Human Anatomy and Sexuality 101 – Part One [F] [Exhib [NoSex]

Part One – Introduction

It was my last semester of college, and damn was I ready to be done. Senioritis had set in years ago it felt, and at times I never thought I’d make it. One of my classes that semester was Human Anatomy and Sexuality, one that I had been purposefully putting off because I thought it was stupid that I, a Computer Science student, had to take it. Like most of mine these days, it was a night class as I had a full-time tech support job to support my wife and toddler. As I sat in the back row waiting for class the first night, I felt a backpack bump across the back of my head as someone walked by behind me. In annoyance I turned around, only to see the smiling face of Rachel, my wife’s little sister looking back at me. My annoyance instantly left, but I kept up the facade. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Don’t act like you’re not happy to see me!” was her retort. We had always had sort of an older-brother-younger-sister relationship; she was two years younger than her sister, and therefore three years younger than me, and we had always gotten along. There had been some flirting, maybe some innocent touching here and there, but nothing really untoward. She was 15 when I first met her sister, and 17 when we had gotten married. Now she had blossomed into a very attractive 20-year-old with an on-again off-again sleazy boyfriend that she kept just to annoy her parents and big sister. I found it all very amusing, especially when she would go out dressed like a slut to impress him and annoy them. Tonight, though, she simply had on a sweatshirt with the name of the university we were attending, and a pair of light denim jeans. “Apparently we’re in the same class, that should be weird.” She was a Kinesiology major, of course, wanting to be a dance coach or PE teacher or something, and this class was one of the first she had to take. “I should have known, signing up for a night class, that there’d be creepers like you in here,” she finished with a grin, but she slid into the seat next to me nonetheless.

“Please take your seats,” came a woman’s voice from the front of the room. Our teacher, Ms. Browne, was standing up by the front of the class looking us all over. She was young, too young it almost seemed, and relatively attractive. Maybe this class wouldn’t be too bad after all, with her at the front and Rachel right next to me. “First thing, call me Kate. We’re all adults here, and will be getting to know each other very well.” She said the last part with a little smile that made a slightly nervous shiver run down my spine. “Now because we only meet once a week, and will only have 10 classes together, we need to make the most of our time, so let’s get started. There are 20 of us, including myself, 8 men and 12 women. I would like this to be a discussion not a lecture, so let’s rearrange our desks into a circle.” With a lot of loud scraping, we rearranged our desks into a large circle, pushing the empty desks to the corners of the room. Kate was in the spot at the front of the classroom and looking around I saw that it was a fairly good-looking group, everyone appearing to be around 20. I recognized some of them from other classes, but didn’t know anyone well enough to know their name, except Rachel.

Kate led us in introductions, and asked each of us what our favorite part of the human body was, which broke up some of the new-class tensions a little. Then she really got down to business. “As you guys probably realize, there is no textbook listed for this course,” there were several murmurs of agreement and appreciation. “I have always felt, and the school board agrees with me, that learning is done best with live subjects, instead of pictures from a book. Today I will be your live subject and we will learn about the female breasts.” Before anyone could respond, she reached down the pulled the hem of her shirt up and over her head. There were several gasps from the room as our teacher, who hadn’t been wearing a bra, now sat in front of us topless. She immediately started talking again, as if it wasn’t completely crazy that she was sitting topless in front of a college class of 20 people. She explained about the differences in breast size and shape, as well as the purpose for the breast and the different parts of the nipple. She showed us how to do an exam for breast cancer, and where to look for irregularities. By the time she was done most of the awkwardness had worn off, although not all of it as we had all had a chance to feel her breasts at some point during the class and there was still some arousal showing in some of the men’s pants.

“Before class ends,” she said after she had put her shirt back on, “I have one more thing to discuss. You may have heard me say that tonight I will be your subject. I will not be your subject every night. I am asking for two volunteers, one male and one female, to be our subjects for the remainder of the semester.” The classroom instantly went silent as everyone’s eyes went to the floor. We were all adults, but we all knew what this entailed and nobody felt that comfortable with their body that they would put it on display for the whole class.

After I few seconds I felt a nudge from my left; Rachel was looking at me grinning. She nodded her head indicating that I should volunteer. I felt a thrill run through me at the excitement of it, but it was instantly replaced by trepidation. I couldn’t do it. To get her to stop grinning, I whispered every so quietly, “I will if you will,” knowing that would shut her down. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Her hand instantly went into the air. “I volunteer,” Rachel stated simply. She looked scared but excited. A small bead of sweat on her forehead. She looked at me expectantly.

I slowly raised my hand, not sure what I was doing but knowing I was a man of my word. “I volunteer as well,” I said weekly.

“Excellent,” Kate exclaimed, beaming at us. “You both are exempt from taking the final exam and will receive 100 in its place. Since the rest of your grade is participation, I don’t think you’ll have any troubles there either,” she stated with a wink. “Be here 15 minutes early next week and I’ll explain what’s expected. You will love it, I promise.”

As we walked out of the classroom a few minutes later, the worry started to set in. What have I done? And how would I explain this to Leslie, my wife? As if reading my thoughts, Rachel said quietly, “let’s not tell Leslie about this, OK?” I foolishly agreed that it was probably a good idea. That released some of the worry, but I still had to figure out how I was going to get naked in front of 19 other people, my gorgeous sister-in-law among them.

And why was I so hard??



  1. From the first chapter, I can tell this is going to be an incredibly sexy story. Night classes have always been intriguing with a potential for naughtiness. Thanks for a hot and well written beginning. Looking forward to what follows. ?

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