Coworker. Mff bdsm


She was about to leave for a new job and before she left she called me for a quick talk. Being her supervisor I didn’t find it out of place or suspicious and we always had a good relationship at work. Nicole’s hands never stoped moving and I could tell she was nervous but she was pushing through her preplanned goodbye speech. Knowing how much I meant to her and the amount I have helped her just at work i assumed it was bugging her to say goodby.

She finally wrapped it up and I told her she would be missed here also. We talked for a little longer then she asked if she could have one more thing before she left. Quickly I just told her anything I could do for her just let me know. In a blink her lips had pressed to mine. My thoughts gone for a moment as I was pulled away slightly. She followed them back then caught her self.

Pulling away quickly she started to apologize in a rambling sort of way that was almost confusion as the kiss. Turning into just sorry over and over she finally calmed down and met my gaze. A long pause held the tension and as she talked I brought my finger to her lips to organize my thoughts. Once I was ready I moved my finger and her thoughts where finally organized. Starting with an apology that her harmless crush on me has been exaggerated by the end of our time together. Followed quickly by a very sincere and embarrassed apology for kissing a married man. Finishing by mumbling about her little crushes are never mutual I had to stop her.

Bringing my finger back to her lips she paused. Holding her stare I notice her green eyes are starting to puff up as she is about to cry. Doing my best To calm her down I simply say that this little crush is not one sided. The light returns to her eyes and I lean into her and whisper into her ear.

“I have always wondered if you are actually submissive or if that is just my fantasy. “

“I’ve always wanted to explore that side of my self but have never found someone to take charge.”

Standing back up I again look into her eyes for a moment then around the small office. Just and empty room with a desk and some stuff I find what I need. Pulling out a chair I have her sit and ask for her phone as I start writing a note. Taking her phone I start a video recording and a timer. I want to see how submissive she is and this is the first task. Leaving a note under the phone I told her to read it and follow the instructions after the timer has gone off. Leaving the room I quickly text my wife about her and she sounds excited.

The note under the phone had my wife’s number and she was told to text her what she had done. Also send the video as proof she could take instructions. It wasn’t needed I just needed time to text my wife before her. For the rest of the week my wife had been texting Nicole about what she wanted to do and what we could get away with doing with her. Doing my best I never let it show how excited I was that the weekend was finally here. We got a hotel room suite that was more living room than bed room but all one room. We had a date night and a night cap before my wife’s phone buzzed.

Soon the door to the hotel room opened and she walked in. Simply dressed as the tom boy she is but I could tell she had an amazing body from the start. Her jeans hugged an amazing set of hips and showed off her athletic build. Her button up shirt hinted at the curve of her waist and her modest chest. Short hair and glasses framed her cute face that was often over looked. A shame she was cute and with little effort and styling she could be beautiful however that is not who this girl wanted to be.

Looking over at my wife I give her a smile and a wink. As she returns the gestures I mouth I love you and she replied in kind. Standing up quickly I start the night much to my anticipation. Standing at Nicole’s side I ensure that we all are on the same page.

“What did you show up here tonight”

“I was told I need to be taught a lesson”

“What lesson girl?”

“Not to kiss married men at work. “

“I will enjoy teaching you this lesson girl.”

“Thank you.“

Moving closer to her ear and quietly not break the scene I ask her about the safe words and their meaning. Red is an all stop with yellow as a danger signal. She talked all this over with my wife as well as a general idea of how we wanted to use her tonight and never once has she hinted at being scared or wanting out.

Taking her hand I led her to the couch and pulled her over my knee. Her full jeans showed my target as I let my hand land. Reading her reaction I gave her harder and harder swats until I found the right strength. After about twenty hits I stop and just rub her a little. Looking to my wife she just smiled from her spot in the chair and I called her over. As this girl is in my lap I pull my wife down for a kiss then ask her to take of her pants and shirt.

My wife took Nicole’s hand and pulled her standing up in front of me. While behind her she reached in front and slowly started unbuttoning her shirt from the top. Her lacy black bra slowly came into view. Flat tight stomach came next that I always knew was hiding just out of reach. My wife pulled her shirt off her shoulders and down her back. Effectively pushing out her modest but still firm and perky chest. After her shirt was tossed aside she wrapped her hands around her again.

