and said quietly “Lizzie, can I please come in?”

“GO AWAY!” she shouted back.

“Please, Lizzie can we talk.” he said.

Gemma came out and told Will that she convinced Lizzie to talk to him. Gemma left to give them some time to speak.

“Lizzie, I know this was very sudden. I really am sorry.” Will began.

“You didn’t even talk to me about it before. You two haven’t even been together a full half of a year dad!” Lizzie interjected.

“You’re right hun, it all happened so fast. It’s all kind of a blur to be honest. I didn’t plan it, it just kind of happened. But she does make me happy.”

That hit her hard. Lizzie’s mom passed away when she was only 10. Her dad had never been in another relationship until Amara. She noticed a lot of new changes in him since they got together not all good but for the most part positive. Like putting the toilet seat back down finally. He does smile more now though. “I’m not mad at the marriage itself dad. I just thought that, one day, when you finally were ready, maybe you would talk to me about it before. I wanted to be there to help you pick out a ring, maybe give you advice on ways to propose. I ESPECIALLY thought that would be at the wedding!”

“Yeah Amara really likes to get things done right away doesn’t she. I should have told her we had to wait so you could be a part of it all. We are still planning on having a reception. Amara wants to ask you to help her plan it. She said she could only trust a woman’s touch for party planning and I agreed.”

“She really wants me to help with the party?” Lizzie asked.

“Well is certainly can’t help her. The last party I planned was a disaster if you remember.”

“I have been trying for over 4 years now to forget. Yeah who hires a clown for a sweet 16!” Lizzie giggled a bit at her own comment.

“She has a surprise for you too. She realizes that you two haven’t had much time to get to know each other and you still have a bit of time before next semester. She wants to have a girls week, just the two of you. She booked a cabin for the week and said she has all sorts of stuff planned.”

“Any chance I can bring Gemma with me?” Lizzie asked.

“I think she just wants it to be the two of you. You can ask and see what she says” Will replied.

“Of course you can!” Amara said. She startled both of them since neither one knew she was there. “Just not the whole week I have some things for the first few days for just the two of us but I would love for her to come later on.”

Lizzie was mad again. Amara had both listened in on and interrupted the moment she was sharing with her father. She calmed herself down. Maybe she could use this time with her to tell Amara all the things that bothered her. Maybe Amara didn’t realize what boundaries were or something. All these hopeful thoughts ran threw Lizzies head before she told herself to be realistic and just learn to cope. She calmed herself by thinking she only had to deal with it for a few more years before she moved out and only saw Amara when Lizzie visits her dad. “Thank you Amara. I really do appreciate being included in the reception at least.”

“The reception is the best part! No one talks about the ceremony unless the priest is drunk! It’s the reception that everyone remembers. The rest is just paperwork, pomp, and circumstance. Now pack your things we leave in the morning. I have already had the place stocked with food drinks and snacks.” Amara said.

“Um drinks?” Will said in his dad voice.

Amara replied. “Oh nothing like that, just soda water and juice.”

“Oh you had me worried. I’m going to get the rest of the stuff out of the car.” he said.

Amara looked back and whispered to Lizzie “Yeah fermented grape juice, and stuff with technically water in it” then gave Lizzie a wink and a smile.

Lizzie gave a little giggle and thought to herself that it might not be so bad. She texted Gemma to tell her what happened. Gemma was relieved and excited to get away before school started. Lizzie packed her things and the next morning they were off.

The didn’t arrive until after dark or at least it seemed dark. The cabin was in the woods far away from anything. The forest was thick and the trees loomed over the house. “I may have fibbed to your father. I didn’t book this house. It has been in my family for many years. I didn’t want him knowing about all my properties and such until I knew he would say yes to my proposal.” Amara said as they brought in their bags.

“Whoa you own this place? It’s so big!” Lizzie said as she stood inside the cabin. It was looking more like a mansion from the inside while the outside looked very plain.

“It’s just a vacation house. Wait until you and your father see my home in california.” Amara replied.

“How can you afford all this. I thought you were… actually I don’t know what you do for a living.”

“I inherited all this from my family. I’m the only heir and, along with the property and money, I also inherited the world’s finest group of investment bankers. They make my money make more money so I don’t have to work. I wanted to share all this with you first. I really feel terrible for not including you in the wedding. I can be a bit impulsive but now that you are my step daughter you will certainly reap plenty of benefits.” Amara said with a grin.

“You are rich too! How did you keep this a secret the whole time.”

“Yes dear I have money, How do you think your father could afford, as your friend put it, a huge rock? Of course I prepaid for it and had the jeweler play along. I had the jeweler close the store and ‘mark down’ the ring. Then I simply acted like we stumbled upon the most perfect ring by chance. I love your father but he can be so gullible sometimes.”

