Shadows Follow Him [MF] [hotwife] [voyeur] [mf] [straight] [paranormal] [fiction]

*Author’s Note: This is a stand-alone sequel to* **An Obsidian Darkly**. *You don’t have to read the previous story to understand this one, but if your curiosity can’t be cured, click on the link in the comments. In this tale, Geisten is a teenager in high school.*


There were many reasons why his childhood could have been a bad one, but when you have parents who think the world of you and want only what is best for you, your childhood tends to be a good one. The goodness followed him into his teenage years. And so did the shadows.

Geisten first manifested the power at the age of ten. It was during a family outing at a frisbee golf course. His parents, Mark and Felicity, and his biological father, Lucas, looked on as he got ready to make his first throw of the day. He was standing eleven yards away from the frisbee basket. Following their instructions, he threw the frisbee and they all watched it fly through the air and miss the basket by a yard.

Geisten dropped his head in disappointment, but Mark ran to the basket and pointed at something at the base of the post, calling the rest of them over. Geisten followed Felicity and Lucas to see what Mark was indicating. They saw to their amazement a shadow the shape of the frisbee at the base of an empty basket.

What followed was a gentle, loving and somewhat awkward, PG-rated explanation to Geisten from Felicity about his strange, shadow-filled origin. Lucas tried to add more to her explanation, but was silenced by the mother of his child. She wanted to see and hear her son’s response. They all waited with bated breath.

Geisten looked at the two men, one whom he had always believed was his biological father and the other whom he had always thought of as an uncle. With that belief shattered, he was quite confused. His brow furrowed as he processed the new information given to him by his mother.

Before Geisten could reply, Mark told Lucas to stay very still. He reached out and clapped his hands over Lucas’s head and then muttered, “Ouch”, rubbing and scratching at his right palm. Lucas asked him what it was. He replied, “A bee.” Mark told Lucas he didn’t want him getting stung right after his son had been informed about who his real father was. Lucas smiled and held out his fist, which Mark bumped his against.

That did it for Geisten. He grabbed Mark in the tightest hug he had ever given.

“You’ll always be my dad,” he said.

Mark reached down to wrap his arms around the boy he had raised and loved as his own. “Of course, I will and I’ll always be proud of that.”

Turning to Lucas, Geisten looked up into his biological father’s face and said, “You’ve always been there for me. I don’t know what to say.”

Lucas pulled his son to him, wrapping him up in his big, strong arms, kissing him on the forehead and the top of his crown. “You don’t have to say anything. I’ll always be there for you. And this doesn’t change anything. You practically live in two houses, mine and your parents. Except now you can just call me Lucas or dad. ‘Uncle’ doesn’t quite work anymore.”


Instead of things getting complicated, they got easier from that point on. Geisten noticed his mother was more open in showing her affection for Lucas, now that he knew the truth about their relationship. Before this, Felicity would never have spent the night with Lucas while Geisten was over at his place, but now she was frequently visiting his biological father and sharing a bedroom with him. It was weird at first, but Geisten got used to it.

His parents were surprised by how much more time he wanted to spend with them. Geisten wanted to know more about Felicity, Mark and Lucas. He idolized them and wanted to make them happy. He really was the perfect son.

Felicity would sometimes quietly tell either Mark or Lucas or both at once that she feared their son’s teenage rebellion might be very hard on them as payback for all the good karma he had built up in his childhood so far. Both his fathers assured her that they would deal with it when it happened and that three heads and able bodies were better than two when it came to handling a rebellious teen. She found great comfort in that.

By the time Geisten got to high school, he had grown into something of a heartthrob for the girls his age. He had the jet black hair of Felicity’s younger sister, Claire, and Felicity’s own dark grey eyes with flecks of purple and blue. He was strong and fast with surprising durability and stamina, which Lucas proudly claimed was the work of his genes. Felicity and Mark never debated this. The things Lucas could do recreationally and in the bedroom with Felicity were legendary among the trio.

Most uncanny, however, was Geisten’s resemblance to Mark. While it was very much appreciated, since the rest of the world believed the boy to be the son of Mark and Felicity Darrow, Lucas was slightly irked due to the fact that an early DNA test had confirmed the boy to be his and Felicity’s. How was it possible that his son looked so much like a younger, albeit more handsome, version of his foster father? He would often bring this up and a playful argument would ensue between him and Mark that Felicity would usually have to break up by reprimanding both men and then caressing their egos separately.