Taking a moment to feel her skin she soon moved her hands down to the belt over her jeans. Unbuckling her belt she pulled it out of her jeans slowly. Once she had it free she put Nicole’s arms to her sides. Using the belt she strapped her arms to her sides just above the elbows leaving her arms bound at her sides. Next she started on her jeans and soon the matching black panties where peaking out. Taking the liberty my wife slowly worked her hands down her jeans to give her a little tease before wiggling the jeans off her hips. Soon her jeans where in a pile as my wife pulled her feet out one at a time. Taking a moment I admire her legs being a athletic woman she has very stout legs but they still where very nice and smooth.

With her hands bound at her sides my wife laid her on my lap. I resumed the spanking she deserved landing about twenty more hits over her black panties. Making sure every hit gave a fresh response I painted her back side red then leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“Have you learned not to kiss married men yet”

“Not yet sir. “


Sliding her off my lap I stood her up on her knees and laid her over the foot rest. Calling my wife over I ask Nicole’s if she had ever pleasured a woman. She stumbled around the question but finally answered after a firm swat. Telling us of one adventure in high school I moved my hand down to tease her over her panties. Calling my wife over she stood in front of Nicole and pulled up her skirt. Slowly my wife pulled her panties down as I told the girl she was going to apologize with her mouth while still being teasing her over her panties.

Soon my wife was sitting on the edge of the couch with her skirt pulled up and her legs wide. Reaching to the girls hips I picked her up just enough to move her between my wife’s legs. Taking the lead her hands came down and wove into the short brown hair and pulled her closer. Soon my wife was making the small sounds I knew well as she was being taking care of while I gently teased the girl. Watching my wife her head is back and her eyes closed getting closer with every second. Keeping my fingers in a slow holding pattern of denial I see my wife’s fingers turn white. Her hips start rising as she pulls the girls face in tighter. Her moans turn into short yelps as her hips speed up and she finds her release.

Holding her for a moment she finally pulls the girls face away. As she takes a couple strong breaths my wife surprised me. Pulling up the girl they shared a very passionate kiss that took me off guard. Once she was done she pulled her away and told her that was a good apology but she didn’t believe she was truly sorry just yet.

While my wife relaxed from her amazing ordeal I pulled the girl up on her knees. Getting in front of her I opened my pants and gave her little time to think. Sinking my self completely in to her she was not expecting or knew how to deal with the intrusion. Pulling out slowly I give her a moment to breath then started slowly. Using her with her hands tied out of the way is always the best thing to do to a girl. Again I was pushing her limits but I kept guiding her and teaching her to do better.

Soon my wife couldn’t sit out any longer. Standing she walked over and kissed me while taking hold of the girls hair. Pulling her off me she pushed me to the couch and I sat down. With her hand still in her hair she pulled her up for another kiss then told her to stay. Backing up to me as she pulled up her skirt she straddled my legs. Finding me she lowered herself down then curled her finger at the girl. Nicole got the hint and shuffled over in her knees until the where face to face again. They started kissing again to the point my wife was getting into it her more than me. Pushing the girl down she was again pleasuring my wife as she rolled her hips on me. Looking back to me she asked for permission to enjoy the pleasure. Granting her permission while twisting and pulling her nipples she quickly exploded. Holding the girls face firm she pulled it way to breath then back for round number two.

Taking control of her head I pulled her away and left my wife wanting more. Reassuring her that she was a good girl and is doing well I picked her up and sat her next to me. She leaned over and whispers into her ear.

“If you where a good girl you would be ridding and cuming like me. Not cleaning and pleasing. Maybe this will teach you not to kiss married men. “

Sealing it with a kiss she fell back onto the couch and I pulled the girl back into me. She still hadn’t finished me but first she was going to tase my wife. Only letting her use her tongue she cleaned my wife’s orgasm off of me then worked on her original job. About this time my wife had recovered and got behind her then reached between her legs she started to play with the girl keeping her on edge. Soon I was close and pulled out of her face. Holding her head back looking up at me I covered her face and chest.

Telling my wife that she wanted a little humiliation was not the best idea. Once I was finished I watched my wife bring her close to the edge. Each time she would stop and finger feed her off of her face and chest. Once she was done Nicole’s hips were begging for more attention but I pulled my wife away. She looked disappointed but knew what came next. Pulling the girl up by her hair I looked into her eyes.

“Have you learned your lesson?”