“Hey he is still my father, you don’t have to make fun of him.” Lizzie said.

“I’m so sorry. Here let’s have a drink. Do you prefer red or white wine?” Amara asked.

“I’m not sure, I have only had wine in sangria” Lizzie replied.

“A ha! You do drink!” Amara said, amused at her little trick. “I’ll pour you a glass of white and I’ll pour myself a glass of red, if you don’t like it we can swap.” Amara uncorked both bottles, poured, and slid the white over to Lizzie. “To new beginnings” Ammara toasted and they both took a sip. The white wine was very dry and Lizzie made a disgusted face.

“Ugh people like this stuff?” Lizzie blurted out.

“Yes that one is not as sweet as this one. Here take mine i only had a small sip.” They traded glasses and drank again. This one felt warm all the way down and was much more pleasant. Lizzie found herself trying not to gulp it down. “We have plenty, no need to hold back. I’ll cut you off if I feel you start to develop a problem.” Amara said. Lizzie finished the glass and the warmth from her belly began to spread out. She felt tingly and droopy.

“How strong is this wine. It’s already making me light headed.” Lizzie said.

“Maybe you just need to eat something. Wine always hits harder on an empty stomach.” Amara grabbed a brownie from a tray in the kitchen and took a bite. “MMM this is so good here have a bite.” Amara offered the bitten end to Lizzie. In her foggy mind she didn’t protest and bite the same area. It was the most delicious thing she had ever eaten. For some strange reason she could also feel the same warmth go down her as the wine. Lizzie started to get giggly as her brain got foggier and tried to move to the couch. Amara had to help her over so she didn’t fall.

“I lub dis wine” Is all she could say before passing out completely.

Lizzie woke up feeling super refreshed, clear headed, and surprisingly happy. That is until she tried to get up. She found herself lying in a bed unable to move. She felt something holding her wrists straight out to her sides and her ankles pulled to the bottom corners of the bed. She couldn’t see what it was because she had a blanket over her. Amara walked in wearing a silk robe and said “Good you are awake, I was afraid that i gave you too much and you would sleep through the whole night.” Amara pulled the covers off to reveal lizzie tied up and spread. She was wearing nothing but a red lace bra and matching panties.

“What the hell is going on! HELP SOMEONE HELP ME!!!” Lizzie shouted.

“Oh no one can hear you darling. Even if the walls weren’t made of solid logs, the next closest person is at least 2 miles from here. The forest is sure to muffle any scream you could possibly muster. It’s better to save you voice.”


Amara slid into bed next to Lizzie and gave her a kiss on the neck. The area where she kissed felt hot and tingly. Lizzie’s heart slowed down and her eye’s dilated. “Shhhh sweetie just relax. Let my saliva work its way through your skin.” Amara said in a calming voice.

“Stop please let me go” Lizzie was feeling warmth spread from the kissed spot. She began to whimper as Amara gave her a kiss on her chest. “Please don’t hurt me” she pleaded and more warmth spread over her. Amara untied her robe and let her breasts show. She rubbed them against Lizzie’s side as she caressed her belly. “I promise I won’t tell anyone if you just let me go.” Lizzie said. Amara reached over to the nightstand and grabbed something. Lizzie couldn’t see what it was.

“Shhh no more talking. You will feel better soon. Just let the warmth take over.” She brings out what she grabbed from the nightstand. Lizzie found herself staring at her own eyes reflected off the side of a silver knife. She was frozen in fear and only made small whimpering noises. Amara gently touched the tip of the blade to the base of Lizzie’s neck. She traced the blade down the center of Lizzie’s chest and with the tip pointed towards her head. When she got to Lizzie’s cleavage she flipped the knife so the tip pointed down towards the bottom of the bed. Amara slowly moved it down between her breasts, under the center of the bra with sharp side up. She pulled up on the blade lifting the bra until she Sharpe edge sliced threw. With Lizzie’s breast exposed Amara moved down. She flicked Lizzie’s nipples with her tongue. Lizzie found herself getting calmer. Now she had warmth radiating from her nipples. She surprised herself when she moaned instead of whimpering. Amara just smiled and laughed. “Yes it’s a whole different effect when applied to the flesh. I’m really going to have fun turning you.”

“W-wh-what does that mean.” Lizzie barley got the words out. She was feeling good she didn’t even care about the restraints. She wasn’t even sure if she cared what she meant at this point as long as it meant she would keep sucking her nipples. It felt like she was pumping pure ecstasy through her breasts and into her body.

