The Camgirl Part LVII: First Date [Plot]

**LVII: Liam and Blake**


Liam looked up from his phone toward the door when the little bell sounded. Upon seeing the top of an almost platinum-blonde head pass through, he sighed and leaned back against the corner of the snack aisle, turning his attention back to his book. The series was an old favorite he’d decided to re-read for the eighth or ninth time, though it would only be his third time reading the full series, as the final book had come out only 2 years past. He didn’t think he’d stayed up till 5 AM reading a new book since then.

“Okay, I know I took a little while, but I definitely didn’t take long enough for you to start reading and completely ignore me.”

Liam blinked at Blake’s voice. He hadn’t heard anyone else come in after the blonde. When Liam turned around to face his friend, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

Blake was the blonde.

Shining, white-blonde ringlets fell down past Blake’s shoulders, covering a sleek, dark-red leather jacket. Dark gloves and a scarf helped cover her hands and neck, and tight, dark-washed jeans encased her legs. She smirked at him, smoothing some of the ringlets out of her face, “I’ll take that to mean I made the right choice.”

*Fuck, she’s incredible.*

Liam shook himself, blinking, “That is a wig though, right? You didn’t just happen to be dying your hair today or somehow do that between now and when I called you?”

Liam winced as he heard the sliver of disappointment creep out in his voice. To his relief, Blake just raised an eyebrow.

“You think I did this—” she pointed at her head, twirling around, “—in twenty minutes?”

Liam shrugged, “I’ve never dyed my hair before.”

Blake rolled her eyes, though she smiled. Liam must have been giving her a weird look, though, because the next moment, she arched a delicate eyebrow at him, “What? You don’t like it?”

Liam shrugged, scrubbing a hand through his hair, “It’s not that. You look good—it looks good on you, I mean. It’s just—” He paused, trying to think of the best way to say what he meant.

“It’s not you,” he said finally, “The blue hair fits you better. At least, to me it does.”

Liam blinked when Blake smiled at that and took his hand.

“I’m glad you think that,” she said, cheeks a bit pinker than before.

*Why would she be embarrassed by that?*

“So, where are you taking me on this surprise date?” She asked, peering up at him.

Liam smiled at that.

*A date. We’re finally going out on a date.*

A hint of nerves pulsed through Liam, but excitement quickly overshadowed it.

For the moment, Liam’s smile was all Blake was going to get as he pulled her after him out of the store.


Liam grinned as Blake eyed him and the closing green line doors. He didn’t like going underground on the T, and would have preferred to walk, but their destination was a bit too far to do that on a first date. Somehow, Blake’s hand in his made Liam’s stuffy-air-induced semi-claustrophobia a bit more bearable. Not as much as he would have liked, but still, it helped. They’d been able to snag a pair of seats, at least.

“Sooo we’re not going to the Pru then…” Blake said, giving him a pointed look, “Quincy Market? North End? Oooo, Mike’s Pastries?”

“Shit, that probably would have been a better idea,” Liam said, eliciting a skeptic look from Blake.

*Maybe that can be a good third-date idea.*

He looked at Blake again and smiled.

“What?” She asked.

He shrugged, “I’m just happy that I finally get to do this with you.”

Blake smiled back, squeezing his hand, then affected that pouty, puppy-dog-eyes expression that all girls use liberally when trying to get what they want.

“If you’re so happy about it, then I think you should tell me where we’re going, because that would make me very happy,” she said, smiling a bit too sweetly, eyes twinkling.

Liam chuckled, “I’m guessing surprises are not gonna be a thing with you, are they.”

Blake shook her head, leaning a bit closer, “I will get them out of you, and depending on the circumstances, I can either be very sweet in doing so, or very scary.”

Liam laughed, but he didn’t doubt that his small, sassy friend had a few tricks up her sleeve.

“Fine,” he relented, “We’re going to the Common. I know a little food court nearby where we can get some decent food, and I figured we could find somewhere nice to sit while we eat and walk around in the park or the gardens afterward.”

Liam raised an eyebrow as Blake’s cheeks colored. A moment later, she snuggled up to him, leaning her head against his shoulder, “I think that sounds really nice.”
She squeezed his hand, and Liam wrapped his other arm around her. A comfortable warmth spread throughout his body whenever he touched Blake lately. Thankfully, he was still uncomfortable enough to stave off his body’s other response to contact—even something as innocent as holding hands—with Blake. He supposed it was a good thing that he was so…responsive to her, but he could see it becoming a problem in the classes they shared.

