Seven Minutes in Heaven

I do have one I was just thinking about, not from my formative years but as a single adult. Well, not single, but


Most of that time was spent in Boston, working and living in the city. The bar scene in Beantown was frenetic to say

the least and I seemed to attract the wrong kind of attention typically. And that was all right at that point in my life. I

have lots of stories related to that scene, but I’m sure you all do to.This story though was during a time a little later

when I was dating a guy who lived in the ‘burbs that I met through work friends. (I had 2-3 ‘serious’ relationships after

college and before meeting my husband.)

He had a close group of guy friends which I liked about him. There were maybe 6 guys in the inner group that all had

a revolving door of different girlfriends, but in general were ‘serial monogamists’ as far as I knew. Knowing that there

were no long term plans for any of them, the guys were pretty casual about revealing ‘secrets’ about the [girls. My](https://girls.My)

boyfriend and I were a little more serious so I was privy to all the talk. We all partied together at least one night a

week and it was always interesting meeting the new girls after hearing stories. Sometimes it was hard not to let on that

I knew intimate stuff about them.

“Oh Hello Stephanie nice to meet you, I hear you work for Ropes and Gray” was coming out of my mouth but “Oh,

Stephanie, nice to meet you, I’d love to see that third nipple.’ was going through my mind.

I asked my boyfriend several times what he says about me when I’m not around. He says ‘you’re always around so you

don’t have to worry’.

But I know better, guys brag. Sooner or later someone will slip. Drunk guys always do.

Most weekends the group would have a cocktail party and play ‘parlor’ games. Sometimes they were charades or ‘dirty’

Pictionary, and other times a little more juvenile like beer pong, Twister, or spin the bottle. But every game seemed to

involve doing a shot somehow. We got pretty silly when we got drunk; as people do.

For the most part we were all happy drunks and we self policed. No one stopped women from flashing their tits but at

the same time no one hit on someone else’s date on the sly. Plenty of that went on mind you, but out in the open.

Will’s (my boyfriend) best friend James had a new girl that had been around for almost a month. She was pretty

enough, but the secret I knew about her was the interesting part of her; but more interesting to Will than me .

According to James she was a BJ expert and could deep throat effortlessly and hum at the same time. I could do

neither of those things and honestly have too much of a gag reflex to enjoy giving BJ’s at all. So Will was fascinated

by her and James would tease him endlessly about how often and how long he was getting hummers.

One evening we were playing a variation of spin the bottle. Typically the game devolved into trying to make the bottle

being spun by one girl stop spinning to point at another girl so the guys could watch the girls make out. Its amazing

how often the bottle mysteriously got slowed down by an errant foot or hand to get that desired result. Which was

usually fine with us. Kissing a girl was sexy fun but never serious. But kissing a different guy or watching my

boyfriend kissing another girl could make me anxious unless I had enough Cosmos in me.

One particular evening someone decided we needed to augment the simple game of spin the bottle because it was

getting repetitive.

Everyone already had swapped spit with everyone else, and that went double for the girls. I did notice the extra time

James girlfriend Avery spent lingering while kissing Will and the little whispered comments afterwards. James, Avery

and Will all were giggling like school girls so I assume they were having BJ conversations I wasn’t part of. Or, I was

imagining it.

Avery finally hit on the idea of combining spin the bottle with “7 minutes in Heaven” so that you would go off with

whoever the bottle landed on and be secluded in the hallway closet for 7 minutes, presumably to do whatever you

dared. Knowing full well of course everyone would be watching, laughing, or cheering when you were done and

exited the closet after 7 minutes.

In fact that moment when couples exited the closet became the point of the whole game. It was actually kind of


The first ‘couple’ to go were 2 girls and you could hear them squealing and laughing and they came out wearing each

others clothes.

During the seven minutes the rest of us had to spin to see who had to take a drink. Anyway it got pretty crazy.The second couple in were married but they came out also wearing each others clothes (or trying to anyway). I

remember him wearing her bra and the guys making him keep it on after so she couldn’t have it. She had a nice jiggle

without it.