“What lesson was I suppose to learn. “

She knew that learning her lesson would end the fun tonight and she chose to stay ignorant and in the moment. My wife got the bag we brought. Opening it she started getting real cuffs on her wrist and ankles and other toys out. While she worked i got a hot rag and cleaned her up a little more. Once her cuffs where on we brought her to the bed and stood her on her knees. Facing her away from us we bent her over and bound her wrist to her ankles leaving her chest flat on the bed.

Nicole’s full ass was in the air only covered by her lacy black panties. Taking a small toy and blindfold out of the bag I came around to her face. Sticking the toy in her mouth I left it while I adjusted her blindfold. Taking the toy around back I pull her panties to the side then gently touch her back door. Flinching with the new sensation I give her a moment then slowly sink in the toy. Knowing this is a new experience for her I give her a moment for her get use to the feeling. Next is a simple toy that I wiggle against her mound and using her panties to hold it tight. Setting it low enough to tease but keep her from going over the edge.

With her face near the edge of the bed I took the liberty for a moment. Still trying to teach her as she can’t take much but she is trying. My wife finds the ridding crop we brought along and she starts dragging it over her exposed body. Gently she starts on her raised back side only one or two swats them moving along. Soon her thighs get the same punishment as the hits get a little harder. Removing myself from her mouth I let her take some relaxing breaths before I continue.

Getting the other two plugs from the set out of the bag I come back to her face. Now showing the feeling of the crop her mouth in a constant pucker. I take the large toy and tell her to hold it as I push it between her lips. As my wife is keeping the crop in use I peeled down her panties. The toy we added for teasing falls to the bed and we just toss it to the side. Her panties around her knees I tease her mound and find it feeling like a water fall. The medium toy soon finds her juices and sinks home slowly. Getting the large toy from her mouth I get her ready for the change.

Slowly I pull out the small toy from her back side making sure she feels every single inch. With the large toy in my hand I slowly work it into her again with the new experience I take it slow. Nicole is bring trained to be used not just used something I have had to remind my self more than once tonight. Soon she is at the crest and I give her the rest and surprisingly it almost pushes her over the edge.

Winking at my bride she crawls onto the bed near her head. Pulling the girl up by her head the share a kiss that is getting more passionate as the night goes. Whispering in Nicole’s ear too keep her orgasm in check she gently nods. Sliding her mound to the girls face my wife lifted her skirt and covered Nicole’s head. Once she started on my wife I started on her. Painfully slow I pulled out the toy keeping her desire subdued. She was more ready than any other we have played with. Readying myself I made sure to tease her a couple more times before enjoying her flower. Sinking into her slowly I enjoy every inch as my wife enjoys her tongue. Working my self inside her with out her getting much attention I am ready to release again.

Pulling out slowly I hand and deliver a couple hard swats to her up turned back side. Sliding back in she is closer to the edge than before and I take a different approach. Once I’m at my limit again I remove myself and pick up the crop. Gently I start tapping her mound and build strength. Finding her button I give it all my attention then soon her hips are reacting to the blows. With a little more hurt added she starts to whimper into my wife at every blow. Feeling she was near her limit I let her focus on my wife for a while and soon heard my wife asking if she can enjoy herself.

Not allowing her yet my wife just held her head back and relaxed. Nicole was fully exposed with her panties at her knees and her wrist tied to her ankles on the bed. Her face wet from my wife and below from my teasing then plugged for training. With her fingers wrapped in her short brown hair she pulled her up and asked if she has learned her lesson. Again the girl chose to enjoy more of our evening by not learning her lesson.

With out much warning I dove fully into her but kept her from going over her own edge. Using her body for a moment I was again at my limit. Removing my self I walked to her face and with a firm grasp of her hair sunk into her throat. Her first reaction was to gag only fighting the feeling for me losing my orgasm to the back of her throat. Holding her still while my waves of pleasure came over me my wife leaned down to instruct her how to breath through her nose.

Slowly removing my self I stager backwards and take a seat. Taking the girls face in her hands wifey again cleans her up by feeding her what drooled out the sides. While doing so she asked again if she had learned her lesson and again she did not learn. Once her face was clean my wife took care to get her ready for her next lesson.

Stripping the girl she started with the her bra letting it lose her breast only fell slightly. Reaching under her my wife played for a while then pulled her bra down her arms. Untying one side at a time she removed her panties and bra then retied her. A quick shove she rolled over on her side then my wife took a foot and pulled until she was belly up. Pushing her knees down her entire body opened up for our view. She had trimmed a little and it did look tasty but I can find out if she ever learns her lesson. Her chest still held its form begging for attention.