*Or just at lunch, even. I’m going to need to get a few more pairs of tight boxers.*
For a while, they just sat in silence as the T moved along the tracks, which Liam preferred. Too much talking when they were underground like this just gave him a headache. Plus, it was nice just cuddling with Blake. A short while after they pulled away from Arlington, however, Liam looked down at Blake, “I have a question.”
She stirred from her place against his shoulder, peering up at him, eyebrow raised.
For a moment, Liam forgot his question. Blake’s lips had captured his attention. They were so closed, and looked so soft.

*I wonder what she tastes like.*

The T jerked a bit, and Liam shook himself, “Uh, why the platinum blonde? I thought you usually preferred not to draw attention to yourself. This—” he took a shining ringlet in his fingers, “—kind of does the opposite.”

Blake smirked, “That’s exactly the point.”

This time Liam quirked an eyebrow, “You lost me.”

“People notice the hair more than they notice me,” she explained, “If we were to start making out or dancing or laughing really loud, anyone who thought of us later would probably just remember us as the cute guy and the blonde. They wouldn’t remember anything about my face or me in general, just the hair, because that’s what stands out.”

“Huh,” Liam said, sitting back, looking Blake up and down.


He shrugged, “I’d never thought of that before. It makes sense, but I don’t know if I ever would have articulated it that way.”

“It was something Chloe taught me,” Blake said, “I’d already dyed my hair bright red at that point to stand out from other models and beanies had gotten me far enough, but wearing them in the summer doesn’t really work.”

Liam chuckled at that, “I have a few friends that would disagree with you on that. Though they don’t have to deal with the humidity.”

“Yeah, I’d rather not have my hair turn into a gross sweaty mess, thank you.” Blake said.

“I don’t even understand how you did it earlier in the year,” Liam said, “I went to the gym during the Comm Ave Fair, and the 20-minute walk took me at least 30 minutes because of how many people there were. I actually came to a complete stop like five or six times because there were just so many people and no open path.”

Blake giggled, “That sounds gross.”

Liam snorted, “It was terrible. I’d never really agreed that we needed a new plague before. Outside of anything to do with LAX, of course. I was so hot and sore and tired and sweaty, that after the last time I had to just stop and wait for a path to open up, I decided that if that happened again, I would just keep walking and knock over anyone that blocked me.”

Blake giggled, “Sure you would have.”

Liam narrowed his eyes at her, “What, you don’t think I would have?”

Blake shook her head, then cuddled up to him again, “Nope, you’re too sweet.”
Liam snorted, “I don’t think you realize how tired I was.”

“Please tell me you at least got to take a shower right away when you got back.”
He nodded, “I honestly might have asked Ana and her roommates if I could have used their shower. Either that, or I just would have laid down on the floor in defeat.”

Blake laughed and started settled back against him, but the T interrupted her, brakes screeching against the tracks as always whenever any of the cars stopped at Boylston.

Liam got up immediately, offering Blake a hand, and led her out of the track and toward the stairs leading up to the street.



Liam looked up from his beef stir-fry, swallowing his current mouthful before speaking, “What’s up?”

Blake sat cross-legged across from him on the ground. Blake’s bright blonde curls looking particularly bright against the dark red of her jacket. They made her blue eyes seem even more vibrant than usual and highlighted the red in her cheeks and the tip of her nose that the cold brought out. With all that, her dark red lips had proven a constant distraction since she’d met him earlier. Especially when she smiled.

“This is really nice,” she said, reaching over their food to rest a her hand on his knee, “I’m excited for our fancy date, but I really—” She paused, then smiled at him again, cheeks growing a bit darker, “I just really like this.”

Liam grinned, feeling his face heat up a bit as well, “I’m glad.”

They ate in relative silence, both hungry, in the semi-secluded spot they’d chosen under a big tree with some roots that were just right for leaning against. Once they finished their food, they tried just relaxing against the tree, Blake leaning back against Liam with his arms around her. It was nice—Blake seemed to enjoy it quite a bit—but it soon proved a bit too cold for both of them to just sit there.

Liam checked his watch as they got up.

*Still got a little time to kill.*

“Want to go walk around in the gardens for a bit?” He asked, holding out a hand to Blake.

She smiled, nodding as she took his hand.

“So, what are you doing over break?” Blake asked.

Liam thought for a moment. He didn’t want to lie to Blake, but didn’t want to give himself away either.

“A lot of cooking, probably,” he said, “But hopefully I’ll just get to relax with friends most of the time. What about you? Sophie’s staying for break too, right?”