“Well I promised your dad I would make sure you liked me so much you would call me Mom. That kind of relationship takes years to develop so I have to resort to other means.” Amara said and licked Lizzie’s belly. Lizzie let out a sustained moan as Amara traced her tongue from above her belly button back to between her breasts.

“Wha, what” Lizzie’s eyes rolled back. And she trailed off.

“What am I? I think is the question you are trying to ask. I’m a vampire my sweetie. And no I’m not turning you into a full vampire, just my thrall.” With that Amara took the knife and cut Lizzie’s panties off. Lizzie’s instinctively moved herself as best she could to allow the panties to be pulled from under her. “Wow you are so wet! I love how my kisses have this affect. It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not at first, they always hunger for more eventually. Let’s play some more before moving on.” Amara slid her tongue up Lizzie’s thigh to lap up the wet, hot juices flowing from between Lizzie’s legs. Lizzie couldn’t stand how good this felt. It was almost too much as she felt Amara’s tongue slip inside her. Her tongue pulsated and twisted like nothing she had ever felt before. She didn’t even notice when Amara took off her restraints off her ankles so she could position herself better. Lizzie wrapped her legs around Amara’s head and pulled her in closer. She started bucking her hips to rub her pussy harder on Amara’s face. Lizzie wants to cum so bad and she was about to get what she wanted but Amara pulled away. Amara got up and untied Lizzie’s wrists then straddled her face. Lizzie grabbed at her waist and pulled her into her mouth. “Oh such an eager one aren’t you darling. Mmm your tongue is so soft.” Amara leaned forward and started to lick Lizzie again. Both of them were moaning while Amara wreathed and convulsed on top of her. Amara reached down with her hand and played with Lizzie’s pussy. Lizzie finally came and her screams of pleasure were muffled by Amara’s pussy over her mouth. Amara kept going. Her hand didn’t relent as she forced Lizzie to the edge of another release. Amara and Lizzie came together this time. Amara crawled off of Lizzie and went between her legs again. Lizzie was expecting to feel Amara bath her clit with her tongue but instead she felt Amara’s blade slice her thigh. She felt no pain and shuddered in euphoria as Amara licked up the blood. Blood flowed from Lizzie and poured down Amara’s chin. Amara began sucking at the wound as Lizzie felt the warmth get pulled down towards the slit. Her mind was clearing slightly and she was becoming aware of what was really happening. She felt conflicted. Part of her wanted to resist because she knew it was wrong of her stepmother to do any of this with her and she was forced into it but the majority of her wanted to just melt into Amara’s mouth over and over. She was letting majority rule and laid back to enjoy what she suspected was coming to an end.

“What is going to happen when you are done with me?” Lizzie asked.

“Oh Lizzie, we are not done yet” Amara replied as she touched the cut with her finger. The wound healed as a faint red glow was emitted from Amara’s finger tip. Amara moved next to Lizzie sitting upright at the head of the bed. A combination of the lethargy from cumming so hard and the loss of blood made it near impossible for Lizzie to move. Amara pulled Lizzie into her lap doing all the work as Lizzie was practically dead weight at this point. She dragged the knife across her own wrist and put it near Lizzie’s mouth. “Drink from me dear, be mine forever” she commanded. Lizzie used every ounce of strength she had to keep her mouth shut. Amara smeared her blood on Lizzie’s lips. Her blood was all over Lizzie’s face. Amara then licked her finger and touched it to Lizzie’s chin. Her jaw uncontrollably relaxed and Amara gently pulled it open. Lizzie found her mouth fill with the metallic salty taste of blood. She told herself she would just not swallow but the blood seemed to move on its own. It trickled down her throat and made Lizzie cough. The blood moved into her. It wasn’t warm like the kisses, it was hot like being forced to swallow tea fresh off the boil. She tried to scream in pain but nothing came out. The heat spread to every part of her body. Amara held her tightly to comfort her and rocked back and forth like you would try and quiet a baby. “It will all be done soon. Shhhh shhhh. The pain is only a moment.” The heat faded back to warmth. Lizzie went from panting to slowing her breath. Her eyes went from wide and painful to droopy, sleepy and finally shut. Amara laid Lizzie’s head back down on the pillow and let her sleep. She left to make a phone call then went to bed herself.

Lizzie woke up in the morning. Her head was pounding and the room felt too bright. The lights were all off and the shades were drawn but she could see everything lit up like she was standing in the sun. She looked for her sunglasses in her bag and put them on. That was a little better but she was still a bit slow in the head. “This is some hangover” she said to herself. She looked down and saw she was completely naked and furthermore there was blood on her leg and the bed. Slowly the memories of last night came back to her. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw dried blood on her face. She started to get scared and panicky again. She looked for her phone but it wasn’t in the room. She heard Amara call from another room.

