In Bloom [Mf, nc]

*Note: This is a repost of my own work previously shared under another account.*


Staring at the rain collecting on his windshield, Jason Conine was searching for reasons not to turn around and leave the school parking lot. As the smell of coffee became more intense in the cabin of the small car, he went through a mental checklist. The pro side was not winning.

It had been 45 days since he was last in class. He took advantage of extended winter holiday and added on some of the vacation time he had been saving to have a nice long vacation with his wife, Karen. He thought they would finally try to start a family. She had different plans.

When they were married 8 years ago, the plan was for them to wait a couple years before they tried to have children. Karen had just started at her law practice and the expectation had been that she was okay with taking a couple breaks early in her career to have the two children Jason had so desperately wanted. As time went on and Karen began her ascension up the practice roster, she was no longer talked about taking those breaks.

This vacation was his final appeal. They were both getting on the upper end of a reasonable age to have a baby and he was done with pushing the issue off. He wasn’t crazy about where they were going, but traveling with some of co-workers gave them a good rate for the extended stay. On their third day at the ski lodge, he asked her directly if they were going to have children.

Karen laughed. “Oh, Jason, no. Never. I don’t have time for that and I have no interest in being a mother. Besides, the more we learn about your family, even if I wasn’t working like this I wouldn’t want to subject your genes on another child.” She continued to laugh until she saw that Jason was not laughing. “Ah, you’re serious? Well, I thought you understood. My answer is the same, though. I’m not interested.”

It was hard to imagine how he could storm off in a ski suit without looking ridiculous, so he just boiled inside. He thought he could endure his wife never being home, their mostly loveless marriage, and non-existent sex life with children to care for, but now she’s taken that away as well. He had sacrificed his own post-graduate plans to support her through law school and had forgone entry level positions that would have paid off with more fulfilling careers by now to get that steady paycheck offered by the Chattawa School District. All of that for what? A sterile, joyless life with a stuck-up bitch of a wife.

They barely spoke for the remainder of the trip. She socialized mostly with two colleagues also on the partner track. He had a suspicion that she was fucking them both, possibly at the same time, but he didn’t have any concrete proof. It was in the way she looked at them and how they looked back, as well as her relaxed demeanor when she returned from one of their “work huddles.”

He spent most of his time at the lodge bar, chatting up the friendly female servers in that time-honored tradition of socially sanctioned flirting allowed to the middle-aged married man. It was fun in the moment, but after the excitement wore off he just felt pathetic as the realization set in that these women were only being nice for tips. They had no interest in his emasculated demeanor, impotence wafting off him like a foul odor.

Not much improved after they returned home. Karen went back into her work cocoon and Jason barely saw her during his last 4 days of the vacation. He thought quite a bit while he was alone about leaving her, but the truth was he had grown accustomed to the material benefits of her gaudy salary. He thought there must be a way for him to get what he needed without disrupting this lifestyle; he just hadn’t come up with an answer.

When Jason got up this morning, he accepted his fate. He would be stuck in this school until he retired with his wife he could barely stand. His desires would have to remain dreams. He silently breathed out his angst and weak rebellion. Then he opened his car door.


After drinking his coffee and catching up with some of his fellow teachers, Jason made his way into his classroom. He liked to arrive before the kids came in so he could slowly acclimate to the volume of the group as more and more arrived. He didn’t really mind the kids, but they could be a little intense first thing in the morning.

As the class filled up with individuals or small groups, he’d lift his head to give them a good morning nod and then go back to his work. This morning he was reviewing the notes from the substitute to see what she actually managed to cover while he was out. Thankfully, he got a decent one this time and it didn’t look like they were too far behind in the plan.

He was startled by a knock on his door from Assistant Principal Taylor. “Jason, come out here for a second.” He got up as the students mockingly gave him the universal “you’re in trouble” sound. He smiled and waved them off as he went out the door and closed it.

“What’s up, June? Is this just a welcome back or is there something wrong?”

“Well, just something to make you aware of. Monica Jennings went through a, shall we say, dramatic and unexpected bodily change during your absence. And by unexpected, I just mean you don’t expect 18 year-olds to suddenly change like this. You just need to be very sensitive to her and don’t let the kids get out of hand. They’ve been giving her all kinds of terrible nicknames.”

