The Camgirl Part LVI: Do You Normally Dance Around Naked Like That? [Plot] [Cute]

**Part LVI: Blake**

Blake’s hips swayed back and forth to the beat of the distorted bass that thumped from her phone’s speakers as she washed dishes. Marie and Sophie had both gone out, and Blake had decided to take the opportunity to dance around as she tidied up the kitchen a bit after her shower. Her hair was still tied up in a tight bun on top of her head, as she hadn’t wanted to deal with washing it today—he body had gotten dirty during her show, not her hair—so the towel she normally would have used for that hung over her shoulders, swishing this way and that as she moved to the music. Her second towel hung from where she had tied it around her waist—towels never wanted to stay up around her chest unless she held them up.

*”Dayum* you’se a sexy bitch,” Blake sung to herself, swishing her hips back and forth as she moved from one part of the kitchen to the other, putting away freshly dried dishes. She usually preferred something more scream-y over hip-hop or dance music, but those were much more fun to dance to. Anything to keep her distracted.

After parting with Liam the previous morning, Blake had scheduled impromptu shows for most of the day, getting the small remainder of her schoolwork done while she waited for enough people to get online. Even getting through that work had been difficult.

Blake’s covert, early-morning orgasm had been enough to satiate her increasingly demanding libido for about as long as it took her to get halfway back to her apartment after leaving Liam’s dorm. She’d rubbed one out in the shower despite seeing how terrible she looked. Liam’s compliments and protests that she looked fine had been sweet, but she’d decided to prep and start carrying overnight supplies the moment she’d seen her reflection.

After her shower, Blake had made herself cum again before her show started up, and she’d made sure *not* to allow any sort of start and stop games on her shows yesterday. She’d been pretty sure she would lose it if she had to go through that again when Liam couldn’t satisfy her before and afterward.

Even fantasizing about Liam all through her shows and four orgasms had only been *just* enough for Blake, however. She’d been glad when she woke up this morning that she’d scheduled a show in the early afternoon. Blake’s pussy was on to her, however. Her orgasms had grown progressively harder and harder to achieve, as though her body was staging a protest. If she didn’t give her pussy Liam’s cock, it wouldn’t give her an orgasm. She had maybe a full week to hold out before she could finally sleep with him. She hoped.

*Unless he’s evil,* Blake thought, going up on her toes to put away one of the larger bowls she and her roommates seldom used. *What if now that he knows how much I want to fuck him, he delays our date as much as possible because he knows I’ll be a horny, drooling mess if he holds off long enough?*

Blake had already had to get some pads in order to save her undies just because of how wet she was all the fucking time.

*Liam isn’t evil though,* Blake reminded herself, *making someone wait to fuck you until they’re a horny mess is something* you *would do, not him.*

Blake felt her pussy twitch at the thought of making Liam that horny. Of what she could do to make him that horny, and what she would do with him once she got him to that state…

*Fuck! I distracted myself from my distraction!*

Blake shuffled through a few different songs until she found one with a beat that she liked. Cackling to herself, Blake bent her knees and worked a bit of twerking into her dancing, resulting in a display only Chloe had seen and participated in. Only after they’d gotten a little fucked up, of course.

As Blake grabbed another dish, however, her dancing grew a bit too vigorous, and her towel came undone, falling from around her waist.

*Whoops,* Blake thought, putting away the dish before she reached down to pick it up, good thing no one’s—

“Uh, Blake?”

Blake jumped, squealing as she whipped around, crouching behind the counter. Her gaze settled on a very confused-looking Sophie standing halfway between the kitchen and her open door. Taking a few deep breaths, Blake straightened, wrapping the towel back around her waist and pausing her music. She glanced down at the towel over her shoulders too, just to make sure she wasn’t flashing Sophie.

“Sorry for screaming at you,” Blake said, heart still pounding. She hoped her cheeks weren’t as red as they felt, “I thought you were still out.”

Sophie arched a dark eyebrow, looking a bit amused, then continued on over to the kitchen. Blake noticed she was carrying an empty water bottle.

“I came back while you were still in the shower,” the dark-haired girl said, opening the fridge and pulling out their filter, “Sorry for scaring you.”

Blake smiled, shaking her head, “I should probably be more observant if I decide to walk around just wearing towels.”

Sophie smiled, filling up her water bottle. Blake studied her roommate for a moment as the darker girl put the filter back into the fridge and turned toward her room.

“Hey, Soph?”

Sophie stopped, turning around, “Yeah?”

Blake bit her lip for a moment, feeling awkward, “I wanted to apologize for like…not always including you in stuff and sometimes forgetting that you’re here. You’re a great roommate and I feel bad for not being a better one. Especially since you tolerate all the weird-ass noises that come from my room. Not to mention the sex noises.”

Sophie laughed at that, and Blake couldn’t help but join in a bit. After a moment, Sophie smiled, “You don’t need to worry about that, Blake. You guys do your stuff, and I do my own thing. I’m not always the best with people, so I’m fine with it.”

“You’re sure?” Blake asked, “You’re not just saying that to make me feel better?”

“If I ever want to be included, I’ll let you know,” Sophie said, “I’m blunt like that.”

Blake laughed.

“Speaking of that,” Sophie said, “How’s the whole love triangle thing going? I figure it’s safe to ask since Marie’s out, though that’s not exactly rare, lately.”