“Lizzie come to me in the kitchen” Amara shouted. Lizzie found herself moving at inhuman speed to Amara’s side.

“Whoa what the hell was that?” Lizzie asked.

“You will find that when a thrall is called by their master, even a thrall in transition such as yourself, you will just come.” Amara answered. “Now I want you to be calm and understanding so we can have a polite conversation. Also just once I want you to call me Mommy so I can see what it’s like.”

“Yes Mommy” The words just popped out of Lizzie’s mouth but as confused as she was she did feel calm as she was told.

“Ugh gross! Ok we will save that for when you father is around to make him happy. I think you and I both would prefer if we stick to Amara. Now let’s start with the questions, I’m sure you have plenty.” Amara said.

Lizzie’s mind became sharp as her brain seemed to work on its own. Every question she had about what happened appeared in her mind and she began to organize what she felt she should ask first. “You said I’m a thrall, what is that?” was her first question.

“Oh all about you, that’s different most have asked what I am but I guess it’s a nice change of pace. A thrall has always traditionally been a servant to a vampire. You are tied to me and share all my powers including eternal life. In return you will do everything I command of you without question as soon as your transformation is complete.” Amara said.

“So you are a vampire?”


“What do you want with me and my father?”

“I do actually love your father and I want him to be happy. What would make him happiest at this point is for you and I to get along. I just find this the quickest way. Once your transformation is complete you will love being under my control. Oh and don’t worry I want us all to be one big happy family.”

Lizzie thought to herself about being stuck as this bitches slave. She wanted to yell at her and curse her out but she was told to have a polite conversation. “So right now I’m not fully transformed. Does that mean I can turn back and not be your thrall?” Lizzie asked.

“Oh not a chance at all darling. If you feed, you will turn into a full thrall, if you don’t you will simply starve to death. The hunger is stronger than any mortal hunger. It’s worse before the transformation is complete. It is only a matter of time before the hunger takes over and I’m sure you will not choose death over me. Wasn’t last night so much fun! That was only a fraction of how good I can make you feel. We can take care of eachother darling.” Amara said with a hopeful look in her eye.

“What was that last night, was that a drug in my drink or something?” Lizzie asked

“A vampire’s can add a sort of drug in his or her saliva. It has different effects depending on how it’s deployed. I took a sip from the glass of wine so you imbibed it. Same with the bite of brownie. This made you feel drunk and pass out. This method is very useful but I prefer the other use much more. When applied to the skin it makes you more loose and willing to explore your more carnal desires. The drug also makes humans’ memory a bit fuzzy. As it interacts with the brain to make you less inhibited, the brain is too distracted to record anything. You were amazing last night after I loosened you up. You only remember because of the transformation” Amara said.

Lizzie was getting mad at herself for feeling a bit turned on by the memory of last night as Amara talked about ‘carnal desires’. She pulled herself back and asked “What is your plan now, lick me and lower my inhibitions like last night, then stick a straw in someone like they were a juice box?”

“Stand still and tilt your head to the side.” Amara commanded and Lizzie found herself complying. Amara came up behind her and licked Lizzie’s neck from her shoulder to her ear. She used her tongue to play with Lizzie’s ear. Lizzie, although got turned on by the act, did not feel any of the affects she had last night. Amara whispered sensually into her ear “As a thrall you are immune to the drug I can add to my saliva but your libedo is dialed way up. I can see you drip between your legs.” she nibbled her ear a bit more and Lizzie winced in pleasure. “We could go another round if you like.” Then Amara giggled slightly as she left Lizzie shuddering with the thought of how great it would feel to immerse herself in bed with Amara.

“No i have more questions. I can’t say no to you?” she asked.

“You can try to resist some things not all. But only up until you first feed. But why would you want to? Well anyway I can answer more questions later. You are still covered in blood go shower and get dressed.” Lizzie went straight to the bathroom and hopped in. she didn’t even wait for the water to get warm. When she was clean and dry she noticed an outfit laid out for her on the counter. She wasn’t sure when it was put there but knew she had to put it on. She snuck out of the bathroom and didn’t see Amara anywhere. She found Amara’s keys on a hook by the front door and quietly went outside. She saw two cars, one was Amara’s and the other she didn’t recognize. As she was about to head to Amara’s car she suddenly rushed back in and found herself next to Amara. They were in the room from last night. A young woman dressed as a maid was changing the sheets and making the bed.



  1. Interesting beginning to this vampire tale. The story has very good depth and characters are well drawn. I made the mistake of reading part 2 before part 1, but it had the weird effect of making the story more fascinating as I found out how the protagonist got to that stage. Thanks for posting. ?

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