Jason just stared, uncomprehending how he was having to listen to this. “I see…well, I mean we deal with all kinds of crazy hormonal things with this age group, so I think I can deal with it.”

June cleared her throat. “Listen…she’s very, uh, womanly now. I need you to be careful.”

His cheeks reddened as he understood her meaning. “June–come on! Are you really suggesting I can’t control myself around a student?”

“Of course, not, Jason. You’ve never given any cause for concern with that. It’s just that she’s become quite aware of her attributes and, well, just be careful, okay?” June patted his arm and started to walk away. “And welcome back–we’ve missed having you around.”

He stood in the hall for a few moments to gather himself. What in the world had happened to Monica? She was such an unremarkable girl. A little awkward and quiet with no physical characteristics of note. She dressed like a much younger girl, which given her overall demeanor was cute and non-threatening. He checked his watch and thought she might not even be here today since the bell is about to ring.

As that notion was comprehended and discarded he heard a distinct clicking coming from down the hall. His mouth began to open as he saw Monica walking down the hall in a short skirt, tight shirt, ankle socks, and a pair of patent black leather heels. Her hair, as usual, was braided into two pigtails. Even from the front, he detected a remarkable shifting around her hips indicated that her once flat bottom had rounded significantly. Her breasts weren’t much larger, but the shirt was so tight that even from this distance he could see it was pressed against her nipples as she bounced in rhythm with her heel clicks.

The noise grew louder and Jason managed to close his mouth before he thought she might notice. As she came closer she gave a little wave, “Aw, Mr. Conine. It’s good to see you again.” Sensing his assessment of her new body, Monica became shy and started to cover herself with her arms.

“It’s good to see you, too. Really great. I just had a quick meeting out here and was about to head into the class. Why don’t you go on inside. I need to grab something from the lounge real quick.”

“Sure thing, Mr. C,” she said looking down. She seemed disappointed that he was looking at her differently. Then she opened the door and just by walking normally sashayed inside.

Jason stumbled down the hall into the lounge and barged into the men’s restroom, burying his face in the sink and pouring cold water over it. As he was drying his face, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Mark, a history teacher, was laughing. “Ha–you just saw Monica Jennings, didn’t you? I recognize the reaction.”

“Jesus Christ, what happened to her?”

As Mark headed towards the door, he turned around. “Magic, my friend. Sweet, plump ass magic. Good fucking luck, buddy. I’m glad she’s not in my classes.”

After Mark left, Jason stared at himself in the mirror for a few moments, gathering his composure. He still had a class of kids waiting for him. He took a deep breath and then went back to class to face this new challenge.

He felt dirty on the way back to class. He certainly noticed some of the pretty students before–maybe even had a few fantasies over the years–but he never felt this kind of urge before. He wondered how June knew she was going to be a problem for him.

As he approached the door, the dull roar of the unsupervised class escaped from the space at the bottom. Another deep breath. Push open the door. Volume rapidly decreases as the students scramble for their seats. Screeches, scrapes, and squeaks.

He told himself he wasn’t going to look at her again. Not right way. Yet as he looked at the class, he immediately locked eyes with Monica and she fidgeted in her seat and looked away with blushing cheeks. He didn’t feel guilty; her reaction made him want to be bolder. He liked that his lust was making her squirm.

Refocusing, he got into the lesson and managed to get through the rest of the class without another incident with Monica. After the bell rang and the students started filing out, Monica remained in her chair. The door shut behind the last student leaving and Jason sat on the edge of his desk, the universal sign that a teacher was ready to relate to a student.

“Mr. C, you’re really embarrassing me with the way you are looking at me. It’s the same way that most guys are looking at me now. I don’t understand. I’ve got this big butt now and a little bigger chest and suddenly the girl who no one noticed has become the center of attention. I don’t like it.”

