Playing Hooky or Bunking Class

“I’m so bored.” I complained to my boyfriend. “I don’t want to go to class.”

He looked around. We were alone. He put both his hands on my ass and kissing me. “What do you want to do?”

I shrugged.

He grinned. “I know what you want.” He moved one of his hands around to the front of my jeans and rubbed it across my pussy.

I pressed against him and gave him what I hoped was a sly smile. “Let’s cut class.”

We did this sometimes when we were bored. Since we’d been together, we started to experiment and get one another off in a sexual way. What we did was safe. There was no way I could end up pregnant. Not the way we pleasured each other.

We discuss where to go.

“What about your house?” I asked.

“No, my mom is home. She doesn’t work.” We walked along. “What about your place?”

“My grandmother is staying with us. She might hear and try to investigate. Then my parents would find out.”

“We could go to the park, lock ourselves in the bathroom.” He suggested.

“Yuck. Why would you say that?” I slapped him on the shoulder.

“I don’t know. It would work.” He stared down at his feet. I’d apparently embarrassed him.

I didn’t know what kind of germs there were in those bathrooms and who’d used them. I tipped my head so I could catch his lips with mine. “It’s okay. Let’s think of somewhere else.

“So, what about that movie theatre?” He asked.

“Great idea. Let’s go!” The theater was at least cleaner than the park bathrooms. As far as I knew anything nastier than cum wasn’t a concern there.

We decided to go to our favorite theatre. It was an older place, but they had refurbished with those comfortable seats. This one was always empty during weekday afternoons.

We paid for our tickets, pretended to browse the goodies at the counter, and then made our way to find seats. I wished we had one of those theatres that had those recliner type seats where you felt like you were at home on your couch. Although, if they did, my boyfriend and I might be in trouble. Our safe sex might turn into the riskier type.

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