Liam relaxed a bit as Blake told him about her conversation with Sophie and their plan for a little Friendsgiving. He got the sense that she was holding something back from that story, but let it slide considering he’d done the same.

They soon crossed into the gardens, talking about some games they liked, how Blake ended up moving in with Marie and Sophie–though Liam knew a bit of that story from Marie’s side, at least–and how he ended up with Eli and Swar, since Eli was a year older than either of them.

As they talked, Liam noticed how physical Blake was with him. She always found a way to hold his hand or even his arm when they walked, and if they stopped for a moment to look at something she would lean against him in some way. He liked it. With Marie, Liam had usually be the one to initiate, taking her hand or wrapping his arms around her. Marie had always accepted save for once or twice when she’d been in a bad mood, but Liam had often felt a slight fear that he was being a little too physical with her. He hoped Blake’s attitude lasted.

Several times at little breaks in their conversation, Liam thought about telling Blake that he liked how affectionate she was being, but he couldn’t find or think of a good enough segue to keep the comment from seeing random. He was half-afraid it would come out wrong and make Blake self-conscious about how much she was touching him.

Eventually, the conversation led to something Liam didn’t exactly *want* to talk about, but knew they would need to at some point.

“Marie leaves Tuesday night and gets back Sunday, right?” Liam asked.
Blake sighed, but nodded, “Yeah.”

They walked for a bit longer in silence, the unspoken question hanging between them. Liam was about to break it, when he noticed Blake shiver.

“Do you want to go inside?” He asked, wrapping an arm around her to hug her close to him.

Blake smiled up at him, “Where?”

“We can walk over to the movie theater to see if there’s anything good playing,” he suggested.

Blake raised an eyebrow, “You planned this, didn’t you?”

Liam shrugged, grinning, “I may have looked at some movie times, but we don’t have to go if you don’t–”

“No,” Blake said, cutting him off, “I mean–I’d like that. It’s been forever since I’ve been to a theater for a movie.”

“What was the last one?”

Blake thought for a moment, “Age of Ultron, I think.”

Liam chuckled, “Didn’t that come out before summer?”

Blake stuck her tongue out at Liam, then tugged at him, “Come on, let’s go.”

Liam smiled down at Blake and started off toward the theater. They went over the movie choices and settled on the new James Bond. Liam thought of bringing up the issue of Marie again, but after another glance at Blake, decided it could wait until later



Blake licked the butter and salt from her lips before shoving another handful of movie theater buttered popcorn into her mouth. She’d have to eat extra healthy the next few days and put in a bit more time at the gym to make up for the popcorn, but This one wasn’t as good as the previous Bond film, but it was entertaining enough. Blake didn’t really care too much about that, however. She was just happy to be cuddled up against Liam like this. Being in his arms just felt so wonderful.

*Fuck, I want to kiss him.*

Blake knew she had told Liam she wanted a fancy date with him before they did anything physical, and she knew he wasn’t trying to use this just to get in her pants, but fuck, it was working. She thought she might enjoy something like this even more than if Liam took her to the top of the Pru for a date.

*I just like being with him.*

She’d had to start teasing Liam a bit earlier to keep herself from getting too emotional when he’d hugged her close earlier. It was easy enough, though she wished she’d had a popsicle or something.

*That might have been too much for him to deal with though.*

When the credits began to roll, Blake snuggled closer to Liam.

*I don’t want to go.*

“It’s going to be cold outside, isn’t it?” she asked instead.

“Yeah,” Liam sighed, pulling her a bit closer. Blake smiled at that, feeling a warmth spread through her. She hoped she wasn’t being too touchy with him.

*Liam seems to like that, though. I hope he isn’t just being nice.*

Eventually, they got up and headed out of the theater toward the train. Blake could tell that Liam was a bit uncomfortable on the T–she didn’t know if it was motion-sickness or the stuffy air–but she loved the way that he put his arm around her and pulled her against him. She liked that his jacket hung open a bit so she could rest her hand against the T-shirt underneath and feel *him* instead of the puffy jacket. Blake desperately wanted to fuck him, but she liked being able to touch someone and being touched by them without everything being so sexually charged. She was still wet from all his smiles and touching him and the way he’d occasionally just gaze at her, but Blake knew that Liam was just touching her to touch her.

Her eyes grew a bit hot, and Blake had to distract herself. She wasn’t that starved for simple affection.

*I don’t think I am, at least.*

That line of thinking worried Blake somewhat. She had enough baggage Liam would have to deal with at some point or another without adding that to the load.