One day, Mark, Felicity and Lucas were naked in the Jacuzzi, in the recently built extension of the Darrow residence. Mark was watching Felicity and Lucas make out. The water was up to chest level. Felicity had her legs wrapped around Lucas beneath the surface, her arms wrapped around his neck above. From the rising and falling of her body and the working of Lucas’s arms, Mark could tell the other guy was impaling her fully on his cock.

“Oh, heck. I just remembered something,” said Mark.

“What?” said Lucas, breaking his kiss with Felicity, but continuing the impalement of Mrs. Darrow on his big dick.

“I vomited.”

“In the Jacuzzi?” asked an incredulous Felicity.

“No. Back in the hotel on the island when you and Lucas first got hot together.”

“What are you saying, Mark?” said Lucas.

“Keep fucking me,” Felicity whispered into his ear and moaned because he did just what she asked. His cock hit all the right places inside her while he gripped and smacked her ass underwater. She had told him many times before and she said once more in a low groan, “You’re my private sex god.”

Mark explained. “You remember what I told you about that afternoon? How the shadows came from the obsidian you bought for Felicity? All these years, I’ve forgotten about the part where I vomited one of the shadows. That explains it!”

“Explains what?” said Lucas, going wild with lust from the nips and kisses Felicity was planting on him while squeezing his cock in her vagina as he fucked her.

“Why Geisten looks like me,” Mark said. “The shadow I vomited was one of many that became the blob of darkness that covered you both up when you were going at it like rabbits. The shadows were clearly part of Geisten’s conception. I’m thinking that lucky sperm of yours that fertilized Felicity’s egg was coated in shadow and that shadow carried a part of me in it. Boom. A real threesome pregnancy.”

He went silent as Felicity cried out in orgasm.

“That was so good,” she said. She and Lucas kissed for a full two minutes before she detached her hips from his, giving up a sigh when his penis vacated her pussy. Lucas wrapped his arms around her waist, now that she was standing on her own two feet in the water. Pulling her to him, they kissed for another minute.

Mark smiled and rolled his eyes, watching and listening while the two lovers whispered affectionately to each other.

“So what do you think about my theory?” he asked when they turned to face him, Lucas’s arm still around Felicity’s waist underwater.

Felicity said, “I think you’re only wrong in how you’ve labeled it. Wouldn’t it be a foursome pregnancy, since my egg was fertilized by Lucas’s sperm that was coated by a *shadow* that carried a part of you in it? Don’t forget the shadow.”

Her words gave all three of them goose bumps.

Mark raised the temperature of the Jacuzzi.


Geisten’s best friend since middle school was a girl named Magdeline. She was his confidante and secretly hoped he would one day ask her to be his girlfriend, but as they got to the final year of high school, she realized that would never be. William, a dark-skinned Jamaican boy, took interest in her and asked her out. He was a proper student with excellent grades, good-looking, on the track team and quite popular. She said yes.

It was a beautiful afternoon, they were sitting on the bleachers, watching the athletics squad warm up for training. Geisten was going on about the hundredth girl who had asked him out when Magdeline told him she was going out with William.

“Wow,” said Geisten, feeling like he had just been sucker punched.

He felt wrong about the sucker punch feeling as well. He wondered what right he had to feel bad when he should be feeling excited for his best friend. Then he realized that his perspective of her had changed in that moment. He now saw her as a girl and not just a friend.

He had always benefitted from his good looks and had always had girls approach him rather than the other way around as he saw the other guys do. He now saw how incredibly lucky he was and how he had often looked down on everyone else secretly in his own heart – even on her, his best friend.

Regret crept in quickly. He had been too proud, never accepting any of the girls who had approached him, thinking he was better than all of them, even Raquel Torres, the prettiest and smartest girl in high school, who wasn’t a total bitch. His rejection of her was a major shock for everyone who knew about it. Now he felt he had nothing and had lost the most important thing.


Magdeline’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, uh, that’s terrific. Sorry, I was just lost in thought. William is great. I’ve seen him stand up to jocks when they try bullying the nobodies. He’s on the track team, right?”

“Yep and here he comes.”

A tall, lean, very fit, dark-skinned boy bounded up the bleachers to where they were sitting.

“Hey, Maggie,” said William.

She smiled, stood up and kissed William on the lips.

“Hey, babe. I’m just hanging out with my old pal, Guy.”

William smiled and held out a hand with his other on Magdeline’s hip. “Hey, Geisten. How’s it going?”

Geisten shook his hand. “Hey, Will. Everything’s cool. Call me Guy.”