Then James spun it and it landed on Avery but instead of them going James said “I’m using my best friend Will as my

proxy for this one, I need to have a smoke. Avery looked at James then over at Will with a big smile on her face

which he returned. She looked over at me and said “You don’t mind do you Jennifer?”. I said, “You guys have a

blast.” and everyone went “Wooohooo”

Will was already on his feet and moving towards the closet. I said to the group, “This won’t take all 7 minutes” and

everyone laughed.

Will said “I heard that” from inside the closet, but other than that all was quiet in there for 7 minutes.

People were paying remarkably little attention to the closet activity, only waiting for the antics when the 7 minutes

were over.

Really the only 2 people watching the closet door were me and James who I noticed never did go out for a smoke.

When the kitchen timer went ‘Ding’! everyone’s eyes went to the door and it burst open moments later.

Out tumbled Will with his pants around his ankles in a dramatic pratfall that revealed Avery on her knees behind him

wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

Half the room knew of Avery’s rumored skill set so their little pantomime got hoots and hollers as they both stood up

and took a bow for their performance.

When Will came back over and sat down I noticed he was sweating so I said, “Did it get hot in there?”

“Wicked hot” he laughed.

“I didn’t hear any humming”

“No, I didn’t get the humming thing”

After a short break we sat back down to the bottle arena and I got to finally have a turn. Mine landed on Will which

was perfect because I was getting a little horny with my alcohol consumption. I might even give him the hum he got

gyped out of earlier.

He knew he was in luck too because earlier I had secretly handed him my panties which I do when I want to tease him

in public.

It was even better when I told him I had shaved the way he likes. (I kept the fur long in front because its really soft,

but underneath he likes it smooth because, well because my lips are kind of showy and they get a lot of attention from

him when they’re bare)

As we got up there was a chorus of “No way, he doesn’t get to go twice” from the assembled inebriates.

Will looked crushed but he said “Then I will also defer to my great friend James”. There was some protest from the

others as several of the guys thought we should “spread it around a little. ” In the front hall mirror I saw the flush on

my cheeks and the outline of my nipples through my blouse from the thought of actually being naughty in the closet

with Will while having people just a few feet away.

Will gave me a wink as James pulled me inside and shut the door.

It was pitch black, very warm, and confined in there with two people.

First thing out of James mouth is “Give me your panties”


“We have to put on a better show than Will and Av so when we exit I’ll have your panties over my head and you


“I don’t have any panties on”

“You don’t have any panties on?”

“I just said that”

After a long pause he said, “So you already talked with Will?”

“Yeah, well I mean I gave them to him”

Then James just started rambling like when he has too many Redbull and vodkas

“This is so great, he didn’t know if you would go for it, but I said we’d keep our side of the deal regardless because Av

likes Will anyway and with you and the gagging….

“Hold on James, what are you talking about?””Well you know about Avery’s talent right? Will would get to experience that with Avery and I’d get..”

“So you’re telling me your girlfriend sucked off my boyfriend earlier right here in this closet?” And that is fine with


“Well yeah, and I’d finally get to see what he keeps bragging is the best thing about you.

I let him keep talking while I processed the fact that in some way I’d yet to learn, my boyfriend traded me for a blow


“He said you had the most luscious pussy he ever had and as you know that is saying something because he’s had a lot


“I think you’ve said enough”

Well at least I finally knew what secrets Will tells about me when I’m not there.

I figured when I told James I had no underwear on it would please him but now I understood just how much and why.

He assumed I had already agreed to show him my pussy.

The cocktail of Anger, Hornyness, and Drunkenness resulted in me saying “Well James, enjoy the view” as I lifted up

the front of my skirt to expose my naked, freshly shaved pussy.

“Jen, um, I can’t see anything.”

Which made sense since it was pitch black in there.

“Well, Will couldn’t see Avery either so we’re all even”

“Yeah but he got to feel her mouth and that is the best part. I just wanted to see at it.”

I thought about Avery on her knees with Wills cock deep in her mouth, something I’m sure he enjoyed for a change.

I said “I think you got the raw end of the deal, Jimmy” and I grabbed his hand and pressed it up between my legs. Fair

is fair.