Blake blinked, then shook herself.

“Uh, it’s actually going pretty great,” Blake said, running a hand through her hair. She was definitely blushing now, “I haven’t really figured out what to do about Marie, yet, but things with Liam are really wonderful. He’s taking me out on a date when he gets back from break. A fancy date.”

Sophie chuckled at that, “You sure you can last that long?”

Blake’s smile deepened. *I probably look like an idiot,* “Honestly, I’m already having a little trouble. It doesn’t help that I’ve never really been out on a date like that.”

“I hope you have fun,” Sophie said, “You two just seem to fit well together.”

“Thank you.”

*Okay, I’m definitely smiling way too much right now.*

“I’ll let you know if I think of anything that might help with Marie,” Sophie said, turning back toward her room, “Though for now she seems to be going out a lot, at least. You might be able to work around that for a bit.”

“Thanks,” Blake said as Sophie stepped back into her room, “That’s definitely something I’ll need some help with.”

Sophie turned around and grinned, “Just make sure you get Liam to come back here and cook for you sometime soon, alright? And maybe ask him to make a little extra.”

Blake laughed, then thought of something, “Hey, Sophie?”

Sophie poked her head back out, “Yeah?”

“Would you want to do a little Thanksgiving for just the two of us?” Blake offered, “I’m sure Liam would walk me through cooking something if I called. And if I fuck it up, we can order some takeout.”

Sophie grinned, “That sounds nice.”

Blake smiled. Sophie made as if to retreat back into her room, then paused, studying Blake.

“Just wondering,” she said, “Do you normally dance around naked like that when you think we’re gone, or was that just a one-time thing?”

Blake covered her face in her hands. Not that it helped much–she thought her entire body would turn red.

*And I’m probably flashing Sophie right now.*

She lowered her arms a bit, peeking out from behind her hands, “Uh, now that I know you saw that? Definitely a never-again kind of thing. If you will excuse me, I’m gonna go die now.”

Blake heard Sophie laughing as she grabbed her phone and quickly crossed the distance. Once in her room, Blake hung up her towels and flopped onto her bed. She was mostly just glad Sophie had caught her doing that and not Liam. He’d never be able to take her seriously if he caught her twerking and dancing around in the kitchen.

*He’d probably just say I was cute or something and then laugh whenever anything reminded him of it.*

With a sigh, Blake freed her hair from its bun. She ran her fingers through it a few times before letting her face fall back onto the sheets. For once, she had no idea what to do with her free time. She had plenty of things she *could* do, but most of them involved being on the computer, and if she went on there, she’d probably just end up getting horny and looking at porn. Blake didn’t know if her pussy could take much more this weekend. Especially with her shows Monday and Tuesday night.

Blake flinched, letting out an “eep” when her phone buzzed.

Rolling over, Blake grabbed her phone and held it up. She smiled, hurriedly opening up her messages when she saw Liam’s name on her screen.

*”Hey! You doing anything right now?”*

Blake smile deepened, her pulse quickening a bit as she typed out her response. She was about to send it, then deleted it, typing out something a bit less infatuated teenager and a bit more…her.

*”I’m lying naked in bed all fresh and clean from the shower. ;)”*

Blake giggled as she watched Liam’s typing bubble disappear and reappear a few times before his message finally popped up.

*”You realize you’re evil, right? It would be one thing if I hadn’t seen you naked yet, but now I know EXACTLY what I’m missing.”*

Blake cackled to herself again, rolling onto her stomach as she typed out another message.

*”You’re the one that’s leaving and making me wait forever. :P I was actually trying to figure out what to do with my afternoon, though. Why do you ask?”*

*”Would you want to go on a…pre-date?”*

Blake’s heart quickened further.

*”Pre-date?”* She asked, fingers suddenly a little shaky.

Liam’s typing bubble seemed to hover on her screen for hours before he responded.

*”Well, I’ve got everything scheduled for our actual date, but I wanted to see you again. Plus, this gives you both sides of a first date. A fancy kind and a sorta cheesy kind.*

Blake swallowed the lump in her throat. She was smiling again.

*”Sure! What did you have in mind?”*

*”You’ll see. Just dress warm and comfy. We’ll be outside for a bit.”*

*”Where should I meet you?”*

*”I’m at the 7-11 down the street. I would have come up but didn’t want to risk running into Marie. Just come down whenever you’re ready.”*

*”Cool! Be down in a few.”*

Blake practically leapt off her bed once she sent the text, racing to her closet. She had no makeup on, no clothes on, and no clue what to wear.

Blake threw her head back with a groan.




  1. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    This and the next 1-2 chapters are mostly just going to be wholesome and cute (though not without some teasing and tension) before we get back to the sexy bits. I would have liked to include at least *some* of their date in this part, but holiday craziness got in the way, so we’ll get to see that in the next chapter or two.

    I hope you all enjoy it!

    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIII](
    [Part LIV](

    [Part LV](

  2. I checked in randomly at the perfect time, but like a spoiled kid with a chocolate I devoured it all in no time and I’m left wanting more!

    Totally loving the quirky ess of blakes dancing, looking forward to the next entry!

  3. Happy that we got a little chapter over the holidays. Keep up the great work !

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