Gina Goes Camping – Part 2

Several hours later Gina opened her eyes to a beautiful site, Jason’s semi-hard cock 2 inches from her face.  Lifting her head slowly, she checked to see if anyone was awake.  They weren’t.  Taking Jason’s dick, she gave it a few nice sucks before tip-toeing toward the door.  Gina felt sticky and dirty and really wanted a shower before going back to bed.  Realizing she was naked, she looked around for at least one of the 2 items of clothing she came in with, either her thong, or her half-shirt.  It was starting to get light outside and she couldn’t find her clothes.  Oh well, it would give her the chance to have another encounter with Jason and Tina.

The early morning air was chilly and her nipples were like giant goose bumps, hard and erect.  The shower was somewhere between her van and the other end of the campground where most of the people were staying.  Ever the exhibitionist, she thought an early morning shower was in order.  The showers were outdoors, like the kind you find at the beach.  They were bound to be cold, but she really needed to get the smell of sex and funk washed off.  Stopping at her van, she grabbed a towel, soap and flip-flops and looked for the shower.  Finding the shower, she noticed a truck with a camper shell, parked about 50 feet away.  She had noticed the truck when it pulled in the day before.  There were a couple of high school guys that got out of that truck, both rather tall and lanky, both rather nerdy looking.  Gina liked nerds.  She liked that they had little or no sexual experience.  She liked their naivety.  She liked that they were almost always very horny.  She smiled to herself as she turned the shower on and pulled her towel off.  The water was not as cold as she expected as stuck her foot in to test it.  The only way to get in a cold shower is to do it all at once, so she plunged under the shower’s flow.  Grabbing the bar of soap, she started to later up herself, giving special attention to her tits.  Gina kept one eye on the truck windows, hoping to see some movement.  It was quickly getting lighter outside, so she needed to make this fast.  She loved the feeling of soapy lather on her nipples and pussy.  She could stand there and lather herself all day, but didn’t want to get caught and arrested.  She had been arrested for indecent exposure before, but strove to avoid it.  With no warning, the camper door swung open and 2 teenagers stumbled out, almost tripping as they did so.  Gina smiled to herself as she shut the water off and grabbed her towel.  Leaving her tits exposed, she dried off nonchalantly and then wrapped the towel around her.  Giving a light wave to the 2 boys, she saw them wave enthusiastically back and she turned to toward her van.

Such encounters always left her body flooded with adrenaline and horny as hell.  But due to the cool water, she was now shivering and needed to warm-up.  Snuggling down into her sleeping bag for warmth, she looked at her clock which read, 5:15AM.  Her lack of sleep from the night before soon caught up to her, and she drifted off.   When she woke, it was 8:30AM and the inside of the van was already getting hot, so she opened up her sleeping bag and laid naked on top of it.  She was still sleepy, so she laid there hoping to drift off again.  As she stared at her clock, she noticed movement out of her periphery.  Her mind quickly processed the movement as someone peeking into her van window.  The sleepiness that she felt a moment before was gone.  Here was a perfect opportunity.  She was stark naked and being watched.  Why not put on a show?  Rolling onto her back, she exposed herself completely to her secret audience.  The onlooker was peering in from the back window which was at Gina’s feet.  That meant they had a great view of her shaved pussy.  In order to give them an even better view, she lifted her knees.  Gina could still see them watching her as she started caressing her stomach.  Her hands began to roam to her breasts and she pinched her nipples until they were hard again.  Soon her hand was massaging her mound until she felt her wetness grow.  One hand played with her nipple and breast and the other fingered herself.  Before long, her hips came off the thin mattress under her as she arched her back in preparation of the coming orgasm.  In the process of her body writhing, she looked to see the voyeur and recognized him.  It was one of the teenagers from the camper-truck.  Gina cried out as she reached her climax.  She had rolled over on all fours with her ass pointed right at her onlooker.  As she toweled off, Gina noticed the teen had left.  She quickly dressed and decided to make breakfast.  Her folding chairs and propane stove were outside and she got to work.  Looking up, she noticed the 2 boys walking past.  

“Good morning”, she waved.

“Morning”, they waved shyly back.

“Would you like some breakfast?”  Gina smiled wickedly.  She was so bad.

The pair looked at each other incredulously, “sure”, they answered in unison.

Gina had chosen a short white jean skirt and tank top.  She rarely wore panties and today chose to go bra-less as well.  Setting up 2 more chairs she positioned them across from her.  They engaged in polite conversation while Gina cooked eggs, bacon and potatoes for the 3 of them.  Her stove was on a very short table and she took the opportunity to squat down and bend down, facing the guys so they got ample views of her assets.  Every so often she would catch their gazes down her blouse at her firm tits, or up her skirt at her pussy and would smile knowingly.  She also noticed the sizable bulges in their shorts they were trying to hide.  The 2 boys told her they were on a road trip from a town 2 hours away.  They were on summer vacation, having just graduated high school.  Both were going to be attending the state university in the fall, studying computer science.