He let go of a sigh before answering, looking down as the breath left his lips. Time to be careful. “Well, Monica, you have to understand that you’ve transformed a bit. You’ve become a very attractive young woman and even someone who tries to not notice that can’t help but be surprised by how different you look now. But I will not be surprised tomorrow. And I will be much more aware of how I’m looking at you. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

She gave a little smile before pulling it back. “Maybe I don’t mind it completely, just not when everyone is around. Okay? Thanks, Mr. C.”

He kept his reaction neutral, but inside he was tingling. He watched her stand up, strategically keep her skirt down, and then walk down the aisle past him to the door. He wanted to keep staring ahead, but he was pulled by her gravity and his head turned to watch her plaid-covered ass shake slightly as she walked away. Before she got to the door, she turned her head around and looked at him directly. “I knew it! You can’t do that in class or they will give me so much crap. And then I’ll be forced to tell someone.” With that she looked down again, opened the door, and disappeared into the crowded hallway.

Jason remained frozen as he processed the last 45 minutes. This planning period would be put to good use today.


Out of that planning session, Jason decided that he had to control himself. If he could not rein in his overwhelming desire to possess Monica, he was going to lose what little left he had of his life: his career, his students, his wife. He wasn’t about to give all that away for a little teen tease who probably didn’t know the first thing about how to fuck anyway. So, he decided the best course of action was to interact with her as little as possible: no looks, no hovering over her desk helping her figure out an answer, and, above all else, no time alone with her.

Jason managed to navigate the rest of the week without incident. At home, he would camp out in the bathroom and furiously masturbate about whatever inadvertently inappropriate outfit Monica had worn that day; loudly moaning while he deposited his prized semen into the toilet. At one point Karen asked him what had got him so worked up. He said, “Like you fucking care…”

If he was a little exuberant at home it was because he was so muted at school. He was able to control his glances and barely had said anything to Monica the entire week. If he could get through a week of this, he could get through the rest of the year.

Then Friday came and everything changed.

He had been concerned about how the week would end because of the open period. All the teachers were required to set aside one of their planning periods as a study hall if any students wished to take advantage. Jason had chosen Friday because it was the least likely day that any students would be studying. Since his planning period was so early in the day, it was also very unlikely that any of students didn’t have a class to go to.

Anticipating a student-free study hall, he had brought in a new book he was eager to finish over the weekend. In fact, he caught himself looking back at the book sitting on his desk while he waited for the bell to ring. He was ready to escape his lame life by diving into the chronicles of one of the great alien detectives of the Nebulax system.

Finally, the noise came and the students rose, beginning their shuffle onto the next holding cell. Jason had hurried behind his desk and was just about to open the cover when he noticed one student remaining seated. One student twirling one of her pigtails with one hand and looking at him grinning. One student no longer strategically keeping her skirt down.

“Monica, come on. You have a class to get to. And I’ve got a book to read.”

“No, Mr. C. There’s a test in history today and because my project was so good I don’t have to take it. So, I’m going to have study hall in here with…you.”

“You know this is an active study hall, right? I have to actually interact with you and help you learn? Why not go to the cafeteria and screw around there?”

“I want to know why you’ve been ignoring me.”

“I don’t think that’s a big mystery. You didn’t like the attention and I don’t need the headache.”

“I said I didn’t want the attention when everyone else was around. I didn’t say I wanted you to become a weirdo around me. Look, I don’t care what the other guys say. I’m not interested. I am interested in a smart, older guy who could teach me something.”

“I can teach you school things, Monica. Nothing else.”

“Aw, c’mon, Mr. C. I can’t play innocent and tell you what I mean. I know you still sneak peeks at me. You probably think of me at home. Maybe while you’re next to Mrs. C. Maybe while you’re inside Mrs. C.”

Jason began to redden. He was being humiliated by this formerly awkward girl who was using her budding sexuality to rub his nose in his impotence.

“That Mrs. C has you trained awfully well, doesn’t she? I bet if I showed you this ass you’ve been dreaming about, you won’t even do a thing about it.”

Monica stood up and gauged the window in the door. Someone walking by could see in, but not too clearly. She put on her cute penguin backpack and bent over to pick up a pencil she had pushed onto the ground. She turned facing the back of the room, while she bent from her hips giving Jason a perfect view of her spotless light cotton panties under her short skirt. She bent over even further, showing a faint outline of her lips as the panties dug into her ample ass.

