Karen’s Forbidden Lust – Part 2 [Cheating]

Chapter 4

Karen grew up in a very strict home. Being a preachers daughter, she had a certain image to obtain, and it was expected of her. Her father had very specific guidelines she had to follow, and for the most part she had, except for when she was with Gary. Her father didn’t even know her and Gary were dating, much less know about her sexual activity, which is why they picked random secluded places to be together. She was able to have sex without the worry of getting caught. She knew that it was sinful, but her desire for sex was too strong. She spread her legs for Gary every chance she could get.

Guys at school became jealous of Gary that he had a girlfriend that loved sex just as much as he did. Several even attempted to weasel their way between them to have that chance, but Karen always remained faithful. She never gave anyone else the time of day. She never even glanced in another direction. Gary considered himself very lucky, because finding girlfriends like that was almost unheard of, and he didn’t want to mess it up.

After high school, they both got accepted to Texas Tech, which was 6 hours away from their hometown. It was close enough to go home to visit, but far enough to not receive surprise visits from their parents, who thought Gary and Karen were living in separate dorms. Little did they know, their dorm allowance that was being deposited into their perspective bank accounts was actually being used to rent a small one bedroom apartment not far from campus. They had derived the perfect plan to continue their relationship without Karen’s father finding out.

The plan worked all the way through her Senior year, right before they graduated. They talked seriously about getting married, so she finally decided to officially introduce Gary to her father. Her father took it well, knowing that Karen had reached the age of adulthood and could make her own decisions. Gary felt awkward meeting him for the first time, knowing that he had secretly been fucking his precious daughter for almost six years. If only he knew how naughty and horny his daughter really was.

They married the summer after they graduated, and within two months, Kate was pregnant with their first child. Two years later, they had their second. The years ticked by and before they knew it, both of their children were off to college and on their own. Karen never went to work after their first child, so the only life she ever knew was to be a stay at home housewife. There were times she regretted wasting all that time and money on her degree that was never used, but she settled with the memories she had made with Gary. She was thankful for the four years of being able to live free and not judged for having pre-marital sex whenever she wanted.

Ever since their kids had grown and moved out, Gary had changed. It was like he couldn’t remember how they used to be before they had children. His sex drive had depleted and he reverted to drinking. Karen made plenty attempts to spice things up, but nothing had worked. Even the time that she had herself displayed naked on their dining room table as soon as he walked in from work. She desperately wanted Gary to want her again the way he once had, but nothing worked. She eventually gave up and settled for the few times per month when Gary felt the need for a release. She adapted to appreciate the little that she got.

The withdrawal that she had been witnessing from Gary, was more than likely why she immediately had been drawn to Kevin. For the first time in years she felt appreciated and definitely wanted, and was the reason she had consciously made the decision to sneak into the bathroom to remove her panties as a token for him. She had been deprived and Kevin saw it. He had Karen feeling the way she once had in high school.

Chapter 5

That night, long after Gary had fallen asleep, more like passed out, Karen laid wide awake in her bed next to him. Even with his loud obnoxious drunken snores, she couldn’t break her concentration from Kevin and what she had done. She felt a guilty pang inside of her, but for some reason she didn’t regret giving Kevin her panties like he had requested. She felt a little dirty and for the first time in her life, she felt as if she was a valuable asset. Even if the feeling was due to someone other than her husband.

Still without panties on, she carefully slid down her silk pajama shorts under the covers, using extra precaution not to wake up Gary. Even though she knew he wouldn’t wake up, she didn’t want to take a chance ruining the fresh memory of the look in Kevin’s eyes when she handed him her panties.

She vividly recalled his hungry eyes and devilish smile. It was a look that said he was going to be in complete control of her, which was something that she welcomed.

She closed her eyes, replayed handing him her panties in her mind, and slid her hand slowly down her stomach towards her mound. Her fingers traced over her bare skin until she reached her throbbing clit. She slowly began rubbing small gentle circles, feeling herself becoming naturally lubricated.

She quietly brought her feet together up close to her ass and let her knees splay apart, until her right leg came to rest on top of Gary. Subconsciously, Gary must have thought she was cuddling, because he embraced her leg, which had actually assisted her with keeping her thighs spread apart.

She remained still to ensure Gary would remain asleep, and when she realized he had, she continued. Karen began again, continuing to rub small slow circles on her clit with her middle finger, which immediately brought back the stimulation where she had left off.

She began to rub her clit faster and faster while envisioning what Kevin was doing with her panties. Did he leave them in his truck? Did he tuck them away in a secret stash? Or was he smelling the most intimate part of her body while stroking himself?

Karen envisioned him doing the latter, and allowed her middle and ring finger to slip inside of her vagina. She had masturbated many times, but this time was different. It was a surreal feeling, knowing that what Kevin and her had started wasn’t over.

Gary kept her leg in his embrace, still snoring deep in slumber while she began to ferociously finger herself. She became so wet that her pussy started to emit smacking noises from her fingers pumping in and out.

Beyond her control, her hips started to thrust and grind with her hands movement. Her hand and fingers were starting to cramp at the rate she was moving them, but she fought through the discomfort. She couldn’t have stopped herself if she had tried.

In record time, she felt a pressure building deep in the walls of her vagina. A pressure that felt as if it were going to erupt. With her eyes still shut, she pictured Kevin stroking his cock, even though she had never seen it, and continued fucking her own pussy with her fingers.

In total surprise, an orgasm so powerful engulfed her entire body, causing her legs to lock out straight and her toes to point. The orgasm was so strong, her right leg quickly broke out of Gary’s grip, but her leg remained out straight on top of his body. Wave after wave of orgasmic euphoria flowed through her spread vagina, which caused the walls to contract over and over around her fingers.

“Oooohhh Fuuuuuck Kevin!”, She let out in a strained whisper.

Gary was a sound sleeper, but Karen’s commotion caused him to stir.

“What?! What happened? Are you ok?” He asked in a tone of confusion.

She tried her best to catch her breath to calm herself, hoping that by some slim chance she could fabricate her way out of it.

“Just a weird dream. Go back to bed. I’m ok.” She lied, hoping that it would be enough.

Gary replied, showing obvious signs that he didn’t catch on to what Karen was doing. “Ok, just be a little quieter.”

Two seconds later, Gary rolled on his side with his back turned to Karen, and immediately fell back into his drunken coma.

She laid there with her chest rising and falling heavily from her breathing, thinking how lucky she was that he hadn’t caught on. She had no idea how’d she’d explain it.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ehzar7/karens_forbidden_lust_part_2_cheating


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