“Guy it is. Thanks for coming to watch. We appreciate the support,” William said, referring to the track team. He kissed Magdeline again, a few seconds longer this time, before breaking the kiss and asking, “Are we on for tonight?”

“Definitely,” said a grinning Magdeline. She was clearly very happy with William, who waved back at her multiple times as he descended the bleachers to join the rest of the track team.

As he watched William and Magdeline wave at each other for the fifteenth time, Geisten experienced the emotional equivalent of having swallowed an anvil that was sinking down into his gut and trying to force its way out through his anus. He hated the feeling, he knew it was wrong and he had to fix it.


Shadows flew out from him as Geisten made his way down the street, setting off various things that they touched before disappearing. A dog barked, a car alarm blared, a doorbell rang, wind chimes chimed, an alarm clock beeped, a TV switched on, a garage door opened, a baby sneezed, a cat meowed, an old man shivered. Geisten was unaware of all of this. His initial feelings from that afternoon had evolved into a dark mood.

Without command, a shadow departed from him and slipped under the front door of one of the houses. The front door opened soon after and someone called out to Geisten.

“Hi, Geisten,” said Raquel Torres.

He looked around and realized he had just passed her house.

“Hi, Raquel.”

She descended the porch and came out the sidewalk. “Where are you going?”


“Can I come with?”

“Sure, I guess.”

Geisten noticed, but refused to admit, that Raquel looked amazing. She wasn’t dressed up like she would at school. She was very casual. He liked that. Also realized something else. All these years, he had seen other beautiful people his age as challengers to his handsomeness. Magdeline breaking the news to him about herself and William was causing Geisten to see many things differently.

When Raquel first approached him at school, he had subconsciously taken her approach as a challenge of her physical beauty and all her other nice traits against his own. That automatic defense system seemed to have been neutralized this afternoon, thanks to Magdeline.

Raquel didn’t look like Miss Popularity as he and she strolled through the park. She just seemed like an ordinary girl. A friend. A Magdeline, before she became William’s girl.

Geisten opened up to her. He told her about Magdeline and his wrong feelings regarding her, now that she was with William. He walked Raquel back to her home. She invited him in, telling him her parents were out at a corporate function and wouldn’t be back until late. They went upstairs into her room and immediately set to fucking each other’s brains out.

Raquel had the best of two worlds, being Latina on her father’s side and Caucasian on her mother’s side. She had naturally pale white skin, emerald green eyes, native Central American bone structure, and silky black hair. Geisten took his time exploring every inch of her, while ravishing her.

They fucked on her bed, against her closet, in her closet, on her bedroom floor, against her bedroom wall, against her bedroom door. Finally, in an epic feat, Geisten carried her up and down the stairs twelve times, with her arms and legs wrapped around him, fucking her pussy with every step he took. She recounted that part over and over again to her friends the next day. She and Geisten came so many times together, they had to clean and polish the stairs afterwards before he left.

That night when he slept, it was a far more peaceful sleep than he had thought he would get. He did worry a bit about what Raquel had told him before he bid her good night on the sidewalk by her house. But he would deal with that tomorrow. For the night, he dreamt of Raquel. Not a dream about what could be, but of what had happened in her bedroom.

Standing naked before each other, she demanded she ride him first before anything else. Fingers interlocked, she rode him as her own private steed. Her eyes were green lights of lust and love. She drove her full weight onto his hips, taking his cock deep into her cunt. While her moans of pleasure were sometimes loud, her words to him were always whispered, gentle and yet carrying a steely conviction. She claimed him and sealed it by being the first woman to receive his virile payload.

Raquel was quick to assure Geisten that her riding and his ejaculation was only the first of many for that night. She opened up further to him, while his reproductive organ recharged. She told him about her likes and dislikes regarding sex and school. He nodded whenever she required a nod.

Soon they were up off the bed and on the floor, where he took her doggy style. He pounded her pussy for thirteen minutes before rutting her hard against the closet and inside the closet, causing most of her clothes to fall on top of them. Much giggling happened in there. Then it was hard banging against her wall and bedroom door. He made her cry and kissed the tears away. They rested for ten minutes before taking the stairs.

It was a good dream, a wonderful re-living of his night with Raquel.


The next day was a new day for Geisten. He wasn’t the same boy from the previous day. His popularity rose quickly with the news that he and Raquel were together. But along with that came a deeper understanding of who he was and who his fellow students were. Before graduating from high school, he would endear himself to many students and staff. Not without making a few enemies first because life is like that sometimes. Also because he was Geisten Darrow of the shadows, and darkness tends to draw darkness.



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