Taking the crop I start on the girls chest lightly working her up to the level of gentle torture. Soon her nipples are begging for attention as I have teased all around them. One hard blow brings them into the game while she whimpers. Switching often the girl doesn’t know what to do so I add more guessing to her confused body. Lining my self up I worked inside her slowly then ground my hips into her until she was at the edge. Removing my self I found her toy that was keeping her full and let her have it back slowly.

Getting my wife back on the bed she straddled her face looking at me. Handing her the crop she got a nice rhythm started on her nipples and her button keeping the girl guessing. Handing her a foot of the girl she pulled it up tight to open my work space. Removing the toy from her back space I got my self ready and lined up. One more time we asked if she had learned her lesson and again she refused. While my wife kept the crop busy her hips started to rock meaning the girl started using her tongue. Timing myself with the swats off the crop I slid myself into her.

Slowly as possible I wanted her to get use to this feeling and I didn’t want to end too quickly. Once I popped in I gave an extra moment for her to adjust before I started my assault. Soon I worked my way into her. She showed few signs of discomfort which made it much better for my wife who was riding up to the edge before lifting off her tongue. Watching my beautiful bride ride the face of a coworker sent me over my limit. Filling her completely I released and added a hard hand slap to her breast to keep her from the edge. Once I had my breath back I started to pull out. Gently tapping her mound as I did kept her on the edge and once I was out I quickly shoved her toy inside her again.

While I cleaned my self up my wife was enjoying some of her down time. Having fallen off Nicole’s face she was lazily swatting her with the crop. Nipples then trail down her stomach then a surprise hit to her thigh always keeping her guessing. Her other hand had found the buzzing toy and would hold it to her button then remove it again. Sometimes until her hips bucked others just a fleeting second.

Once I was done I gave Nicole some cleaning just to be on the safe side. Getting the toy from my wife I kept her on edge while I kept asking if she had learned her lesson. Still not learning I took my belt with the intention of teaching her. Lifting her leg until her back curled up I gave her ten light swats from mid thigh to her shelf. Taking the toy on high I harshly pressed it to her button enough to take her to the edge. Stopping just as quickly I gave her other leg the same treatment with the belt. Giving her the toy again I finished with a light belted lesson on her mound making sure she was paying for her slow understanding. The toy again twice before I ask again if she had learned.

I think her pride had taken over so I step it up just a bit. Now marks are being left by the belt on her legs nothing that will last more than the night. Edging her before the other side is match marked I know she is close. Taking the belt I lay it on her mound and rub it back and forth while I ask her the question again. Staying quite I land a hard blow then start long slow rubs. Coating the leather in her juices is giving it more of a sting. Again I ask and again she is silent. Giving her another more harsh landing of the belt. Explaining to Nicole if she doesn’t answer me I will give her legs another full round I ask and wait.

Looking at my wife watching the scene I notice she is slowly playing with her self. Getting her attention I motion for her to cover the girls mouth and she quickly did with her lips. Killing our communication I take the opportunity to take the belt to her legs again. Showing her ample attention between her legs as I switch sides. Once I was done I lightly tapped my wife and she pull from Nicole.

Once she was free to speak she quickly told us we that she had learned her lesson. Knowing she deserves a reward my wife crawled down and started to use her mouth on her. Soon she was on the edge again and I lined my self up. Waiting until the last possible moment I drove my self into her. She finally got to go over that edge and the bucking her hips gave threw off my wife. I took hold of her legs and kept driving into her. Wife grabbed the toy and held it against her button to keep her constantly going over that edge. Soon she mumbled a please in between her cries of pleasure. Pulling the toy from her I stayed inside her but stopped. Gently my wife removed her blind fold and I started on her leg binding.

Soon she was bare but for her smile. My wife kneeling beside her holding her face as they share another kiss. Nicoles hips asked for more and I started slowly. Exploding soon after then I stopped and gave her some tongue attention while they kept face to face. Two more explosions came from Nicole before I gave her a rest. They both fell into a warm cuddle after for a while only to be moved by nature. Catching wife in the act I pulled her into the shower and started to wash her body. Nicole came in at the perfect moment and we pulled her inside. Taking our time we washed her body and dried her lovingly. Both of them curled up into the bed as I brought the drinks and snacks.



  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the domination of this lovely young girl by her co-worker and his wife. Excellent writing and mind-blowing action!

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