“So you two are traveling together, just the two of you.  You are going to college together.  Are you gay?”

“No maam!”  they exclaimed in unison.

“Oh, OK.  That’s good.  I mean, I have nothing against gay men, but its kind of a waste of a man, in my opinion.”  She winked at them.  “I mean there are certain parts of a man that women are interested in, and its just kind of a waste, you know?  Its like there are certain parts of a woman that men find interesting.”

The two teens gulped and nodded.  Gina scooped generous portions of food on to two plates and took them to the boys.  Bending over exaggeratedly in front of them, she handed each of them a plate.  Their eyes didn’t seem to see the food, only Gina’s dangling tits.  Smiling, she put the remaining food on another plate, a much smaller portion, and sat across from them.  Her chair was low to the ground and she struggled to get into it, exposing her glistening pussy to them in the process.  Her position across from them, combined with her chair only 6 inches off the ground made for quite a view for the 2 youths.  

“Eat up guys, your food is going to get cold.”

They speechlessly ate while continuing to steal gazes up Gina’s skirt.  

“So tell me…since you boys aren’t gay, do either of you have a girlfriend?”

“No maam.”  they replied.

“Would you boys mind not calling me maam?  It makes me feel old.  My name is Gina.”

“I’m Sam”, the taller one replied.  “I’m Peter”, the other said.

Gina’s eyes had been scanning both of them the entire time, as they normally do, and noticed that Sam was very well-endowed, while Peter had a really nice ass and had the better body of the two.

“Peter, do you lift weights?  You have a really nice body.”  She flirted.

Blushing, Peter replied, “My dad made me lift weights all school year.  He said I spent too much time at the computer and I needed to be more well rounded.”

“Well I wouldn’t call it ’round'”, Gina giggled, “no…not round at all.”

Peter blushed again.

“Sam, you are taller and thinner, do you play basketball?”  Gina asked.

“I played for one season, but I wasn’t very good.  My dad made me…for the same reason as Pete.”

Gina took Sam’s plate, placed her hand on his inner thigh and whispered, “You aren’t thin everywhere, are you Sam?” and smiled wickedly.  Sam turned red.  She went to collect Peter’s plate, squeezed his muscular arm, and whispered, “I’d love to see you without that shirt sometime, Peter.”  Putting the paper plates in the trash, she cleaned up the rest of the cooking supplies and tried to show Sam and Peter as many of her assets as possible in the process.  Realizing these 2 inexperienced young men were not going to make the first move, she wondered how she was going to get them alone with her.

“Would you like to see our camper, Gina?”  Sam asked.  Voila!  She was wrong.

“Well I’d love to, Sam.”

When they stood, Gina got another good look of the bulges in the guy’s pants, that they were no longer trying to hide.  Arriving at the camper, Sam opened the door for her and she stepped inside.  She made herself at home by kicking off her slippers and climbing on the bed.  Peter closed the door and they all climbed on the bed.

Gina started things off…”Well if you are as horny as I am, which by the look of the bulges in your pants I think you are, I think its time we had some fun.”  Gina pulled her tank top over her head and watched the boys eyes turn to saucers.  Wasting no time, she pulled off her skirt and laid naked on the camper’s bed.  In seconds the 2 boys were naked, and as Gina predicted, Sam was very well-endowed indeed.  Gina sat up, moved up to Sam and took his huge cock into her mouth.  Peter was a bit more aggressive and started caressing Gina’s tits and pussy, exploring them while Gina blew Sam.  It wasn’t long before Sam came in Gina’s mouth and she gulped it down.  Wiping her mouth, she turned to Peter and started in on his cock.  Peter held Gina’s head while she did her work.  Soon he was thrusting in and out of her mouth like she was a blow-up doll.  After Gina drained him of every drop, she invited the boys over to explore her body.  She had Peter and Sam take turns licking and sucking her pussy, teaching them the fine art of cunnilingus.  She had Sam sucking on her nipples and pinching them while Peter ate her out, and vice versa.  Before long, she was climaxing with loud reports of her ecstasy.  Soon Sam and Peter were hard again and she coached them in art of fucking her brains out.  While Peter pounded her from behind, Gina was sucking Sam’s cock.  Then they switched places.  Then suddenly Gina stopped them.  She positioned Peter sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbed some lube on his cock.  Then she guided it slowly into her ass until he was all the way inside her.  Leaning back, she beckoned Sam to fuck her pussy.  Gina had never had both of her holes filled at the same time and the feeling was amazing.  Sam came first, filling her pussy with his juice.  Peter’s thrust lifted her off the bed until her released inside of her.  Together they laid on the bed, spent, sweating and tired.