As subtle as possible in the situation, Monica slide the back of her skirt up against the bottom of her backpack which was sticky from who knows how much soda residue it picked up on the school floors. She walked up to Jason in a slithering strut and tapped him on the nose with one bent finger.

“No, that pussy Mr. C isn’t going to do a damn thing about this hot young girl who is about to seal herself into his mind for-ev-er.” She licked her lips after the staccato-ed last word and twirled around revealing her perfectly plump ass completely free of the skirt that was stuck to her backpack. With a little laugh, she ran one hand and then the other underneath her panties from under her cheeks up and slide the cotton into her crack. With her pale bottom almost fully exposed, she sauntered back to her seat, accentuating each step resulting in her cheek shaking a little.

With that, his self-control expired.

He walked forcefully up the aisle before she could reach her seat and swung his arm back and the forward with pent-up violence, landing his palm fully on her exposed right cheek. It began to turn red before the sound came, at once surprised, afraid, and turned on. He put his hand back on her rump and let his thumb slide between her cheeks, feeling the heat come from her hidden parts as he pulled her panties back into their normal position.

Leaving her skirt up, he pressed up behind her and pushed his growing bulge into the void he just pulled her panties from. Then he took off her backpack. He pulled her pigtails back, making her ear meet his mouth and he whispered, “Who is the pussy now, you little slut?”

Suddenly realizing the power she had toyed with, Monica began to struggle to pull away but Jason wrapped his arms around her. First, one hand covered her hot mouth and the other greedy sought those firm tits she had been teasing him with. He grabbed her right breast through her shirt and pinched her nipple. “Oh my sweet little Monica, we are going to have such a good time together.”

As she began kicking her legs, she connected with the desk and the banging echoed in the classroom. He pushed her to the ground as he took out her legs; she was stunned for a moment as she remained on the ground with her legs spread.

He pounced on her, grabbing her panties between her legs. He felt and smelled her wetness. He knew she wanted this. He pulled her panties down exposing her tight pussy, so tight that there was no visible space between her lips. With some coordination, he managed to get her panties off her wriggling legs and he balled them into his hand.

Holding her underwear to his nose, he said, “I haven’t smelled a sweet teen cunt in ages. My god, it’s a wonderful thing.” Sensing her scream coming, he quickly shoved the panties into her mouth. Then he pulled off his belt and secured her hands behind her back. At this, she began to stop fighting. He assumed she was scheming, but he took advantage to check the time and make sure no one was in the hall.

“You know what? I don’t give a fuck if the catch me at this point. I just want to stick my cock in your tight hole, little girl.” As he laughed, he pulled off his pants and his boxer briefs to his knees revealing his fully erect 7 inch cock, which was bigger than he had seen it in years.

Monica was still kicking at him, so he pulled sharply back on her arms until she gave into the pain. “This won’t take long and then we’ll move on with our lives, sweetheart.” With that, he got between her now still legs and pushed the head of his cock with great difficulty into her wet slit.

After fucking Karen for so many years, he tried to recall the last time he felt this vise-grip on his cock. No matter, this was a moment he’d cherish forever. He continued to push in, aided by her juices building around him. He had also forgotten that sweet smell of a teenage girl. He felt his pulse pounding in his temples as he fully gave into his desire.

The moments slowed, time became forgotten as he waited for her body to accept him. Finally, he felt himself completely slide inside. There was intense pressure all around his shaft as he grabbed her hips and gave his first thrust, feeling his balls slap against her skin. Watching her beautiful ass shake with each pounding impossibly heightened his arousal even more.

Even this–taking this girl under his supervision on the floor of the classroom, obviously being the first cock her pussy had pleasured, and smelling the delicious fragrances of this fertile teen beauty–required more, so he licked a thumb and slid it between her pale cheeks until he felt the ridge of her anus. As he explored her with his cock, he pushed his thumb inside her asshole finding it giving his thumb an even tighter grip.