*I’ll just have to be a bit more observant to make sure I’m not being too clingy.*

She could probably just ask Liam if it came up. It would seem weird doing that out of the blue thought.

Blake didn’t try to talk with Liam much as they rode the T back. He seemed more comfortable with the silence, and Blake just enjoyed being with him. She did notice that when they came to the first above-ground stop, Liam seemed immediately more comfortable, and not just because it was his stop.

Blake got up along with Liam, not yet wanting to let go. She didn’t want this day to end.

*Liam is finally mine, and now I have to let him go away for a whole fucking week.*

“I’ll text you?” Liam said, looking back at her as he stepped out onto the platform, “See you in class Tuesday?”

Blake looked at him for a moment, then leapt through the doors just as they began to close. Liam blinked as she bumped into him, arms wrapping around her to steady him. Blake smiled at that, but didn’t give Liam any time to think.

Instead, she threaded her fingers into Liam’s hair and pushed herself up on her toes, pulling Liam’s face down toward hers.

At first, their lips simply brushed, yet even that was enough to send sparks throughout her body. Shivers ran down her spine. Her heart raced and her pussy stirred.

Blake needed more.

Her lips parted as she captured Liam’s, kissing him hungrily.

*Oh fuck.*

Blake’s toes curled, pussy spasming as she finally tasted Liam. Salt and butter and popcorn and chocolate filled her senses, but underneath all that, she could finally taste *him.*

Blake heard a moan escape her lips as Liam pulled her tight against him, one hand around her waist, the other cupping her cheek. The feel of his tongue darting into her mouth sent a bolt of pleasure straight through Blake’s body down to her pussy. She grew far wetter than she should have, lower lips twitching. Blake ran the tip of her tongue over Liam’s lips before darting between them to taste him again.

Her pussy twitched again.

The impulse to wrap her legs around Liam’s waist crossed through Blake’s mind. She almost did it before remembering where they were and the slippery slope that having her legs wrapped around him would lead to.

Somehow, Blake found the will to reluctantly pull back from Liam. Her heart pounded, breaths coming in ragged gasps as she gazed up into Liam’s blue eyes, burning with the same desire permeating her.

“I thought,” Liam started between breaths, “you said no kissing.”

“I didn’t want you to go home for break without kissing you first,” she breathed, hands rising halfway to grab at his coat again, “Besides, it wouldn’t be a real date if it didn’t end with a kiss, right?”

Blake felt her eyes drawn to his lips as Liam smiled down at her.

*Fuck, I want to kiss him again.*

Her lips still tingled from the kiss.

She let herself take his hand in hers, “I’m gonna miss you.” She paused, biting her lip, “That doesn’t scare you, does it?”

Liam smiled, drawing her closer, “Not at all.”

Blake’s heart began to race again. She bit her lip, gazing up at Liam as her cheeks grew hot.

“I don’t want to have to leave,” Liam said.

Blake’s chest grew tight, pussy clenching, “I don’t want to either.”

*But Marie will be at my place and Liam’s roommates are his. And we have class tomorrow. And I owe it to myself to follow my rules.*

“But,” Blake sighed, “it’s probably a good idea.”

Liam sighed, scrubbing a hand through his hair, but nodded, “You’re probably right.”

Blake squeezed Liam’s hand, about to let it go, then squeaked as Liam pulled her close capturing her lips with his again. A moan slipped from her lips as Liam’s arms encircled her. Before Blake could kiss him back, he let her go. Yet, as Blake gazed up at him, she was already breathless.

“You want me to walk you back?” Liam asked.

Blake hesitates, then shook her head with a sigh, “No…That will just give me time to think up an excuse for why you can’t spend the night. I’ll just wait for the next train.”

Liam smiled, then hugged her again, kissing her on the forehead before turning and walking back toward his dorm.

Blake watched after him as he walked away, still feeling the warmth of his lips on her forehead.

*One week. Just one week. Then he’s all mine.*



  1. Hey Everyone! I apologize for being a few minutes late on this post. Haven’t had as much time as I would like to write lately.

    I believe we will be getting back to the sexy bits in the next part.

    I hope you all enjoy this as much as Blake and Liam did!

    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIII](
    [Part LIV](

    [Part LV](
    [Part LVI](

  2. I almost reacted like Blake, that kiss got me rock hard, you’ve trained us well for these 57 parts Holy crap!

  3. Finally! Been waiting so long for the first kiss! Very well done! Can’t wait to see where you take it from here!?

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