I assume he was primed by months of hearing about my pussy because he kept whispering exclamations like he was

going down a checklist. “Oh god your pussy hair is so soft”, then “You’re so smooth under there” and eventually

“Your lips are so long and…”


“Exactly. I want to suck on them so bad!”

And I though well, William got his sucked, so I said, “Why not” and I pushed him down.

I threw my leg over his shoulder as I leaned back against the wall padded with hanging coats.

He went crazy. It was as if he was trying to get a lifetime worth of my pussy in the 2 or 3 minutes he had left.

And certainly that was the case.

He reached around and grabbed my ass with one hand pulling my hips forward and my pussy to his mouth.

I felt his lips latch on to my slick labia and suck them into his mouth as if he was trying to take my whole vulva in.

He found my clit with his tongue and I put the sleeve of someones jacket in my mouth to keep from screaming.

I bit down hard on it when he slid three fingers of his other hand into my vagina while he sucked my clit.

I had to give it to James, he could work a pussy. And I was giving it to him for sure.

I was soaked from my ass crack to my muff with his saliva and my pussy juice. I grabbed his hair with both hands and

slowly humped his mouth with my pussy. I knew I was close to coming.

With his three fingers deep in my cunt I felt his pinky find, and then slide right up my asshole. That was going to

finish me.

With my clit being sucked and all my holes filled I shook uncontrollably through one and then another orgasm as the

kitchen timer went “Ding”

The Ding shocked me back to reality and I pushed James back by his shoulders, my lips momentarily stretched fully

out as his mouth refused to let go.

He fell back onto his hands and thinking quickly I grabbed his belt and lifted his hips up so he was like a bench for

me. I straddled him and dropped my skirt down.

I swung open the door and pretended to ride him like a cowgirl holding on to his belt and swinging my other arm

around over my head.

We got a round of applause as everyone yelled “YaHooo! Ride him girl.”

I unstraddled him and helped him to his feet. I knew as I swung my leg over he had his first and only real look at my

wet and swollen pussy. We both took a bow.James quickly dodged into the adjacent bathroom when he saw Avery closing in on him, which I thought was weird

under the circumstances. Maybe he thought it was just polite to wash my scent off his face before she got close enough

for a big kiss.

I guess I’m not sure what Avery knew about his half of the bargain, but it probably didn’t include me pouncing on his

face with my pussy.

I think he should have left it unwashed. Who knows, maybe she’d like it just as much as him.

I really didn’t know how to react to Will when I approached him in the kitchen. I still had residual anger from him

basically bartering me. On the other hand I had quickly gone all in on the deal and had 2 guilt free orgasms that I didn’t

have to do anything for besides displaying my pussy to someone in a dark closet. At the very least I was one orgasm

up on him.

I needed a stiff drink so I went to the counter and poured myself a tall one from the pitcher of cosmos. Will came up

behind me and lifted my hair to kiss my neck.

“You got even sweatier than me in there”.

I was thinking, yeah it’s always more work for me to come than you.

But I wasn’t ever telling him how well his deal turned out for James; or me.

He said “I’m sure it was more effort for you, I’ve seen what it takes for women to fight off James when he gets this


He pressed himself against me and I was surprised to feel the hardness on my butt cheek.

He lean to my ear and said “It turned me on to think of you in there with nothing on between you and him.”

“Which reminds me, can I have my panties back now?.”

I didn’t want to explain why it felt like dipping his hand into a pot of warm honey if he slipped it up my skirt right


“I can feel your stiffy. 7 minutes wasn’t enough time for Avery?”

“I’m sure it would be” he chuckled. James says she’s quite the oral expert.”

I was getting confused.

“So your plan didn’t go as planned?

“Plan for what”

“For your closet time for Avery”

He looked perplexed.

“For your blow job from the expert”

“Oh god, I wish” he said and started to playfully rub his hard on against my ass.

I swung around and marched through the doorway into the living room. I spotted James across the room at the same

time he spotted me. I raised my palms upward and mouthed “What the Fuck?”

He just looked back at me and shrugged his shoulders and smirked.