The totality was finally too much for him. Jason pulled out his thumb and focused on his crescendo. He sped the rhythm of his thrusts, feeling her juices slide onto him from her thighs. He slapped her cheeks again and with the muffled sound of pain from her panty-filled mouth he exploded inside her, sending warm streams into her waiting body. He moaned without regard to his environment as he thrust with lesser and lesser force until he was sure that all the cum had escaped.

As he pulled out, he was pleased that her tight lips only allowed a small dribble of sperm to escape. He patted her ass lovingly. “Oh, my sweet Monica. You don’t know how badly I needed that. This is only the beginning.”

Through the cotton fabric stuffing her mouth, Monica mumbled out, “I hate you!”


Jason fell back onto the floor with his cock still glistening from Monica’s juices and his cum. As the lust began to diminish and reason returned to his brain, he suddenly realized what an audacious advance he’d made. It scared him a little, but at the same time he suddenly felt very powerful.

He supposed he should feel ashamed, but he couldn’t look at the used girl in front of him bound and leaking without wondering how he could enjoy this over and over again. However, there were more immediate concerns like his class that was supposed to start in 15 minutes. He pulled up his boxer briefs and pants, hastily zipping and buttoning them. He left his belt attached to Monica’s hands.

He stayed on the floor and crawled on his stomach like a boot camp recruit in live fire training until he got to the classroom door. Carefully avoiding the window, he reached up and turned the strong deadbolt that was installed after the recent concerns about school shooting. Then he stood up and pulled a poster off the wall which he then used to cover the window in the door. He pressed down on the poster gum to adhere it to the door.

With some privacy restored, he had a little more time to think. He knew he was in a very precarious position, but he wasn’t panicking. In fact, he came up with an idea that was so perfect he was pretty sure he could keep Monica as his playtoy for as long as he wanted. They just had to get to his car.

For a moment he considered the poor girl on the floor. Despite her protests and mascara stained cheeks, she now looked resigned. She wasn’t even trying to get away. Could it be she even wanted what he wanted to happen next? Of course, it could all be a ploy; he would believe she wouldn’t fight back and when he relaxed, she’d make her move. In that case, he had no doubt he’d be arrested in no time. He was left with a clear decision: regardless of her feelings about it, he was going to have to get her away from the school.

10 minutes until the next period. Kids would be at the door soon. The time to move was now. An idea formed in his mind, but there was no way to execute now. He was going to have to put her in storage until after school.

He hurried to his desk and found an old roll of duct tape that he used to even out the legs of the student desks. The constant rocking and noise from uneven legs drove him crazy; now his neurosis had paid off. He went back to Monica and he caressed her wavy brown hair. “I’m sorry, but you’re going to be uncomfortable for a few hours. At least it’s a short day.”

She began to squirm a bit after his warning, but he was able to keep her still while he used two pieces to cover her mouth, leaving her panties sealed between her lips. Then he wrapped her soft pale thighs and ankles with tape, which left her quiet and unable to move. He looked at the belt around her wrists and decided the tape would be better, so he wrapped her above where the belt was fastened and then removed the belt, returning it back to his waist.

Looking down at Monica, he felt himself getting aroused again. Jason slipped his hand between her thighs held tight by the tape and then moved up to her pussy. She had gotten wet again after all. He slipped the tips of his fingers inside her lips and then into his mouth. “Mmmm, now just behave for a little while and we’ll have some more fun soon.”

5 minutes until the bell. He lifted Monica off the floor and held her in his arms like he was rescuing her from a fire. He walked over to his desk and kicked open his coat closet that was in the back corner behind his chair. Luckily he was never much of a pack rat and there was plenty of room to hold a bound schoolgirl among his jackets and old gradebooks. He deposited Monica inside standing up, gave her a tender kiss on the forehead, and then said, “Be quiet, my sweet. Or things will get much worse for you.” With that, he closed the door. She didn’t make a sound.

He grabbed a box of tissues and some hand sanitizer, hurrying back to the scene of their encounter. He squirted out sanitizer on the floor and then wiped up the residue that had collected in the aisle. Satisfied that the fluids and smell had been removed, he returned everything to their proper places before unlocking and opening the door.

The bell rang as he greeted the few students assembled in the hallway. “Sorry kids, no one showed for study hall, so I dozed off. My apologies.” Jason smiled as they laughed.


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